¡¡¡¡Caution!!!! This is fair warning! The following story contains some explict material. If you are not old enough to view porno, then you are not enough to be reading this. Please leave now. You have been warned. -LW **************************************************************************** The Lover's Way: Shortie by Lone Wolf I keep my promises. I kept it when I said I owed money to the local hobby shop. I kept it when I said I'd give blood once a month. And I was going to keep one of my other, more liked promise. It was one I made on short notice, a week and a half ago. It was made to someone special. It was around seven in the evening. I was walking through a field, one that was familiar to me. Well, for the most part. I dropped the two duffle bags I was carying and scratched the top of my head. "Now, where'd she let me out last time?" I wondered aloud. I was looking for a door. It lead to one of the most wonderful places on this planet. It was either that or the other enterance. The ground budged under my feet. I looked down. "Oh dear," I said as the floor gave way. I was soon sliding down a tunnel. My bags reached the bottom before I did. After I hit the bottom, I sat up and scratched the back of my head. "I'm gonna have to get a map of this place," I muttered. I took a second to feel sorry for myself before I looked up. No-one was around. "Hmph," I mumbled. "Probably off bathing." I got up, snuck to the bathroom, and took a look. Nobody was there. "Or not," I said. I scratched my head. "Could they be asleep at this hour?" I checked the bedroom. No sign of them. "Where are they?" I muttered. Then I heard giggling coming from one of the rooms. I crept up to the door and opened it as quietly as possible. There were four females sitting around a table, all deeply concentrating on what they were doing. Two were foxes and the other two were skunks. I recognized them all. One of the skunks, a slim one with a shy demeanor, placed her cards down. "Three of a kind," she said in a most quiet voice. "Jacks." I smirked. That's Shanon for you, I thought. The other skunk, who sat opposite Shanon, muttered something. "Three of a kind," she grumbled. "Tens." Sharon smiled. The gray fox to Shanon's right, who went by the name Diana, smiled. "Three of a kind," she said. "Queens." She then proceded to do a small dance in her seat. She looked up and saw me. I put my finger to my lips. She smiled and turned back to her cards. The red fox who had her back to me chuckled. "Two pair," she said. Everyone chuckled. "That's pathetic," Diana said. The fox shook her head. "Not if both pair are aces," she said, spreading the cards on the table. The other three looked amazed. The skunk with the low hand grumbled and removed her shirt. What luck! It was strip poker night! I looked to Diana and put my fingers to my lips again. She smirked and dealt another hand. I crept up to the fox with her back to me. As soon as I was close enough, I put my hands over her eyes. "Guess who?" I said. She stopped what she was doing. She brought one of her delicate hands to mine and gave it a quick rub. Then she spun around and hugged me. "I knew you would come," she squealed in a schoolgirlish manner. I hugged her back. "I keep my promises Ashley," I said. "What can I say?" She pulled another chair up. "Shirt back on Jessica," she said. "We're starting over." She motioned for me to sit down, which I did. "So, how long can you stay this time?" "I got lucky," I replied. "I told my friends I was on a business trip. I'm here for a good two weeks." The ladies gave some form or another of a cheer. "That's great. So, you want to be dealt in?" "Depends. What're ya playing?" "Five card draw. Strip poker." I chuckled. "Why not. Deal me in." By the end of the tenth hand, I was in nothing but my underpants. "So," Ashley said. "What're we going to do over these two weeks?" We had retrieved my bags and were in the bedroom, chatting merily away. "We've got so much to do." There was a hint of sarcasm in her voice. I shrugged. "I dunno," I said, picking up one of the duffle bags. "We can do what we did last time I was here." "But that gets boring after a while," Diana said. "It does," Ashley added. She looked at Diana and smiled. Both giggled. "Well," I continued. "I knew you'd say something like that, so...." I reached into the duffle bag and removed various dice, ranging from four sided dice to twenty sided dice. Ashley picked up one of the dice and looked it over. Diana did the same. After they were sure they knew what was going on, they ripped open the bag and saw what was inside. I was assaulted with hugs and kisses. "Thank you!" both squealed. "Thank you!" It was still early, so I decided to take a bath. Knowing they wouldn't leave me alone, I used the economy sided bathtub. I set it up just the way I knew they'd like it, with the lavender bubble bath, scented candles, and low lights. If this didn't draw them, I didn't know what would. And if it failed, it wasn't to waste; it would sooth my body. It took some time before I heard the door creak open. "Lone Wolf," I heard Ashley's voice coo. "Can I come in?" I chuckled and looked her way. She wore a pink bathrobe and, I suspected, nothing else. "Sure," I said. "Who's with you?" "No one. They're reading. Didn't notice me leave." "Oh. Okay. So we'll be alone then." She walked over to the side of the tub and put her feet in. "Yup." I rubbed her leg. "So, do you wanna join me?" She threw her bathrobe off. Every moral fiber in my body went off. But I learned from my last stay to ignore it. "Sure I will." She slipped in and pulled herself closer to me. "So what have you been doing since last I bathed with you?" I shrugged. "Nothing much. You girls left an impression on me that won't go away. So of course I had to see you again." She smiled and rested her head on my chest. "That's so sweet." I started to rub her back. She was loving it. "You still single?" "Yes I am." "Do I still have a chance with you?" "It's better than last time." "How much better?" I gave her a very passionate kiss. "Oh." She slowly drifted away from me. I swear to christ, she wanted me to follow. Who was I to turn down a request? I followed. She playfully splashed water at me. I retorted with my own splashing. We closed in and got into another passionate kiss. Slowly, we drifted to the side of the tub. As much as she was hoping for, as much as I was hoping for, we didn't make love. We did manage a little foreplay, a little kissing, and were damn close to it! But Diana opened the door and told us it was time to get out. Regretfully, we got out. I helped Ashley on with her bathrobe before I put mine on. "I didn't know you had a bathrobe," she cooed. I smiled and kissed the back of her neck. "There are so many things you don't know about me," I said. "Oh? Like what?" "What do you want to know?" She smiled and started to rub the side of my muzzle. "What are your turn ons?" I closed my eyes. "We were just in one." She chuckled. "What you're doing to me now is also a turn on." She turned around and looked at me. "Well, I guess I'll have to do this more often." I nodded mutely. She smiled. "C'mon, bed awaits." We left the bathroom. "Now, how did we do this last time?" I said. It had been only a week, but I had forgotten how the beds were set up. Diana and Ashley dragged me over to their bed and sat me down. "Now I remember," I said. They both giggled and Diana climbed in. I followed, still in my bathrobe. "Aren't you gonna put some pants on?" Diana asked. I chuckled. "I figured you'd like this better." She smiled. "But I thought something like this was, well, uncomfortable for you." "Well, I changed my mind." Ashley drew a screen between the two sides of the room. "Be happy Diana," she said. "He's being considerate to our feelings." "Oh?" I nodded. "If you want, I can lose the robe." Both girls looked at me. "But you don't got nothing on underneath," Ashley said. I looked at her and smiled. "Don't you think I know that?" The robe was ditched afterwards. My dreams would be happy ones tonight. Morning broke for the little slice of heaven. I woke to find both girls in my arms, both smiling, both cuddled close to me, and both asleep. I freed my arms and rubbed my head. Did they get what they were after? I wasn't about to find out. I crawled out of bed and got dressed. By the time I was finished, they had woken up. "Good morning," Ashley said. "How'd you sleep?" I smirked. "Are those satin or silk sheets?" "Satin." "Thought so. I slept like an angel." "That's good." Diana got out and stretched. "I'll go put a pot of coffee on," she said. "We'll be around shortly," Ashley said. "Don't wait up." Diana nodded and pulled the screen away. She woke Shanon and Jessica up and they all left. I sat down on the bed. "Were you lucky last night?" Ashley rubbed my chest. "No. I couldn't. Diana was there." I nodded. She got up, closed and locked the door, and came back. I started to say something, but she pounced and pinned me. "So, I figured I could get lucky now." She had a miscevious grin. I looked down. I was clothed, but for how long. I know how she got my shirt off. I know how she got my pants off. But to this day, I'm still figuring out how she got my underpants off. I know, it seems obvious, but you'd wonder too if your pants were still on while she tosses your undies to the side. So there I was, ass naked, sitting on the bed, watching Ashley. "So," I said. "You got me in the buff. What are you gonna do now?" She said nothing. She lowered the lights and leaned so she was eye to eye with me. "Wanna see?" "I know I'll regret this," I said. "But yes." An evil grin crossed her face. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and removed her nightgown, revealing her night bra and panties. I raised an eyebrow. She smiled and took off her top. Then her panties fell off. "And now," she said, pushing me over onto the bed. "Where were we last night in the tub?" I smiled. "You're not..." I couldn't finish my sentence. She had me in a kiss that would kill most others.... Diana had the coffee ready by the time we finished. Like most people, we tried our best to hide the fact we had just made jiggy jiggy. It is so damn hard to hide that fact. Anyway, we grabbed the out of the way seats; the ones by the dark side of the room. Diana offered us coffee and we gladly took it. We remained quiet, sitting there silently, drinking our coffee, listening to the converstion the others were having. Every so often, they'd look to us for our opinion. In which case, we'd just shrug. That was the case every time. Finally, after enough shrugging, Diana got a little ticked off. "Okay you two," she said. "What are you hiding?" I raises an eyebrow. "Hiding?" I looked at Ashley. "Are we hiding anything?" She shook her head. I turned my attention back to Diana. She frowned. "Well, you've got to be hiding something. Ashley's always throwing her two cents into our little talks." She chuckled. "Hell, she usually starts them. And yet, she's curled up next to you all quiet." Ashley sat up. "Diana, we're not hiding anything." Her voice seemed quiet, calmer than her usual self. "I'm just not in the mood to talk." Diana raised an eyebrow. "I'll trust you." She took a sip of her coffee and the conversation started up again. Soon, we were finished with the morning conversation and the coffee. As we all got up, Diana asked me to help clean up. I agreed. As soon as the others were gone, Diana looked at me. "What are you two hiding?" she asked. "Nothing," I replied. "That's a lie." "How so?" "Like I said, Ashley's a very talkative person. But she was so quiet today. More importantly, she seemed attached to you." She looked me dead in the eye. "What are you hiding?" There was no way to avoid it. I took a deep breath. "We....made love." Diana's expression grew softer. "Is that all?" I nodded. "Well, there's nothing wrong with that." I looked at her. "We figured you'd be a bit, well, jealous." She laughed. "Of course I'm jealous. I wanted to be the first one to get your goodies. But, for some reason, I didn't want to ask you." I gave her a hug. "It's all right. Now, let's get this all cleaned up so we can join them in whatever they're doing." We found the other three rooting through my bags. I was in disbelief. "Girls," I said. "What are you doing?" They looked at me with innocent faces. I went over and took a look. They were in the middle of searching my clothes. "What were you looking for in this?" Ashley blushed and held up a small box. I turned redder than the flames of hell and yanked the box from her grip. I quickly stuffed it back into the bag. They all giggled at me. "Yes," I said. "I came prepared. Now, what were you looking for?" Ashley smiled and gave me a kiss. "Where are the dice and modules?" she asked. I pointed to my other duffle bag. She opened it and removed several small notebooks, a few notepads, some pens, and a large number of different sided dice. "Can we play now?" I nodded. I was dragged to the card table. They were all very eager to play. I must admit, so was I. It had been a while since I played the game. I sat down, put all the equipment down on the table, and handed each person a notepad and pen. Shanon and Jessica knew what to do. They grabbed a few of the appropriate dice and started to dice up their characters. Diana took up the player's manual, read it over real quickly, and grabbed a set of the appropriate dice. Ashley looked at the whole thing with a confused look. "I'm sorry," she said. "I've forgotten how to play." I chuckled. "Need help?" "Please?" She looked at me with these huge, green pools. "But of course." I helped her create her character. Pretty soon, we were able to start up a scenario. "So, which one shall we play?" "What've you got?" Diana asked. I looked through my modules. "We've got Guardians of the Realm, The Lost City, The Desert of Desolation series, The Keep on the Borderlands...." "Keep on the Borderlands!" Shanon suddenly burst out. We all looked at her. She blushed. "Sorry, but it's been a while since I played that one." I smiled. "Well then, let's play that!" There was a general agreement in the group, so I set up the DM screen and opened the module. We spent a good six hours exploring the Borderlands. I found it especially invigorating, seeing sides of the ladies I never knew, much less wanna see again, about. But it was fun to see Michelle the Amazon (Diana), Silverlief the Master Mage (Shanon), Vanessa the Bandit (Jessica), and Eileen the Cleric (amazingly enough, Ashley) go tromping through the hills slaughtering goblins and kobalds. It was a real pity they found the minotaur too early though. I wanted to see them kick his ass. Oh well, so goes the game. "That was fun!" Ashley cried. "I haven't played this in ages! Can we do it again?" My stomach growled. "After we eat?" I asked. Ashley nodded and left for the Kitchen. Shanon got up and followed, saying she wanted to help. Jessica went off to take care of something else. That left Diana alone with me. As soon as the door clicked shut, she made her move. "You know," she said, sitting on my lap. "I was wondering." She played a bit with my hair. "Y-yes?" "How good are you in the sack?" "I....ur-ahem....why don't you ask Ashley that?" She smiled. "Because I'd like to find out for myself." She noticed the concerned look that was painted on my face. "If that's all right with you, of course." I honestly didn't know what to say. "Lone Wolf? You okay with that?" Ashley and the others would be returning soon. "Can we do this later?" I asked. "They might burst in on us." Diana smiled and took my hand. "I've got a secret spot that they don't know about if that's what you want." Hesitantly, I nodded. She smiled and got off of my lap. I got up and she led me to her "secret spot." The spot was in the back storeroom. There were crates piled high and were plentiful. "Wow," I could help but say. "You girls are ready for anything." Diana smiled and continued leading me. She brought me all the way to the back. She stopped in front of two large crates. "Help me move these," she said. I helped her push the crates aside. As soon as I moved them, I saw a little aclove. "Is this?" I asked. She nodded and pulled me in. She pushed a button on the inside of the doorway and the crates slid back into position. That made me uneasy. She noticed this. "Don't worry," she said. "I'll be gentle." "That's not what I'm worried about." She looked perplexed. "What are you talking about?" "The button, does it work both ways?" "Meaning?" "Does it open the crates as well?" "Yes. It does." She sighed. "Why do I get the feeling this is turning out to be a bad thing?" I looked at her. "How so?" "Well, for one thing, you seem nervous." "That's because I don't think Ashley will like us doing this." "She won't mind. We usually share everything." I chuckled. "Thanks. That makes me feel so much better." Diana blushed. "I'm sorry." "No, don't be." Slowly, I was becoming more comfortable with the situation. "So, how do you wanna do this?" She looked at me. "It's your choice, since you wanna do this so badly." She smiled. "There's this way I've been wanting to try. It's pretty new, and I'm not sure if it will go over they way I've heard it should." "I'm willing to try anything once." She smiled. "Good. Then we can do it the old fashioned way." She told me to remove my pants and to lay back...... Twice in one day. Twice in one bloody freakin' day! I know it's been done before, but I've never been so lucky! We finished and returned to the game room a short while before Ashley and Shanon returned with lunch. This time, we managed to keep it a better secret. Ashley didn't suspect a thing. Thank god she didn't. We just polished off the meal and continued venturing through the borderlands. Time passed. Pretty soon, we were forced to stop. I wasn't just about to play into the wee hours of the night. We had dinner and a quick drink afterwards. "So," I said afterwards. "What do we do now?" Ashley smiled. "We could always, you know, take a bath." I smiled nervously and tensed up. Diana inched closer to me. "That sounds like a nice idea." I grew more nervous and more tense. Ashley looked at Diana and said a few things in a language I didn't know. Diana replied in the same language. "All right," Ashley said. "Then it's decided." Both got up. "Lone Wolf, will you please join us?" I nodded silently. They led me to the bathroom. "Put this on," Diana said handing me a blindfold. "What for?" I asked. "You'll see." She stopped and laughed. "Or maybe not. Now, put it on." Hesitantly, I put the blindfold on. They led me into the bathroom and sat me down. I could hear water pouring, stuff being poured into water, and giggles. What was I in for? This was turning out to be the worst trip I've taken in years. They were obsessed with screwing me. Not that it was a bad thing, but I was getting tired of it. "Girls?" I asked nervously. The activity stopped. "What are you doing?" "We're preparing a bath," I heard Ashley say. "Maybe I don't wanna take