Tall Grass: Shortie by Lone Wolf Requested by and featuring Nahane Storm ( ^.^ ) ~Just lay me in the tall grass and let me do my stuff~ Within the trecherous mountain passes of the realm of Rhydin - chaos and moron capital of the universe - there was a small valley, untouched by any and all creatures capable of rational (if that's what you could call it) thought. The plants grew wildly, evolving in their own ways. The trees gave off sweet scents, which enticed the local butterfly population. The birds sang their ever-sweet songs as the rest of the local wildlife population - the squirrels, chipmunks, and other such critters - played merrily through the tall grass. A single stalk of tall grass swayed against the wind, seeming to act on it's own. It would take some approach to realize that it was snapped off at the middle and was in the mouth of Ukali. He was quite relaxed on this day - he had his head rested on his hands, one knee was up, and his eyes were shut. Even though he had only light reddish fur on his body, the sun felt absolutely fantastic. For once in his existance, he was enjoying himself. There was a soft jingle - metal on metal on metal. His eyes snapped open. Someone - something - was with him. He slowly sat up and looked around. Suddenly, a flash of movement. He spun his head in that direction. "Wh-who's there?" he asked, fear playing in his voice. More movement, behind him. He spun around, now on his hands and knees. He was shaking a little, visibly afraid. He ducked down low, hoping the tall grass would provide some cover. He started to back away. But no luck. A large maned wolf leaped at him. "Ahhh!" The wolf tackled him. He landed on his back. The wolf landed on top of him, it's forepaws pinning him down. He looked away, very scared for his life. Then he heard the jingle again. He looked at the wolf's ear. It had many piercings and a gold earing to fill each. He looked at the wolf's eyes. "Nahane?" The wolf seemed to smile and licked him a bit. "Nahane!" He gave the wolf a hug. The wolf kept up with her affection. Slowly, but surely, she began to shift. In a few moments, she was a beautiful anthro maned wolf and, instead of licking his face again, planted a kiss on his lips. "Hey Ukali." He smiled. "Where have you been?! I haven't seen you in...in..." He thought a little bit. "In a long time." "I know." She got off of him. "How have you been?" he asked, sitting up. She shrugged. "Ah, you know. A mercenary healer's life is never done. So many lands to see, so many people to meet...not enough time to hang out with you." She kissed his cheek. "What have you been up to?" "Ah, the usual. Wander around, get in touch with nature, and compose new songs." He chuckled. "I'm so in touch with nature, I should just give up bardhood and become a druid!" Of course, he had no intention of doing that. "Nah...that's not a life you'd want. A spirit like yours should roam free!" "Yeah." He layed back down. "Really wish I could travel with ya." She smiled. "I could use a bard for those lonely nights. And since you're just about my boyfriend, it would work out. But I'm sure my mount wouldn't be able to handle the extra weight." "What extra weight?" He pointed at himself. "I lack the belly most men have." Or any belly for that matter. "I don't wear much." Just a cloak and the pair of gray, shredded shorts he'd had since he escaped slavery. "And my lute and bedroll wouldn't add too much. I mean, compared to what you wear?" She giggled and tapped her chest. It rattled. "Plate mail over chain mail. I guess you're right." He chuckled. "Don't worry. If you don't want me to go, I won't. I'm not really a fighting bard." She rolled onto her belly and rested her head on her hands. "Speaking of which, got any new songs?" "I've got one. If you want, I can play it for you." "Please?" "Okay." He sat up and pulled his lute from under his cloak. He gave it a quick tune, sat it on his lap, and started to strum. What these two didn't know, however, was that this lute was no ordinary lute. Ukali had recieved it from a fellow bard who, unfortunately, has just lost his last marble. The lute, as ordinary as it seemed, was enchanted. It was made of an amazingly light wood and has a very odd, though very powerful spell cast upon it. Ukali didn't know this, but could somehow activate it's magic. He started to play his song. The lute's magic kicked in. As he played, the lute cast an aura over the entire area. The wind calmed down. The birds silenced their songs. The other forest critters stopped frolicing and listened. Everything seemed to stop. Everything was calm. Nothing moved. Nothing made a sound. As for Nahane, well, she had the best experience of all. The lute knew she was listening, so it cast the second half of it's spell on her. She was blanketed in a very warm feeling. It soothed her aching body and sent her onto her side. She shut her eyes and listened. All of Ukali's songs told stories through tone and mood. The lute added pictures to it. It flooded Nahane's mind with a beautiful scene. She found herself - the tomboy that she is - in an elegant evening gown, sitting at - of all places - a cliff by the sea. The salty breeze that accompanies nearly every sea in the world blew past her, blasting all of her senses at once. She looked out over the sea and saw a wonderful sunset. She shut her eyes and sighed. At that moment, she felt a hand - a gentle touch - on her shoulder. Her hopes were proven right; when she turned, she saw Ukali standing there, in his cloak and shorts, smiling. He sat down next to her and looked out at the sunset. She smiled, leaned up against him, and sighed. She didn't want this slice of heaven to end... She opened her eyes. The song was over. The animals and wind were calm for a few seconds before they started back up again. Ukali was still sitting there, the lute in his lap. His head was lowered, eyes shut, deep in concentration. She sat up and nudged him. "Ukali?" He opened his eyes and looked at her. "Yeah?" "That was beautiful." She hugged him. "What's it called?" "I call it Sea Star." "It's a great name for a great song. Thank you for sharing that." He smiled. "My pleasure." He stood up. "Want to head back to my cabin? Maybe grab a quick bite to eat before you go galavanting off into the sunset again?" She stood and took his hand. "Of course. Who knows, maybe you'll join me for a campaign." He laughed and tugged on her arm gently. "I'm coming." The small valley is always peaceful. It has never been tainted by the chaos around it and hopefully never will be. It has obtained a state of virtual perfection. Perfection, they say, that cannot be improved. But for that one moment, that short ten minutes, perfection was improved upon by the Sea Star. The trees will tell you that. The wind will tell you that. The animals will tell you that. And so will the tall grass. End Ukali is an RP character and is © Lone Wolf and <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])> Nahane Storm is © her player ( the greatest nutcase around! ^.^ )