A Mage's Error: A Spur of the Moment Thing by Lone Wolf "Fire..." the tigrin apprentice mage whispered. He brought his hand across to his opposite shoulder. A small red glow started to eminate from his palm. "Fire..." he whispered. The glow got brighter. His eyes were closed, his concentration deep. "IGNITE!" He snapped his eyes open and threw his palm out. The glow shot out in a bright bolt, hit a large rock, and exploded in a massive fireball. He took a few deep breaths. "You have the basic spell down pat," an old voice told him. He turned and looked at the lynx who stood behind him. The lynx wore royal purple robes, a sign of his high status at the mage's academy. "Now try to make two shots at once." The apprentice winced. He had never obtained the talent to be able to perform THAT spell. His orange and black striped tail flicked uncomfortably. "I will try sir." The lynx chuckled. "It was hard for me when I was your age. Don't worry yourself over it; you will learn. Now, do it as I told you." The tiger nodded and turned back to the scorched rock. He tried to remember what his teacher had taught him and closed his eyes. "Fire..." he whispered, bringing his first hand up to the opposite shoulder. "Fire..." He brought his other hand up to his other shoulder. "Fire..." Both palms eminated the reddish glow, which progressively grew brighter. ~I'm actially doing this!~ the apprentice thought. He brought both hands together, forming a triangle with his fingers and thumbs. "Fire..." he chanted. The glow flared up. His eyes snapped open and he held both palms out at the large boulder he blasted earlier. "HA!!!" He winced. He had given the wrong command! ~Oh no!~ he thought, believing the spell would fizzle out. Oh, how he hated it when smoke eminated from his palms. It was an itch he couldn't get rid of for some hours! The glow flared up again. Instead of fizzling out, however, it forced his hands to aim at the ground. The glow fired out at the ground. It hit and ignited into a small, one foot collumn of flames, which flew out at the rock. It hit and exploded in a spray of color. The apprentice and his teacher were foced to cover their eyes. When they looked again, the rock was split in half. "What was that?" the lynx asked. The tiger, too stunned to move, didn't respond. The lynx went up to his side. "That rock was solid adamantite. It is impossible to break with such a spell!" "I...I'm sorry sir," the tiger replied. The lynx chuckled. "You did nothing wrong. You've actually done quite well." The tiger gave a confused look. "You've far mastered the double fire spell, but you've powered it up." He pointed to the trail the pillar of fire had left. "You, my boy, have discovered a new spell." The tiger chuckled. "So it wasn't a bad error?" "No it wasn't. Now, try that again."