Midnight Bliss: Shortie by Lone Wolf ~It's Midnight, Cinderella. But don't you worry none~ I care for the four women that we share land with. When I first met them, I believe I restored to them the knowledge that there were other people outside the tunnels they lived in. And I also granted them a little bit of happiness. That's why I returned to them, to keep them happy. Diana and Ashley are my two best friends (just about). They tend to hang around me. We're often found playing some game, reading a book together, listening to music, or engaging in some...um...other activity. And they are often prone to finding other places to sleep other than their own bed. Sometimes they fall asleep on my sofa. Sometimes they curl up on the rug. But when they aren't in their bed, they can most likely be found in mine. It was a cold evening. Despite being in my bed, covers pulled up around my ears, I was cold and couldn't sleep. After a few moments, I gave up with a sigh. I rolled onto my back and rested my hands on my chest. "It's no use," I told it. "I'm not getting to sleep." "Not getting to sleep?" one of the soft, sensual voices that I love responded. "Why aren't you getting to sleep?" the other soft, beautiful voice asked. I smirked. "Because it's cold. And when it's cold, I can't sleep." "We know what you need..." Ashley plopped onto the bed next to me. "You need us to sleep with you..." Diana plopped down on the other side of the bed. I smirked. "Now, do you mean sleep as in catch a few z's or sleep as in warm the house up?" Ashley put a finger on her lip. "How about both?" I chuckled. "How about I have work tomorrow?' "Oh, you're no fun." She huffed and crawled under the covers with me. "Are you sure we can't?" Diana asked. "Very. But I promise you, tomorrow, when I get back from work, we'll melt the snow." She smiled and joined us under the covers. Both girls rested up against me. I chuckled and stroked their arms. "Good night ladies." The phone rang. I sighed. "I'm not even gonna get up to answer it. That's what they invented answering machines for." I shut my eyes and listened. "Lone Wolf," my boss' haggared voice said. "It's me." I sat straight up. "You're probably asleep right now, so I'll be brief and not disturb your slumber. Seems we owe you a manditory vacation day. Even though I don't like giving days off, we're bound by contract. You're really not needed around tomorrow, so take the day off." He huffed. "You're lucky I'm so nice. G'night." The answering machine turned off. I blinked. "He gave me a day off? He must be sick or something." "Maybe he's dying and wants to get into heaven," Ashley said. "But it really doesn't matter," Diana added. "It seems you're going to be home tomorrow." I smiled and layed down on my belly. "Apparently so. I guess that means I don't have to go through on my promise." "Oh, come one." Ashley took my cheeks in her hands. "You wouldn't deprive us of that one joy, would you?" I couldn't resist her. "Of course not. I wouldn't hold anything out on you." I gave her a gentle kiss. "I would never be cruel like that to someone I love." She smiled. "You're sweet." I chuckled and turned to Diana. "As for you...you'll be joining us, right?" She smiled and hugged me. "Of course lover. I wouldn't miss out on this." "Great." She let go of me and I layed back down. "So...how do you two want to start?" Ashley smiled. "How about a kiss to warm us up?" I chuckled. "Can't go wrong with that!" I moved closer to her. "Perhaps you should start with Diana." "Are you sure?" "Yeah. Go ahead." "All right." I turned to Diana and smiled. "She want me to warm up or somethin'?" Diana smiled. "Nah...she's just generous tonight." She wrapped her arms around my neck. I smiled and returned the embrase, giving her a very soft, passionate kiss. She moaned a bit, indulged in the pleasure, regretting the moment when our lips parted. "Oooh...you're in a very amorous mood tonight. We're in for a real wild evening." "You know it." I winked at her and turned to Ashley. "It is your turn, my dear." She smiled and put her hand on my cheek. "I'm ready." She looked into my eyes with those emerald pools of hers. I smiled and brought my lips to hers in a gentle kiss. Slowly, we got wrapped up in it. "Okay," I told myself. "Now she crawls on top of me and we get it on." I waited for her to do that. A few moments passed. They turned into minutes. She was just totally absorbed in it. Our lips slowly parted, but she remained still, her face fozen in the moment. I stroked her cheek. "Ashley." "Hmm?" Her eyes opened up slightly and looked at me. She smiled and hugged me. "Are you ready?" "Ready for what?" I whispered naugthy things into her ear. "Oh..." She nuzzled my neck. "That kiss...that was good enough." I stroked her back. "Are you sure?" She nodded silently. "Okay. Can I get in some fun with Diana, though?" "But I don't want you to. I just want to conk out with you right here." "Nuh-no," Diana interrupted, resting her head on my arm. "I came up here to have sex, and that's what I'm going to do." She rolled me onto my back and sat on my chest. I chuckled and held her arms. "And you, Ashley, will have to wait for what you want." Ashley nodded. "Okay." She kissed my cheek. "Knock her dead." "By your command." I looked at Diana. "Now, what's your pleasure tonight?" We finished up our fun - lots of fun, honestly. I love being ridden - and curled up together. The girls wrapped themselves in my arms - which was no big deal - and cozied up to me. "Thank you," Diana said. "We will, of course, do that again tomorrow morning." "Of course," I replied, giving her a soft peck on her nose. I looked at Ashley and blinked. She had rested her head on my shoulder and fallen asleep. "Whoa." "What?" "This is the first time I've seen her like this." Diana peered over my chest and looked at her "twin". She shook her head. "I don't know. She's never been like this." "Do we really need to worry about it?" "Not really." We shrugged it off and fell asleep. "Lone Wolf," Diana's soft voice whispered, breaking my hibernation. "Wake up." I open my eyes and shook my head. I looked at her and quirked a brow. "Look." She pointed at Ashley. I looked. She just like she was last night - innocent. "Doesn't she usually get up before you?" I whispered back. "Yeah. She must be sick." I nodded my agreement and put my hand up against Ashley's forehead. "She's not overheated." "What could it be then?" Our chatter awoke her. "Hmm?" She opened her eyes, saw me and smiled. "Good morning handsome." "Handsome?" Diana exclaimed. "Lone Wolf, what did you do to her?" I started to answer. "He did nothing to me," Ashley said. "It was just...that kiss last night..." "What about it." "It was so....so nice..." She rubbed her cheek up against my shoulder. "It made me realize how lucky we are to have you and Samuel." I smiled and started to respond. "So what you're saying is that you've fallen in love all over again because of one simple kiss?" "Yeah." She kissed me. "Thank you honey." I smiled and nodded. "What? Nothing to say?" "I would say something," I said. "But someone might interrupt me." "Oh you!" She gave me a hug and sat up. "Now, I skipped over something that Diana got last night. Can I still claim my prize?" I chuckled. "A little early morning bliss? Go for it." End Ashley, Diana, and Lone Wolf are © <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])>