Note From the Author: Well, I promised at least one small yiffer on my site, and here it is. If you are under 18, please leave now. You have been warned. Also, I have recieved messages from people who have been reading this saying it's incredibly well written. So, to save myself some time, this chapter is essential to the story. It's not because of the sex, either! -L.W **************************************************************************** Chapter 11: Something Long Awaited Tobais woke up in his bed. He sat up with a moan and looked around. "What hit me?" he muttered. Samantha, who was sitting beside him, gave him a kiss. "And what merited that?" "Oh, nothing. So tell me, how was your nap?" He moaned. "Oh really?" "Yeah. I was looking forward to keeping my promise too." He stretched. "What time is it? How long was I asleep this time?" "A few hours actually. It's around 6. Come. I've got some stir fry ready." He smiled. "You're too kind. Have you eaten at least?" "Yeah. And so did Kaitlyn." "Our local locust plague." She giggled and helped him to his feet. She aided his way to the couch, where he ate his dinner. She took his plate after he was finsihed and put it in the sink. She quickly returned to him, sitting down on the couch and cuddling up to him. "I'm feeling a little better," he told her. "How about I keep my promise?" "Oh, would you?" She smiled. "I mean, thank you." He smiled and kissed her. "Just do two things." "What would that be?" "Get comfortable and stay modest." She giggled. "That is such a contradiction!" "Why is that?" "Comfortable for me is in the nude." "Oh." He shook his head and smirked. "What's wrong?" "For a second there, I was gonna let you do that!" She laughed and got up. "I'll go change into my night clothes. Will that work?" "Hell, if you can get into what you were in last night, I'll lock the door!" "Okay. Be ready to!" He got up and locked the door, while she got dressed (if that's what you could call it). "I'm ready." She was wearing the soft, pale blue nightee she had on the previous night. And, he hoped, little else. "Okay. How do you want to do this?" She smiled, sauntered on over to him, and kissed his cheek. "How about I lay down on the bed and you rub my sides like last night?" "If that be your pleasure." He dragged his fingers down her side. She winced in pleasure. "I will do it for you." She nodded and slid out of his arms. Hips swaying, she went over to the bed and layed down on her belly. He followed, sitting down next to her. "I promise to be gentle." She smiled. "You sound like you're gonna do it with me." "So I do." He kissed the back of her neck. "Maybe you'll get lucky." She giggled. But before she could respond, his hands were going down her sides. Her body jerked before relaxing again. On his second pass, she grabbed the side of the bed, a smile on her face. The thrid pass forced her over the edge. She grabbed his arms and looked at him. "What?" "Undo the back of this thing. Please?" She pointed to the buttons that were trailing down the back of her nightgown. "Do you really want me to?" She put his hands on her back. He nodded and undid the first few buttons. "You do know I don't really feel good about this?" She nodded. He undid the next few. "Are you sure that you want me to?" "Tobais, just do it!" He finished the buttons and opened the back of the gown. "My god." "What? What's wrong?" "You should've suggested this before!" "Why?" He gently started his hands down her back. "Ooooh..." She gripped the sides of the beds again. "Oh lord yes! Tobais, you have the nicest hands anywhere. Ooooh....." She gripped tighter. "Tobais, where did you learn this?" "Nowhere important, just relax." He made a deep drive down her back. "Oh....!" Her body jerked. She rose out of her open nightee and grabbed him. She looked him in the eyes. "Tobais, please take me now!" "What?! No!" She pressed her naked body up against him. "Please. Just take me. I cannot wait any longer. I want you to take me now." He looked her over. Kneeling beside him was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Perfect breasts, soft fur, a virgin slit; his eyes were in heaven. "I...I..." He turned his head away. "I cannot. I'm sorry." She pouted. "Why not?" "Personal reasons Samantha. I....don't want to talk about it." She kissed his neck. "I understand. I'm sorry for pushing this on you." She lay back down with a sigh, resting her head on her arms. He, of course, felt guilty about it. And, of course, he wanted to make up for it. He leaned over and started to kiss the back of her neck. She smiled. "What's this Tobais? A change of heart?" "Close." "Well, what is it then?" "A sorry that I'm not living