Note From the Author, I've been meaning to get this up. The following story is the life story of one of my roleplaying characters, a 19 year old fox named Ukali. Enjoy! -L.W. **************************************************************************** Ressurection: A shortie By Lone Wolf 6 Months Before Escape The heavy iron door creaked open, bringing to light the dingy cell within. "Get in, slave," a guard growled, shoving a small figure in. The figure shuffled over to the cot that was there and sat down. As soon as the lock click closed, he let his battered body collapse onto it. Everything ached. His arms, his legs, even his arse was in pain. Every part of the young slaveboy screamed for sleep. He hugged his bushy tail, the only thing that didn't hurt too badly, and tried to drift into a peaceful sleep. The young fox wanted the world to leave him to rot in the cell. Some time later, the rusty lock opened and the door opened. His instincts told him to stand, but his body was in too much pain to do any moving. Two burly guards stomped into the small cell. "Get up," one growled. "Mistress Sara wishes to speak to you." The slave winced at these words. Evidently, his mistress still wished to play. He looked up wearily at the guards. "I am in too much pain to service her," he mumbled. "I wish to heal before I continue my duties. Please give her my apologies." The guards looked at each other. "Mistress Sara does not require your services. She would like to have a word with you." The slave remained still. "Look, it's either you get up or we give you a beating." The slave stirred. A beating would certainly be the death of him. He got to his feet, albeit weakly. "All right," he said. "I am coming." He took a few agonizing steps towards the door before his legs gave way. He collapsed into a mass of fur. The guards weren't about to disobey their Mistress. They picked him up and carried him through the halls to her door. The slave played dead, praying that she would take pity on him and leave him to some sleep. They eventually stopped. The guard who held him by his feet knocked on a door "Mistress Sara," he called. The door creaked open and a maned wolf, just about the slave's age peeked out. She saw the slave and gasped. "Oh my," she said. "What happened to him?" She caressed the slave's cheek with her soft hands. "He collapsed after we came to get him," the guard explained. "He was complaining about being in pain." "Yes, I think I was a little too hard on him today. Guess I won't strap anything on for a while." The guards chuckled. "Put him on my bed." The guards went over and layed him down on her bed. They bowed respectfully to Sara and left. The slave's hands did a little searching. He wasn't on the bed he usually was on. That one had hemp sheets. This one wasn't that bed; it's sheets were silk. I don't think I'll be working, he told himself. But why does she want me here? The faucet on the other side of the room turned on. He listened as something, probably a bowl, was filled. The tap shut off and something was placed by the head of the bed. Sara pulled him in that direction. He heard something going through water and then felt a wet rag get put on his forehead. Sara rested one of her soft hands on his bare chest. "Please be okay," she whispered. Curious to see what she would do next, he remained still. She sighed and rested her head next to her hand. Not wanting to go farther than that, he began to stir. She sat up and looked. He opened his eyes as if he were just waking up. "Hmm?" he mumbled. "Mistress!" He sat straight up. She put a hand on him. "Don't strain yourself. You're injured." "No. It's not right for me to be relaxing in your presence." "Not unless I tell you to. Now relax." She pushed him down onto the bed. He hit something, maybe a spring in the mattress, and winced in pain. "Mistress, I am in too much pain to give you pleasure. I beg of you, let me heal. I do wish to be of service to you, but I cannot in this state." Tears started to stream from his eyes. "Please." She brought her hand up to his face and wiped away some of the tears. "Look at me, young one." He shook his head. He didn't want to break the first rule of slavedom. She frowned. "That's a command." He also couldn't disobey a command. Slowly, hesitantly, his eyes trailed up to her face. His eyes darted back and forth, examining her red fur clad face. She smiled. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" He nodded, half relieved, half fearful of what would happen next. "W-what can I do f-for you M-mistress?" "I just need you to answer a few questions for me." "O-okay." She smiled and layed down next to him. He tensed up. "What would you say if I could get you better living quarters than what you're living in now?" He smiled. "I'd be ever greatful, Mistress." She dragged one of her slender fingers down his chest. He tensed up even more. "But what if you had to share it with someone?" "I'd still be greatful, Mistress." "What if it were me?" He blinked. "That would be crossing the line, Mistress, although I get the feeling I'm not going to get that choice." She smiled and kissed his cheek. He winced. "W-when do I move in?" "Tonight. You'll be sleeping here starting tonight." "W-where, Mistress?" She patted the bed. "Right in here. With me." That put his stomach into termoil. It