The Midnight Son: Shortie by Lone Wolf The pair's journey had landed them in the middle of mountain territory. The season was getting late, ready to break into autumn at any moment. Their gradual ascent was getting harder because it was getting colder. Much colder. Kit stopped and groaned. "I can't go any further," she said softly. Starrunner turned and nodded. "We can set up camp here." A brisk wind blew through, chilling them to the bone. "We need to find a cave or something," she said. "We'll freeze out here." He looked around and dropped his pack next to her. "Try to rest here. I will go and find us somewhere to crash." She nodded and shut her eyes as he disappeared into the woods. She sat down next to the pack and pulled out a piece of deer jerky to chew on. Above her, in the trees, the critters of the night scurried through the branches and flapped through the air. Even though she had been on the road with Starrunner for a couple of weeks, all of the sounds and motion still gave her the jitters. She remained still, chewing on her jerky, and wishing for him to hurry up. She was slowly picked up. Her eyes snapped open and looked upward. She saw his face. He cracked a smile. "I found a cave we can use," he said softly. "Grab the pack and I will carry you." "Mmmhmm." Normally, she told herself. You'd get a smack in the face, Starrunner. But I'm in no mood to argue. She reached down and picked up the pack. It went over her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. He idly rubbed his cheek against hers. "We'll be there shortly. Relax." It got slightly warmer as he set her down in the cave. She slipped the pack off her back and rested her head on a rock. He quietly took the pack and started to unpack a number of things. She felt the warmth of the fire that was soon started and relaxed. Shortly after, she felt Starrunner pick her up. "Starrunner?" she asked. "Yes, Kit?" "Why are you picking me up?" "So you don't have to waste your strength." He set her down on a soft mat-her sleeping bag. "I'm sorry." She opened her eyes and looked up at him. "It's okay. You were only thinking of me." She rolled onto her belly. He smiled and sat down on his bedding, crossing his legs. "Tell me a story?" He chuckled. "A story?" "Yeah. Got any new ones?" "I'm sorry. I don't." "Aw..." She shut her eyes to think. "Well, would it be okay if you told me an old one?" He smiled. "I think it's all right." She smiled and crawled under the covers, getting comfortable. She so enjoyed his stories, especially the way he told them. He took a tiny tuft of grass that was growing out of the solid rock and tossed it into the flames, causing a slight flare. "This story, Kit, is about love. It's about two lovers who lose it, only to find it again..." She heard a child crying. She slowly opened her eyes and looked down on herself. In her arms was a small child, wolven child. She instinctually knew it was hers and cuddled it in her arms. The child quieted down and looked up at her. It was the spitting image of Starrunner. For some odd reason, however, it didn't bug her. "You look just like your daddy," she cooed as she gave the child a hug. She sat straight up in her bag. Her palms were clamy and cold and she was sweating heavily. She took a deep breath and looked at Starrunner. He was asleep, his shirt off and folded up on his far side, and his arms over his eyes. His scent filled her nose, enticing her out of her sleeping bag and over to him. "Starrunner," she said, giving him a gentle shake. "Hmm?" He uncovered his eyes and looked at her. "Is it morning?" "No...I...uh..." She sat down. "I had a wierd dream." "Praytell..." She described the dream, attempting to use as much vivid detail as he did when he told his stories. He nodded as he listened, and shut his eyes when she asked it's meaning. "I don't know." She shut hereyes and started to move away. "I'm sorry for waking you," she said softly. "Good night." He reached over and took her hand. "You okay, Kit?" She wanted to respond positively. She wanted to say yes, hoping it wouldn't worry him and he'd go back to sleep. But she couldn't bring herself to do it. She couldn't lie to him. "No..." He sat up slowly. "Anything I can do to help?" She sat back down. "I don't know." She leaned her head forward. "I just want to get back to sleep." "Would you like me to put some tea on?" "No! I thank you." "Then I don't know how to help you." He let go of her hand. "I'm sorry." She sighed and crawled back to her bedding. "It's okay. Thanks anyway." She curled up under the blankets and shut her eyes, ready to wrestle herself back to sleep. Moments later, she heard his bedding hit the floor next to her. She rolled onto her back and looked to see him kneeling beside her. "Is it all right if I parked myself here for the rest of the night, Kit?" She didn't know if it was his scent, or if she was lonely, or if it was a number of other things. But she smiled and nodded. "That would be nice." He nodded and laid down on the bedding. He tossed his blankets carelessly over his shirtless body and covered his eyes with his arms again. Out of instinct, he lifted his arms away, just in time to see Kit trying to get closer and comfier. She blushed horribly and backed off, ashamed of her actions. "Kit?" "Yeah?" He set his hands behind his head. "Go ahead." "Hmm?" "I saw what you were trying to do. Please...go ahead." "I-I don't think I..." "If it helps, do it." She started to move closer. "Is it okay?" He nodded. She slowly rested her soft hand on his bare chest. She felt a moment of exhileration, the feeling causing her breath to quicken. "Thank you." She rested her head on her pillow and shut her eyes. She could feel his arms wrap themselves around her protectively as she fell asleep. She heard the child crying again. She opened her eyes and saw the child in her arms once more. She smiled and hugged it, calming it down. "Shh..." she cooed. "Don't cry. Momma's here. Shh..." She felt a powerful set of arms wrap around her and her child lovingly. "Yeah, little one," Starrunner said soothingly. "Daddy's here too..." She smiled, even though it was just a dream, and nuzzled his chest. "Yeah. We're here." The shild smiled and giggled. She woke up to the scent - not of a male - of Starrunner. She nuzzled his chest, still believing she was in a dream, and got more comfortable. "Hmm?" She could feel his muzzle brush against hers. She cooed happily. "Kit?" "Yeah?" His hold on her got a little tighter. "What's gotten into you this morning?" She sighed. "Just a little dream," she said. "And a better understanding of myself." He rubbed her arms gently. "I take it you slept well." She rose out of his arms slowly. "I don't understand," she said. "But I was able to sleep better because I was with you." She looked at him. "I've never slept this well before, not even when I was at home." She blushed. "I'm ashamed to admit it..." He smiled. "But you want to do it again sometime," he said knowingly. She nodded sheepishly. "What brought THIS on?!" "Well..." Her voice grew quieter. "You ARE the only one I have left to trust and to call a friend. You did let me tag along and use your supplies, even though all I've been is a leech." She shut her eyes. "I don't know what this is...what I'm feeling..." "Kit..." He put his hands on hers. "You can bunk with me whenever you feel. Okay?" She leaned back against him. "That would be nice." He planted a soft kiss on the top of her head. "Why?" he asked. "Why what?" "Why am I falling for a beauty like you?" She nuzzled up against his chest. "Because you need somebody..." "I need somebody too..." End Starrunner and Kit are © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])>