Stranger Lands: Shortie by Lone Wolf ~It's just another trial by fire~ "I think I'll turn in for the night." The young wolf got up from his seat and smiled weakly at his host parents. "I really can't thank you enough for this." The old bobcat and his wife returned the smile. "It's our pleasure." They pointed to the stairs. He nodded knowingly andwent up to his room for the night. The door clicked shut, breaking the otherwise untainted silence. He jumped a little. The only time he really heard a door click shut was when he was entering a bank in the city. "I'm certainly no country boy," he told himself. "But I guess I'll have to get used to it." The room was small, well kept, and cozy. It wasn't his hole in the wall back home. And it was very unsettling. He set his bag down and heaved a sigh. "What have I gotten myself into?" he asked the spectres.... *************************************************************************** The bus rolled to a stop. "Welcome to Middlebury," the driver proclaimed over the speakers. "Enjoy your stay." The young wolf yawned. "Last call for Middlebury!" "Oh shit!" He got up out of his seat and tried his best not to ram into everybody else as he made his way down the narrow pathway to the front of the bus. He looked to the driver and smiled. "Enjoy your day." "You too." It was an old habit, but a good one nonetheless. "The tag should have an L.W. on it." The bag attendant searched the bags in the bus' cargo hold. "I don't see it. Do you?" The wolf muttered a few words under his breath and started to search. And, lo and behold, there was his bag. It was sitting proudly on top of the other bags, boasting the tag with "L.W." printed in big, black letters on it. His tail swayed happily; the attendant didn't like him, that was obvious. But at least he didn't lose any of his valuable pictures. He grabbed the bag, pulled it out, and.... "Son of a bitch!" He rubbed the back of his head. He had hit it on the door. The attendant looked at hin and chuckled. He let go of a warning growl and walked away from the bus. "Hi!!!" The high pitch voice popped up suddenly. It caught him off guard (which is, quite frankly, a bloody understatement) and forced him six feet through the air. He stumbled a little bit on his landing, as was standard for his species, spun around, and prayed that he was safe. "Hi!" the otter repeated. She smiled and extended a friendly hand. He took it hesitantly, unsure if she was honestly goodwilled or just plain faking it (his experiences in the city taught him about that). "I'm Ellie Mae," she continued. "What's your name?" "Eh...everyone just calls me L.W." "All right! L.W. it is!' She let go of his hand. "So you must be tired!" "Actually, no. I've got a lot of stamina." She blinked. "Oh." She sounded disappointed. "Well then, I bet your hungry." He licked his lips at the thought. He hadn't had anything to eat since the McDonalds back in Albany. He longed for another taste of a Big Mac. The otter smiled galey. "Aha! I was right!" She turned to a bobcat who was with her and motioned that he come over. "L.W., this is Tom. You'll be staying with him tonight. Tom, show him around and get him something to eat." "Okay," tom replied. "C'mon, I'll show you the town." He took a deep breath. They were driving through town, the windows rolled down. His senses, which he usually had in check, were now working full blast. He picked up many of the country smells he wasn't used to. Fresh cut grass was one of them, something he found frightenly nice. He could smell the streams out somewhere. And he could NOT detect the usual smells of the city: the exaust of cars, the stink of the bums, and so on. His eyes were also treated to something nice; the sun was getting ready to set. The car rolled onto a college campus. He quirked a curious brow as they rolled to a stop in a parking spot. "Here we are," Tom said as he opened his door. "The Grille." "Dude, this looks like a campus." "It is. The Grille is inside." "Ah." He stepped out of the car and attempted a look around. Tom stopped him, however, with a grab of the shoulder and a tug. He was amazed to find that the Grille was just what it sounded like. It was a two level club. The bottom boasted a juice bar, which was obviously well stocked and well visited. He could see that the seats were all but taken. Although he couldn't see the top level, he could make out the smell of all sorts of meats, cheeses, and sauces cooking. He didn't hesitate as he followed Tom up a flight of oaken stairs (he knew that because of, what else, his sense of smell). As he hit the top, he saw it: a semi-fast food joint. A sign proclaimed in big, sky blue neon lights: the Grille. "Go ahead and order what you want," Tom told him. "It's on me tonight." "All right." He looked over the chalkboard menu and quirked a brow. "What the hell is a panther burger?" "To be honest, I don't have a clue. Never had the guts to order one." "Well, if you don't know what it is, I don't want to be the one to find out." He approached the clerk and ordered something he was familiar with. The clerk handed him a beeper and told him to wait. "I'll go snag us a table, okay Tom?" "Sweet!" He grabbed a table by