twisted itself into knots. He grabbed his stomach and curled up. Sara sat up and looked at him. "What's wrong? Is your stomach all right?" He moaned in return. She got up and fetched a glass of water. "Here, drink this," she told him as she sat him up. He weakly took the glass. The cold rush from the water eased his pain. Sara layed him back down, resting his head on a pillow. "Rest," she said. "I'll have someone bring up something to eat." He nodded weakly and closed his eyes. Eventually, something was delivered. Sara sat him up. "Comfy?" she asked. He nodded. It quickly became apparent that she was going to spoon feed him. He personally didn't care; too much was going through his mind. She smiled and offered him a spoonful of soup. He gladly took a taste. It was, for one thing, warm, not like the usual cold turnip soup he was usually given. It also had an unfamiliar taste to it; it was kind of salty, but kind of sweet at the same time. "This is good," he said. "But I'm unworthy of it. I don't deserve this luxury." He looked at her. "Why do you grant me this?" She smiled and offered him another spoonful. "You've been so loyal to me," she explained. "I thought you deserved this." He licked his lips. "I am far too lucky to have you as my mistress." He raised a weak hand in a sign of respect. She smiled and took the hand in hers. "You'll remain here with me," she said. "I will nurse you back to health and I will try not to be so hard on you next time." She had a sort of honesty to her words. He chuckled. "I guess that means you won't be strapping anything on for a while, huh?" She laughed. "Oh you!" She leaned over and gave him another kiss. He smiled and took another taste of the soup. As she had said, he spent the night with her. He found the silk sheets disturbingly comfortable. He found her lace nightgown just as unfamiliar (he was used to being with her while she was in the nude). Her snuggling close to him was driving him insane. But what could he do? All he could do was wrap an arm around her. After a short time, he looked at her. "Mistress, can I ask you a question?" he said. She nodded, rubbing her head against him. "Why are you being so nice to me?" She looked at him. "Hmm?" "You're treating me more like a lover than a slave. Why is that?" "I already told you, it's because you're so loyal to me." "Okay." He looked up at the ceiling. "Can I please get the real answer?" She continued to look at him. "What are you talking about?" He sighed. "I know I shouldn't be saying this, but I don't believe you when you say that. I would like to know why you are treating me better than you should." She sighed and rested her head on his chest. "I will tell you, but you must promise to keep it a secret. Okay?" "I will." She sighed again. "I'm treating you like this because I think you're cute." He looked at her with a disturbed look on his face. She giggled. "You've got a sort of boyish charm to you. You've got a nice body for a slave and, well, there's something about you that I like." She took a deep breath. "There, I said it." He smiled and pulled her a little closer. "Is that what you really think of me? Then I am too lucky to have you for a Mistress." She smiled. "You are welcome. Now, let's get some sleep." "Just one more question, Mistress." "And that is?" "I don't know if I've ever had a name. Can you tell me if I have one?" She smiled and rested her head on his chest. "I've always called you Ukali. It means 'bravery.' And the way you go through all this, I'd say it fits you well. Now get some sleep." He smiled. "Yes Mistress." He sighed and closed his eyes. He instinctually got up early the next morning. He was feeling a lot better than the previous day. So he got up and shuffled over to the little stove on the other side of the room. He put a pot of water on for some tea for Sara and then went about his other duties. He made sure that everything was cleaned up, put away, etc. The pot began to whistle just as he was finishing up. He got a teabag, a cup, and the water, and brought it over to Sara. He set it all down on a tray by the bed's side. He gently shook her. "Rise and shine Mistress," he said softly. "Time for your morning cup of tea." She stirred a little. He shook her again. "Please wake up." She stretched and looked at him. "Good morning. How are you today?" "Much better. And yourself?" She smiled. "I'm doing fine." He handed her the cup and poured out the water for the tea. "Thank you, but why haven't you prepared anything for yourself?" "Because it's my job to serve, not be served." "Well, today we're gonna do something a little different. I want you to go get another cup and a second teabag." He raised an eyebrow, but did as he was told. "Now, prepare it as you would for me." He complied. "Now drink." He shook his head. "I can't." "Go ahead. I'm giving you that privelage." A sly grin crossed her face. "Or do I have to order you to do as I say again?" He shook his head and took a sip. "Thank you Mistress." She put her hand on his. "Please, call me Sara." "But it's not right for me to do that." She frowned. "They brought you up well, didn't they. Tell me, what is the golden rule of slavedom? The one they taught you." He sighed. "I was taught that listening to one's master was the most important thing to do." "I see. Does that include when a master