a bath." I was trying my best to hide my fear. "It'll calm you down," Diana said. "You're tense." "So?" My voice started to quiver with fear. There was silence. "Are you all right?" I shook my head, not knowing if they could see me or not. I grew more and more nervous as time passed. Someone, I don't know who, started to rub my back. "What's on your mind?" Diana asked. "I've gotta confess something. Diana already knows this. But you don't Ashley. Ashley, I've 'knocked boots' with Diana." There was a few minutes of silence, every minute agonizing. Someone, I'm assuming Ashley, sat on my lap. "I know," Ashley said. "What?" "I already know." I fell silent. "Diana told me." "When?" "Her character told mine." "When?" "We use code. She sent me the code." She kissed me. "It's all right. Now, let us get back to work." I nodded. I was a little calmer, but still worried about what they had planned. Eventually, they turned the water off. I grew tense. I felt the girls grab my arm and help me up. They stripped me down and led me a short ways. "Climb in," Diana directed me. I felt around with my foot before I found the tub. I sat down at the edge and let my body flow into it. "Can I take the blindfold off now?" I asked. "Not yet," Ashley said. I heard a few things drop, mostly soft things onto the floor and a few things, probably soap and washrags, into the bath. Then I heard Ashley and Diana enter the bath. "Okay," Diana said. "Take the blind fold off." I tore it off my face. I saw a field of bubbles. Lavender bubbles to be more percise. "Whoa!" I said. "Girls, what a surprise!" I waited for a response. There was none. The girls were slunk in the water, bubbles up to their necks. They didn't look, well, alive. I grew fearful. "Girls, you all right?" Ashley looked at me. "We are," she said. "Now, lie back and relax." She closed her eyes. I was suspicious, but a "What the hell" later I was relaxing. The bath was sending up vapors. It smelled like lavender. It brought my body into a relaxed state. I yawned and got a little more comfortable. I just let it all drift away.... I was startled by Shanon some time later. "You okay?" she asked. I mumbled affirmatively. "Where's Ashley and Diana?" I asked. Shanon smiled and walked away. I got out, dried off, and got dresses. As soon as I did, I followed Shanon. "Ashley," I called out. "Diana?" No answer. I winded my way over to the bedroom. "You in here girls?" I asked as I opened the door. No-one was there. Needless to say, I was worried. I immediately began a search of their home. No trace of them. Discouraged, I went back to the bedroom. And there they were! "Where were you girls?" I asked. "We were....around," Diana replied. That threw my warning systems into a tizzy. "Oh? Where?" "Um....just around," Ashley replied. I raised an eyebrow. "What are you hiding?" "Nothing." I was slowly becoming enraged. "Ashley, Diana, what are you hiding?" They looked at me. "I won't get mad," I said, hiding my anger. "You promise?" Ashely asked. "Unless the secret can bring harm to me, yes." Ashley grew nervous. "Well.....no, we can't tell you." I growled and turned to Shanon. "Do you know what they're hiding?" Shanon shook her head. I looked at Jessica, who gave the same reply. "Fine," I said. "I'll be on the couch if anyone needs me." I couldn't hear their cries as I walked away. The couch was comfortable. It was also occupied by only me. At the time, that was even better. All I could do was stare at the ceiling. I knew that if I were to fall asleep, I'd be theirs for the picking. So I was dead set on staying awake. If I had to bite my lip everytime I started to nod off, I'd do it. I spent the next hour and a half staring up at the ceiling and biting my lip. The girls, who were just down the hall, seemed to be discussing something. I could hear low mumbles and I could see light from under the door. The discussion soon stopped and the door opened. Ashley left the room and approached me. "Lone Wolf?" she said. Without hesitation, I got up and started to move. My destination: their observatory. "Wait!" I could hear Ashley cry as I walked away. I soon found myself looking out the windows of the observatory. They had picked one of the nicest places to put one too! It had a great view of the mountains, a clear line of sight to the forest, and it gave me a general overview of the landscape. I felt at peace. That is, until Ashley showed up. "Lone Wolf?" she asked. "What do you want?" I asked in a most blunt way. "You've been acting strange. Why?" "Isn't it obvious?" "No." "You and Diana are active." "So?" "Very active." "So?" "Active as in I should probably invest in a cup. Is that enough for you?" "Oh...." "Besides, you're hiding something." "We are not." "Bullshit." Ashley seemed stunned. "I'm only looking out for my safety Ashley. I'm not mad at you, but if I feel I'm in danger, I'm gonna act appropriately. Now, what are you hiding?" Ashley remained silent. I was forced to turn around and face her. "I trust you Ashley. Please don't betray that trust." Tears started to form in her eyes. I sighed and sat down, my head drooped. "I'm sorry Ashley." She looked at me. "How can I believe you?" "I don't know how you can. I wouldn't believe me if I were you. But I am sorry. I can understand anything you do next." She slowly walked up to me. "Why are you so suspicious of us? Why don't you just let things be?" I looked up. Tears were streaming down her face. "Because I've had my back stabbed more times than I want to go through. I don't want it to happen again." Something must have clicked in. Of course, I'd been double crossed so many times, I had developed a natrual defense to it. That defense was in high gear. I started to apologize again, but Ashley sat down and stared at me. I realized apologies wouldn't help. I turned my head away, ashamed of my actions. Oddly enough, she put a hand on one side of my muzzle and pulled my head so that I was looking at her. She looked at me and smiled. "Is that all?" she asked. "Well, I can understand perfectly then." "No you can't," I replied. "You don't know what it's like to be used." She smiled wickedly. "Not like that, you dirty mind. I'd love to be used like that. But I'm not that lucky. I'm a pawn in just about everyone's game. I've gone into deals where I was the only one to keep my end of the bargain. Do you know what it's like to do something for a price and not get paid?" Ashley shook her head. I sighed. "You will probably never understand." She smiled and kissed me. "I may not be able to see where you're coming from, but I'll be happy to help." "No! You cannot help it Ashley. I don't want you hurt." "Huh?" "I don't want to see you hurt Ashley. You're one of the sweetest people I've met." She smiled and gave me a hug. "That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you." "Ashley, I trust you. I know, deep down, you and the girls would never hurt me. But I can't be sure when you're hiding something from me. I want to know what's up. I want to know what's being hidden." "It's a surprise. It's supposed to be for you as a thank you for what you've done for us. I cannot tell you or it'll ruin the surprise." I looked at her and smirked. "And you mean to tell me that all of the sex wasn't the thank you?" She laughed and leaned her head on my chest. "No, silly. We were after that anyway. Now, let's go back to bed." I shook my head. "I need some time alone. I need to think. I'll be down shortly." She nodded and started to the door. She stopped as she got to the door. She turned and looked at me. "Are you sure you're all right?" she asked. I nodded. She smiled and left. Truth was I was far from all right. I was experiencing what can only be described as an emotional hell. I was more than used to having bad things happen to me. Hell, I accepted everything that came my way. But now, I wasn't getting the short end of the stick. I was getting what life had held out on me for all those years. I should have been happy. I wasn't. My system wasn't accepting the good. My subconscious decided to fix that problem by having me ruin the situation. It was not a good feeling. I spent a half an hour sitting in the observatory with my head in my hands, cursing my ways. I know it sounds a little self centered. I know it sounds totally screwed up. But that's how I was. I couldn't accept the fact no bad could come out of this. The living room was quiet when I returned. I took a quick glance down the hall. The lights were not on in the bedroom. I assumed Ashley was asleep. I started to head back for the couch, but something told me to go check on her. I tried my best to quietly open the door. I crept up to her bed and took a look. She was asleep, hugging her pillow, looking all sweet and innocent. I leaned over and gave her a kiss. I then cleared my head and went back to the couch. My guess was it was around the wee hours of the morning when I woke up. I yawned and scratched my head. I tried to sit up. But something had my arm pinned down. I looked. Ashley was lying next to me, cuddled close to my body, a smile painted across her face. I smiled and stroked her head with my free hand. "I love you," I whispered. She reacted by pulling herself closer to me. Slowly, sleep claimed me again. The next morning was filled with, among other things, apologies for how I acted the previous night, promises I'd never to that again without reason, and coffee. However, all was not good. I was on edge. Not because of them. Something was wrong. The girls seemed to pick up on it. "What's