Chapter 10: New Relations Samantha thought the idea of shopping in the city was a good one. So she grabbed Tobias and Kaitlyn, and, with the permission of Sven, dragged the two out into the city. They browsed many places, ranging from jewlery stores to boutiques. "Where to start? I don't know." "Well, how about a clothing shop?" Tobias suggested. "Yeah, that sounds nice." "Of course. I was hoping to get some new threads as well." Kaitlyn chuckled. "That'd be nice. I'm sure you'd like a few new pairs of jeans." "How'd you guess?" "Well, I think it's a good idea. And besides, we can also get you some other things besides jeans. I'm sure you'd appreciate a sweatsuit or two." He smiled. "No, don't even say it." Several pairs of jeans, a few shirts, a few pairs of sweatpants, and a suit or two later, they started back to the compound. "Thank you girls," Tobias told them. "You don't know how much I needed this!" "It's our pleasure," Samantha told him. "You deserved it." "Yeah." He turned to Kaitlyn. "How can I pay you back? I mean, it was your money. And these things were pretty expensive." "Dun worry," Kaitlyn replied. "I'll just pop in for breakfast every so often." "Okay. Hope you don't mind my using different batters every so often. I have a habit of mixing raisins and nuts in on occasion." "It'll be all right." She hugged him. I can stand a few nuts and berries." There was a very soft crack of thunder out in the distance. The sky was filling with stormclouds. A light rain was starting to fall. "Better get moving. Looks like we're gonna get drenched." They sped up their pace. They were indeed soaked when they got back. Although he was furless, Tobias was the most soaked by that time. Eager to dry off, they split off to their quarters. Tobias set up a small area where Samantha could change in peace, and so he could change without being judged himself. He tried on a pair of his sweatpants and a teeshirt. They fit him perfectly. "It was worth it to get the extra tailoring," he said. "I really owe you two big." "You don't have to," she replied. "How many times do we have to say that?" "Too many times. I feel like I need to pay you back." "Please don't. You don't need to. Now, tell me how I look in this." "Hmm?" Foolishly, he looked her way. Her slender body clad in nothing but a pale blue evening gown that fit her figure perfectly numbed his mind instantly. "Looks good. I could get used to it." She smiled. "And you're expecting me to do something like this?" She undid her belt and flashed him. He instantly covered his eyes (modesty prevails folks!). "Don't worry, I'm covered." "Yeah, but please close that thing! It's not right for me to..." "Oh. Sorry." She tied her gown back up. "So what's for dinner?" "A surprise. You a vegitarian?" "Yup. Always have been, always will be." "That might take a little while to get used to," he winced. "But I think it can be pulled off. Get comfy and I'll cook." The delightful scent of the meal being cooked filled the room. Samantha leaned her back on the couch and absorbed it all. "All done," Tobias eventually said, brining forth two plates of stir fry. "Oooh! What's this?" "Meatless stir fry. Enough for you, me, and-" There was a knock at the door. "Come in Kaitlyn. There's enough for you too." The door flew open. A white blur ran by towards the skillet. It dished out some of the meal onto a plate, grabbed something bottled to drink, blurred over towards them, and sat down. "I was going to say make yourself at home, but I see you don't need to be told." Kaitlyn smiled. "Of course not!" "This was the best meal I've had since breakfast," Kaitlyn joked. "It's not what I'm used to, but I can get very used to it if we have it every so often. What's in it?" "Um, the basics. Snow peas, carrots, red peppers, and some bamboo shoots." "Where'd you get bamboo shoots?" "The pandas two floors down. They're very friendly, ya know?" "Yes, Aiko and Hsu are indeed friendly. Good choice." "Thank ye." He got the empty plates and brought them over to the sink. "Well, I should get going. Don't wanna wear out my welcome. Thanks for dinner." "No problem. Take care Kaitlyn." As soon as the door was closed, he shook his head. "That woman is like a plague of locust." "You're telling me," Samantha said. "She's my best friend!" He brought over the evening's tea. After setting it down on the table, he leaned back on the couch. She hugged him, not caring for the tea really. "Thank you." "The evening is still young Samantha." He pushed a button on a small remote that was sitting on the back of the couch. The lights dimmed. "A little mood lighting and then...." He pushed another button. The wall opened, revealing the screen behind it. The screen hummed for a little bit before turning on. A small movie