asks you to do something in a certain way?" "That it does." "Well, that's exactly what I'm telling you to do." He raised a brow. "I want you to be informal with me. I don't want you to be so submissive. I want you to take a stab at what you want." She smiled. "Of course, freedom doesn't fall into that category." He sighed and took another sip of his tea. 5 Months Before Escape It took him a while, but he got used to the fact he was being treated better. The bed was becoming more comfy and a lot nicer to be in. He didn't really mind the fact that Sara (as he now called her) snuggled up to him at night. The morning, afternoon, and evening teas were soothing to him. Even his duties were becoming more enjoyable. He owed it all to his mistress. Everything he had been taught - all of the rules and ideals of being a slave - were being shattered. He was being reborn, in some abstract matter. But he was also coming to grips with one of the most inappropriate feeling any slave could have. He was growing attached to Sara. To be specific, he was falling in love with her. At first, he tried to ignore it; being with her was enough. But slowly, his feelings ate through him. He wished to have something more. But how would he be looked upon? It was late in the evening, around the time he usually gave Sara a bath. All it involved was sitting on the edge of the tub with only his feet in the water. He would give her a wash down, dry her off, and that would be the end of his service. He rarely entered the tub. The only times he would were when he dropped something that was out of his reach or when Sara requested it. When he first started his service to her, he absolutely hated this job. But now, through all of his time with her, he enjoyed it as much as she did. "Hold still," he told her as he put the washcloth to her back. "I'm gonna try to be gentle." She giggled and splashed him. He covered his eyes, smiled, and brought the washcloth down her back with a firm, yet gentle stroke. She cooed her approval. He did it again. This time, she leaned up against him (he was in the tub with her). Instantly, he dropped the washcloth and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Mmmmm," she cooed. "Your hands are so soft." He started to kiss the back of her neck. "Thank you for the compliment." She moaned a little bit as he continued kissing her neck. "You're in such an amorus mood today Ukali. What's on your mind?" "Can't I show you how thankful I am for all you've done for me?" She smiled and turned to face him. "It seems you've been doing that a lot lately. I think there's another reason." He hesitated. "I-I don't know if I should say...." She wrapped her arms around his neck. "It's okay, you won't be punished." He took a deep breath. "I think I've fallen in love with you." She pushed away a little. "You've....what?" He lowered his head in shame. "I know it's not right for a slave like myself to fall in love with his mistress. I couldn't help it! You're so sweet, kind, gentle, and very lovable. You've given me more love than I deserve. It was too natural for me to suddenly have feelings for you." He closed his eyes, expecting to be hit. He wasn't. Instead, Sara took his muzzle in her hand. "Is something wrong?" she asked. He turned his head. "I've done wrong," he squeaked. "I await your punishment." She shook her head. "I can't. I don't want to." "But I've misbehaved. You must." She sighed. "Do you really wish to be punsihed?" He nodded. Again, he expected to be hit. But no hit ever came. To his surprise, Sara gave him the most tender of kisses. "Ukali, I will keep your secret if you keep mine." "Ma'am?" She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his chest. "I think I love you too." The words were like hot arrows shooting through his chest. It wasn't a bad sensation, however. He now had a sense of purpose. He wrapped his arms around her lovingly. "I will be loyal to you forever, Mistress Sara," he whispered. She looked up at him adoringly. "Forever?" He nodded. "Forever." A tear came to his eye. She smiled and wiped it away. "Don't cry. You have no reason to." He shook his head and picked up the washcloth. "We should finish up her, so we can dry off and I can start the evening tea." He put it on her arms. She reached over and put her hand on his. She looked up at him and shook her head. "No, let's try something new," she said. She pulled the cloth from his grasp. "Go get our tea ready. Tonight, I would like to soak while I have my tea." She kissed his cheek and smiled. "You will join me, of course." He smiled. "Yes ma'am." They spend the latter part of the evening and a good part of the night in the tub, Sara nestling herself in his arms. It didn't matter to him. This was the happiest he'd ever been. He knew that it would get much worse real soon. But he would cross that bridge when he came to it. He was in way too much bliss (for a slave anyway). He didn't care that she owned his life. That meant nothing now. The happiness got to him, and tears started from his eyes. She saw this and put a hand on his cheek. "What's wrong?" He wiped a tear away. "I've always wondered what tears of joy were like." She smiled and kissed him. "You mean you've never been this happy before?" "No. I've been under too much strain to be happy. Well, up until now, of course." Sara sighed. That