Chapter 23: Bleu Mesa They all piled onto the transport in the middle of the night. According to Law, it was time for Leo's bi-weekly sector scan, and they had a 20 minute launch window. "We're cutting it too close," Law said. "We shouldn't even bother with this." He sat down next to the pilot. "Think of it this way," Tobias said, leaning on the back of his chair. "If we miss this opportunity, they will never trust us." "You raise a valid point." Tobias smiled and sat down with Samantha and Kailtyn. "Pilot, forward." "Aye sir." The pilot quickly started up the transport and they rolled away. **************************************************************************** Deep within the deserts of the Raider Territory, one can easily find the peculiar Bleu Mesa. This 15 mile long, 5 mile wide messa looks like your everyday mesa, and it pretty much is, except for two facts. The first fact it has a blue top, which is peculiar since most of the rocks in the area are red. And the second fact is that it was the home to the Viper Sting. The small band of rebels had dug out a small cavern for themselves inside the mesa and set up a small town to live in. D and his rebels were waiting patiently at the small observation deck above the enterance, watching the night sky. "I hope you know what you're doing," Mink told him. D laughed and sat on the little ledge of the glassless hole of a window. "I trust the kid. I'm sure he wouldn't double cross us." "Yeah," a female voice added. "Now sit down and calm yourself." A lean little tigress grabbed Mink's arm and pulled him into a chair. "D, will you tell you fricken concubines to lay off!" The tigress smiled wickedly. "Um...I mean back off. I have my own women, you know." D chuckled. "Sandra, leave Mink alone. Go find Xuon or something. He usually doesn't mind that sort of treatment." The tigress nodded, bowed, and headed off. Mink shook his head. "D, what's up with you?" "Hmm? What do you mean?" "You have a handful of women at your beck and call. Why haven't you....ya know..." "I already told you Mink. Stop asking the same qu-" He caught eye of something and climbed back into the observation deck. Mink came to his side. "What's wrong?" D pointed to a mound of ground. It upheaved and a transport came out. "I'll go warn the troops." "Wait. Watch." The door opened and out piled 10 people. Seven of them were armed, one with the most peculiar weapon. They looked around and, happy that there was no danger, took their helmets off. There were two arctic wolves, one timber wolf, a jaguar, a rat, a skunkette, two foxes.... "There's Tobias!" D shouted, pointing. He raced to the door. "Mink, I want you, Terry, and Myst down at the main enterance in 5 minutes." He dashed down to meet the new arrivals. **************************************************************************** The transport disappeared under the surface, leaving the ten to the harsh night of the desert. "Well," Crash said. "Where the hell are these contacts?" "They told me that we should wait here." "We're sitting ducks out here! What the hell do they mean wait?" "He's right," Law said. "Raiders are doing sweeps today." He looked to the mesa. "I say we head over to there and wait it out. Tobias, mind giving it a scan to see if we can find any caves to hide out in?" "Sure." He summoned up the scanner and gave it a once over. "Odd. I'm picking up nothing on the scanner except some sort of energy field." He tinkered with a few button. "There is some sort of energy field surrounding the entire mesa. I can't penetrate it. Swift-" "On it." She shut her eyes. "I can detect life inside the mesa." Her eyes snapped open. "There's an enterance in the base of the small dent in the wall. Let's head that way." "Hold it," Tobias said, tapping the headset. "Someone's approaching." "Not for long," Psycho growled, grabbing his gun. "Don't even think of it Psycho. I think I know who it is." He stepped forward and waited. They all watched in amazement as a panther ran up to him. He gave a peace sign while the panther gave a thumbs up. They smiled, shook hands, and exchanged a few words. He brought him over to the rest of the group. "Guys, this is D. D, here's my crew." "Great to meet you all. We can get to the formal introductions later. Right now, we need to get inside before the Raiders get to their sweeps." He started for the mesa. "C'mon!" Using the mesa as a base and a place to live was an old tech idea. But it was the only low tech thing about the base. The second they reached the little crevice Swift told them about, the wall disappeared, revealing a steel door set into the rockface. It opened mechanically and allowed them in. They passed the rows of guards, both in the wall with gun turrets pointing down at them and on the ground, and came to a general meeting area. All sorts of people walked to and from different places. Three people, however, stood at the center of the chaos, near a giant, stone fountain: Mink, the bear Tobias had met before, and two others. The first one was a Kimodo Dragon, garbed in a lab coat, a clip board in hand. He stood to Mink's left, and watched the group carefully. To Mink's right, however, was one hell of a sight. The vixen probably stood Samantha's height. She wasn't busty as one would hope, but it wouldn't have mattered anyway. The hedgehog spines that popped out of her tail and out of the top of her head would draw anyone's