Note from the author: Here's a random piece of writing to tide y'all over. Enjoy! L.W **************************************************************************** Training: Random Piece of Writing by Lone Wolf "The hell is going on?" the lupine flight squadron commander demanded. The com-link crackled with the sub-space interference. He had two assault jets on his back and his tail guns were out. "Damn it! I need backup now!" "I'm on it," his second replied. He jammed on a few of the buttons on his control panel. His radar popped on. The two jets were still there. Suddenly, they broke off. He hit the throttle, made a wide turn towards the closest enemy, and hit his lasers. Two orange beams flew from cannons on the bottom of his jet's chassis. The beam clipped the ememy's righ wing, sending the poor bugger into an asteroid. He exploded in a bright spray of sparks. "One down. One left." "Sir! Watch out!" his second shouted. He looked out the back of his cockpit and saw the second jet staring right at him. He made a quick maneuver to avoid the laser fire and made another wide turn. "Damn it!" He forced his jet into a wide turn. The enemy jet did the same. He chuckled and made a full 180, staring right at the enemy pilot. He couldn't tell what it was; the pilot wore a full helmet. He grinned and fired. The enemy pilot pulled on the control sticks and avoided the blast, flying straight up. It pulled off a full turn and flew straight down at the squadron commander. The commander watched patiently. He couldn't avoid getting smashed into. Suddenly, the enemy jet was hit with laser fire and exploded. The commander's ship was pelted with debris. "The hell was that?" "That was me sir," his second replied. He chuckled. "Come up along side my ship. Let's get this over with." The other ship came up along his. He looked over to the pilot. The young vulpine looked over to him, smiled, and gave a peace sign. He chuckled. "Ya did good my dear." "You didn't do too bad yourself hot shot!" Suddenly, everything around them grew fuzzy. The black of space and the planets started to de-materialize. They went all blurry and, literally, turned into a bunch of out-of-focus squares. Then it all went white. The top of their cockpits popped open, revealing a couple of their fellow crew members awaiting them to get up. They got out and looked about. "The sims take a lot out of you," the vulpine said. "Yeah. What time is it?" the lupine asked, his tail swaying uneasily. "Not bad," the technician sitting at a control panel said. "You both lost your rear guns early on and spent all of your missiles, but were able to handle the entire squadron." His long, scaly tail whipped at the floor. "You two may be ready for the real thing some time." The lupine chuckled. "Yeah, whatever. This is just the manditory training. We don't plan on any space fights anytime soon." The vulpine nodded her agreement. "Yeah. Where's the fun in that?" She grabbed her companion's arm. "C'mon! Let's go grab some lunch!" The lupine chuckled. "Sure." They walked to the door. He nodded to the technician. "See ya tomorrow."