Valor: Shortie by Lone Wolf ~Show Thy Valor~ There have always been rumors surrounding the caves of the Katen Mountains. The small town, which shared the name with the mountains, kept a pretty accurate account of what was supposedly there: a fountain of wonders. It was rumored the waters could heal any wound, any disease, and any problem, save Death. A fountain of youth it was not, but it was still something to strive for. However, there was factual accounts of all sorts of foul beasts that call the caves home. Many have gone in. Few have come out. "HAAAA!" Through the dim torch light, a broadsword came down fiercely, severing the arm of an unfortunate kobald. It howled in pain and stepped back. It took the crude mace from it's former appendage and raised it defiantly in the air, cursing at it's attacker in it's own language. In one felt swoop, the blade cleaved the creatures head off. It's body slumped to the ground. "God damn it!" The heavily armored figure, decked out in the town's finest iron chainmail, a large iron shield, and a massive greathelm, sheathed his sword. "A pox on your kind, foul creature." He removed his helm and shook his head, letting his mane puff out as it was supposed to be. "And a pox on the idiot who designed the greathelm. I don't care if it does offer more protection. I'm looking for something less choking." He packed it away in his pack. "Lions are not cut out for them." His long tail flicked, the puff end bouncing off the ground. A sharp wind came over him, threatening to blow out the waning torch light. He turned his back and kept the torch close, so he wouldn't lose the light. The wind died down slowly, allowing him to continue forth. The passage he was following, as small as it was, was littered with bones and shards of platemail armor from previous adventureres and seekers of the fountain. All, apparently, had fallen to some sort of fire blast - each and every bone was scorched. He shook his head and continued forward. Suddenly, there was a rumbling from ahead of him. Then, a weak light. "What the hell?" The light grew slowly. It took him a second to realize that a blast of fire was heading his way. It only took him a few minutes to pull his large shield in front of him and dive for cover behind it. It only took a few moments, but a blast of heat and flame hit the shield, sending him back a few inches. But he stood his ground, pushing all of his weight against the shield. "C' can hold out on me..." It happened so quickly, so suddenly. That's also how it ended. He peered over and looked ahead. "Darkness," he muttered. "And nothing more." He looked at the shield. "I think it was worth the extra two thousand gold pieces to have this thing enchanted." He patted it and continued to walk, albeit slowly, down the corridor. When he reached the end, he found a huge lake. He chuckled. "It isn't a fountain. But at least it's open." He looked about. The fungus that lined the wall gave off a soft glow, providing ample light for the cavern. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the crisp smell of clean water. "This place is fantastic," he said. "It's not the fountain, but it's very rewarding. I wouldn't mind calling it an adventure." "Well, why don't you then?" a raspy, female voice responded. Instantly, he drew his sword. "Who's there? Come out!" "Do not be afraid, brave warrior," the voice responded. "I will not harm you." From the waters of the lake came a reptilian figure. It towered over him, even at that distance. He began to quiver with fear as he realized he was standing in the presence of a mighty dragon! Instinct told him to run like a scared little girl, but his heart and mind told him to stand his ground. "Who are you? What do you want?" "I want nothing," the dragon responded. "However, you seem to want something. May I ask what that is?" He hesitated. "I seek the fountain that is rumored to reside in these caves." "Ah yes, another one of those people. Well, since you are the first one to get to at least this point in a long while, I guess I should reward that." She slid back into her lake home for a little bit. The warrior waited a few moments before moving forward to the lake side. He soon got close enough to see the surface, and immediately got splashed as the dragon surfaced again. "Here you go." She dropped five flasks at his feet. "Five flasks of the magical waters of the fountian." He picked up one of them and looked at it. "How can I be sure that this is the stuff?" "And I knew that was coming. To prove it, I have brought a sixth flask. Slice your hand open." "What?!" "Don't worry yourself. Slice your hand open." He gave her a wary look and slit his palm with his blade. "There. I have done s-Owwie!" The pain finally sank in. "Heal it! Heal it!" The dragon chuckled. "I better go fetch you five more. You've earned it for providing a laugh." She held out a sixth flask and opened it. She poured a little bit onto the wound, and instantly it was healed. "Wow! I doubt you no more! Thank you." He picked up the flasks and put them into his belt packs. "I ask one more favor of you." "What would that be?" "You wouldn't happen to know of a quicker path out of here. I'm sure the friends of those goblins I killed back there are gunning for me." "Of course." She picked him up and flew to a little skylight in the ceiling... He returned to the small village, keeping his secret. For some reason, he felt that he shouldn't confirm anything. When he got back to his cottage, he removed his armor and hung it on it's stand, put his pack by the fire, and sat down the chair by it to polish his sword. But before he did that, he removed the five flasks and set them on his mantle. He smiled. He would never admit to it, but he proved his valor to himself. End The nameless lion is © <([ Lone Wolf Studios ])>