Chapter 16: Prison Camp ~Drip. Drip. Drip~ He moaned as he sat up. "What happened?" he asked out loud. He looked around. He was in a large, stone cell. There was no beds, no light except from a barred window, and only dirt for a floor. "Where am I?" He scratched the back of his head and looked down upon himself. "What the?!" He was missing his clothes. "What happened to my clothing?!" "Shh..." Samantha told him. "It's okay. Lie back down." He did as he was told. "Samantha, my eyes haven't adjusted to the darkness. Where are you?" "By your side." She layed a hand on his shoulder. He quickly took it. "Where are my clothes?" "The same place my clothing is: hidden." "Hidden? Why?" "So they don't get ruined." "Samantha, where are the others? Where are we?" "The others are asleep. We're in the middle of Raider territory." "They're asleep. Good." He looked up at her. His eyes had focused and he saw her beautiful, nude body clearly. "Are you okay?" "Yes. I'm fine." "And Kaitlyn?" "See for yourself." She pointed to his other side. Kaitlyn was lying there, naked, and curled up. He paniced and looked back at her. "You mean we're all in the buff here?" "And why not?" "Because....I don't...." "Don't worry about it. We would've gotten you into the public baths anyway." He sat up. "So you don't mind if Swift and Kaitlyn?" "Not at all." She kissed his cheek. He smiled and rested up against a wall. "Well, that's good to know." He looked over at Kaitlyn. "I was always curious anyway." She smiled and sat down on his lap. "I know. You're a guy. Guys are like that." She kissed him. He smiled nervously. "Samantha, we can't do that here. We'd wake her up." She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. "Oh, all right. Let's get some sleep." He wrapped his arms around her waist. "All right. Good night lovely." They fell asleep like that. He woke up early the next morning. Samantha was still curled up on his lap, sleeping peacefully. Kaitlyn still had her back to him. Crash and his buddies were on the other side of the cell. Swift was curled up in the middle of the area. He sighed, his prayers that it was a dream didn't go through. He started to rock back and forth. Samantha smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. "They'll be here soon," he whispered. "Enjoy your sleep while you can." She nuzzled his neck. "Don't worry," she replied. "I'm ready." "If I'm right, no you aren't." Kaitlyn stretched and sat up. "I hate my life," she muttered. "You know that?" She looked at the two. He blushed and covered his eyes. "It's okay. You can look. I got to see yours, don't forget." She looked at the two oddly. "You're...not penetrating...are you?" "Nah." He grinned and looked at Samantha. "Although that is a nice idea." Kaitlyn frowned and slapped him. "I'm sorry. I was jokin'." "That's a cruel joke!" He took her hand. "Please....forgive me?" She sighed. "Yeah. All right. I'll be pissed at you if we get out of here." He nodded and ran his fingers down her arm. "We will. I'll make sure of it." She nodded sadly. "Well, let's make some idle chit-chat while we wait." He looked her over. "What are those odd scratches all over you?" She chuckled. "I don't know. I've had them since my teens." She hugged her legs. He gave her arm a gentle tug. She smiled and scootched over. "I was hoping to hook ya so we could figure it out together. But now that Samantha has you...." "Kaitlyn," Samantha said. "It's okay. If you want Tobias's help to figure yourself out, you can use him." "No. I'd end up taking advantage of your kindness and....well...." "Rock the cazbah?" "Yeah." "It's okay Kaitlyn. If you wanna screw with him, you can screw with him. Although this isn't the place to do it, you can do that." "Well, thank you Samantha." She rested her head on Tobias's other shoulder. "I'll keep that in mind." The three let out a collective sigh. "That's touching," Isthus' voice rang out as the cell door opened. The vile creature stepped in, his guards standing just outside the door. Samantha and Kaitlyn hung onto Tobias and cowered. He remained calm. "I didn't know that you cared for these two that much." "Well, that is my nature," he replied. "I see." "Could you please do me a favor?" "What would that be?" "Could you please keep it down." He pointed at Crash and the others. "They deserve their sleep." "Why should I be nice to them?" "Because it's me that you're after. Please, just leave them out of this." He nodded. "I can see your point. They will remain prisoners. But we will not use them to get to you." He looked at Kaitlyn. "What happened to you, my dear?" She