The Flute: Shortie by Lone Wolf ~Come in out of the darkness...~ It was a beautiful spring day. The perfect weather to just sit under a tree and enjoy a picnic lunch. That's exactly what the young fox decided to do that day. She packed herself a meal and a little extra, just in case she ran into her friends. The spot for her meal, she chose, was the old apple tree, whose blossoms were always beautiful. It was the best place to enjoy herself. She polished the meal off quickly, disregarding any and all manners. Nobody was around, so it didn't matter if she acted like a proper woman or a total slob. She set her stuff aside and leaned back on the tree, wrapping her soft, bushy tail around herself. She took a deep breath. The sweet smell of the apple blossoms filled her nose, giving her a sense of peace. She closed her eyes and listened to the wind. But there was something else on the wind. It was a soft music, probably that of a flute. What was strange, though, was it seemed like it was close. She pulled herself from her comfortable seat and looked around. She could see nobody else. Curious, as well as a little fearful, she peered around the tree. Sitting there, with a small, wood flute in hand, was another fox. He wore a simple, blue tunic, whitish canvas pants, and boots. His glasses sat on the edge of his nose, threatening to fall off at the slightest gust of wind. She blushed a little as soon as she realized she was checking him out, but chose not to disturb him as he played. She listened quietly as he continued the enchanting melody. And when he finished, she started to clap. "That was wonderful," she told him. He smiled and fixed his glasses. "I suppose you've been listening to me play all this time." "Yes. I didn't know that you were there, however. I only came to enjoy a small picnic lunch." He licked his lips. " wouldn't happen to have a spare sandwich or something." "I'm not sure..." "I'd gladly continue playing if you could give me something to munch on. I haven't had anything to eat in a while." She smiled and, remembering the spare food she kept in case she ran into friends, pulled a sandwich from her basket and gave it to the stranger. He smiled and ate it hurridly, not bothering to savor the taste. He took a few more minutes to let it settle in his stomach before taking the flute up again. He put it to his lips, put his fingers on the appropriate holes, and blew out a few random notes. She giggled. "Not bad." He smiled. "I'm just warming up. So sue me." He puffed out a few more notes before readying himself.He took a deep breath and started to play. The melody was as enchanting as the last one. It wove a soothing blanket over her. Again, she wrapped herself up in her tail and listened. The song seemed to tell a tale. It made no sense, but at the same time, was the greatest story ever told. The song, coupled with the beautiful weather and the scent of the apple blossoms, lulled her to sleep. She woke up again around evening. The sun was just setting. She yawned and got up. "Thank you for the wonderful afternoon," she said. But there was no response. The flute player was gone. She sighed and picked up her things, ready to head home. But, as she lifted her basket, she found a note. Figuring the stranger left it, she took it up to read. "I come here whenever the weather is nice," it read. "Thank you for the meal. -Renard." She smiled and looked at the sky. The red of the sunset intermingled with the clouds, forming a beautiful scene. "I guess that I'll have to come here more often then." She smiled and left for home, wondering if the weather would be nice tomorrow. Perhaps, she hoped, she would get to hear that wonderful flute again.