attention away. Tobias leaned closer to D. "Who....sorry, what, is that vixen standing next to your second?" D growled. "She's a hedgevixen. And not who I wanted down here." He went over to Mink. "Mink, I thought I told you to bring Terry and Myst along." "Sorry D," Mink replied. "But Myst is in weapons testing and Terry.... well....we can't find Terry." He shook his head. "I'll have to have a long talk with Terry. I doubt that won't even do the trick." The group of visitors approached the rebels. "Um...Dane," Tobias said. "You gonna introduce us or what?" "Oh, I'm sorry. You've met my second, Mink, right Tobias?" He nodded. "The lizard in the lab coat is Xuon. He's our resident technician, expert at all things mechanical, and owner of the lowest self-esteem in this base." "Hey," Xuon said. "I'm a Kimodo Dragon. Get it right!" "I'm sorry. He's a 'Dragon.' " He shook his head. "And this little hedgevix is-" "Mallory." She went directly for Tobias and extended a hand. "It's a pleasure." He smiled weakly and shook her head. "Indeed." He let go and turned to Dane. "Now, let me introduce my crew." He pointed out each individual. "Crash, Psycho, Hack, Wrench, Bomber, Swift, Kaitlyn, my girl Samantha and...." He looked around. "Guys? Where's the boss?" "Right here," Law said, stepping forward. "Dane, how've you been?" Dane laughed. "Boss? Explain." "You didn't hear? I got a promotion. I run the base now." "Well, congrats old man!" He shook his hand. "Now, come on. I'll show you guys to your quarters so you can settle in." They were led to two rooms. D took out 2 sets of keys. "I'm sorry," he told them. "But we have a slight space problem. We're currently digging out more space for living quarters. Until then, which will probably be long after you guys leave, you have to share quarters. These rooms are pretty cramped, so I advise that you go girls in one room, guys in the other." Samantha quickly snatched up a set of keys. "No. I think Tobias won't mind sharing a room with three women. Do you?" He shook his head. "See?" "Okay. I see that you two have something, so let me lay down some house rules. The bedrolls are small, maybe one person per. You may push them together if you wish. No hanky panky. Loud noises like screams of joy can easily reveal our location. Besides, it annoys the few techies we have here." "Okay," Tobias said. "We won't screw around." "Good. We'll let you settle in." He nodded and started off. "Oh, and before I forget, you may want to get in a few hours of sleep. We don't start true operations until 10." He was not joking. The rooms were small. A small window had been chisled out to allow for the ventilation of the small room. They looked at each other silently before Tobias smiled. He took his bedroll and unrolled it near the window. Samantha caught on and rolled her bedroll out next to his. Kaitlyn and Swift soon followed in suit. After a little rearranging, they found that they had a wall-to-wall bed. They shared glances and smirks. "I don't know how he expects us to avoid the hanky panky," Samantha said, breaking the silence. "I know," Swift said. "Well, we have two days here. What do we do?" Kaitlyn let out a brief yawn. "Yeah," Tobias said. "We did leave kinda early." He looked out the window. "It's nowhere near dawn." Samantha nodded and rested her head on his shoulder. He took her in his arms. "Girls. Let's get some sleep." He knelt down on the bedding and layed Samantha down. She smiled and curled up. He caressed her cheek and layed down next to her. He looked up at the other two. Kaitlyn smiled and sat down next to him. Swift quirked a brow. "Kaitlyn, can I ask you a favor?" She looked at him, then at Swift, then at him again. "You had me for two weeks in the prison camp. Please, let Swift stay with me for two days." She nodded and moved aside. Swift smiled. "Thank you Kaitlyn." She sat down next to Tobias and hugged him. "And thank you." He smiled and hugged back. Samantha and Swift pulled themselves closer to him. "Why didn't I allow this earlier?" he muttered, embrasing them both. "Becasue you're a fool," Swift responded. She chose his shoulder as her pillow. "And you know it." He smiled. "I know." The two suddenly felt and arm drape over them - Kaitlyn's. She obviously didn't want to be left out. He looked at her and smiled. She did the same. **************************************************************************** Morning approached. D was again in his observation deck, watching over the harsh desertscape. He did this too often, he told himself. It was like he was holding a vigil for something. What exactly that was, he didn't know. But he kept it. The harsh red sun peeked over the horizon. He smiled. "Good morning," he whispered. "D." Mink's voice shattered his peace. "What are you doing?" He looked at him and smiled. "Watching. Waiting. For what, I don't know." "Well, come out of there. The Raider force scanning this sector is approaching." Instantly, D was out of the observation deck and into the stairwell. "When the hell were you going to tell me this?" "We just found out." "Has the base been rigged for silent run?" "We're prepping everything. All personel have been moved into the command center." "Good. And our guests?" "We are awaiting your command to introduce the sleep gas to their systems." He sighed. "Why are we doing this again?" "They don't know what the silent run is. Besides, they're