remained silent. He looked at Tobias. "She's your woman, Lone Wolf. Make her talk." He sighed. "Kaitlyn, please tell him what that scar across your belly is about." She shook her head. He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Please?" Again, she shook her head. He turned back to Isthus. "I'm sorry. She's not in a very talkative mood right now. Please don't be angry." He nodded. "I understand. One of weakness is often intimidated by those who are stronger." He quirked a brow. "I don't think you came here to harass us. Please, tell me what you want or leave us alone." "All right, if you want me to." He cleared his throat. "Lone Wolf, we kidnapped you for a reason." "Gee, I didn't know that Poindexter." He quirked a brow. "We would like you to fight for the Raiders." There was a brief moment of silence. "Well?" "No." "Why not?" "My loyalty lies with the pack. That will not change unless they betray me." "And the chances of that happening are...." "...Nil. They hold me too highly to betray me." "But we can offer you so much, Lone Wolf: Fame, Fortune, anything a soul could want. You'll be a hero amongst our people." He chuckled. "Yeah, if you're a greedy one." "What's that supposed to mean?" "I do not seek to be famous. That seems to be coming with the name, don't you think? I don't care about wealth. I don't want to become what my people are. And I don't care about being a hero. I am not a hero to anybody." "Well, what is it that you desire? What do you want?" "I've already got it." He growled. "And what is that?" "My secret." "What secret?" "Well, if I told you, it wouldn't be a secret, now would it?" "No, I guess you're right." He got up. "I'll be back in a few hours to see if you change your mind." He left, slamming the big, steel door shut. "Well, he was a delightful fellow." Samantha giggled. "Oh yes. He's got as much charm as you." "Yeah." He turned and looked at Kaitlyn, who still wore a look of fear on her face. "Samantha, I should really get her out of shock, don't you think?" "You should." She got off his lap. "Just don't go too far." He smiled. "I'll try not to." She smiled in return. He nodded and took Kaitlyn by the waist. "Kaity...." No response. "Kaity bear...." Still no response. "Don't make me have to make love to you." That snapped her out of shock. "What?!" "Well, at least we know you're alive. Are you okay?" "No. I swore I just heard you say 'Don't make me have to make love to you.' " "You did. I said it to try to snap you out of your shock." "Really?" She sighed. "I was hoping you were serious." He smiled and patted his lap. "Have a seat." She shook her head. "It's okay. Please, have a seat." She got up and sat back down on his lap. "Is that better?" "A little." Samantha smiled. "Well, I'll just leave you two be..." "Samantha," he said. "Hmm?" He crossed his legs indian style. "There's more than enough room for you too." Come, sit with us." She smiled and happily took her seat. "Thank you Tobias." She kissed him. Kaitlyn did the same. "We owe you big time." She let her eyes trail down his body and giggled. "Oh, what do we have here?" "Um....nothing...." Samantha smiled. "It don't look like nothing." "Please don't. It's bad enough it's like that. Please, no further." Kaitlyn sighed. "Oh, all right." They rested their heads on his shoulders. "Maybe a little bit later, we can get some action in, ladies?" "With me, yes. With Samantha, no." "Why not Samantha?" "Because I'll have to kill you." He smiled. "All right. I'll leave her alone in that respect." He kissed her on the cheek. "But in every other respect, I'll fight ya tooth, nail, and claw over it." Crash and the others remained asleep throughout the day. Samantha, Tobias, and Kaitlyn were left to themselves. And it was pretty boring for a little while. Having nothing to do took it's toll on them. "I'm bored," Tobias muttered, tossing a small rock at the wall. "What's there to do?" "Tossing rocks at the wall does get boring after a while," Kaitlyn said, tossing another rock at the same wall. "Yeah," Samantha added, tossing a third rock at the wall. "And you won't let us do anything we know we'd like because it - how did you put it? - is wrong." They let go of a collective sigh. "I don't know if we should stay awake anymore. We should just do like they're doing and go back to sleep." She pointed at Crash and the others. "No," Tobias said. "That's showing weakness. I don't want them to think we're weakening." "Well, what do we do then?" "Let's consider our options. Sex and any sexual activity is out of the question because of Kaitlyn." "I didn't say any sexual