At Play: An unexpected piece by Lone Wolf It was about four in the afternoon. Vincent, a teen otter, was at his favorite spot in the woods, Krystal Lake. Oh how did he love it at that time in the afternoon. It was about the only time that the lake wasn't bustling with one form or another of chaos. It was, at best, serene. He was under his favorite elm tree, laying down, relaxed, and half asleep from the soft chirping of some sparrows up in the trees. The late noon sun beat down on his soft, brown fur. For a late September afternoon, it was heaven. His attention was caught by some splashing. He sat up and looked to see a graceful crane landing on the water's surface, as if it were an ice dancer. He chuckled to himself and watched the magnificent creature do a little fishing for itself. The crane caught it's dinner and took off, just as smoothly as it had landed. He watched in utter amazement. There was some more splashing. Figuring it was another waterfoul, he turned back to the lake. Instead of seeing what he was hoping for, he was drenched as someone surfaced. "Ah jeeze!" he said aloud. "I just dried these off!" He heard a giggle. "I'm sorry," a femanine told him. "I didn't know." He chuckled. "Jodi! What did I tell you about surfacing when I'm trying to relax?" Jodi, the otter that lived next door, flicked some more water at him with her tail. "C'mon you. It's the perfect time for a swim!" "Nah, I dun think so. I'd perfer the peace you interrupted. Sorry." He stretched and layed back down. "Oh, you're no fun!" She flicked some more water at him. "An' you mean to tell me I'm skinny dipping for nothing?" He chuckled. "Jo, the only thing you do is skinnydipping." "Well, true, but I wasn't planning on doing that until I saw you. Too bad, eh?" "Too bad indeed," he muttered to himself. He took his wet jean jacket off and hung it up on a tree. All he had left was a pair of shorts, which he told himself he could survive. "I still don't know how you can be so energetic." She rested on the side of the lake. "Well, I just think of life as a big part in a play and, well, make my part fun." He chuckled. "So you're always at play by nature?" She got out of the water and sat down next to him. "Of course. What'd you think?" "I've always thought you were nuts." She chuckled and gave him a soft punch in the arm. He grabbed her hand and smiled. "You really want me to go skinnydipping with you?" She nodded. "All right, if you insist." He hung his shorts next to his jacket. "So much for rest and relaxation."