all asleep anyway. Mallory and Myst have checked." He nodded. "Do it quickly. We cannot have any compromises." Mink nodded and took off. "I'm sorry, Tobias." **************************************************************************** Tobias woke up suddenly. He didn't know why, but he did. He slid out of Samantha's grasp and sat up. This, of course, woke Swift up. "Tobias," she whispered. "Why the sudden start?" "I...I don't know." He rubbed his head. "I just had a feeling s-" A canister was thrown into the door. It spun to a stop at his feet. "What is that?" As an answer, the canister starting to spray a purple mist into the room. "Sleep gas!" Swift said. "Cover your mouth and let's get out of here." He did as he was told. He helped her to his feet and they exited. The gas filled the room and Kaitlyn and Samantha were going to be out for a lot longer than expected. The two looked at each other. "Why would they do that?" He let out a low growl. "I don't know. But I'm going to go find D and get an answer. Come with me, Swift. You'll most likely be needed." "But what about Samantha and Kaitlyn." "They'll be fine. I don't think D and his boys would be that stupid." She nodded. "Let's go find him. He will feel my wrath." **************************************************************************** Mallory waited patiently for D to arrive. She was down at the fountain, a little fearful for her safety. She was the one who threw the canister in. She knew that if Tobias found out, she would be harmed badly. She knew what he had done at the Raider outpost. She didn't want the same thing to happen to her. Mercifly, D arrived. "Was it done?" he asked. "Y-yes. They're all out cold." She held onto herself. "What's wrong?" "I don't want to think of what Tobias will do if he finds out-" D put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. He won't. I've made sure of that." She smiled and put one of her small, delicate hands on his larger, stronger hand. "Now, let's get into the safe zone so we-" "So you don't what?" Mallory turned white and looked at D. He looked at her and swallowed hard. "So you don't what D? Get caught by me?" "Tobias, you can kick my ass later. We need to get into the safe area. The Raider patrols are due in five minutes. They'll know we're here if we stay here." Tobias looked at him for a few moments. "I can't take the chance of not believing you. Where is this safe area?" Mallory pointed at a set of giant double doors. "In there. We should move." Tobias nodded and grabbed Swift's hand. She smiled and they all dashed into the safety of the doors. The sounds of grinding metal and the creaks of rusty machinery sounded as the doors shut. They all braced themselves on the door. For what reason, none of them knew. They waited patiently as the red lights that were in the area turned yellow, then white. a collective sigh of relief was released. "Good," D said. "We're safe. Now, Tobias, I suspect you-" His sentence was cut off. Tobias had him by the collar and lifted him into the air. "You have five seconds to explain yourself. Otherwise I kick your ass clear across this mesa." "We have a specific silent run protocal. You are not familiar with it. We didn't want to take that chance. We decided to put you to sleep." "Why didn't you take that risk and explain it to us off the bat?" "We didn't know." "Of course not, I don't think you thought about it either." "Your girl and the others are going to be safe. I assure you that." "But won't the Raiders detect them?" "The Raiders can only detect living things. The gas we used makes them seem like their dead." "WHAT?!" He growled and threw him across the hall. D plowed into a wall. "I thought you said Samantha was all right!" "She is. The gas keep them in suspended animation. When we get out of silent run, we will administer another gas that will put them back into our time stream." The human hand grabbed him by the collar again. "I'm not lying. I wouldn't be cruel like that." "If Samantha or any of my friends get hurt because of your gas, your little band of rebels will be looking for a new commander." He smirked. "I hope you've trained Mink well, ya know, just in case." He let him go. Mallory approached him. "Tobias?" He turned to her, his expression softer. She sighed and bowed her head. "I'm sorry." "What for?" She didn't answer. He nodded. "It wasn't your fault. You were acting under orders. I am not mad." "Serious?" He nodded. She smiled. "Shall we head into headquarters?" "Might as well," D said. "We need to know what the hell is going on, don't we?" He got up. "Follow me." Hesitantly, they complied. D led them to a small command center. If he didn't know better, Tobias would have sworn they had just walked onto the bridge of any ship on any sci-fi series. Someone brought D a clipboard, which he promptly went over. He nodded and handed it back. "Deploy the thread," he told him. "We need to see what the hell is going on out there." The grunt nodded and went off to do so. Tobias didn't bother to ask what was going on. He was far too amazed. He leaned on a piece of railing he was sure wouldn't set anything off. D looked at him and smiled. "You like what you see?" "Yeah. You run a nice operation here." "We like to keep on top of our current Raider problem. But then again, we couldn't do this without them." He waved his hand. "All of this technology is stolen.We used to be