wrong?" Jessica asked. That tipped me off right away something was up. Jessica rarely said a word to me. "Eh.....I'm not sure," I replied. "Well, there must be something wrong," Shanon said. "How can you tell?" She smiled and pointed at my hand. It was shaking like a leaf. "Oh, well that's different." "Is there something you're not telling us?" "I've got this odd feeling we're going to be getting a visitor." "A visitor?" Ashley asked. "What kind of visitor?" "I don't know." "Don't forget what we talked about last night." "I know. But I'm serious. I don't know what kind of visitor." "Oh. Well, then let's just enjoy our coffee and go about our business until the visitor shows up." I chuckled and gave her a kiss. We let the idle thought go. The thought reared it's ugly head in the middle of one of our games. We were busily adventuring on the Isle of Dread when we all heard a soft chiming. "What was that?" I asked. Diana chuckled. "That's just our warning system. It goes off whenever something comes down the tunnel." I got up. "I think we should go check it out." "C'mon. It's not important. Let's just keep playing." "Remember when I first came through it? Was it important then?" "Well, true....but...." "Then let's go." Shanon got up. "He raises a valid point. We should investigate." Jessica got up as well. "Diana, let's go," Ashley said. Diana sighed and got up. We made our way to the tunnel exit. Being the only guy in the group, I opened the door and stepped in first. The girls all stayed behind me, watching from over my shoulder or over my side. We could hear muffled cursing from whatever was coming down the tunnel. Finally, the tunnel expelled it's secret, whom hit his face on the soft carpet at it's base. "Now who the hell put this tunnel there?" he said as he sat up. He rested his head on his hand, not noticing us. That gave us ample time to give him a once over. He was a skunk. But he was, well, unique. No, he didn't have a third hand, a second thumb, or other such oddity. He wasn't that bad. His fur was what made him unique. He was more of a negative of a normal skunk; his fur was white where it should have been black, and vise versa. He was what you'd call a negaskunk. He wore a buttoned down, long sleve tee shirt, a gray vest, and a pair of jeans. It took me some time to realize who it was. "Sammy! What's up?" The skunk looked at me. "Lone Wolf! I was wondering how you were doing!" His expression suddenly changed from friendly to curious. "What happened to your business trip?" I looked around absently. "What trip? That was a ploy to get away from you guys without having to worry about being put under suspicion." Shanon placed one of her hands on my arm. "Lone Wolf, who's this?" I chuckled and stepped up to the newcomer. I helped him up and turned to the girls. "Ladies, meet one of my friends, Samuel. Samuel, meet the people I've spent the last few days with." I introduced him to each one. Ashley and Diana didn't seem too thrilled with his being here. I'd call it goodwill. But Shanon and Jessica is a different story. They seemed to be fixated on him. Shanon, usually shy and kept to herself, stepped up and extended a hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you," she said. Samuel smiled and took the hand. "The pleasure's mine," he said, giving the hand a kiss. Shanon turned beet red. "And this is Jessica." Jessica stepped forward. Samuel, being the player he is, took Jessica's hand and kissed it. "Jesse. That's a nice name." Jessica turned a similar shade of red. "So," Diana said. "Weren't we in the middle of something?" I chuckled. "C'mon Samuel, I'll give ya the grand tour and all the explinations later. We're in the middle of an adventure." Samuel gave a confused look. "Adventure?" I chuckled harder. "The Isle of Dread." "Oh." He chuckled. "That's my fav module. Can you get me into it?" He stopped short. "Oops, I almost forgot, I don't have my character." "I've got our character charts with me. Don't worry about it." We all headed back to our game. Jessica and Shanon showed further examples of how attached they were to Samuel. They insisted he sit in between them. We restarted the adventure with the addition of "Vincent the Valiant," Samuel's character being a Level 5 fighter and all. We spent a good three hours venturing around the island until, as with nearly every adventure I've had on the Island, everyone died. The girls then headed off to prepare lunch. Samuel waited until they left to start asking questions. "What's up with all the women?" he asked. "This is their home. Duh!" "Yeah, but, what's with the skunkettes?" I chuckled. "You're that dense? They think you're cute." He chuckled. "Yeah, right Lone Wolf." "No, I'm serious. That's how Diana and Ashley acted when I stumbled on this place." "Speaking of which, how did you find this place?" "It was an accident." Samuel raised an eyebrow. "Remember that walk that took me four days to return from?" He nodded. "I stopped in a field, the one I suspect you found, and triggered the tunnel. And then I met the girls." "So, are they friendly?" "Very. Diana and Ashley are incredibly sweet and kind. Shanon and Jessica are just the same, however, I've got this feeling they're gonna treat you a little nicer." Samuel chuckled. "Have you slept with them yet?" I knew he was joking. "Only with Ashley and Diana." Samuel's expression blanked. "They tried to get it out of me when I first discovered this place. This second time, I broke for them. The skunkettes, I believe, are gonna try to get it out of you." "No way, they won't get it out of me." "Samuel, they're clean. Trust me. Now, I've got to give you warnings." "Warnings?" "Yes. They're probably gonna try a few tricks to get to your.... goods." "Well, what should I expect?" I heard foot steps. "Spiked wine." I nodded as the door opened. "Lunch is seved," Ashley said, bringing in a tray with the meal. Shanon also brought in a tray, with a delicious looking meal and, as suspected, a goblet with wine in it. I looked to Samuel and chuckled. He shot me a dirty look. They set the trays down and we all ate. Slowly, things winded down. Shanon and Jessica told Samuel of the bath they prepared for him. I gave him a nod, stating it was okay. I had a good chuckle as I heard him scream. "So," I asked Ashley and Diana. "What will they do to him?" Diana chuckled. "Everything we did to you. Probably worse." Ashley nodded. "They'll probably ask him to spend the night. You think he'll say yes?" "Do you want him to?" I asked. "It doesn't bother me. Shanon and Jessica definately want it though." "Ah. So you want me to tell him it's okay." "You've been hinting him off to everything else. Why not?" At this point, Samuel came running over, a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked at me, frowned, and slapped me in the back of my head. "You said it was safe!" "It is," I replied, rubbing the spot where he hit me. "Shanon just barged in on me." I chuckled. "Just like Diana did to me. Although I was expecting Jessica to do it." Samuel looked at me blankly. "You're sick." I got up. "Samuel, when you're finished and dressed, please meet me in the observatory." I turned and left for the observatory. It was around sunset when Samuel came in. "You wished to talk with me?" He asked. I motioned he step up to my side. He complied. "What's this about Lone Wolf?" "Take a look," I said, motioning to the window. "Such beauty. There is no way that you'd be able to see this from home." "It's nice, but those girls make me feel uneasy. They're worse than I am!" "Samuel, I'm gonna be perfectly honest with you. Diana and Ashley did the exact same thing to me. It was, of course, uneasy for me at first. But I got used to it." "That's all fine and dandy, but that's you. I don't trust these girls for jack." "They are all good people. They're just a little too on the horny side." "Horny?" "They've got one more trick up their sleve." "What's that?" "They're gonna ask you to spend the night." "So what are they gonna try to do? Get at me in the middle of the night." I didn't answer the question. "Oh good god!" "Do you want me to tell you about the beds or would you rather find out?" "Don't bother. I'm gonna leave." I nodded. "Too bad. I'm sure you would of liked how they sleep." "What?" "It doesn't matter. You're leaving. And I was looking forward to having another guy around." I started for the exit. "If you want me, I'm taking a bath." I left him alone. "So what did he say?" Ashley asked me. We were in a strawberry bubble bath, soaking away, enjoying ourselves. "Is he gonna stay?" "He said he wanted to leave," I said, taking the washcloth to her back. "He's very insecure about the whole situation." Diana chuckled. "I wouldn't blame him. He looked like he had a keniption when his bath was interupted. Kinda like you Lone Wolf, only you didn't go running out with a towel around your waist." I splashed at Diana. "Very funny you. Keep with it." "I'm sorry. So, how are we gonna break the news to Jesse and Shanon?" "I don't know," I said. There was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" I called out. "It's Sam. I need to talk with you." I looked at Ashley and Diana. "Can't it wait Sammy?" "No, I need to talk now." I grew nervous. "Um, girls. Mind covering up or something?" Ashley nodded and sank in up to her neck. Diana leaned against the edge of the tub, covering her tits as best she could. "Come in," I called out as soon as I was satisfied. Samuel entered, closing the door. He saw the girls and covered