activity. Ya just can't penetrate her." "Yeah, well, we'll leave that be for a little. Continuing, they've left us naked and in an empty cell." "No, we still have our clothes hidden away, remember?" "Okay, so we've got our clothing hidden away." He stopped. "My chip and recall button still there?" "Yeah. They overlooked it." "Good." He leaned back. "The only thing I can think of that'll keep us busy is if I give these hands a workout." "Meaning?" Samantha asked. He slipped behind her and ran his fingers down her sides. She cooed. " should show that to Kaitlyn." "Show what to me?" He smiled. "It's pretty simple. My fingers have a certain magic to them. They seem to soothe whomever I touch with them." He slowly started to crawl over to her. "Do you want me to show you what I'm capable of, my dear?" "Um...I'm not so sure..." "It'll be all right." He crawled behind her. "I won't hurt you, Kaitlyn." He set his hands on her sides. "What are you doing?!" "Calm down." He ran his fingers down her sides. She winced. "Does that feel good?" "Oooh..." She fell back into his arms. "Tobias, You didn't tell me you knew how to do that!" "You didn't ask." "Is this what you were doing with Samantha that day that I went berzerk and pushed Sven out of the chair?" "Yes. It was." "Ooooh.....that makes me feel worse." She turned and kissed him. "I don't deserve this." "Calm down, Kaitlyn. You deserve it." He ran his fingers down her belly. "Just lay down and I'll get to work, okay?" She did so, laying on her belly and resting her head on her arms. "We're stuck here until someone figures out something to do," he told her, setting his hands on her shoulders. "You know that, right?" "That I do." "But until that happens, we'll have to make due with what we've got." He started to massage. She stretched her legs. "We'll start slowly, with things like this. If that gets dull after a while, which I doubt it ever will, we'll get into some more intimate things. And if that fails, well, I don't need to tell you what's going where." "Mmmhmm....could you work on my back please?" He looked over at Samantha and smiled. "With pleasure." The door clanked open towards the evening. Isthus walked in and looked around. "Could they have already gone to sleep?" he muttered aloud. "Shh..." He looked towards the corner where the sound had come from. He saw Tobias sitting in the corner, Kaitlyn and Samantha curled up in his arms, fast asleep. "Welcome back, Lord Isthus," he mocked. "Please, get comfortable." "I'll stand, thank you." He approached him. "You three seem to have gotten yourselves comfortable, given the situation." "Yeah, well, that'd be my fault. My hands are dangerous when it comes to these two." He chuckled. "Well, they seem to love you a lot." "I know." He gently stroked their arms, forcing a smile out of both of them. "The feeling is mutual." He took a deep breath. "Lone Wolf, I almost feel rotten about forcing you and your women-" "They are not my women, Isthus. They are my friends. They are my companions. They are far from my women." He smiled. "As much as I hate to admit, that's all that they are." "All right then, I correct myself. I almost feel rotten about forcing you and your companions into such conditions." "Then why did you do it?" "Because we hope that subjecting you to such conditions will force a convert to our side." "Isthus, let me tell you something. I was treated like shit where I come from. Nobody respected, cared, or even noticed me unless I was needed to have the blame placed upon. I fell into the Pack's arms and they treated me with what I never got. I would never be able to betray them." "I see. So you're saying that they gave you what we're not." "Persicely." He nodded. "I understand now what we're doing wrong." He turned for the door. "Before I go, can I ask you a question?" "Go ahead." "You seem so calm about this." "You want to know why, right?" "That's the basic idea." "I've been through worse. This is lightweight compared to what I've been through." "I'll keep that in mind. Good night, Lone Wolf." He left the cell, shutting the heavy metal door behind him. "I am not going to work for you Isthus," he muttered. "I will die before that happens." He found himself in the dark recesses of his mind in the middle of the night. "Swift," he called out. His words echoed. "I know you're in here. What do you want?" Swift, rather the ethereal Swift, appeared. "I was bored." "So how does that give you permission to probe my mind?" She smiled. "It doesn't. I was just sharpening my abilities while we're here. Gotta keep in top form, right?" "I can't blame you