Three: The StarRunner came to a halt in the spaceport. It's engine cooled down, allowing them to open the hatch and get out. The spaceport itself was far more advanced than they thought and, as they weren't expecting, far more advanced than anything they had been in. They didn't have time to marvel at the sights, however. They were met at the end of the exit walkway by Eric. "It's good to find those who are, for once, with us in the universe," he commented as they approached. "Welcome to Oasis." "Oasis?" Benjamin asked. "That is the name of our city. We're on a desert planet now." "That explains the robes," Jacob commented. "Well, that too. We'll be getting you three some nicer clothing than the ancient stellar council uniforms. But first, I need you to come with me. We need to find out how much you've missed. Just follow along." He started towards the exit of the spaceport. The three looked at each other, shrugged, and followed him. Oasis appeared to own up to it's name. The place was teeming with life, be it the merchants, or the livestock, or the villagers. They were amazed at how the entire Stellar Council had seemingly been reduced to this small village of people. "We have survived here for generations," Eric explained. "Just barely, however." "Barely?" Benjamin asked. "Barely? You people have a full fledged city here! You don't seem to have any worries. How can you say barely?" He blinked. "You have been out of the flock, haven't you?" He shrugged. "Well, I can't blame you for that. Let's get you something other than those stale uniforms. I believe I have some spare robes in my home." "No...we're okay." "But I insist. Come." He veered off his path to a building. They couldn't stop him, so they were forced to follow. "Welcome to my humble abode," Eric said, opening the door. "Please, make yourselves at home." he went into the back room, allowing the three visitors to look around. "My," Jacob said. "This place isn't too...oh what's the word... luxurious." "Mind your manners, Jacob," Benjamin warned. "He's giving us the privelage of being in his....home." He sat down on a wooden chair. "Although I would like to have the benefit of having a cushion under my butt when I sit." "Yeah yeah." Jacob sat down on -well, what he ASSUMED was- a couch. "They do have cushions, but not on their chairs." Ashley looked around. "He's made quite a niche for himself. It's pretty homely in here." "Thank you m'lady," Eric interrupted. He approached the three with robes. They weren't like his; his was crimson. The robes he held were blue. "Please. Take these and change. I promise you they will be more comfortable than what you are wearing now." Ashley took one of the robes up and gave it a look over. "Interesting robes, Eric. They feel silky. What are they made of?" "'s a silk/titanium thread mixture...I think." Benjamin quirked a brow. "Titanium threads?" "Yes. We create some of the threads out of titanium. It makes them stronger and more useful when we have to defend ourselves." "Defend yourselves?" Benjamin inquired. "From the Sovs." "The Sovs?" "They are the descendants of the old rebellions back on the original stellar council's homeworld. They are adept at the construction of starships and weapons for those ships." "So that's why you fired on us!" Jacob blurted out. "Unfortunately." "So you just walk around in these super tunics and let them shoot at you?" "They use swords and what not, actually. They know how do develope massive lasers and missile launchers for their ships, but when it comes to building hand held forms of these weapons..." "...They suck at it." "Exactly." "So you let them beat on you with their swords?" "Of course not! We defend ourselves with our own weapons." He pointed at the massive sword sitting on the mantle of his fireplace. "We will also arm you in case we have to fight while you are here." "Don't worry," Benjamin said, drawing his pistol from his belt. "We have our own weapons." Eric quirked a brow. "What is that?" "It's a hand gun. It shoots bolts of energy at our enemies." "Like a bow?" "Probably. But you can't retrieve the shots after you finish fighting." "Then how do you make the ammunition for it?" "You don't. It makes it's own." "Oh." He looked confused. "As a matter of fact, some new arms would work." He turned to the others and gave a wink. "Right?" "Yes," Ashley said. "It's best that we do." "All right. We will have to pay a visit to the armory. Please, change into your robes." Hesitantly, they took their robes and went off to change. "These robes are so comfortable!" Jacob said as he stepped from the room he was changing in. He was now garbed in a navy blue robe, the hood pulled back. "I figured the metal fibers would make you itch." "As a matter of fact, that's what the problem with some of the earlier robes was. We've perfected the manufaturing of the threads and their weaving with the silk strands." "I like 'em. Thank you Eric." "Jacob is right," Benjamin said, coming out of his room. "I wouldn't mind buying a few of these myself." He wore a hunter green robe. "Don't tell me they all come in dark colors." "No. Some of the male robes come in brighter colors. The female robes-" "Are aboslutely fabulous!" Ashley interrupted. She came out in a white robe, with the belt tied firmly around her waist. "I hope whoever owns this robe -your wife or daughter- doesn't mind me borrowing." Eric said nothing. "Eric?" "I'm sorry. Those were my wife's." "Were? What happened?" "She got killed in a Sov raid." "I...I'm sorry. I should go find another robe." "No. It's okay. Those have been collecting dust anyway." "Yeah," Jacob whispered to Benjamin. "Just like everything else on this planet." Benjamin returned the comment with an elbow. "Shall we get going? We'll take a stop by the armory and arm you people and then head to the main council chambers."