his eyes. "It's okay Sammy," I said. "They're making sure you don't see anything." Slowly, he looked at me. "Are you sure?" He looked at the two and nodded. "Lone Wolf, I've changed my mind." "Oh? How so?" "I want to stay." "I see. Are you sure about this?" "Pretty much." "Okay." Diana smiled. "You're gonna make Shanon and Jessica very happy." He looked at her. "How so?" "Well," Ashley said. "They've been pretty lonely down here." "Ah, I see." I nodded. "You're doing a good thing." "Aight my man. I'll leave you three alone. Peace until then." "Aight. Peace." Samuel smirked and then left. Ashley and Diana started to move closer to me. The next thing I knew, they were both in my arms. "So, did I do all right?" Ashley smiled and gave me a kiss. Diana nodded and slipped back a little bit. Ashley took that advantage and positioned herself so she had one leg on either side of my body. I smiled and looked at Diana. "You're next," I said as I pulled Ashley closer. We finished up and left. It was near the end of the day, so we decided it was time for bed. Samuel was still a little aprehensious about the whole idea. We all knew he'd go nuts as soon as he found out how, and more importantly with who, he'd have to sleep. "Ready?" I asked him. "No," he said. "But let's do this anyway." I nodded. "You asked for it." I opened the door to the bedroom and showed him in. "Welcome to the bedroom." He looked around and chuckled. "Two beds? How are we gonna do this? Girls on one side, guys on the other?! No thanks Lone Wolf. I don't float that boat." I shook my head. "You've got the right idea, we are gonna share beds. But it's not going to be in that way." He looked at me. I started to explain, but the girls decided to surprise him. They rushed into the room and sat down on their beds. Samuel looked at them and me. He pointed and let go of a feeble squeak. I nodded and sat down with Ashley and Diana. "I had the same reaction my first time here. Just keep your belt tight." He turned white and fainted. Ashley looked at him. "What's his problem?" she asked. I chuckled. "I don't know. He usually jumps at these opportunities. Shall we help him up?" I looked up and smirked. Shanon and Jessica had already taken care of that. They had Samuel on the bed and were fanning him, trying to bring him back to conciousness. Eventually, he did come around. He sat up. "I hope that was a dream," he said. He turned his head and saw Shanon. "Guess not." He noticed the look on her face. "Fine. C'mon girls, let's get some sleep." Jessica and Shanon squealed with delight and climbed into bed with him. Ashley gave me quick look. She motioned with her head to the screen. I smiled and got up. "We'll leave you three to whatever you're doing," I said, pulling it between us. I looked to the girls and nodded. "Will he be all right?" I asked. "He should be," Ashley said. "Shanon and Jessica are gentle." "O....kay. How would you know?" Ashley and Diana giggled. "Why am I not surprised? Oh well." I sat down in between them. "Wanna try to get some sleep?" "No," Diana said with a yawn. "I could go for a repeat of the bathtub." She slipped out of her robe and into the bed, patting right next to her. "Yeah," Ashley added. "C'mon." She stripped down and put a hand on my chest. I nodded and disrobed as well. As soon as I was in bed, they pulled closer and smiled. I gave both of them a tender kiss. We all soon fell asleep. I'm assuming it was around one in the morning when I woke up. I sat up and looked around. Ashley and Diana were asleep. I heard no movement from Samuel, Shanon, and Jessica. I got out of bed, threw some pants on, and looked around the screen. They all were sound asleep, the girls in Samuel's arms. I smiled. "Looks like you've made yourself comfortable friend," I said quietly. I nodded and left the bedroom. I just walked around for a while, not caring where I went. Eventually, I found myself in the observatory, staring out at the night. "It's such a beautiful night," I said to myself. "No clouds, the stars are out, it's a full moon. Man, I wish this night would never end." I sighed and continued watching. "It is a nice night," I heard Samuel's voice say. "Perhaps too nice." I turned to face him. "How so?" "I'm not sure anymore." He stepped up to my side. "This is a nice place to be." "Yeah. And would you believe I found this place on a fluke?" "Like me? Oh, of course!" He had an uneasiness in his voice. "What's troubling you?" "Take a guess." I chuckled. "You're feeling uneasy around Jessica and Shanon." He nodded. "You feel like waking them up right now and having a threesome." He nodded again. "You think you're in love." He shot me a dirty look. "Me? Never." I chuckled. "Looks like the player is gonna play himself." "Cut it out Lone Wolf." "Sammy's in love." That might have been pushing it. Samuel took a swing at me. Just to make him happy, I let him connect. "I'm sorry Samuel." He looked pained. "I am not in love. Remember that. I only do it for the sex." I nodded. "All right." He calmed down and returned to his looking out of the observatory. "I need a favor from you Samuel." He looked at me. "What is it?" "When we do return, could you please NOT mention this place to the others?" "Why are you asking now?" "Well, I don't know when you're leaving." "Who said I was leaving tomorrow. How long you staying?" "About two weeks." "Then I will leave with you then." "But will you still make that promise?" He remained silent for a bit before he agreed. I smiled and nodded a thank you and he headed back for the bedroom. I stayed there for a little before going back to bed as well. I was woken up the next morning by someone nuzzling my neck. I squirmed a bit, obviously not comfortable with the situation. Whoever it was ignored my struggling and kept nuzzling. My eyes snapped open to take a look at who was giving me the full treatment. I found Diana on top of me, resting her body snuggly up against mine. She couldn't see that I was awake; her eyes were closed as she nuzzled me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her. "Well good morning Diana," I said is a soft tone. She looked at me and smiled. "Good morning sweetie," she cooed. A smirk crossed her face. "You know, if you want, I can make it better than a good morning." She smiled and started to undo the buttons on my shirt. I took her delicate hands in mine, shook my head, and gave her a kiss. "Well, why not?" she whined. "Don't you think you should give it a little rest?" "Oh, all right. I'll give it a rest" She started to get up. I pulled her back down and started to nuzzle her neck. "Oooh, that feels good." "I said I wasn't gonna do the dirty with ya. That doesn't mean that I know other ways to make you feel good." She got up and looked at me. "Yes, there are other ways to make you feel good." She smiled. "And how do you thing you're going to do that?" Again, I nuzzled her neck. And again, she cooed and sounded like she was comfortable. "All right, you win." She got off me and sat down on the bed. I sat up and put my hands on her shoulder. She looked at me. "What now?" "I'm not through yet," I said. She gave me a questioning, but decided it was all right and sat up straight. I fixed myself so she was sitting in between my legs and I started to massage her shoulder. It was like she was putty in my hands; she instantly relaxed. I kept with my pace, slowly moving my hands down her back. Pretty soon I had her lying face down on the bed accepting a back rub. We wasted a good half hour doing so. She stretched herself out on the bed as soon as I was finished. "Lone Wolf, that was so invigorating." I smiled. "Looks like those massage lessons I took weren't a waste." She smiled and nodded. She looked to be much calmer and, for some reason, more sexy. I resisted the urge to have her right there and covered her up. "You rest here," I told her. "I'm gonna go see what the others are doing." She nodded mutely and curled up. I left in search of the others. Ashley pounced me the second I shut the door. "Hello," she said, catching my daze. I looked at her. "What's wrong with you?" she asked. "Nothing." I replied. She smirked. "Did you and Diana go at it again?" "Nope." She smiled and rested her head on my chest. "That's good. So where is Diana?" "In there," I said, pointing to the door. "Resting." Ashley looked at me. "I thought you said you didn't have sex." "We didn't. I just gave her a massage." She grew a wicked smile. "A BACK massage you pervert." She smiled and playfully licked the tip of my muzzle. I squirmed a little, trying to break free. No good. "So, you wanna go for a quickie?" she asked. "No thank you." She chuckled. "Why not? You takin' a vow of selemacy?" "It's not that. I just need a rest." She nodded and got up. "So what do we do until then?" "Dunno really. We've still got the game if you're interested." "Nah, it's no fun without Samuel, Shanon, and Jessica." "Why? Where'd they go?" "They went for a walk. We're all alone." "Ah. So what are we gonna do?" "I was hoping we could make love." She dragged a finger across my chest. "But since you've said no I don't know what else to do." We both heard a moan from the bedroom. I looked at her and smiled. "Wanna go check up on Diana?" "Sure. We've got nothing else to do." She helped me to my feet and we entered the bedroom. We found Diana sprawled on the bed naked. Ashley chuckled. "You sure you didn't?" "I'm sure," I replied. "But why she's acting like this, I don't know." Diana heard our conversation and looked up. "Hello," she said