Compassion: Shortie by Lone Wolf ~Where is thy compassion?~ The town square errupted with applause. The performer that was there bowed, accepting the praise. The people, who enjoyed the evening show so much, started to toss out what pocket change they had and started to disperse, talking amongst themselves about the wonderful performance. That left the young bard to to pick up what they left. "I really got to stop doing this," she told herself. "I make out more like a bandit than a bard." She finished picking up the gold and started to count. "Thirty...fourty... fourty-seven pieces!" She smiled and put it into a pouch. "That should get me a good meal and a nice room tonight. Charlotte, my girl, you'll have a good night." She gave herself a pat on the back and headed off in the direction of the local in. It was pretty noisy place as she approached. "It seems like there's a riot going on," she said to herself. She crept over to the window and looked inside. Her eyes caught a look at a full scale bar fight. Drunken warriors were busy throwing wild punches as angry mages and druids argued endlessly in corners, bonking each other on the head with a staff whenever the opportunity presented itself. The occasional rat would go flying through the air, clinging onto his leather armor and knife like it were all he owned. She frowned. "Men. Why must they act so brutally?" She pushed the door open and stepped in. She took one look around, grabbed her mandolin, and started to play. At first, the music was drowned out by the warcries and curses of the many bettlers. But it grew in power and started to drown them out. Ears twitched and turned in her direction. Angers were quelled. Urges to pound the living daylights out of someone subsided. Arguments ceased. By the end of her song, every set of eyes was trained on her. As soon as she finished, she looked at them, one of those looks you don't want to see on her face. "I'm shocked and aphauled at this! Why should I have to go through a battlezone to get a good meal and a nice room?" Eyes trailed to the ground. "When I walk into an inn, I want to find a cozy little niche in the world, not the latest man-hood proving ground. What do you have to say for yourselves?" The only response was a soft moan. She quirked a curious brow and moved towards it. What she found was a young lion down on his back, his head lying the wreckage of an ale bottle. Her heart kicked in. "You poor thing." She picked his head up off the ground and saw a pool of booze and his blood. "We need to get you to a healer. Can you get up?" "Yeah." He slowly got to his feet, but was unable to keep his balance. He almost fell to his knees, if it weren't for her help. "Lean on me. I'll help you there." The local healer was a wise old owl. He could treat any wound anywhere on the body of anyone. He also knew Charlotte very well, since she was always bringing some injured person in. He wasn't surprised when she walked in. "Ah, welcome Charlotte," he said. "Running a bit late, I see." She grinned. "It's kinda hard to find hurt people when you've been out performing all day." "Ah, yes. I heard your music from here." He looked at the lion. "What have you brought me today?" "I found him at the inn. Got the back on his head bashed in by a booze bottle." "We've been seeing them recently. Let's get him on the examination table." She nodded and helped the lion over to the wooden bench the healer used to examine wounds. The owl gave him a once over and nodded. "Not bad. Whoever did this to you is a good shot. But don't worry. It can be fixed. For a donation of fifteen pieces, that is." The lion groaned. "I can't afford that." "Well then, I-" Charlotte stepped up. "I'll pay for the healing." She reached into her money pouch and pulled out the money. She put it into the tithe box and nodded. The healer smiled. "You have a heart of gold. Thank you, sister." She smiled and looked at the lion. He caught her gaze and winced, most likely from his wound. She sighed and approached him. "Here," she said, pulling out some more money. "When he's done with you, find yourself a good place to sleep." The lion gave a quick count of the money. "Twenty pieces! No..." He put it back in her hands. "I can't take it." "I insist." She put it back into his hands and shut them. "You need the sleep more than I do." "But what about you? Where will you sleep?" She smiled. "The innkeeper always has a spot saved for me in the common room if I need it. You really shouldn't worry." He smiled. "Th-thank you Charlotte." She smiled and caressed his cheek. "You're welcome." She smiled to the healer and left for the inn. Even though it was the common room, the bed was very comfortable. Those words were on her lips as she curled up under the sheets. As her eyes shut, she started to wonder about the lion she brought to the healer. She hoped he was resting comfortably in a nice room and prayed he would be all right. She stretched, pulled her tunic around herself, and slowly drifted off into dreamland. A shadowy figure snuck into the common room later that night. He crept silently over to Charlotte's bedside and looked at her. He pulled a note from his pocket and looked it over. He smiled, happy with the scrap of paper, and placed it by her pillow. He smiled and crept back at the door. He looked once more at her and, with that, left, his long lion's tail dragging behind him. End Charlotte is © <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])>