of a fireplace started to play, repeating the cycle after a little bit. "Whoa! Not since my grandmother..." She curled up next to him. "But how did-?" "I programmed this when we were just neighbors. I thought I'd be using it to fall asleep alone. But now that we're living together, I thought I should share it with you." "You're so caring." She hugged him. "I wouldn't have this any other way." They watched the fire "burn" well into the evening. He felt a little uneasy around the time they decided to go to bed. She had already crawled into bed, but he remained up, pacing. "Tobias," she said. "Come to bed. Worry tomorrow." "Eh, I can't help it. I can't stop." "Well, could you at least worry about it in bed?" "I don't know." "Tobias," she cooed. "Please?" The coo was irresistable. "Okay." He did as he had done the past few nights. She smiled and kissed him. "Good night Samantha." "Good night Tobias." She yawned and drifted off into a peaceful sleep. However, his eyes remained open. Sleep wasn't about to come easy for him. Not with the questions he had going through his mind. "Is this meant to be?" he asked himself. He looked at her. She had turned his arm into a pillow. The soft look on her face made him feel easier, but the idea still lingered. "Is this the one? Will she own my heart forever?" *You know you love her,* he heard Lone Wolf say from somewhere. *You know that she's the one for you. You just cannot admit it.* Tobias remained silent. He knew that was right. *Tell her tomorrow. Tell her that you love her. You will not be sorry. Trust me.* Tobias looked at her and smiled. "I will." He kissed her and drifted off into sleep. He awoke to the biggest surprise of his life. His eyes fluttered open to see Samantha, whereas he should've been seeing the ceiling. She had crawled on top of him and was watching intently. "You're so cute when you're asleep," she told him as soon as she realized he was up. "Yeah. Whatever you say. Why are you laying on top of me?" "Cause I want to!" "Oh." Not wanting to argue with her, he wrapped his arms around her. "How'd you sleep?" She smiled. "Pretty well." She started to nuzzle his neck. His eyes rolled into the back of his head. "Had an interesting dream last night." "O-oh....Please, tell me Oh god that feels so nice!" She continued to nuzzle his neck. "No, this is much more fun." He tensed up. "Oh lordy!" He grabbed her arms. "Samantha, I gotta confess something to ya." She looked at him. "What is that?" "Samantha, I-" A sudden pounding on the door broke the scene. "Who is it?" "No fair!" Kaitlyn replied. "Why'd you go and lock the door?" He looked at Samantha, who blushed. "Didn't want her busting into this," she whispered into his ear. She got up and went over to the door. "Sorry Kaitlyn." He crawled out of bed. He went over to the kitchen and started to make breakfast. "Once again, thank you for a wonderful meal," Kaitlyn said, putting her plate onto the table. "I have to recommend you to a number of people." "Don't do that!" Tobias said. "I don't want to have to cook for THAT many people." She grinned evily. "Don't worry. I won't." He smiled and started to collect the plates. "Oh, by the way. I'm a bit curious." "About what?" "Why was the door locked?" He smirked. "I dunno why. That was Samantha's idea. Ask her." He took the dishes and went over to the sink to wash them. "Well," Samantha didn't want to answer. "Oh, I see. Trying to get lucky?" She nudged her with her elbow. "I always knew you'd take a stab at something like this." "Please stop. That's not true." "Don't worry. You can admit it. It won't change anything." "It's not true. Please stop." "Come on!" "She thought we could use a little extra sleep," Tobias butted in. "We stayed up late last night enjoying ourselves. We needed the sleep." "Oh. Is that all?" "Pretty much." "Oh." She looked at Samantha, who wore a sad look. "I'm sorry." "It's okay." She smiled. "I think I should be going. I don't want to be much more of a bother to you people." She got up and left in a hurry. Tobias put the dishes away and went over to sit down next to Samantha. As soon as he did, she backed away from him. "What's wrong Samantha?" "She saw right through me." "....Pardon?" "She saw through the fasade. She saw my true intentions." "Which were?" "Why else would I lay down like that Tobias? I wanted to fool around with you. And she knew that! She knew that's what I wanted to do." She curled up. "Samantha..." He slid over and kissed her cheek. "It's okay." "Why is it? Because you feel sorry for me?" "No, of course not. I would never say it for that reason." "Then why?" He took a deep breath. "The only reason I would say that is because, Samantha, I think I-" The wall started to slide open. "This'll have to wait. I'm sorry