had hit home. "Um, Ukali.... I want to apologize for all that my family has put you through." "Don't worry. I'm not angry." He hugged her tightly. "You're all that I have. I can't be angry at you." She let her hand wander his chest. "What do you mean?" "All that I had before I came into service for you were my parents. They died two weeks before I was given to you." Sara fell silent. "It wasn't your family's fault. My father and mother didn't want to be slaves anymore and just.....left. I was broken up. But then I met you. You were all that I had, even though you use me for what you do. You've been the best family I've had." She smiled weakly and turned away from him. "Oh..." He sighed. "I shouldn't have said that. Forget I did, okay?" She nodded. He raised an eyebrow. "Wanna dry off and get ready for bed?" She nodded again. He kissed the back of her neck. "What's wrong?" She shook her head and pushed him away. "Please, tell me." She hoisted herself out of the tub. "Please, just dry me off and do my hair. I do not wish to talk about it." He got out after her. "Yes Mistress." She remained silent as he dried her off. She remained silent as he brushed her hair (unless, of course, he hit a knot, in which case she shouted "OUCH!!" followed by a string of unlady-like words). And she remained silent as they climbed into bed. It distubred him. "Mistress," he said. "Can I ask why you're being so silent?" She kept her back to him. "You know perfectly why I'm being quiet. Good night." He put a hand on her arm. "No, I don't. Please tell me." She shrugged him off. "Good night, Ukali." He kissed her cheek. "You're tense. You could use a backrub." Before she could answer, he rolled her onto her belly and started to massage her shoulders. It loosened her up and made her a little happier than she was. He eventually leaned over and kissed her cheek. "You sure you don't want to tell me why?" She rolled over and looked at him. "Yes, I'm sure." He nodded and layed down next to her. "All right. I cannot pester you about it. Good night Sara." She sat up. "Ghah! This nightgown's starting to bug me." He looked at her. "What do you mean?" "I think I grabbed a hemp gown instead of my lace one. I'm not going to wear it. But since my closet is closed for the night, I guess I'm stuck with it." She looked at him. "What do you think I should do?" "It's up to you Mistress," he said. "Do what is comfortable for you." She smiled. "If you say so." She got up, undid the buttons down her front, and removed the nightgown. "Much better," she cooed, laying back down. She snuggled her naked body up against his. "So this is what it feels like to be you," she cooed. "I must do this more often." His body quivered. Yes, he really did like that idea. "Good night Ukali." He smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Good night Sara," he whispered. He was more reluctant to get up the next morning than usual. Sara was still snuggled up close to him, her arm drapped across his chest. Her head rested comfortably on his arm. "I think you'll sleep late today," he whispered, combing the hair out of her face. She stirred a little before coming to rest again. Her eyes fluttered open. They trailed up to his face and a smile came across hers. "Good morning Ukali," she said. In that brief moment, if only for a second, he felt free. "Good morning beautiful," he replied, totally out of it himself. She got up and stretched. The early morning sun's lught hit her shapely body, making her reddish fur even more vibrant than it usually was. "How'd you sleep?" "I slept. That's all that matters." He sat up. "How about you?" She sat back down and gave him a kiss. "Thank you for the best night's sleep I've ever had." He blushed. "! What do you wish to do today?" "Oh, I don't know!" She fell back onto the bed, her hands behind her head. "I was hoping we could, you know..." He smiled nervously. "No, not that! I was hoping we could get a picnic lunch, go down into the garden, and just hang out." "Well, if that's what you want, then that's what we'll do." She smiled and got up. "Come with me," she said as she started to the window. He followed. "Tell me what you see out there." He looked. Everything took him by surprise. The hills, the trees, the early morning sky, everthing! He wanted to say beauty. He wanted to say something like inner peace. But all he could say was "empty freedom." She looked at him. "Why?" "I dunno....freedom would be nice and all, but I don't want to leave you." She laughed. "Let's go get ready!" 4 Months Before Escape The rainy season had just begun. Dark rain clouds loomed over the small keep, raining like no tomorrow. Everybody was depressed. Even Sara, who's personality could brighten even the darkest of souls, was too bummed out to do anything. All she would do was sprawl herself on her couch with her head tilted back. Ukali could only sit down on the floor beside her and wait for her to tell him to do something. After the first week or so, he came to the conclusion that HE would have to start something. The day after he came to that realization, he set his crude plan into action. Things had gone as usual: Sara got up, ate breakfast, and sprawled herself on the couch. Ukali had taken his seat down by her side and waited for the right moment. He waited until she was totally away from reality