in a soft tone. Ashley sat down on the bed next to her. "Diana, why are you laying down like that on the bed?" "Mmmm....it's just so comfortable." "Yeah, I can understand that, but why are you in the nude?" "That massage was so.....heavenly that I just had to get comfortable." "Oh." Ashley got up and turned to me. "What exactly did you do?" I shook my head. "I'll show you later. My arms are tired." "Please?" She gave me one of those pouty looks. That, of course, got me to agree. So I gave her the exact same treatment I gave Diana, down to the last. Ashley remained silent after that. She just stretched out on the bed. "Isn't he great?" Diana asked. "Oh yes. I wish he could stay forever." So did I. "Everything in my body is so relaxed. Mmmm...." She quickly stripped and layed down on the bed. "You're right, this is great." She stretched once more before curling up. They both seemed so peaceful, I decided to leave them to their bliss. But as soon as I started for the door, they got up. I turned to them with a quizical look on my face. "You two lay down and rest," I told them. They ignored me and walked over to my side. "Please," Diana said. "Stay with us." "Yeah," Ashley added. "Please?" They both looked at me with those big, green pools they call eyes. I couldn't resist and nodded my agreement. They smiled and went back to the bed. Hesitantly, I followed them and sat down. They grabbed onto my arms, pulled me down, and curled up close to my body. I freed my arms and put one around each. That made them happy. That made them very happy. I came to some time later. They were still nude. I was still not. We were still alone. I looked at them, smiled, and rubbed their arms. They woke up and looked at me. "Oh," Ashley said. "What happened?" "I think we fell asleep," I replied. "Why'd we do that?" Diana asked. "Could be because you two dragged me onto the bed and curled up." "Why'd we do that?" she repeated. I gently dragged my fingers down their backs. "Oh, now I remember." Ashley moaned her agreement. "Where did you learn to do that?" "Eh, I can't remember. Probably in college or something." "Mmm....." Diana said as she stretched. "That's better than sex." She noticed the big smile on my face. "No, that doesn't mean we're gonna replace it with that," she added, tapping my nose. "Aww, why not?" "Because," Ashley said. "We love you too much." She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. "Really?" I asked. "Do you love me that much?" Diana smiled and kissed me. "We do. And we don't mind sharing you either." "Eh....heh. That makes me feel better. Uh, I think. Now I advise you two get dressed before the other three get back." "Too late," I heard Samuel say. I didn't want to, but I had to look over to the doorway. And there the bastard was, arms folded, leaning in the doorway with a broad smile on his face. The girls were looking too, obviously embarrased. "God, we leave you three alone for a few hours and you go at it. Jeeze, what's wrong with you?!" I blinked. "Um....would you believe me if I said we didn't do it?" He shook his head. "Would you believe us if we told you he gave us back massages?" Diana asked. He nodded. "Would you believe us if we said that it was so heavenly, we stripped down, dragged him into bed, and fell asleep?" He shook his head. "Would you believe us if we strung you up by your balls?" Ashley asked. Samuel blinked and took a step back. "Thought so," she said with a wink. He chuckled nervously. "So," Ashley continued. "How was the walk?" "It was, well, let's just say I got to see a side of Shanon and Jessica I want to see more often." I chuckled. He shot me a dirty look. "No, we didn't do it. Unlike you three, we kept to ourselves." I returned the look and a little more. "We did not have sex." "Then why are they laying down next to you in the nude?" "They just dragged me into bed! Can I help that?!" "No, I guess you can't." He chuckled. "And yet, you're not this popular at home. I find that amusing!" I shot him another dirty look. He smiled nervously. "Sorry. I understand how you feel." "No you don't." "Everyone does. I mean, ever since we lost Shivana -" I quickly ended his sentence by grabbing him by the throat. "What did I tell you about saying that name?" "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But it's true. You've been real lonely ever since. What is it that you want? The companionship?" I released my grip. "No." He raised an eyebrow. "Then what is it?" I grew nervous and turned my back to him. He put a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong pal?" "I don't want to say right now. Not yet." "Why not?" "Now is not the time." We had completely forgotten about the two girls. Ashley got up and looked into my eyes. "Well," she said. "When will we find out?" I looked at her and smiled. "In due time, my dear. In due time." She smiled and kissed me. "That's all I need to know." I smiled, took her into my arms and kissed her. "You're beautiful, you know that?" She giggled and nodded. Diana put her hands on her hips. "Hey, what about me?" she said with a pout. I smiled. "Oh, c'mere you." I freed up one of my arms, offering her a place in my embrace. She gladly took it. I wrapped the arm around her and smiled. "You're beautiful too." I gave her a kiss. "You're both very beautiful." Ashley approached me later that evening. I was in their observatory, watching the sunset. I was at peace with myself for once in my existance. I didn't notice her until she sat down next to me. We didn't say a word to each other. She just leaned over and rested herself on me. We watched the sun hit the horizon and disappear until tomorrow. I smiled and rubbed her arm after it was done. "That was beautiful," she said. "It was," I replied. "But not as beautiful as you are." She smiled, liking the compliment. "Can I ask you a question?" "Go right ahead." I thought she was gonna ask me about what I was talking about earlier. I was ready for that. But I'm not that lucky. "Who is Shivana?" she asked. My heart instantly dropped into my feet. I blinked nervously. "She's an old flame. Nothing too important." "Well, if she's not that important, why'd you go off on Samuel when he mentioned her?" I didn't answer. "What did he mean by 'you've been so lonely since we lost her?' " Again, I didn't answer. "What are you hiding?" I turned my head away from her. She simply slid over to the other side and looked into my eyes. "What's wrong?" I sighed and shook my head. She kissed me. "I won't be jealous. It's all right." I took a deep breath. "Shivana was special to me. She was the first one I thought I could make it work with. I was in love with her. We dated, hung out a lot, and at one point I think we lived together. I was planning to propose to her one day when I got the news: She was missing. Her stuff was still in her apartment. Her car was still in the garage. We found her keys, ID, everything. But not her. It was like she just..... disappeared. They never found any trace of her. I was heartbroken. I couldn't do much for a few weeks. Eventually, I got over it." "Let me guess, you still feel for her and have remained lonely ever since." "Yes, and no. I did remain lonely until I met a special lady." She blushed. "Who would that be?" She knew the answer as much as I did. I simply took her hand and smiled. "Wait a second. You said the Shivana was the first one that you could make it work with. Are there more?" She looked at me. "Please. Tell me." I turned back to look out the window. "There are two others. Diana is one of them. She's such a lively spirit, always fun loving, very caring, and just a general nice person to be around. It could work." "Oh," Ashley responded, sounding disappointed. "Well then. I can only guess that I should leave you two alone from now on." I shook my head. "No. Don't. It's okay." She smiled weakly and looked at me. "So, who's the other person?" "Well, the way I see it is this. She's like Diana, caring, fun loving, etc, etc. But she has something that Diana doesn't. When I'm around her, I feel loved, cared for, like I've got purpose. She's almost always got a smile on her face. She's absolutely beautiful. And I swear, I think she loves me as much as I love her." I looked at her. "Can you take a guess at who it is?" I didn't get a response. Ashley had tears running down her face. She knew the answer. She collapsed into my arms, crying. I slowly rubbed her back. "It's okay. It's okay." She looked up at me. "I love you too," she squeaked. "I love you too." I smiled. "It's all right." I gave her a kiss. "It's perfectly all right." She rested her head on my chest. "I just find that weird." "Why?" "Why would anyone go for me?" "Because you're so lovely." "No I'm not." "Yes you are." I sat her up and looked into her eyes. "I knew there was something special about you since we met. I just didn't know you were this special." She smiled and lowered her head. I pulled her closer and hugged her. "I know it sounds weird, but I know you're the closest I'm gonna get to a soulmate." She giggled. "Really?" "Really." She dragged one of her fingers down my chest. "I have to admit, I've always had a crush on you since we met. But I never dreamt that it would have been like this." She gave me a kiss. "You've just made me the happiest girl anywhere." "It was my pleasure." She smiled and layed down, resting her head in my lap. I put a hand onto her shoulder. She smiled and got comfortable. We stayed like that through the night. I was awaken by a somewhat bright light. I opened