Samantha. Tonight at the latest." "Promise?" "Promise." The screen clicked on. "Hello Sven." "Hello Tobias, Samantha." She smiled back at him. "Tobias, I want you to take a look at this." The screen clicked over to a satelite image. "Recognize that place?" "Yeah. That's the base we evacuated." "Notice anything different?" "They rebuilt. They probably survived the blast." He muttered something under his breath. "So why show me?" "Let's take a closer look, shall we?" Part of the image zoomed in and clarified, revealing a few airfields. "Recognize those?" "Airstrike capabilities," he responded, suming everything up. "That's what you're trying to show me." "You're fast on the draw." The image shrank and moved to the corner of the screen, letting Sven's face to the majority of the screen. "This is a warning. Be ready to fight." "Don't worry Sven. I'll devise something to protect against...that." "If you insist. They have a three day launch window. The satelites show they aren't going to be ready for anything major, but they have the ability to drop a number of troops into the area by tomorrow. Although it is possible for us to be able to handle a small droptrooper strike, it's still cause a lot of damage." "All right. So you won't be able to get anything I send you up and functioning by tomorrow." "No. Sorry." He shook his head. "It's all right. I'm sure Crash, the guys, and I can handle it." "Okay. We'll have backup troops ready if you guys fail." "Tell Crash and the others. They must know about this." Sven nodded and the screen went blank. Tobias got up. "This is going to be one LONG day." He went over to his computer terminal and turned it on. "What are you doing Tobias?" He sat down. "I'm going to create a special flak cannon for defense from the major air strike I know they're going to send. I need to work a lot on it." He typed in something and brought up a design program. "I can only hope I can remember the design of that stationary flak cannon from that game." He put one hand on a touch pad and one on the keyboard and started to work. "But what am I supposed to do?" He stopped working. " you know where the coat I had when I first arrived is?" "Yeah. Why?" "In that is a black box. In that box is a bunch of music CDs. Feel free to listen to them. All are goodies." "So long as they aren't like the music Kaitlyn told me about." "Don't worry. I'm not that sick." She giggled and went to find the box, leaving him to his work. He finished the designs early into the evening. After running a few diagnostic programs on the design, he sent the plans to Sven along with a message. "Sven," he read as he typed. "Meet the TS-145 flak cannon, nicknamed the Stinger. Twin plasma cannons with a certain adjustment to them set into a base that allows for rapid fire should defend against anything. I've also included an option for a missle battery upgrade. Look the designs over for that one. Get to work on these puppies immediately. -Tobias." "Tobias," Samantha cooed. "Stop talking to the computer. That's not healthy." "Sorry." He sent the message and turned the machine off. "I get wrapped up in my work like that. What time is it?" "It's around ten at night." "Did ya have dinner?" "Yeah. You should get something to eat." "Nah. I'll find something to snack on tomorrow. If I eat now, I'll be awake all night." "Oh. Oh well, come to bed then." "No arguments there." He slipped out of his pants, into his sweats, and under the covers. She scooted over and hugged him. It was then he noticed that she was wearing a very light lace nightee. "Now that we have nothing to interrupt us, what was it you were trying to tell me before?" "Hmm?" "When I told you that I wanted to fool around with you..." "Oh. I remember now." He kept an ear out for an interruption. "Samantha," he said. Here comes the interruption, he told himself. "I love you." Time stood still for a second. They both held their breaths. " repeat that?" "I love you Samantha. Since I met you, I've had a feeling about you. You remind me of someone who I knew as a little kid. She was just like you. She cared. She was loving. I had feelings for her, but I didn't know it. This time around, It's you that's loving, and this time I know what the feelings are. I love you, Samantha. I really do!" She remained still. She looked shocked. He closed his eyes and rolled over, facing away from her. "I'm sorry." "No, it's okay." She put a hand on his shoulder. "Tobias, look at me." He turned to her. Instantly, she got him in a kiss. "I've got something to confess myself," she said as soon as their lips parted. "That is?" "I love you too. You're a smart person and you're very caring. You've saved me twice already and I've returned the favor. When I was caring for you after your first transformation