to take her hand. He pulled it closer to him and kissed it. She looked at him, wondering what he was upto. He continued kissing her, staying to the hand at first, but then trailing up her arm and towards her neck. She smiled, amuzed with his actions. "Ukali," she said as he reached her shoulder. "What are you doing?" He looked at her. "I dunno. You looked like you could use a little extra something." He passed her shoulder and started to kiss her neck. "Okay. So what made you decide to give me all these kisses?" "I dunno." He kept at it. She smiled. "What are you upto?" "Nothing. What makes you say that?" "Because you've never kissed me without my permission before. I think you've got a motive behind this." He sighed. "You've been really out of it lately. I thought this would turn you back into your normal, happy self." She smiled and kissed his cheek. "That would work if it were not raining and I was depressed. But it's not because of that. I'm just bored. There is nothing to do with the rains here." "Are you sure?" "Very." He stood up. "Well then, I'll have to figure out something to do." "You don't have to do that." "But I want to, and you cannot stop me from doing that." "But what if I command you to stop." She leaned her head back as he kissed her neck. "Not that I'm going to or anything." He chuckled. "I'd have to ignore your command then. I'm not going to let you sulk like this." She stretched a little. "Mmmhmm...." She rolled over onto her belly. His plan was working out better than expected. Her shirt was one of those things you laced up, so he easily undid it. He started to massage her back. "Ooh, that feels so good," she mumbled. He remained silent and continued. She reached over and took his hands. "Please," she said, bringing his hands down to her sides. "Right here." "Is that what you want, Mistress?" "Please?" He started to rub gently. "Oooh....that's the spot." He smiled and continued, dragging his fingers up and down her sides. She grabbed the couch as tightly as she could. Her breathing got heavier and she started to sweat. Finally, she lost contol. She launched herself at him, tackling him and sending him skidding across the floor. "Is there something I can do for you?" She kissed him. "You know," she said, drawing things into his chest. "Massages like that have always been a turn on for me." "Oh, I know." She giggled. "Were you purposely trying to turn me on, Ukali?" "I was only trying to put a smile on your face. This is something unexpected." She giggled and went nose to nose with him. "Well, you suceeded in putting a smile on my face. But you've left me turned on. So what are you going to do about it? We could always make love. Or maybe...." He kissed her. "If that is what you want...." She curled up next to him fifteen minutes later. She happily shared with him her smile. "That was so heavenly," she muttered. "Is this a dream?" He chuckled. "Far from it." She laughed. "Ukali, that was the best 15 minutes I've ever had." She gave him a peck on the cheek. "Thank you." He returned the kiss. "Please, think nothing of it." She nestled herself in his loving arms. "Please stay with me forever." "Of course. It's not like I've got any choice." Her smile faded. "That's not what I mean." "Well, what do you mean?" She started etching things into the carpet with her finger. "I'm going to be brutally honest with you. You've always been my favorite slave." She sighed and rolled over to face him. "But you've been so much more." "Huh?" "You've been my best friend. You've been a great lover." She chuckled. "Even though that's what you were trained to do. But you've always been there for me. I'm a little ashamed to be saying this....." He hugged her. "Don't be ashamed. Just say it. I'm sure it won't ruin what we've got." "Ukali, I want to spend the rest of my life with you." She caught his gaze. "I would love for you to be my mate." He turn pale. " really feel that way?" She nodded. "I...I don't know what to say. I'd like to, but I never really thought about it. I....don't think I can answer now." She sighed. "I understand. I should have never asked." He pulled her closer. "Don't say that. It's okay. You had the right to ask." She smiled. "And I didn't say I didn't want to. It's a good idea and all, but I would like to think about it for a little bit." "Okay." She kissed him. "When will you be ready?" He nuzzled her neck. "When I am ready." "I'll wait." Later that evening, they indulged themselves in a bath. His curious hands danced across her body, causing her to moan in delight. "Feeling any better?" he asked. She nodded and leaned against his body. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around her neck. " there anything I can do for you Sara?" "Yeah....I was thinking we could do something other than soak in this bath." She had a mischevious glint in her eyes. "Well, we can always make passionate love." Her eyes widened. "Really?" He smirked. "No!" She giggled and punched him playfully. "Don't do that!" He laughed. "Okay, I've had my fun. What would you like to do?" She let go of his waist and started to rub his white furred chest. "You know, I've always wondered why this fur was the softest." She hugged him. "I could just hug it all day." "I always thought that it was soft so someone who hugged me would be comfortable." She smiled. "That's a nice thought." She leaned up against him. "So you really want to be my mate?" "In due time, Sara." "But why not now?" He sank into the tub. "The a new one. I'm not sure I'd like to go through with it right away." She nodded. "Okay." He smiled. "And besides, if I become your mate, we wouldn't be able to have really casual sex as often as we do anymore." She laughed. "That's right." She straddled him and rested her head on his shoulder. "Wanna have really casual sex right now?" "If you want Sara. I cannot decide." "But I want you to decide." "But you're the mistress." She smiled. "Oh, you're good." She kissed him passionately, ramming her tongue down his throat. He pushed her back, choking. "Sorry." "It's okay. I should have been ready for that. It's my fault." She hugged him. "That's what I love about you. You always take the blame for my faults." He woke up around midnight. Sara had taken his arms and wrapped them around her. He carefully slid out of her grasp, trying not to wake her up, and got out of bed. He shuffled over to the window and took a look outside. He could see the moon and it's bright face up above. It cast a warm glow onto the valley, giving it a surrealistic look, but at the same time, made it look like one of the most beautiful places out there. He turned around and looked at Sara. The moonlight hitting her nude body gave her a certain radiance, a beauty he hadn't seen before. He sighed and turned back to the window. "What's wrong with me?" he mumbled. "I'm not supposed to be like this." He leaned on the window sill and sighed again. "I wish I knew why." "Ukali?" Sara's soft voice asked. "Is something wrong?" He kept his back to her. "Of course not Mistress. Go back to bed." "Ukali, please tell me." He didn't answer. She put a hand on his shoulder. "We're closer now Ukali. I can trust you with my feelings. Can you trust me with yours?" He sighed. "I don't want you to worry about me. I'm just a slave." "Ukali, look at me." He turned around. She looked beautiful lying down in the moonlight, but she was stunning standing. "Now tell me: do I look more like your Mistress or an average person?" He was shocked. "Sara...." She took his hand. "Answer my question." "You look like....the most beautiful average person in the world. But why-?" "Then I want you to treat me like an average person." "But I..." "Look at us. We're down to nothing but what was given to us when we were born. There is no clothes, or fancy jewlery, or anything that puts us into classes. At this level, we're equals." She wrapped her arms around his waist. "That's how I want you to treat me Ukali: as your equal. I don't want you as a slave. I want you as my friend, as my companion, as my lover." She brought her lips to his. He closed his eyes and pulled back. "I'm not sure. I dunno what to do." She hugged him tightly. "Say yes and come back to bed." "But...." "We'll cuddle." He smiled. "Okay. We'll go back to bed and cuddle." He didn't want to pass up an opportunity like that. 3 Months Before Escape It took him a month to get his thoughts straight and to gather himself on the idea. He made his decision and approached her with it out in the halls. "Sara?" "Yes Ukali? He scratched the back of his head. "You remember that discussion we had a month ago?" She nodded, a smile creeping across her face. "Um....yeah! I was thinking, maybe it's..." She wrapped her arms around him. "Oh?" Are you ready?" "More than ever." She nodded and turned to one of the guards. "Fetch the scribe." The guard nodded and left, returning with the scribe a short time later. "Your pleasure, m'lady?" "Yes, please take this to the records." He nodded and started to write. "Upon this day, I am setting this slave, whom I call Ukali, free." She took the ko'lar that was around his neck and popped it off. She looked him in the eyes. "You are now free." He smiled and kissed her. "I know." He took her hands. "Will you?" She hugged him. "Of course I will." She turned to the scribe. "Take this to the records. Today, I have chosen Ukali as my mate." The scribe, as well as the guards, were stunned. " were planning this, weren't you?" She nodded. "I shouldn't try to judge your decisions, but this is just plain wrong. It's your choice, madam. Will you be needing anything else?" "No scribe. You may go. And take the rest of the day off." The scribe smiled. "Thank you madam." He bowed and left to go file the two new pieces. The guards followed, dumbfounded. Sara giggled and looked into Ukali's eyes. "So," he said. "What do you want to do now?" She smiled. "Wanna go cement our relationship?" "Do fish swim?" She laughed and hugged him. "I don't care what anyone says. I made the right choice." They held onto each other after they finished. That was their moment. Nothing could spoil it. "So how does your first action as a free man feel?" Sara asked. "Um, would it be asking too much if I asked to do it again?" She laughed. "Of course not." She kissed him. "But we've got things to do. We should get dressed." She got up and picked up her clothes. He got up and helped her on with it all. Then he grabbed his pair of shorts and put them on. Suddenly, the door errupted in a heavy beating. "What's wrong?" Sara responded. "We're being invaded!" a paniced voice answered. "What?!" "There are troops storming our keep. They've taken-AAAGGGHHH!!!" Sara