my eyes and looked around. Ashley was nestled comfortably in my arms. I looked towards the window. I smiled and gave her a gentle shake. "Wake up sleepyhead," I said. "Sun's rising." She wiggled a bit before opening her eyes. "Huh?" "Good morning lover. The sun is rising." She sat up and took a look. I watched from where I was. We watched as the sky lit up with the different reds, oranges, and yellows associated with sunrise. A beautiful sight from where I sat. Probably for her too. As soon as the sun broke the horizon, I sat up and wrapped my arms around her. "How'd you sleep beautiful?" "I slept well. Like I was on a cloud or something. How'd you sleep?" "Considering how we fell asleep, great." She smiled and kissed me. "So, what are we gonna do today?" She had a playful look on her face. "Whatever you want to do." She smiled and sat on my lap. We kissed. "So, it's up to you." "Well, I don't know." She started to undo the buttons on my shirt. "There's so much to do and so little time." She dragged a finger down my chest. "Maybe we can make up for yesterday." I gave her a kiss. "You read my mind." She gave me a playful smile and got up. She helped me to my feet. "So, where are we gonna do this?" She smiled and kissed me. "I'm sure you've got a private spot somewhere." She said nothing and made her way over to a very stale, plain looking wall. I watcher her as she reached into a nearby potted plant. The wall suddenly slid away, revealing a ladder. She smiled again and started down it. I quickly followed. It was a dark tunnel, especially when the door shut behind us. I began to worry. "Ashley," I called out. "Where are you?" "Down here," I could hear her voice call. "Keep talking," I said. "I want to follow your voice." She spent the next few moments saying how much she loved me, what she liked best about me, all those things. I just followed her voice until I hit bottom. "Where are we?" I asked. She said nothing and turned a light on. The room was large, enough space for five people. There was a nice, soft, carpet underfoot. A circle shaped daybed was the focal point of the room. It had sky blue satin sheets. The walls wore deep red, velvet curtains. There was a door that went to probably another room, which I doubted we'd be using. It was the ideal place to spend time with someone special to you. Ashley picked well. "Ashley, you amaze me. Did you know about this the whole time?" There was no answer. "Ashley?" I looked around. She wasn't there. I sat down on the daybed, wondering where she was. I heard a light click on. I turned to the other door and saw her. She was dressed (if that's what you can call it) in nothing but her underwear. "Yes," she cooed. "I knew about this all this time. I didn't want to show you right away, seeing as I didn't know what you'd think." She sat down next to me. I took her hand. "I think this place is wonderful." She smiled and kissed me. "I'm glad you approve." I put a genteel hand up to her cheek and smiled. "So....you gonna get comfy or something?" She pointed to my attire, which was my shirt and jeans. "For you, anything." I got up and headed to the other room to undress. "Wait," she said. I turned and looked at her. "Can you do it here?" I smlied and sat down next to her. I said nothing. She looked at me for a few seconds and then smiled. "Thank you!" she squealed. "You want me to give you a show?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. I gave her another kiss and readied myself to "perform." She had already undone the buttons on my shirt, so all I had to do was grab the collar and fling it off my back. She squealed happily, giving me a very small round of applause. "You approve?" I asked? "Very much," she squealed. I smiled and started for my belt buckle. She got up and just about flew into my arms. "May I?" she asked. "Go right ahead," I replied. She smiled and placed her hand on the buckle. Almost instantly, my pants fell to the ground. "Feel any better?" I asked. She smiled and sat down on the bed. She then stared at me, expecting me to do something else. I smiled and finished the job, removing my boxers. She squealed gleefully as I "glided" over to her. "Is this what you want?" She pushed me onto the bed and sat down on my chest. "Since you gave me such a lovely performance," she cooed. "I think I'll give you one." She leaned over and kissed me. She then sat up and reached behind her back. I heard her unhook her top and watched it fall off, revealing her two, perfectly shaped breasts. They weren't that big, and at the same time not small. They had just the right firmness. And, most importantly, they looked real, not like the jugs you see in the dirty magazines or on Baywatch. They were perfect. I couldn't stop my urge to lick my lips. She looked at me innocently. "Oh? You want these?" I nodded mutely. She smiled and leaned forward. "Well go ahead. Do what you want." I smiled and reached for one. It was like holding something sacred; I had that instant feeling of pride. I caressed it gently, trying my best to please her. She was being pleased. "Your hands are so gentle," she cooed. I reached my other hand up and started to do the same with the other breast. She moaned a little, definately approving of my actions. I smiled, happy with the job I was doing, and continued down her side, letting my hands drift down to her panties. She ignored this, enjoying the attention I was giving her. I gently started to pull them down. She smiled and got up a little bit so I could fully pull them off. She then layed down on me and smiled. She dragged a finger across my chest while I rested my hands behind my head. "This is nice," she said in a soft tone. "I know," I answered. "You know what makes it nicer?" "Because you're here with me?" "Aww.....you knew!" She smiled and kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around her and returned the kiss, throwing in as much passion as I could. She moaned a little, but kept her lips to mine. Slowly, almost unconciously, we rolled over. Next thing either of us knew, my penis had found it's mark. She closed her eyes as I started to pump. "Oh yeah," she cried. "That's the spot!" The excitement was building with each pump. "Harder!" she kept screaming. "Harder!" There was no way in hell I was gonna pump harder. Finally, I burst. There was no need to go further. It was over. "Yes!" she kept crying. "Yes! Yes! YES!" I remained silent, having mastered the art of the silent orgasm. It didn't matter anyway. We did what we wanted to. And we'd probably do it many more times. For now, we were happy. I slid out and got off of her. She just layed there, mouth open slightly, breathing heavily. I gave her a kiss and rolled over onto my back. She instantly attached herself to me, cuddling up close to my body. I sighed. It was too good. I brought a hand up to the back of her head and started to rub. "I love you," I whispered. She smiled and rested one of her arms across my chest. "I love you too," she whispered back. "You're so beautiful. How did you become so lovely?" "I take care of myself. What can I say?" I smiled and started to rub her back. She suddenly sat up and stretched. "Wanna go take a bath or something?" I looked at her. "That's a good idea, but how are we gonna sneak by the others?" She got up and went to the door to the other room. "Because, silly, we've got one right here." She flipped a swith and the lights in the room turned on, revealing a full sized tub and potential lovenest. I got up and went over to her side. I extended an arm, which she took, and "escorted" her inside. They seemed to have this thing about large, multiple person capacity bathtubs. This one, however, was not like the ones I had seen in their little complex. This one was in the shape of a heart. In fact, the entire room gave off an aura of intimacy. The room was a deep shade of blue and almost had a dark glow to it. Candle holders were strewn all around the tub, most of which had candles in them. There were also places for incense. All we had to do was add water and the occasional match. We were soon set up and ready to go. She slid in first, relaxing in the warm waters. I slid in right after, slipping my body behind her. She realized this and turned her head to look at me. I dismissed the whole incident by kissing her. I started to massage her back, bringing the waters over her back and rubbing. She moaned a little, hinting off I was doing good. I gently dragged my hands down her slender body, down her sides and to her hips. She grabbed my hand and turned her head to look at me. Her lips puckered. My lips met hers. She spun her body around so she was all but sitting on me. Our eyes met as she rammed her tongue down my throat. The intensity growing, I closed my eyes and let her have some of my tongue. Before any of us knew, she was getting what she wanted. She had me up against the side of the tub, so it was up to her to do the work. She smiled and started to move. It was a slow movement at first. But she was quickly building up speed. It was pure heaven. I rested my head back as she continued. Finally, I lost it and burst. She let out a moan and slid off. She floated there for a little bit before coming over to me. I held her in my arms and kissed her cheek. "Thank you," I whispered. We stayed there for a little while, just soaking and holding each other. We had no need to do anything else. No conversations to have, no bodies to massage, no nothing. We just sat there, her in my arms, resting her head on my chest, eyes closed and a