Locks: Shortie by Lone Wolf Aiden hummed a soft tune as he went about his evening job. His pale, fleshy hands ran through the grayish fur of his mistress, a raccon named Ki'taye, in an attempt to wash from her body the dirt and dried blood she had accumulated in battle. She leaned forward in the bath basin, her eyes shut as she enjoyed the sensation of his fingers flowing through her fur and the soft tune he hummed to himself. "That is a lovely tune, Aiden," she said in a moment when she could regain control. "Thank you," he responded as he started to work the flecks of dirt and grass out of her long, black hair. "Where did you learn it?" He smiled. "I've always known it. My mother used to sing it when I was all of three weeks old." She smiled. "Your mother must have been great." He stopped what he was doing and pulled back a little. "Y-yeah...I guess..." She turned and looked at him. "Aiden?" "Yes, Miss Ki'taye?" "Are you okay?" He smiled reassuringly. "Yeah. I'm fine." "Oh...okay." She turned around again, allowing him to go back to work. Something isn't right... Like many night since Aiden came into her service, Ki'taye sat in the window of her room, garbed in nothing but her fur. She watched the stars and moon - it was full this particular night - quietly, contemplating the events of the day, rogue thoughts that crossed her mind, and tomorrow's promised chaos. She figured that Aiden would leave her alone, just like the other nights. Though she did crave the companionship, she was a bit thankful that he kept to himself until bedtime. This night was different, however. He stepped up to her and looked out the window into the distance. She only took a moment to look at him before returning to her musing. "It's funny," he said, breaking their silence. "You never notice how beautiful a night sky is until your life has been reduced to nothing more than slavery." She looked at him. "What do you mean?" "Take a look." He leaned on the inside of the window. "The stars, the moon...I never knew how beautiful they were. I was always worried about getting out of the War alive or the next raid against us to notice their splendor." He shut his eyes. "They're beautiful." "Indeed." She smiled and pulled her legs up. "Sit down. Relax." He slowly complied. "Aiden, can I ask you something?" "Of course, ma'am." "What was your mother like?" He grimaced. "If you don't want to tell me, it's okay." "It's...it's best I don't." He clutched his tunic. "Maybe...maybe another time..." She nodded. "I'm sorry for bringing it up." She turned back to the stars. Something is definately wrong. Aiden stripped down to nothing but his boxers and climbed into bed with Ki'taye. She smiled and nestled up close to him. "You have done a good job, Aiden," she whispered. "Here is your reward. Good night." She shut her eyes and rested her head on his chest. She felt the shiver that he always experienced when she did that and chuckled to himself. I'll break you of that yet, she told herself. She could feel something growing in his chest. It was a soft, soothing vibration. She could hear the tune that she heard during her bath. She opened her eyes and perked her ears to get a better perspective of the song. She could hear him singing. "Don't cry, sweet angel," he sang softly. "Mother is here for you, to love you." What is he doing? she asked herself. "Watching over you, wiping away those crystal tears." I'm not crying. Why is he singing this? "Because, young star, Mother is here for you, to love you." She slowly looked up. She saw tears running down Aiden's face as he started up at the ceiling, reciting the song. She reached up and touched his cheek. "What's wrong, Aiden?" He snapped from his trance and looked at her. "H-huh?!" "You're crying." She wiped away a tear. "Why?" He shut his eyes. "It...it's nothing. I'm sorry." She sat up slowly. "You miss your mother, don't you?" He stiffled a sob. "She was beautiful, angelic almost. Soft skin, long, beautiful blond hair, a caring heart, and a beautiful voice. Oh that voice! I can't begin tell you of the songs she used to sing to me at bedtime." A small, soft cry escaped him. She rested a hand on his chest. "What happened?" "I was only eight when she died. The War was just beginning. She was... killed in a raid by your people." Ki'taye fell silent. "I eventually hunted the bastard who killed her down and repayed the debt. But I still longed to hear her sing. I still do." Ki'taye wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged gently. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He patted her on the back. "It's okay, Miss Ki'taye. You didn't do anything wrong." "But my people did. I'm sorry we caused you that pain." She sniffled a bit. "Please don't feel guilty. I found the guy who killed her. His death is repayment enough." She rested her soft, slender body against him. "I...I just..." She hesitated before she kissed his cheek. "I guess you're right." She let go of him and snuggled up close to his body once more. His hand eventually found it's way to her side. She could feel the humming start up again. "I am here for you," he sang softly. "To care for you. To cherish and worship you." He stroked her side gently. "I'm here for you." The sun woke her up the next morning. She yawned and sat up slowly, making sure not to disturb Aiden, and got out of the bed. She went over to the window and looked out at the open fields around the keep. She shut her eyes and warmed herself in the sun before turning and looking at Aiden. She saw the barely dressed human sleeping peacefully and sighed. This human... she thought. There is something different about him. I have never seen one this passive - this caring - in our custody. She went over and sat down on the bed. What are you hiding, Aiden? She caressed his cheek. What is your secret? "Hmm?" He opened his eyes and looked up at her. "Good morning, Miss Ki'taye." She smiled. "Good morning, Aiden. How did you sleep?" "I slept well. Did you rest well?" "Yes." She layed back down next to him. "I thank you for caring." He nodded. "Of course, Ma'am." She rubbed his chest gently. "There is no movement out on the front lines," she lied. "I am home all day." "I understand." He started to sit up. "What would you like me to do first?" She pushed him back down onto the bed. "Lay down, relax, and hum that tune you were humming last night." He smiled. "Of course." She rested her head on his chest as he started to hum. The vibrations calmed her curious soul and soothed her imagination for the duration of the song. She knew what the song meant to him, but it didn't matter. She knew that this would be one of the best chances she would get to try and understand him. The tune and the words meant a lot. But the pure spirit behind it meant more. It was worth it. End Aiden and Ki'taye are © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])>