up to your expectations?" "Oh." She spun around and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I just want to know one thing." "Anything. Just ask." "Why don't you it?" "I've always pledged that I would lose my virginity to the woman that I would be spending the rest of my life with." She nodded. "So you were planning to stay a virgin for life?" "Yeah, kinda." He chuckled nervously. "Well, you're amongst people who love you. You don't have to make any silly promises like that." He nodded. "But....I don't wanna ruin what we've got by.....rockin' the boat. What we've got is special. It's too good to spoil." "I understand." She kissed him once more before rolling back onto her belly. He leaned closer to her. "Don't worry though. You may get lucky." There was a knock at the door. "Tobais! Samantha! You okay in there?" They both looked at each other. "We're a little busy right now Kaitlyn," Tobais started. "Mind coming back later?" Samantha finished. ", not really. I just gotta as you two something." "Then ask!" "Why is the door locked?" They both smirked at each other. "Cause we don't need our neighbors constantly bursting in on us," Samantha told her. Tobais whispered something into her ear. She giggled. "Especially when we're makin' love!" "WHAT?!?!" "Joking Kaitlyn! Only joking!" "Open this door right now!" "Kaitlyn, leave us alone! Please!" "I cannot. Tobais, open this door right now!" He looked at Samantha. "She doesn't take a hint, does she?" He got up, crept over to the door, and hesitantly opened it. "What do you want?" "What are you doing to her?" "Full back massage. Trying to treat her right. That a problem?" "'re not trying to nail her?" "Why would I do that?" "Cause you're a guy, and that's what guys do!" "Kaitlyn, stop being paranoid. I would never do that with her. I swear it." "Oh....all right. I'll be keeping an eye on you though." She grabbed the door handle and shut the door. "She is the most protective person I've ever met!" He went back over to Samantha, who was busy giggling away. "What is with your friend?" "She's always been protective of me. Way back when I was in high school." "Oh well. So long as she doesn't have spy cameras installed in here." He resumed the massage that had been interrupted by hormones, morals, and Kaitlyn. Five minutes into it, when Samantha was really starting to enjoy it, the wall opened up. "Oh shit!" He threw a blanket over her and kissed her cheek. "Be back in a little." He rushed over to the screen just as Sven's face appeared. "Hello Tobais." "Good evening Sven. What can I do for you?" He looked around the room. "Well, for starters, you could explain why Samantha's covered up like that." "She's in her delicates. Not real kosher." " why are you seeing them?" "Because I was giving her a full back massage. Is that a problem?" "No, not really." "Did Kaitlyn tell you to check in on me?" He heard Kaitlyn cursing in the background. "Take that as a yes." "Christ. Kaitlyn, I am NOT BOINKING HER!!!!" "So that's what this is all about. Our chosen one has picked someone to be his sex toy!" Kaitlyn growled and he quickly apologized to her. "No, but close enough." "What does that mean?" "This is gonna tick ol' mother Hubbard off, but we've already confessed love to each other." "WHAT?!" Sven was shoved out of the way by Kaitlyn. She looked directly into the screen. "You've WHAT?!" "I told her that I love her." Kaitlyn spit out a string of dirty words at him. "And she told me that she loves me as well." "You forced it out of her! There is no way she could ever go for you!" "Not true!" Samantha interrupted. She was in a bathrobe, and had slipped up to Tobais's side. "I love him with all my heart Kaitlyn. You cannot force that out of someone. You know that." She took his hand. "I know you're only doing this to protect me. I know you were right about the other guys. But this one is different." "Of course. He's not even one of our species." "I don't care." She hugged him. "I love him." "But-" "But nothing. Kaitlyn, this is my choice this time. This time, I'm sure of it. Don't let your past blind you. Not all guys are alike. This one is different." She looked at him. "I don't trust him." "Well," he interrupted. "What makes a guy in your eyes?" "They're overbearing, pompus, testosterone driven masses of muscle who think with their penises and care only for sports, themselves, cars and sex." He smirked. "You sure you people haven't talked with our people. You sound like a femanist." "Well, it's true." "Okay, I believe you." "Okay then." "Then what makes me like all other guys?" She stopped. "Well, you....." She stopped to think. "See?" Samantha said. "You're wrong about him!" She lowered