The Band: Shortie by Lone Wolf Guest Starring: Chad Burbidge's Charlotte ( One of my personal favs! ^.^ ) The Lone Wolf is my little nightclub. It is probably one of the most popular night clubs in the district. It's drinks, mixed by yours truly, are divine, as some of our constant visitors have told us. Problems with drugs and rowdyness are non-existant, thanks to our keen bouncers and security staff. And then there's our band. The house band is, believe it or else, a punk band. No, not in the sense that the musicians tend to punk out. I mean punk as in mohawks, head banging music, and all about fun. They currently call themselves the Lion's Eye and they tend to argue about it constantly. But it really doesn't matter to the fans. They've earned the nick name "The Lone Wolf Band." They are, in essence, our band. How they came to be our band is an interesting story. It started at the bar a few weeks before it opened. With the help of Samuel, a few friends, and a contractor, we managed to get the shamble of a building back into working order. The walls were now a nice, deep shade of blue. The dance floor (hey, every nightclub has one!) was a relic - the old light up squares floor from the disco era. The bar was well stocked, and our liquor liscense was proudly displayed (I'm still, to this day, amazed that we were able to get it), hanging off the shelves. The bouncers to review were due in later, so we had time to interview bands to become our house band. Don't let anybody tell you that auditioning bands for your nightclub is easy. I never knew the town had so many aspiring rap artists. Not being a fan of rap myself, I constantly threw out the "we'll call you" line (I think I've now got it perfected). After one set that really went over the edge (as in the cops were called when they were out of the room), I put my clipboard down, rubbed my eyes, and sighed. "When will this day end?!" I moaned. Diana, who was with me to help review the bands, gave me a hug. "What's wrong?" "There are too many rap artists out there. It sucks to high hell! I would kill to find at least one band that doesn't do rap or hip hop or any cousin thereof." I stretched. "I need to take a break." She smiled. "How about we hear one more band before we break?" I groaned. "All right. Let's get this over with.' Diana looked over the list, stood up, and went to the door. "Destiny Heart," she called. That's what the band was called before their latest identity change. "Your up." She came back to her seat and sat down. The door opened slowly. The first one to enter was a large, male tiger. Every muscle in my body tensed. He took the guitar off his back and looked about. "Where's your amp?" he asked. I pointed it out. "Mind if I play with the settings?" "Go ahead." He nodded and went to go toy with our amplifier. As soon as he stepped aside, his companion, a female lioness, stepped in. How can I describe her? She was a little shorter than I am (5'9" is my guess). She wore a tight, black leather outfit, covering her decently, but leaving enough fur showing to give you a few dirty thoughts to work with. I'm still not sure what sits atop her head. It was (and still is) a large, blue, stylized mohawk. She looked at me over her red tinted shades and smiled. " 'lo," she said, a slight accent playing on her voice. " 'ow are ya?" I smiled. "I'm fine. And you?" "Couldn't be better." I look at my clipboard and found their application sheet. "You must be Charlotte." "And you must be the manager." I chuckled. "Is the rest of your band going to be coming in? We can easily move to the stage if-" "Nah. It's just me an ol' Luke to do our thing for ya and to get a quick gig." "Ah, a true professional, I see." I leaned back. "It says here you're a punk rock band. So long as it doesn't break out into a rap session, let's see what you've got." "All right." She looked to the guitarist - Luke. "Ready?" "Yep." He strummed out a few harsh chords. "Wait." He played with the amp and strummed again. The notes were bareable. "Let's go." "Hit it." I'm wasn't really a fan of punk rock. It's too...well...just not me. However, upon hearing Charlotte and Luke, I quickly changed my mind. It wasn't nescessarily Luke's talent on his strings. Or the fact that Charlotte has the voice of an angel (well, as far as angels went for her case). It was the fact that the two just worked so well together. By the time they had finished the set, Diana was leaning on me, our fingers were intertwined, and at least I had tears in my eyes. Charlotte must have seen this and laughed. "What's wrong?" "That was so beautiful!" I found the pre-contract I had drawn up and slid it over to her. "We'd love to have you as our house band. Sign here and we can work something out later." She shrugged. "I don't know. This is a pretty big place." "It's not like you're signing your life away to a record company." "Very true." She looked it over and signed on the line. "There ya go chief." "Great. When is a good time for you to meet with us again." "Ah..." She looked at Luke. "Next Thursday will be fine," he said. "Great. See ya then." Luke nodded, packed up his guitar, and left. Charlotte followed him, but stopped in the door. "Tell me something, manager. Why us?" I chuckled. "With a voice like that, do you blame me?" She smiled. "Thank ya kindly." She stepped out and shut the door. We had a packed house the first night they played at the club. Samuel, the girls, and I sat at the bar as Charlotte cast her magic on the crowd. They were obviously as enchanted as we were. They got, among other things, a thundering round of applause from the crowd as they left the stage and came over. "You guys are fantastic!" Samuel said as they sat at the bar. "Thank you," Charlotte told us. "We appreciate it." She looked at me. "How much are drinks?" "With a performance like that? You've paid for it. Tonight, the first round is on me." I slipped behind the bar. "What do you want?" The night passed rather quickly after that. They played a few more sets before we shut down for the evening. Samuel, the girls, and I packed into his van while Charlotte and her group packed into theirs. We waved and went in opposite directions. We wouldn't see each other until around five the next evening. But hey, I don't mind. End Lone Wolf, Samuel, Ashley, Diana, Shanon, and Jessica are © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])> Charlotte is © Chad Burbidge Charlotte's band (including the band's name), personality, and what not are fabricated by <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])> Her representation in this story is most likely not what Chad had in mind for her. Oh well... -.-