Jessie: Shortie by Lone Wolf Requested by the madly hyper Nahane Storm My list of friends does not include Ashely, Diana, Jessica, Shanon, and Samuel only. Before I ever came to rest in my current position in life, I lived in an apartment building in the middle of the city. And I had many friends (I should call the guys "alleged friends") that I hung out with. And, quite honestly, I still do from time to time. I was walking across town to visit a few of my college buddies. It was a lovely day, to be quite honest. The sun was at just the right place in the sky and warmed my fur. It was perfect. I didn't mind the fact I was walking the backstreets, away from prying eyes. I've learned not to do that. But because of where I live now, I had forgotten that bit of trivia. I would quickly re-learn it. So there I was, walking down the street, minding my own business. Suddenly, there was movement behind me. I looked over my shoulder and caught a faint glimpse of someone. I started to turn around, but he shot out of sight. I started at the spot where he was for a few seconds. Something shot across the street from behind me. I spun around, trying to find it. Then, out of nowhere.... "DIE!!!!" The word came from above me. I looked up and my eyes widened. "Oh good lord no!" She hit me, knocked me to the ground, and sat gleefully on my chest. The brown mouse looked at me with a big smile on her face. She obviously enjoyed making my life that much difficult. He brushed her hair out of her face, bounced on my chest once, and greeted me as she had always done since I met her: "Hiyas Lone Wolf!" I chuckled. "You got into the pixie sticks again, didn't you?" She grinned and cackled manically. "Oh boy...I knew I should have stayed to keep you out of that habit. Mind getting off my chest Jessie?" "Awr..." She got off of me and helped me to my feet. "But I've missed you...." "I've missed you too." I smirked. "Not the tackling, but the seemingly endless chatter that you tend to spit out." She smiled and hugged me, nearly cutting off my circulation. "So how's the vet job?" "Oooh! Being a veteranarian is such a rewarding job." She grabbed my arm and started to pull me along. "A mother raccoon just came into our care and she gave birth a few days ago. Wanna go see the baby 'coonies?" If you haven't guessed yet, Jessie is a sugar junkie. "That sounds like fun." She smiled and squealed. My warning systems went into high gear. Even though I forgot not to travel down unpopulated streets because of her, I never forgot what the smile and squeel meant. But even my warning systems and physical fitness can't stop her when she pounces you. That she did. "Jessie, I know you're excited. But please, stop knocking me to the ground." I should have never said that. For the minute I did, she grabbed me, LIFTED me into the air, and ran down the street. Did I mention that sugar is quite dangerous when she's ODed on it? The world flew by me. It was scary. It was wild. It was a bit nauseating. But as suddenly as she picked me up and sped off, she stopped. Her grip was not the best of things, so I went flying into a wall. Jessie looked at me. "Lone Wolf, why'd you do that for?" I stood up. "Uh....I don't know." She giggled. "Well, come along. The baby 'coonies await." I shook off the shock and approached her. She smiled and opened the door. "So long as you don't squeal again." She grinned and did just that. I easily cleared two lanes of traffic. That, of course, sent her and three pedestrians onto the floor in a fit of laughter. Embarrased, I cut back across the lanes of traffic, picked the rolling ball of brown fur up by the waist, and stepped inside. It took five minutes to get her to calm down. That even seemed to put smiles on the animals that were there. When she finally came to, she squealed again. I jumped back. That sent her into convulsions. Finally, she decided to take me into the back to show me the raccoon babies. She brought me into a room, where a cardboard box bed had been set up. She brought me over and there, laying in the box, was a momma raccoon and her 3 kids. I smiled. "They're adorable." "I know," Jessie said. She reached over and patted the momma raccoon on the head. "Hey there." The raccoon chittered happily in response. She smiled. "Can I check up on your children?" She chittered, possibly a yes, possibly a "go fuck yourself." But Jessie only smiled and looked at the kids. They were probably two or three weeks old. And when they saw her, they just about went wild. They hobbled over to her and started - I swear to Christ, Buddah, and all of the other deities out there - hugging her face. She smiled and picked one of them up, holding it in her arms. It snuggled up to her chest - for a brief moment, I felt a little jealous - and chittered happily. Jessie smiled and looked at me. "Well, go ahead. They're friendly." I shrugged. "If you say so." I got to their level and held my hand out. The smaller of the two remaining hobbled up, grabbed my hand in it's leathery paws, and looked it over. When it was satisfied, it looked at me as if to say "Well? Where's the booty?" I smirked and picked it up. It chittered and reached for the box. But when it got into my arms, it cuddled up and chittered. "Yeah, you're cute too." "You really think so?" Jessie asked. "Oh yeah, they're adorable. And when you're not on a sugar high, so are you." She giggled and kicked me in the leg. "Well, we should let them back to their mama." "Oh, all right." I set the raccoon down, as did Jessie, and they skittered back to the safety of their mother. We smiled and left them to whatever it is that raccoons do. "Well, I should be off," I told Jessie at the front door. " you have to go?" "Yeah, I'm going off to visit some old college buds." She pouted. "But I'm sure I can make a return visit. Samuel and the others won't worry that much." She smiled. "Mhrr...that sounds good." "Great. Now..." I looked about. "Where am I? And what's the quickest way to Base Heights?" "Base Heights is it?" I nodded. "Want me to show you the quickest way?" I nodded again. She smiled and squealed. Again, I cleared two lanes of traffic. And again, she and three bistanders hit the floor laughing. "That isn't funny!" I said through stiffled laughs. Oh yes, Jessie is quite dangerous. But that's why she's my friend! End Lone Wolf is © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])> (Hmm...that line was just as bad as the "Church of the Redundancy Church") Jessie is based on the wildly insane Nahane Storm. Hun, do us all a favor and STAY AWAY FROM THE PIXIE STICKS! ;-)