her head. "Okay, so I was wrong...." "Kaitlyn," he said. She looked at him. "I'm not angry at you. I know you were only trying to protect her. I can't blame you for that." She nodded sadly and started to leave. "Hey!" She looked at him. "What?" "You still gonna be here for pancakes tomorrow? I'm making buttermilks." She smiled. "So I'm forgiven?" "Why would you be forgiven? You did nothing wrong!" She laughed. "Your logic stuns me. See you tomorrow!" She left, letting Sven take his screen back. "Sorry about that Sven. I promise she won't shove you out of your chair again." "Don't worry. I'd do the same thing if you were going after my daughter." "Oh? You have a daughter?" "Don't you dare...." He laughed. "I'm kidding sir." "Good." He raised an eyebrow. "Thank god she's still in school. Well, sorry for interrupting your little....session. I'll leave you be. Oh, and before I go." "Yeah?" "If you feel the need to....ya know....there's always a pack of three hidden somewhere." "Thanks. I'll remember that if I lose control. Take care Sven." The screen clicked off. "Tobais, I'll never be able to apologize to you for what Kaitlyn did. Oooh, a little to the right please." "Don't worry. I'm not angry." He started to massage her right side. "Oooh....that feels good. I'm glad you're not angry. We're doing this more often." "Why should I be mad? Nobody did anything wrong." He kissed the back of her neck. "Besides, if I were angry, I wouldn't be able to do this. And I'd be breaking a promise. How does every night sound?" "That sounds nice. You're so considerate. But-" "I've been double-crossed too many times. I jump at these opportunities." "No, that's not what I was gonna ask." "Well, what were you going to ask?" "We know we love each other. And I was thinking about what you said about status. Oooh, that's the spot. And I said to myself, well, maybe if we love each other so much, we'll probably end up spending-" "I know where you're getting with this. I'm sorry Samantha; I cannot do this just yet. I don't want to piss Madam Churchill across the hall off." She blinked. "Madam....Churchill?" He sighed. "Back on Earth, there was a man named Winston Churchill. He was one of the greatest military minds of all time, but he was also completely bonkers and very dangerous." "Oh. I get it now!" He kissed her again. "Good. That's a lot less explaining." He continued on her back. "But I promise you, as soon as she calms down about the idea, we will...." "Okay. I trust you." He took a deep breath. "I really gotta learn to loosen up! I should just take you right now!" She giggled. "Then why don't you?" He smirked. "Yes. Why don't I?" She looked at him wide eyed. " mean it?" He nodded. "Might as well. I'm getting a cramp in my arm. Where did Sven say they were hidden?" She reached under her side of the bed and pulled out a small, tin box. "I always kept a box under my bed." She handed it to him. He popped it open and laughed. "Ribbed. You're surely hopeful!" "Only three of them are!" "Yeah. Three ribbed. Three studded. Three well lubricated. What's your pleasure?" "Um.....lubed." He picked one up. "All right." He kissed her cheek. "Give me a little bit to get ready." She nodded and stretched. "Take your time. I can wait." He smiled and started over to the bathroom. "Thank god," he whispered. He looked into the vanity mirror. His reflection looked back, mocking him. "Do I go through with it?" he asked it. "Do I allow her to cancel me out?" *What do you think?* that little voice deep inside him said. "Would I be asking if I knew?" *Good point. Tobais, go for it.* "But-" *You do not get a chance like this every day ya know. In your case, it's the third blue moon this week. You've got the condom in your hand. Put it where it belongs. Your virginity cannot last forever. Go.* He nodded. "I will." He looked at the package in his hand. Cautiously, he tore the wrapper off and tossed it aside with a crinkle. "Samantha, tonight is your lucky night." Prepared to piss Kaitlyn off, he returned to Samantha. He made sure the door was locked and he turned the screen off, leaving only the audio on. He sat down next to her and smiled. "You ready for this?" She nodded. "I'm ready." She sat up and looked into his eyes. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to." "No, it's okay. I'm ready. Don't talk me out of it." She smiled. "Well, I only assumed since you were still dressed." She started to undo the buttons on his shirt. He smirked. "Well, it seems you're having more fun this way." She grabbed his belt buckle. "Wanna see a really neat trick?" He nodded. She tugged gently on the buckle, not pulling anything out, and slid the belt off of him. "Nice trick. Wanna see a better one?" She nodded. He took her in his arms and gave her a passionate kiss. "So where's the trick?" "Take a look." He hadn't moved from his spot, but his pants were on the floor. "Oooh. You're really ready for this." Curiously, she looked. "Nice package." "Thank you." She smiled and kissed him. He returned, being totally absorbed into the moment. He was getting new sensations, ones he'd never felt before. The passion was blinding. The pleasure was powerful. His hands took a life of their own, exploring every little part of Samantha's seemingly extra soft body. It was all exhilerating. Suddenly, a burst of pure energy pierced him, sending him into a white blindness. He lost all sense. He rolled onto his back and tried to calm down. His breathing slowed. The excitement withered. His senses returned to him. He looked at Samantha, who was lying beside him. Tears streamed out of the corners of her eyes. Her hands moved in rythm with her chest. Oh, that lovely, soft chest of hers! A smile was unstoppably there. "S-s-samantha?" She looked at him. "Y-yes?" "What h-happened?" She said nothing. Instead, she pulled herself over to him, pulled herself up so she was face to face with him, and gently kissed his cheek. "I've always heard that the first time was disappointing. Tobais, you have broken that myth for me. Thank you for a wonderful time." "Thank you too, for all that you've done. For giving me your love. For giving me you." "I'll do it anytime you want me to." He chuckled. "Don't worry. That won't be very often." She giggled and rested herself up against him. "I feel a little tired. That was a workout." "Yeah." He yawned. "Let's just take a little nap right here." He pulled her closer, wrapping the both of them in the top sheet. He woke up in the middle of the night. He stretched and looked at Samantha. She was sleeping peacefully, that smile still there, resting her head on her hands on his arm. They were still wrapped up in the top sheet. "After this is all over," he whispered to her. "I will make you the happiest girl alive. I will treat you like a queen. Because, beautiful, you are my queen." He turned on his side, resting his head close to hers, almost nose to nose. "My queen of angels. There is no-one I would rather be with than you." He closed his eyes, unable to find anymore words. Suddenly, a loud siren sounded. Samantha was jarred awake. She stretched and rubbed her eyes. "What's going on?" "I have no idea. There are red lights flashing outside." The siren sounded again. "That's the air raid siren." "Air assault?" He got up and went over to the window. The flak cannons were evidently completed. They were moving. Suddenly, the cannons started to fire off multiple rounds, saturating the air. "Whoa, what a light show!" There were a few explosions in the background. "They seem to work." "Yeah." She put a hand on his shoulder. "They work." He looked at her. "I know, I shoulda put a silencer on them!" She smiled and kissed him. "Well, now that we're up, and since you're still prepared, wanna go again?" "No....I should really take this off. We've been asleep for some time. Maybe...." "....Some cuddling is in order." "Exactly." They looked at each other and laughed. "That's it, we were meant to be!" He went into the bathroom and took care of what he had to while Samantha redid the bed. He came back out to see her waiting, naked, in bed, and watching him adoringly. *Meant to be,* he heard Lone Wolf say. *Tobais, you will not understand how much she really means to you until she is nearly lost. Remember that, you will find out how it will come true soon.* He chuckled to himself. Lone Wolf, a part of him, was telling him what he already knew. He personally didn't care right then and there. He crawled into bed with Samantha. She cuddled up to him and sighed contentedly. He brushed her hair with his hand. He started to hum a small tune. She closed her eyes and smiled. "I can't wait until we're ninteen." "Why?" "I'm not sure what the legal age is on your planet, but on this one, to be legally married, you have to be ninteen." He chuckled. "Well, one year and six months isn't a very long time. Is it?" "It's not long, but too long." "Tobais," Sven's voice suddenly butted in. He sat up. "What is it Sven?" "Prisoner break." "WHAT?!" "The four you caught before made a break. We caught three of them, but a fourth got away from us. We need to to hunt him down. And why is your screen off?" "I turned it off because Samantha and I wanted a little privacy. I'll be right down." "All right. Meet me at the garage. Leave your rail gun, you won't need it. But do bring down a better explanation for why the screen is off."