paniced. "We have to get out of here." Her response was the door shattering. Several troops stormed into the room, surrounded the two, and pointed spears at them. They stayed still, not wanting to upset the newcomers. Eventually, the soldiers stood at attention. They waited patiently. A young human woman, garbed in heavy armor, approached them. "Who are you?" Sara asked. The woman frowned and backhanded Sara. Sara fell. Ukali went to her side. "You okay?" he asked. Sara nodded. He smiled and looked to the woman. "What do you want?" The woman smirked. "You're spunky. You know that?" She snapped her fingers. Her soldiers took the two by the arms. "I'm your new mistress." She looked at Sara. "And I'm her new mistress too, fur face." "No!" Sara cried. The woman frowned and slapped her. "No!" Ukali shouted. He ripped free of the soldiers' grasps and charged their boss. He swung a fist, connecting with her face. In response, he was knocked in the back of the head. He fell to the ground and blanked out. When he came too, he found himself in a dank, dreary cell. It was bigger than his old cell, but not by much. His cot was also padded. "This is familiar," he muttered. "Too much like my old home." He heard a soft weeping in response. He looked around and saw Sara on another cot. She had her face burried into it. Her dress (if that's what you could call it) was in tatters. He went over to her and placed a hand on her back. She winced. "You okay?" he asked. She looked up at him. Her eyes welled and she grabbed onto him. "They beat me." He rubbed her back. "I'm sorry." "It's not your fault." "Yes it is. I should have taken it." "Oh, that's so sweet." The rusty lock opened and the door creaked open. A guard entered. "You, boy," he growled. "Come with me." Ukali looked at Sara. She smiled and nodded. He got up and walked over to the guard. The guard smiled. "You're smart to obey. Now follow me." Ukali was led to the conquerer. He remained silent during the trip, and as the guard presented him to her. She dismissed the guard and got up from her chair. She walked around him, examining his body. He remained still, keeping silent. She looked about every inch of him, obviously pleased with what she saw and finally said. "There's something different about you. I figured you'd be a little chunkier for a noble man." "I was a slave up until a half an hour before you conquered us, Mistress." "Oh, so you're trained. That makes things easier." He lowered his eyes. "What were you trained for?" "Pleasure." "Oooh....even better! I know what I'm going to do with you once I ko'lar you." She picked up a steel ko'lar and held it up to him. "Is there anything else you would like to say before I put this on?" "Two things, if I may." "You may." "First off, I'm mated." She blinked. "You mean you're taken?" "Yes." "Who?" "The woman that was in the cell with me before you called me up." "Oh, okay. I suppose you would like to stay with her during your period of service to me." "I would appreciate it." "Then it will be done. What was the second thing?" "She told me what you had your men do to her. I swear here and now, I will make you pay for it." She laughed. "I find that far fetched." She snapped the collar on. "Now that you're my slave, that could be punishable by death." She grinned evily. He lowered his eyes and waited for what he knew was coming. He was brought back to his cell. He staggered over to his cot and collapsed. Sara, who was huddled in a corner, immediately came over to him and started to rub his back. "What happened?" she asked. He remained silent. "Ukali?" He shook his head. "What happened?" He pointed to a spot on his back. There, burned into his flesh, was a mark. It was an eye in a circle. "That bitch." She hugged him. "I'm sorry." He nodded. She pulled her cot over to his and layed down on it. She held onto him. "So it begins." 1 Month Before Escape Ukali began to hate life again. His new Mistress, who he learned was named Evelyn, was a sadist. She did things to him that kept him in constant pain. He hated the fact she had a number of undesireable fetishes and a very kinky side. Every night, when he returned to his cell, he layed down with Sara and they cried. Sara had been assigned to hard labor. She was in just as much pain as before. Two months after their enslavement, they were no different. But tonight was different. "I've had it," Ukali said. Sara looked at him. "What do you mean?" "With this." He tugged at his ko'lar. "I've had it with being a slave. I cannot take it!" "I know. It's harder than I ever imagined it." He sat down next to her. "I've got a plan that might help us out of this. I think I can make us free again." She blinked. "What?! You mean..." She looked around, then whispered "Escape?" "Yeah. I've got it all planned out." They sat down on the bed. "In a month, Evelyn will be leaving for a meeting out of town. If I'm not wrong, my work will be non-existant. If we play it right, and go exactly by the book, we can use your knowledge of this keep to escape." "So what are we going to do?" He smiled and started to whisper into her ear, giving her the outline of his plan. 1 Week Before Escape They were up all that night, staring at the ceiling. They were, of course, nervous. They knew that if this failed, they were surely dead. Sara was beginning to have