from Lone Wolf, I noticed how peaceful you were. You looked cute while you slept. It got me thinking, 'Why did I volunteer to take care of him?' It really had me there for a while. But then I realized, I was taking care of you because I loved you. I've been wanting to tell you, but I never could find the courage to tell you. But now that you told me, it made me feel easier." He smiled. "So we're on the same level then." She smiled. "Come on. Get comfortable. You need your rest." He gave her a confused look. "We love each other. We shouldn't let a sheet seperate us, should we?" "Of course not." He slipped under both sheets. Samantha slid closer to him. The lace nightgown soothed his weary body. He wrapped his arms around her. "I love you Samantha." "I love you too Tobias." They kissed. "And I'm no longer afraid to admit it. I don't care who knows." "Neither do I. I don't care what anyone says. They can screw themselves for all I care." He started to rub her back. She smiled and nestles herself closer to him. "I wonder how much more comfy we can get." "We'll find out some other time. Right now, let's get our sleep." "Are you sure?" "Very." She took his hand and put it on her hip. All that he felt was the nightgown and her hip. Nothing else underneath it. "Are you sure now?" "I'm gonna hate myself for saying this, but yes." "Oh well. Can't say I didn't try." He smiled and slipped his hand up her nightgown, resting it on her hip. "Oooh....that's much better." She kissed him. "Although I wouldn't mind fooling around a little bit. So long as we don't...ya know..." She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "That's what I was hoping for." She kissed him again, letting it linger..... He woke up the next morning refreshed and with a full memory of the previous night. Happy he kept his cool, he got up and got dressed. He went over to the window afterwards and looked outside. The rains had subsided. His flak cannons were being built out in the courtyard. "Looks like they're getting ready for the heavy stuff," he said. Samantha began to stir. "Tobias?" "Hmm?" He looked over to her. "Good morning beautiful." She got up and stretched. "Good morning sexy. How'd you sleep?" "Probably as well as you did." "Oh yeah." She walked over and wrapped her arms around his neck. "You have silky hands." "You've got a nice body." She smiled. "Thank you. I'll share it with you if you promise to share your hands with me." "We have a deal then." He kissed her. "I'll share it with you right after I finish with what I have to do." "Oh? What's that?" "Remember what Sven told me about yesterday?" "No....don't go." "I have to. But I promise I'll be right back." He kissed her again. He let go of her, grabbed his rail gun, and started for the door. "Wait. I'm coming." He spun around. "What? No! You'll be hurt!" "I don't care." She was already puting some pants on. "I want to help you. There's nothing you can do to change my mind." "Samantha, please stay. How can you help me?" "You'll see," she said as she put a shirt on. "I can be helpful." She wasn't going to stop. He hoped Sven would knock some sense into her. "Sven," he said as he entered his office. "We've got a problem." "What is it?" Sven responded. "Broken rail gun? Someone's sick? You're injured?" "No." Samantha entered soon after. "She wants to help me." "Oh. That's not so bad." "I don't want her hurt though." "Didn't she tell you?" "No." He looked at Samantha. "What's up?" "I'm an expert at trajectory. I can work the rocket towers like nobody's business." "She already asked me about that," Sven added. "I've approved it. She's going to be in control of 6 rocket towers around the instalation." Tobias raises a brow. "And when were you going to tell me this?" "Um....dunno really. She said she wanted to suprise you." "Well, I'm surprised. I also need a change of underwear, if you know what I mean." The lights started to flash. "Well, changing my tighty brownies will have to wait. Looks like company's arriving. Tell Crash and the others to be ready. Samantha." "Yes." He gave her a passionate kiss. "Get down to the rockets. I'm really gonna need ya out there." She blushed. "I will, lover." She turned heels and sped out the door. "Lover?" Sven asked. "You heard her. I'll explain whenever you want me to. But not right now." "Whatever. Go kill some Raiders." Tobias nodded. Of course, he had no intention of doing that. He stood out in the open courtyard. Behind him was his guard detail. They were armed and ready to shoot. Samantha was behind the controls of six massive missile towers. All were pointed skyward towards the old base. "When the radar lights up Samantha, fire those puppys off." "Aye Tobias." "I don't want to have to use the chip for this. I know we can handle