smile painted on her face. I didn't want to move from here. If we could, we would've stayed there forever. Heaven and hell would have to break to get us to move. What we got was worse. I was about ready to konk out when we heard movement. "Ashley," we heard Diana's voice call out. "Are you down here?" I looked at Ashley. "Does she know about this?" I asked. "They all do," she replied. "Wanna get out and say I was just giving you a tour?" I shook my head. "Fuck that. She know's we've done it before. She's seen us like this. It's not gonna affect her too badly." Ashley smiled. "All right then." She started to rub my belly. It sent shivers down my spine. "Ashley," we heard Diana say. "Lone Wolf? Are you down here?" We didn't answer. "You better not be making love!" We heard her hit the bottom of the ladder. "Though I wouldn't blame you. Hey! Who mussed up the sheets?" Then came that fateful moment in time. She entered the room we were in. She was garbed in her nightwear still. She had probably gotten up a few hours ago. She looked at us and smiled. "Isn't it a little too early for that?" "It depends," I replied. "What time is it now?" She looked at her watch. "It's 11 o'clock." She looked at Ashley. "How many times?" "Twice," I replied. "Twenty times if you count eye humping." Both girls giggled. "Well, I've told Shanon and the other two to leave us alone should I find you. Can I join you two?" "Do fish swim? C'mon in!" She smiled and stood at the edge of the tub. She took off her nightgown, then her panties, revealing her figure. I swear, she could pass for Ashley's double. She has a slightly slimmer figure, her waist being smaller than Ashley's, and nearly the exact same pair of breast Ashley had (her's were a bit firmer). She sat down at the water's edge. She had a look of discomfort on her face. Ashley thought she had a good idea. "Lone Wolf," she cooed. "Why don't you give her the treatment you gave me on the bed." Both Diana and I raised an eyebrow. "You know," Ashley continued, rubbing my chest, trying her best to imitate what I did to her. I gave a knowing nod. She moved over a bit and I floated towards Diana. Diana kept a fixed gaze on me. She kept that gaze as I hoisted myself out of the tub. She tried to keep it as I went behind her. But she sure as hell couldn't keep it when I started rubbing her back. I didn't keep to the back for long; I started down her side when I felt the time was right. "Mmmm...." she moaned. I smiled and slowly spun her around. She smiled and pounced me, sitting on my chest. "Mission accomplished," I said, smiling. She gave me a confused look. I smiled and reached up with one hand. Her expression softened as I started to caress her breast with my hand. "Such silky hands," she complimented as I reached up for the other one. "Please, I don't deserve it." "Of course you do," I replied. "You've more than earned it." She smiled and kissed me. "Let's not start with that now." She kissed me again. "Why not?" "Well, Ashley did that to me on the bed and the next thing we knew I was on top." "And that's a problem?" "Um.....no, not really." She smiled. "Good. I'm sure she won't mind if we do it right here." Ashley frowned. "Of course I'd mind," she said. "But go ahead anyway." Diana smiled and slid a little ways back. I shook my head, mouthing the word 'No.' She smiled and ignored me. My head jerked back as she slid on. It seemed to go by really quickly; we were soon in the tub with Ashley. "I hope you enjoyed yourself," I told Diana. "Oh, I did," she replied. "I plan on doing it more often too." "Well, try to hold off for now." "Why would I do that?" I looked at the pained look on Ashley's face. "Because this day was supposed to be for just Ashley. I was hoping to be with just her for a good part of today." Diana let go of a sigh. "Is that what you really want?" I looked at Ashley, then at her. "That's what I was hoping for." "Then I'll go." She started towards her clothes. "Wait," Ashley said. "You don't have to go." We both looked at her. "I would be selfish to keep him all to myself. Diana, please stay with us." Diana floated there for a second before looking at me. "Is it okay with you?" I thought about what I told Ashley the previous night and smiled. Her eyes grew wider and she "swam" (if you can really call it swimming) over to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged tightly. "You're so sweet." Hesitantly, I wrapped her in my arms. "You just make me feel so special Lone Wolf!" Ashley took my arm and rested her head on it. "You make us all feel special." I smiled and put that arm over her shoulder. She smiled and rested up against me. "I just wish you didn't have to leave in a week." "Yeah," Diana sighed. "It'll be pretty lonely down here." I lowered my head. "I wish I didn't have to go." They looked at me. "I like it here. It's quiet, peaceful, and beautiful. And most importantly, you two live here. I don't want to leave you." "Oh that's so kind of you," Ashley said. She hugged me. "Then just don't go." "I can't do that." "Why not?" "I've got a job back in the city. I have to go to it everyday." "Says who?" "Says the government. Says the people." I lowered my head. "Says everyone." "Everyone except us," Diana replied. "We want you to stay." "I know. I know! But I've no choice." They both slumped a bit. "I'm sorry girls. If there were any way I could stay here with you, I'd surely do it." Ashley sighed. "We know." She looked at me. "Out of curiosity, where is this place you work at." "Oh, that hell hole! It's the big office building on the outskirts of town." "Which one?" "The big white one that's just a short walk from- Of course! Why didn't I think of that?" Ashley looked at me. "What? What didn't you think of?" I smiled and kissed her. "I think I figured out a way that I can stay with you and go to that shit hole as well!" I let both go and went for the side of the tub. I dried off, got dressed, and went up the ladder. "Lone Wolf!" Ashley shouted. "Where are you going?" "To talk to Shanon," I replied. Shanon was busy reading a book. Samuel and Jessica were nowhere to be found. As I approached her, she stopped and looked up at me. "Hello," she said in her soft way. "What can I do for you?" I sat down across from her. "I figured you'd be the right person to ask this. The field, the land around this place, who owns it?" She gave me a confused look. "We do. Why do you ask?" I smiled. "That's great. That'll make it work." "Make what work?" I got up. "I've got an idea that'll keep me and possibly Samuel here for a long time. Thank you Shanon." She smiled. "Anytime." "By the way, where is Samuel?" She pointed towards the kitchen. "Thanks." I headed in that direction. He was busy cooking something up. I could tell even before I got in; the black smoke was coming from the cracks in the doors. I had to dodge a plume of the foul stuff when I opened the door. "Samuel?" I called. "You alive in there?" "I think so," he replied. "Come in." I did and found him shoving a pot into the sink and turning the water on. He looked at me and smiled. "What's up?" "Sammy, can I ask you a question?" "Go ahead." "If I gave you a chance to stay here with the girls, would you jump at it?" "Absolutely. Why do you ask?" "Think about this. The girls own the land. They want us to stay more than anything. We both work at the same place, which is a 15 minute walk from her. So I figure this: we ask them to build a house on their land and move right in." Samuel stared at me blankly. "Would they really let us do that?" "Why the hell not?" "Because we'd be bringing contractors in. I'm sure they don't want to be discovered." "Samuel, what kind of company do we work for?" He smiled. "I forgot. You think of everything man." "We just have to ask them." That night, Ashley and Diana approached me, asking to know what I was talking about earlier. I smiled and sat them down. I calmly explained to them my theory, telling them that I wanted to build a small house on their land to live in. I explained that I could get the work done with a few friends and it would take a while. They loved the idea. "There's only one small catch," I told them. "I need your permission to build on your land." "Of course you can!" Ashley said. "You've got our permission to build a mansion if you want." I smiled. "Thank you girls. I'll have to talk with the contractors, but I know it can be done." "So, when does construction start?" Diana asked. "As soon as I get the permits. That shouldn't take too long. I can buy the materials needed for the house and we take care of plumbing and electrical work afterwards. It should all be done in about 3 or 4 months." "Is that a promise?" Ashley asked. I smiled. "Of course it is." I keep my promises. I always come back a little weaker from the blood bank. I'm a little less rich from my exploits at the craft shop, but I'm also less one hitman. My little venture at the girls' home was lined with hatred, love, and passion. Although it ended a week early, I felt much better about myself and the lovely ladies that lived there. It was an expierience I would never forget. I had no choice! The house was build on their land three and a half months afterwards! But that is another story. End This story was enspired by my lover and is dedicated to my good friends. You know who you are! :) Lone Wolf, Samuel, Ashley, Diana, Shanon, and Jessica are © "Lone Wolf" Shivana is © Her player "Isle of Dread" and "Keep on the Borderlands" are © those fine people at TSR games Pe@cE out until next time folks.