a band of petty nomads, fighting with very little. Then we came upon the mesa and dug in. We stole what we needed and came up with this little war room." He chuckled. "It brings back such memories." "Well, congrats on that D. You probably earned all this." "Thread deployed sir," Xuon, who was sitting at a control panel, said. "Show me what we've got. Main screen." A large screen at the top of the far wall lit up, showing a map of the area. Raider units were all over the place, scanning for something suspicious. "Good. They have yet to reach us. What's the estimated time to their arrival?" "Five, maybe ten minutes." "Great." He grabbed a small microphone. "All rebels, prepare for silent run in 3 minutes. Repeat, silent run in three." He shook his head and put the mike down. "This is the part of the job I hate." "Why is that?" Tobias asked. "Watch." He pushed a button on the railing. A small screen appeared out of nowhere. He looked at it. "Powering down unimportant sectors." He touched a few yellow spots on the screen. They turned red, then black. "Rec facilities, mess hall, and showers powered down," Xuon reported. "Minimizing of weapons arrays." He touched a few more spots. They turned red. "Laser arrays at 15% power." "That's good enough. Final stage begin." He touched the remaining yellow spots. They turned red. As soon as they did, the lights in the room turned off. A few seconds passed before the emergency red lights turned on. "Power down complete," Xuon said. "We're all but dead in the water and blind." D looked up at the screen. "The thread is still working. Good." He lowered his head and muttered something. "May we survive this scan." "Now what?" Tobias asked. "We watch. We wait. We pray." "Pray?" D waved his hand. Nearly everyone was on their knees or had their hands folded in prayer. All eyes were trailed on the ground. "We don't believe in much. But we do believe in a god." He took a deep breath. "I suppose you do too." Tobias didn't reply. "Well? Do you?" "God does not exist in my heart. If it did, it would have to deal with a lot of hatred I have for it." He turned away and looked at the screen. The Raiders were piling onto a small area. "D, what's going on with the Raiders?" He grew a little worried. "They found something. Xuon, get me thread view of that area." "Aye sir." He banged away at his controls. The screen switched views. The Raiders had a small group surrounded. "Damn it!" "What?" Tobias asked. "That's a fellow group of Rebels. They've been caught! Xuon, which group is that?" "The Raiders' Folley." "They weren't to good at what they did, but I don't think they deserve that." He lowered his head. "Good luck, comrads." "Dont' give up on them yet, D," Tobias said. "Why?" "Have your thread thingie keep an eye on them. As soon as we get out of silent run, we can make a raid on the camp where they're gonna be held." "That's a good idea, except for the fact they all end up in the same camp." "Which camp?" D pushed a few buttons. A picture of a prison camp appeared on the screen. Swift gasped. "What's wrong Swift?" "Don't you recognize it Tobias? We escaped from there." D looked at her. "What?!" "We were being held in that camp. Tobias got us out of there." "But...but that's impossible!" "Not so. It was rather easy once I used this." He pulled out the gold computer chip. "This little puppy can turn me into something worse than Psycho. It got us out. It can get us back in." D looked at him weirdly. "I want you to show me this after silent run. If what you say is true, then we will proceed with the mission." "We've got movement," Xuon exclaimed. Their attention was drawn to the screen. A second force had suddenly appeared and was moving in on the Raiders. "It's a second group of rebels." "What are they doing?" Tobias asked. "They don't stand a chance against a Raider force of that magnitude." "Wait, there's something else. There is an energy signature in Gray Sector 3." "Isn't that where Terry was supposed to be patrolling?" Mallory asked. "Xuon, try to ID that signature." "We don't have to. A thread just arrived in that sector. Punching it up." The screen split. The new image showed the single wolf, holding his hands out, radiating some sort of energy field. "It's Terry. Tracing energy." The map re-appeared. A yellow line flowed from Terry's position to the approaching rebel force. "He's protecting them? Or powering them up?" "Knowing Terry, both. Let's watch." The force surrounded the Raider group. Something happened and the sector went blank. "What the hell?" "We've lost contact with the thread portion in that sector. Attempting to re-establish." He hacked away feverishly. "Unable to establish a connection. Too much static. There's an energy mass that's blocking our thread." "Damn," D said. "Keep working at it." As soon as he said that, the sector lit up again. "That was quick." The rebel force was diminished. But the Raider force was down to a quarter of what it originally was. "What the hell?!" "Terry's moving back towards us." "What about the Raider sweeps?" "They've been too damaged to continue. Knowing them, they won't bother around here since there was too much activity over there. They're going to go through it with a fine tooth comb." "Good. Once the Raider force is gone, I want everything out of silent run." He turned for the door. "Tobias, Mallory, Swift, come with me. Let's go wake up the others."