this without it. Take out as many as you can." "I will. If it means your safety and a little something extra later, I'll do it." "Good. Watch that radar screen." He turned off the transmitter in his headset and activated his targeting systems. "Hey Tobias!" Crash called to him. He looked. "What?" "What did she mean by something extra?" He was trying very hard not to laugh. "Mind your own business Crash!" The missile towers suddenly fired off. "Here they come!" He looked at the target area and charged his rail gun. Targets were starting to drop. "Fifteen....ten....come on Samantha. We can't handle that many troops." By the time the platoon reached the compound, there were only two ships. "Crash and crew! Fire!" He aimed his railgun and fire. It punctured and engine and the transport went sputtering away. The other transport dropped it's cargo: fifteen paratroopers. The crew wasted no time in wasting the falling soldiers. Only four landed successfully. "Don't move!" Tobias said, pointing his gun at them. They dropped their weapons. He activated his transmitter. "Sven. We have four captures. Send a paddy wagon at once." His headset started to go off. "The hell?" He looked up at the sky. A ship decloaked overhead and dropped something. "Sven, we've just had something decloak overhead and drop additional problems. Five new signatures. I don't know what the hell they are." "Fuck!" Crash called. "Those are commandoes!" Tobias looked at him. "What?!" "Don't ask! Just frag them!" He raised his gun and started to shoot. Tobias didn't argue and fired his rail gun again. It struck one of the commandoes, who went limp. His body suddenly exploded. They nailed two more like that, but two of the commandoes landed safely. They drew their weapons and pointed them at Tobias. "Freeze jiz bag," one said. "Drop your weapon." Tobias smirked and did as he was told. The rail gun dropped to the floor. "Tobias!" Crash called. "What the fuck are you doing?" "Doing something I didn't want to at the start." He reached into his belt pouch and pulled out the chip. He placed it in his headset and looked at the commandoes. "Your time has come. You will be sorry you were sent on this mission." He formed a double fist and slammed the ground. A beam of light sprung from the ground, enveloping him. The commandoes, wanting to get rid of him, fired their guns off in rapid volleys. The first few energy bolts hit the light. The light exploded outwards, sending everyone out to the ground. "The hell was that?" one of the commandoes asked. "Suicide bomber probably," the other replied. "I don't blame him either." "Yeah, now let's destroy this base and-" He winced in pain. Something hit his arm. He reached over to try to find the wound. But, to his horror, his arm lay on the ground, severed from his body. "What in the blazes?" They both looked about. The dust settled. Standing there, in the sun, was a tall, wolven person. There was blood dripping from his right claw. "Suicide? Never on this planet." "Who the hell are you?" "Don't worry. You won't live long enough to use it." "We'll see about that." He grabbed his gun with his other hand and pointed it at the guy and fired off three rounds. The person spun around and fired off a green blast of energy. It absorbed the shots and hit the one armed commando, vaporizing him. The other commando dropped his gun and fell to his knees. "Mercy," he pleaded. "Granted." He turned his back on him. "Sven, 5 captures. Four grunts, one commando." "What?!" Sven said. "You caught a commando?" "Yes." "We'll be there in a few seconds. Wait for us." He chuckled and switched channels. "Samantha." "Yes Tobias." "I had to transform. I need help getting back to our quarters. Can you come down?" His answer was the door swinging in the background. "I guess that means-" "Lone Wolf!" Wrench called. "Watch out!" He spun around and saw the commando looming over him. "Die slug!" He had a knife raised high in the air. A gun sounded and the commando dropped the knife. He fell to his knees, then face first on the ground. Lone Wolf dodged the falling body, noting that there was a burn mark at the base of the neck. He looked to where the blast came from. Sven was standing there, pistol drawn. "Nice shot Sven!" "Lone Wolf! Get away from there! The commando is set to explode on death!" "What?!" He started to move away. He was too slow, however. The commando exploded, sending him flying into a wall. Samantha, who had just exited, saw this and rushed to his side. "You okay?" "Yeah. Just a bit winded though. That blast sure drains ya." She smiled. "Is Tobias gonna be okay?" "He's gonna be sleepy. Let him get his rest. And don't worry. He will keep his promise." He reached for the chip. "See you next time, Samantha." He pulled the chip.