Edge of Forever: Shortie by Lone Wolf He had a great view of the ocean from his place on the sea cliff. The scent of the salty air filled the young kitsune's nose. He took a deep breath, enjoying it completely, before fixing his kimono and kneeling. He shut his eyes and laid his katana in front of him. "I have failed to avenge you once again, sensei," he said softly. "Please forgive me." He bowed his head to the setting sun and let it hang there. The gentle wind blew through his fur and hair, forcing a sigh out of him. He opened his eyes again and looked out to the sea. He knew how miserably he had failed. He had the perfect opportunity to slay his sensei's murder. But he couldn't bring himself to draw blood. "Maybe I'm not cut out for this lifestyle," he said. "Maybe I was not meant to be a swordsman." He looked at his katana, a well crafted blade his master had named "Firetail". It was an unusual name, really. It wasn't traditional. He shut his eyes. "Why can't I do this?" "Because you're weak." He shot to his feet, grabbing the handle of the blade and spinning around. The blade made a satisfying whine as it sliced through the air. He leveled the blade in front of him, ready to defend himself. The dark figure laughed. "Interesting," he scoffed. "You can pull yourself to gether and fight me, but when it comes time to kill me, you cannot." The wolf pulled his hood off, revealing the long scar running across his face. "Foolish boy. Don't you know you can't kill me." "I know," the kitsune said. "But I'll keep trying until I can bring myself to do it." The wolf frowned and drew his own blade. "Young, inexperienced fox." He held it in front of him. "I'll teach you the harsh realities of life." He growled and charged, swinging his sword over his head. The kitsune easily stepped aside and blocked it. "Very good," the wolf growled. "You can defend." "And attack," the kitsune responded. He brought a foot behind the wolf and pulled it, sending the wolf onto his back. He put that foot on his chest and leveled the blade on the wolf's muzzle. A pain shot through his arm. It wasn't big enough to hinder him from doing the wolf in, but he knew what it was. He slowly drew his sword back and stepped off. "Just leave me alone," he said. "I don't need you taunting me." He took a few steps and looked out at the sea. It was like someone out there didn't want him to carry out his act of revenge directly. "Just...just go." The wolf slowly stood. "Hmph, just like your sensei," he chuckled. "Too weak to kill when he had the chance. That's what made him such and easy kill." The kitsune's head shot up. "What?!" "That's right. He had me pinned like you just did. And just like you, he refused to kill me." He chuckled. "The old fool turned his back on me. I just took the opportunity." He slowly stepped behind the kitsune and held his sword high. "Just like this!" He brought the sword down with a swing. "No!" The kitsune swung his katana, blocking the falling blade and sending the wolf back a little bit. "You...you...treacherous..." He took a step forward. A cloud of dust swirled up around him. The wolf slowly backed up, stumbling to his feet and drawing his sword into a defensive position. "Give me your best shot!" he howled. The kitsune brought his katana to his side. The wolf watched in amazement as his kimono and tails started to sway like they were in a strong wind, though the wind was calm. "What's the matter, child of treachery?" He held the sword in both hands. "I understand very little about this world. But this is one thing I realize..." He gave a powerful cry and charged. He gave the sword a mighty swing, creating a gash on the other side of the wolf's muzzle. "I realize that, if I'm going to kill you, it'll be in battle." "Damn idiot," the wolf growled. "You don't realize what you're getting yourself into." The kitsune stepped back. "Well?" "Come on. It's your time." That enraged the wolf. He held his sword above him and, with an unearthly howl, charge the kitsune. "Die." The kitsune stepped forward and held his sword out. The wolf, unable to stop himself, ran into it. He gasped, his sword falling from his hand and onto the ground. He slowly looked down at the wound in his stomach, then at the kitsune, completely amazed. "Go to hell." He twisted the sword and pulled it out. The wolf slowly fell back, dead. The kitsune sighed and wiped his blade off with the traditional cleaning paper his sensei had given to him. "So that was the secret all along," he told himself. He looked at the dead body and sheathed his katana. "You have taught me well, master. Thank you. You are avenged." He slowly turned back to the sea and offered a small prayer. "We shall meet again, sensei." He walked away slowly, looking at the fallen body once more and wondering why it had to be that way. End This material is © Lone Wolf and <([Lone Wolf Studios])>