the railing. He sat down and looked over the small pit area that was set up. Three pool tables sat there, one of which was occupied by a muskrat and a skunkette. They were entwined in a game of pool, playing as if they were in one of those old gangster movies. He chuckled to himself as he watched the skunkette. They all seemed to have such great figures. That coupled with the fact they're always fun to hang out with.... "What's so funny?" "Hmm?" He turned to the one addressing him. She was an easy 5'8" of red and white fur. Her busy tail hovered just above the ground, swaying lightly from side to side. Her two, black tipped ears perked straight up. He gave a quick smile to the vixen. "I was just thinking to myself." "Oh." She smiled. "Is this seat taken?" He shook his head and she sat down. "So, I haven't seen you around. What are you doing here?" "Waiting for Tom to order." "You're a friend of Tom's?" "Actually, he's staying the night at my house." Tom sat down with the two. "He's here for the conference." He chuckled. "L.W., this is New Girl Donna. New Girl Donna, meet L.W." They shook hands. "You're gonna love the conference, L.W." He smiled. "Probably." "Great! So, tell us about yourself...." **************************************************************************** He got up from his seat at the edge of the big, soft bed and stretched. "I shouldn't have to worry about this," he muttered. "I'm here to enjoy myself." He fumbled with his swatpants. He fumbled with his sweatpants and made his way over to the head of the bed. A chuckle escaped him. "After all, I have been in weirder situations." "Hey, L.W.!" Tom called from behind the door. "You okay?" "Yeah. Good night." "G'night." he heard another door click shut; Tom had retired for the night. He shook his head and got into bed. He reached for the lamp, but stopped. The plaroid that he'd gotten earlier stared up at him. The three figures smiled, arms around each other, right in front of the Ben & Jerry's shoppe: Tom, Donna....and himself.... **************************************************************************** The car stopped in front of the shoppe. "You'll absolutely love this place," Donna told him. "We'll break your Ben and Jerry's virginity!" He chuckled. "You've got such a way with your words, don't you?" She blushed a little and got out of the car. He followed. The air reaked of what he was hoping wasn't cow pies. He choked a little and made his way for the shoppe. "Boy," he said in an exaggerated voice. "This air sure does wonders for your sinuses." He gagged a little. "Don't worry," Donna told him, grabbing his arm. "It'll smell sweater inside." She tugged his arm and he followed her in. Cow spots! There were cow spots all over everything! The small quarter ride, the merchendice, the register, even the hat that the clerk wore had the white and black pattern on it! He shook his head, trying to clear his head of any thoughts he had. "This is where I work," Donna explained. "I think I can get you something on the house." He nodded weakly. "Let's just see what you've got here." He looked at the menu and was instantly confused. There were your standard flavors - vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate - and then there were your...ahem... unconventional flavors - Funky Monkey, for example. "I'm not sure..." "Oh, don't let the names confuse you. Here, let me explain everything." She then spent the next five minutes explaining everything, which blew his mind even more. "So, what do you want?" "Eh...I'll play it safe." He approached the clerk. "I'll have one of your Strawberry Kiwi fruit smoothies." The ferret winced. "Fruit smoothie, right?" L.W. nodded. The ferret winced again and went over to a blender. He pulled a book from under the counter and started to look something up. L.W. wanted to appologize right then and there, but kept to himself. "It's that flap of paper right there," Donna told the ferret, pointing at a long piece of paper. The clerk shook his head and read it. He prepared the dessert and handed it to L.W. "It's on us," he told him. L.W. smiled and nodded his thank you. He took a sip. His eyes watered. That was the first - and LAST - time he ever had a smoothie.... **************************************************************************** His hand forced itself away from the lamp and picked up the picture. "Yeah," he muttered. He got up and shuffled to his bag. A quick tug on the zipper revealed a plain, blue folder. He opened it and placed this new picture with his others: his other memories. "Four days to make new memories. I'm gonna make the best of it." He crawled back into bed. He layed on his back and looked straight up. "Good luck, ol' boy." He reached for the lamp. "My journey begins here." End This story was based on the real life events that took place on May 16, 2001. Not everything is true, however. Try to figure it out youself! :) This story is dedicated to Phillip Baruth. Without his suggestion to do this, the story wouldn't be here today. Thanks! Tom is based on Dan Tomaino. Donna is based on "New Girl" Hannah. Can't remember her last name to save my life. Sorry Hannah! L.W. is, of course, my property. Don't touch!