second thoughts. "Are you sure this is what we want to do?" "I'm sure. I'd rather be dead than to see you living in slavery." "That's sweet. But are you sure this plan will work?" "What could go wrong? You claim sickness. They take you to a room and request my presence. I pull some smooth words and slit a few throats and we're out of there. You know all the hidden passages through this keep. You can lead us out." "All right, if you say so." He hugged her. "If we end up getting torn from each other, I want you to know that I'll always love you. I will never forget the good time we've had." She smiled and kissed him. For the first time since their enslavement, they made love. The Day of the Escape: The plan was going off without a hitch. Evelyn was long gone when Sara claimed illness and was brought to a room. She asked for Ukali, who was promptly sent for. As the guard escorted him to Sara, Ukali removed the dagger that hung at the guard side and hid it in his shorts. When they reached the chambers, the guard turned to him. "You have 10 minutes," he growled. "Enjoy." Ukali nodded and went in. They were alone, save for a doctor. Ukali locked the door, snuck up to the doctor, covered his mouth and slit his throat. As soon as the doctor fell to the ground, Sara got up. "Where's the hidden exit here?" Ukali asked. Sara stepped over to a painting and pushed one of the corners. A door opened. "It leads to the stables," she said. "Follow me." She started down the tunnel, Ukali close behind. He only stopped to close the pannel behind him. It took them maybe five minutes to find the exit, which was in one of the stables. A Redfox Friesian was there, and only gave them a soft look as they came out from behind his trough. "Where do we go from here?" Sara asked. "You're the horseriding expert," he replied. "Get this one ready and we'll ride him out of here." They suddenly heard shouts from outside. "We've been caught. Let's go." Sara quickly jumped up onto the horse's back and helped Ukali up. She had only reigns on the animal, so she gave that a quick snap. The horse backed out and started out of the stable. The guards saw then and approached. Sara snapped the reigns again and the horse took off full speed towards the exit. "Close the gates!" a guard cried. The started to close it, but the two squeaked by. They were home free. They avoided the peppering of spears and made it into the woods. The Day After Escape They had made it some ways away from the keep. They were happier than ever. "You know," Ukali said. "I bet that Evelyn's just getting back and finding this out." Sara laughed. "Yeah, I'd LOVE to see the look on her face." She kissed him. "I can see it now." He got up and made a face, trying his best to imitate Evelyn. Sara laughed a little more. "No no, wait. This is what she'd look like." She made an equally goofy looking face. Ukali had a good laugh. "I'd love to see her face." He looked behind them. Instantly, his expression went from happy to paniced. "We might find out sooner than we expected." "What do you mean?" She looked and screamed. She snapped her horses reigns and the horse took off. They were like that for a good half a mile, but were unable to lose the troops. "We can't go on like this. We'll have to split up." "No, I won't." "We have no choice. I'll find you and we'll continue our lives." He kissed her. "Au revoir, ma amie." With that, he leapt off the horse and rolled into the woods. The horse went one way, while he went the other. Tears were running down his face. He didn't want to do that, but he knew he had to. 4 Months After Escape Ukali stopped to take a breather. He knew that Evelyn had probably long since forgotten about him and Sara. But he ran anyway. He was still looking for his lover. She had probably forgotten about him as well, but he still wanted to be with her. He fingered his ko'lar, which was incredibly rusty. With a quick tug, he ripped it off and tossed it aside. He sighed and rested his head on his knees. "I wish I knew where you were, Sara." He started to cry. He stayed like that for a few minutes before getting back up. He turned and continued down the path. Eventually, he came upon a quiet little lake. Since no one was around, he figured he'd stop here for the night. He went over to the lake side, curled up and fell asleep. A half an hour passed before he was awoken again. He tried to shoo whatever it was away, but it kept at him. He turned and looked. In a fit of fear, he leapt back, watching her. She was like Sara, a maned wolf with reddish fur. But she wore that which a tribal person, or a mountain man would. She looked at him and smiled. "Hi." Her voice was soft. Ukali looked around and caught eye of a horse. It was a Redfox Friesian, almost like the one his lover had gone riding off on. He looked at the girl again. "Hi," she repeated. "Hi," he responded. "How are you?" "I'm fine." "That's good." She had a certain something to her. She didn't look or act like Sara, but for some reason, he swore that's who she was. He extented a hand. "I'm Ukali." The girl smiled. "I'm Nahane. It's a pleasure to meet you...." End This story was inspired by my good friend Jodi. Thanks for being such an inspiration. :) This is also dedicated to her. Ukali and Sara are © Me Nahane is © Jodi. Thanks! Pe@cE until next story. Have a great day.