for wanting to do that." "Good." She looked around. "I just noticed that this calm area we're on is bigger than on the doctor's visit." "Oh?" He looked about. "I didn't notice." "Well, it has gotten bigger." She sat down on the 'ground'. "Please, don't discomfort yourself." He flicked a wrist and a pillow appeared. She smiled. "Thank you." She took the seat. "So, you've been up all of yesterday. What were you doing?" "Talking with Samantha and Kaitlyn, massaging their backs, and talking with that Isthus fellow." He knelt opposite her. "I don't know what to make of him though." "I don't trust him." He quirked a brow. "Really. That's kind of one-sided." "Don't forget. I probe minds for fun." " you pulled the sneaky-sneaky with him?" "The...sneaky..." She thought about it for a second. "Ah! I get it now. Yes, I scanned him." "And?" "Well, let's put it this way. Can you keep yourself strong for two more weeks?" "Pretty much. If I can handle hell on Earth for 15-16 years, I can handle boot camp for two weeks." He stopped for a second. "What's going to happen in two weeks?" "If he doesn't get his way, we get a chance to get out of here." "What's he going to do?" "All I can say is keep Samantha close to you." You will not understand how much she really means to you until she is nearly lost. Swift looked around. "What was that?" He shivered in fear. "A reminder. Please don't tell me she's going to be killed." "I don't think he'll do that....yet...." He shuddered again. "Swift, please...." "I'm sorry." He doubled over. "I don't want her hurt. I should just agree to work for him." "No. You cannot do that." She took his hand. "I will kill you before you do that. And the way I kill people is not the nicest of things." He sighed. "All right. I'll try to be strong. But if Samantha is killed, I will destroy Isthus and then I will come after you." She jerked back. "Why me?" "Because you told me about this. And you told me not to break for him." She smiled. "If that's the way it must be, than I'll be expecting it if everything goes wrong." She hugged him. "I'm sorry Tobias." **************************************************************************** The council was called by Isthus that night. "I apologize for bringing you all here this late," Isthus said. "But I would like to update you on the Lone Wolf situation." He waved his hand and a holographic image of Tobias appeared. "This is Lone Wolf." "And you mean to tell us THAT is causing us all our problems?" one of the councelmen blurted out. "Yes. That's him." "I could crush him!" one of the younger members said. "Then what was the lupine that our satelites were picking up?" a third asked. "We're not sure yet, but I think this frail creature has the ability to change between this form and the warrior." "Okay, so what do we do with him when he's not in kill mode? I thought you said we were going to get him to convert." "His will is too strong. Iala couldn't handle him because of his strong will. If Iala, our top psychic, couldn't kill him, then it's only natural that we'd have problems getting him over to our side." "Have you tried at least?" "I have." "And?" "He gave me an interesting response. He said that the Pack gave him something he never recieved where he came from. He's too loyal to the Pack to be easily converted." "Then we must wear him down. Can't we use his guard detail against him?" "No. He's friendly with them, that is true, but they are as strong as he is. He knows that. They would take it." "What about the fox girl?" "He's got some sort of bond with her. I don't think we should tamper in such a thing." He shuddered. "What about the skunk and wolf women?" He sighed. "They're the key to him. He loves them too greatly. But..." "But what Isthus?" "They're too beautiful to harm. I really don't want to do it. It will be a last resort. Otherwise, they remain out of this." "Isthus, it's almost as if you're attracted to them." "Shut up." "I was just saying-" Isthus growled and slammed his foot down. Everything shook. The holographic image waivered before stablizing again. "I said shut up. Or would you like to learn about Lone Wolf from the inside of his cell?" There was no response. "Anyway, my attempts to talk some of our reason into him has failed. We will proceed to the next level tomorrow." "What is the next level?" "Forced labor," he said. "Of course. If we can't reason with him, we'll break his spirit. And if that fails...." "If that fails?" "We'll cross that bridge once we come to it. I thank you all for your time. If you need me, I'll be at the bar having a drink." He turned and left.