The Bullet: Shortie by Lone Wolf ~You have your orders. Go~ The door slid shut behind me. My heart was still beating hard, and the mission hadn't even started yet! I looked about for a place to sit - a bench, a crate, anything. I found an isolated corner and sat down. I didn't want anything to do with this mission. But the commander seemed animate about it. I couldn't disobey orders. But then again, I couldn't kill my love. Commander Rydar had called me into his office mere minutes before, saying I had a "special" assignment that would mean loads of glory from the Combine. After some brief chit-chat, he gave me the details of what I had to do. It was an assassination plot. All I had to do was get to the target and eliminate it. But the last detail, he told me, was that the target was my girlfriend. I was quick to argue with him. I demanded to know why - yeah, real smart for a Private First Class to do with his commanding officer. He told me that she had some information that would "break our organization if it ever got into the wrong hands." It was important, he told me, that she be neutralized. I still argued, but he put his foot down. I was going to be sent out anyway. I sat there for a good five minutes, wondering if I should go and tell him to shove off (which would put me in an immediate courtmartial and possibly a death sentence) or if I should go and do the job. I considered what she would do. She was very loyal to the combine. She told me that she would gladly give her life for the safety of our people. And, apparently, she knew something that would jeopardize that. I slowly rose to my feet and got my gun. I knew what needed to be done. Anna was the sight of perfect beauty, in my humble little opinion. The young otteress, not even 23, had an excellent job at a shopping mall and made enough money to support the both of us. There was a certain softness to her fur that made it so great to hug her. Her soft demeanor and caring persona were the final links in the chain to my heart. I knew that it was nescessary, but I knew I was going to hate myself for this job. "Honey," she said as I entered the small apartment we shared. She glided into my arms, giving me a tender kiss. "How was your day?" "Horrible," I answered truthfully. "Absolutely and totally horrible." "Oh, you poor thing." She led me to my chair and sat me down. "I'll go fix you up something to drink." She went into the tiny kitchen and started to make something. "So what happened?" "Everything," I said. "Charlie and Tony went out on a raid today. Both of them got killed." That was the truth. Charlie and Tony were, indeed, dead. "Oh...oh my. I guess I'll have to console their wives." That comment was a hot knife to my heart. I started to get up, but remembered what kind of trouble I would get into if I disobeyed. "What else?" "They cut our pensions back - again. Supplies are now in short order. We can barely equip ourselves, let alone do any fighting. The next shipment of equipment isn't due in for another month. So if we're attacked two more times, we're falling." "Oh my. Am I needed to volunteer?" "Nah. They haven't made the call yet." That was another flaming wound to my chest. She came out with a cup of hot coffee. She gave it to me and smiled. "Is that all?" I quickly downed all the coffee and shook my head. "No. They gave me a mission that I don't want to do." "What's that?" I quickly stood up and gave her a kiss more passionate than I usually do. She took that hint from me. "No..." She backed away. "Please don't tell me..." I drew my firearm. "I...I'm sorry, Anna. But they say it's nescessary." "What'd I do? I didn't do anything. I didn't kill anyone. I..." "They say you know something..." "I know nothing!" "They say it's a matter of security for the Combine. They say whatever it is that's wrong, it could jeopardize our cause." She seemed to calm down. "So if I'm killed, there's a chance that the Combine will be safe." I nodded. She shut her eyes and remained silent for five minutes. She then came over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "One more kiss? Please?" "Of course." Our lips met in a kiss that I didn't want to end. It lasted at least five more minutes before she broke it off. "Do what you must, quickly." I hesitated. "Please. For the Combine." She took the gun, with it still in my hand, and put it to her heart. "For the Combine." My eyes started to water. "Forgive me, Anna. I love you more than anything. I'll see you soon." I pulled the trigger. She winced in momentary pain, remaining still for a few seconds before collapsing on the floor. The tears started to stream out of my eyes. I picked up her body, brought it over to her bed, and layed it down. I set her up all nice before turning to the door. I looked once more at her body, let out a small cry, and left, leaving the door wide open. My long, orange and black striped tail trailed behind me as I went back. Each step I took towards base was pure agony. I didn't want to do that. I really didn't. Anna meant everything to me. Everything! And I had just gone and killed that. I passed by the Grecan Bluffs, a small cliff that went down into the ocean. I stepped over to it and looked. I couldn't live with myself. "That's it," I told myself. "I'm going over. I don't want to live with myself anymore." I started to hoist myself over the fence, but realized that I was still on duty. I stopped myself and continued to walk towards base. As I walked through the halls, ignoring my comrads questions, I formulated what I was going to do. I'd tell Rydar that the mission was complete, turn in my gun, and then go back to Anna. I wanted to slash my throat, lay down next to her, and end my life there. I wanted it to be over. "Commander Rydar?" I asked as I entered his office. "Hmm? Oh, Private. How did the mission go?" I shut my eyes. "She's....dead." "That's great. Well done." I started to reach for my pistol. "You've done the Association a great service." My eyes snapped open and I looked at him. "What?!" Suddenly, the walls came alive. Before I knew it, at least 30 high powered rifles were pointed at my head. "What is this?!" "She did have information that was a problem to our organization - the Association, that is." "You traitor!" "Traitor? I was never with your cause in the first place. Drop your weapon." If I refused, I'd be dead. So I pulled my gun out and threw it on his desk. He chuckled and stood up, drawing his own pistol. "I'm very surprised you took my orders, Private. Let me show my gratitude for killing your girl." He level the pistol on my head. "Any last words?" The rage was swelling up in me. The Association bastard had used me, and used me well. Not only did I become a traitor to the Combine, not only did I destroy the single source of info that would stop them, but I killed my lover. It came back to me - Anna's words. "The Combine wants me to tell them everything I saw - the massacre. They know it'll be the final nail in the Association's coffin." I couldn't allow her death to go unanswered. Even though I was directly responsible for it, I wouldn't take the responsibility. It was Rydar's fault. He had to pay for her death. "Well? Any last words?" "Yes," I said. "DIE!" I suddenly flew forward, my claws outstretched. I grasped onto his throat and tore it up. The air errupted with gunfire. I don't know how many times I was hit - 40, 50 times even. I fell to the desk, bleeding profusely. I turned my head towards my hand and smiled. Rydar's throat was there, all fleshy and bloody, in my hand. I was going down and he was coming with me. A rifle barrel was pushed up against my skull. "You're going to hell, mother fucker," a horribly distorted voice told me. "Goodbye." There was no life to flash before my eyes. I didn't want it to, so it didn't. I could feel the energy leaving Rydar. He was dying a more horrible death than I was. I could see nothing but red. There was no feeling in any of my body. I could smell and taste only blood. And then, I saw Anna. She came over to me and smiled. "It's okay, handsome," she told me. "You didn't know. You were only following orders." "I shouldn't have done it," I told her. "I'm sorry." She leaned closer and kissed me. "You're forgiven. I still love you and I always will." I smiled a little bit. "Thank you, Anna. Thank you." "There is no need for thanks." I nodded. "What is going to happen to me?" "You're coming home, handsome. I'll see you in a little bit, okay?" My eyes welled up. "Okay, beautiful. I'll see you shortly." I reached out for her hand and gave it a squeeze. The bullet entered my skull. All the pain, the suffering, the agony I was going through ceased. I could feel myself leaving my body, heading upwards. I was going to be with Anna. It was all over. I knew I was going to be happy. End This story is based on a dream, posted by FuSioN on the Outraged Gamer Message board. So I guess that that makes it © him. Thanks for giving me the rights to it, bro! ^.^