Runner: Shortie by Lone Wolf ~How they run, into the midnight sun~ The midnight sun was out that night, lighting her way down the abandoned stretch of highway. The moonlight reflected off the pools of water that littered the asphalt plain. Padded feet stepped through it all as the white figure traveled onward. A light wind blew through her fur, chilling her slighly, and making the tears that ran down her face slow. She stopped for a moment, resting on a piece of busted railing. She leaned her head forward and sighed softly. Her stomach quaked, not having seen food for a long while. She held her guy and whimpered. The hunger was growing, becoming a strong force in her flight. "Are you okay?" She jumped back at these words. She spun around to face the one in her company. "Wh-what do you want?" She looked at the wolf standing there, watching her carefully. "Calm down," he said, his voice not threatening in the least. "I'm not going to hurt you." The nub of flesh that sat where his ear was supposed to be flicked as he went to his knees before her. "What do you want?" Her stomach growled. She wimpered again. "Here." He pulled a bundle from his backpack. "You need this more than I do." She hesitated a few moments before taking it. She discovered the half a sandwich that was carefully wrapped up and smiled. "Thank you." She took it up and devoured it, licking the bits of mustard that had ventured onto her fingers off. "You are too, too kind." "You needed it." He brought his knees up, resting his head on them. "Praytell, why would you be out here at this time of night?" She turned away. "I...I don't want to say." "Okay. You don't have to. I'm not forcing you." Her tail swayed uneasily. "What's your name?" "Hmm?" She looked up at him, fear dancing in her eyes. He offered her his hand. "It's okay. You can tell me." She slowly took it. He smiled and gave it a gentle squeeze, as if to say it was okay. "They call me Kit." She smiled. "And what do they call you?" "I have....adopted the name Star Runner." He smiled. "You have a very lovely name, Kit." "Thank you. Your name is just as nice." She yawned. "You're tired?" She nodded. "Need a place to rest?" "Do you live around here?" "In a manner of speaking..." He stood up. "Please, come with me." She stood up slowly and leaned on his arm as he walked. He led her to a clearing. A modest sized tent, big enough to be considered half of a guest room in most houses, was set up. She stopped short. "You live in a tent?" "Yeah," he said, moving towards it. "I have to stop at night while I travel." She smiled. "How long have you been travelling?" He ran a hand across the scar on his face and shut his eyes. "Five months next week." "Oh..." She could detect the pain in his voice. "I'm sorry for asking." "Ah it's okay! No harm done." He slipped over to the tent. "I have a spare bedroll. If you wish, I will let you use it. I also give you my word that, if you take it, I will keep to myself while you sleep." She nodded. "Thank you." He nodded and slipped inside. She started to follow, but stopped as soon as she was close to it. She started wondering why he was being so nice. A harsh wind suddenly whipped up. She realized that taking her chances with him would be better than opening herself up to the elements. She woke up the next morning refreshed. Her nose was filled with the scent of a male. It enticed her enough to sit up. She rubbed her eyes and looked towards the sent. Star Runner was laying there in his bedroll, a shirtless form, his arms rested over his eyes. She smiled. "He kept his promise," she told herself. "That's a good sign." He started to move. She quickly laid back down and turned her back towards him. He muttered something and got up. She could feel him step over to her and watch for a second. She faked her sleep well enough. Moments later, he was out of the tent. She remained in her bedroll, listening. "Almost five months," he said aloud. "Five months since you blew them up." She crawled out of the bedroll and peeked out. His back was to her. He had no clue she was watching. "I wonder if they're still looking for me. Heh, damn buggers probably think I'm across international borders by now." She remembered vaguely a newspaper article of a young male who had blown his house and his family up. She crawled out and started to him. "Good morning," she said quietly. He jumped and spun around. "G-good morning." "Was it you?" "What do you mean?" His eyes flickered with fear. She nodded. "You were the one who blew his family up, weren't you?" He nodded silenlty. She knelt beside him. "The police would love to get their hands on this information." "Please..." He fell to his knees. "Don't tell anyone." "I...I can't." She sighed and turned away. "Why?" "They want me, too..." She could feel his hand on her shoulder. "They want me for slitting my father's throat." "That's why you were out." She nodded slowly. He hesitated before pulling away. "I'll go." She got up and started away. He reached out and took her hand. "No. You shouldn't have to go." She turned and looked at him. "We have a lot in common, Kit. It would be best, perhaps, if we stick together. I wouldn't mind a traveling companion." "I...I don't want to be a bother..." "Don't worry. You won't be." He smiled. "Nobody should have to travel alone." She smiled a little. "Really?" He nodded. "Okay. I will join you, Star Runner." "You are more than welcome in my presence." He gave her a soft hug. "Welcome." She hugged back. "Thank you." A new day had dawned. A new friendship had dawned as well. End This material is © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])>