Chapter 24: Strengthen Samantha stretched and yawned. "What time is it?" she muttered. She opened her eyes and saw Tobias leaning over her. She smiled and hugged him. "Good morning handsome!" He hugged back tightly. She squeaked. "Why so affectionate all of a sudden?" He smiled. "No reason." "Oh...then can I please breathe again?" He loosened his grip, but refused to let go. "Tobias, what's wrong?" "Nothing. I just feel like not letting go of you." "Tobias, the last time you did this, something was wrong." She slid out of his grasp and sat up. "Please, tell me." He looked at D, then at Swift, and then shook his head. "Okay. I understand." He helped her up to her feet. "Why do I feel so weak all of a sudden?" she wondered aloud. "Don't worry." He shot a look at D. "You'll be fine." "Yeah," D reassured them both. "Don't worry about it, Samantha." She smiled and used Tobias as a brace. "So, now that we're up, what do we do now?" "Perhaps I should give you guys a tour of the base. I mean, this is going to be your home for the next two days, isn't it?" She nodded. "Sounds like fun. Let's go!" D led the small group, excluding the Elite Guard, down to the fountain. "So what made you choose this place?" Law asked. "It was perfect. Bleu Mesa has so much fertile soil. We couldn't pass this opportunity up." He waved a hand to the many corridors. "Every tunnel leads to a different place. And they all cross each other. Where would you like to see first?" His response was Xuon approaching them. "D, we're having problems with the strength amplifier. Mind coming to take a look?" Tobias chuckled. "I guess that means the labs will be the first stop, eh D?" D chuckled. "Sure. Let's go." He directed them down one of the tunnels. The labs were huge. There were so many different machines that apparently did so many different things. The few techies that were there were monitoring two or three different things. Xuon hasted for a big glass window that seperated them from a testing area. The group watched as Myst gave a thumbs up. "Okay," Xuon said. "Give it another go." Myst nodded and took what appeared to be the shell of a computer chip in between his thumb and index finger. He put it into the headset he wore and tapped something on a control panel on his arm. He shut his eyes. Then, out of nowhere, a vest of heavy looking palte mail appeared on his chest, with sholder pads that jutted out like plane wings. Tobias chuckled. "Now, give him a helmet, some boots, and a pair of bracers and he looks like one of those robots from a game." At those words, a helmet, bracers, and boots appeared. "Okay, now I have seen everything." "That's just it. We can get the armor to come on just fine and it functions like armor. But it's supposed to have special properties." "Like what?" Xuon sighed. "Myst, try the Kaiten Slash again." Myst quirked a brow. He pointed straight ahead, and then up. "Do the vertical slash." Myst winced and nodded. He got into a stance and concentrated. He leaped into the air and started to move. But instead, his body jolted and he fell back. The armor disappeared. "See, that's what happens! He tries to do the Kaiten Slash, or the shock punch, or anything physical, and the armor shorts out!" "Well," Kaitlyn said. "Bring it in here. I may be of help." Xuon nodded. "It's worth a shot." He turned back to Myst. "Bring the equipment in here Myst. We're letting Kaitlyn take a look at it." Myst nodded, took everything off, and stepped out of the testing chamber. He handed everything to Kaitlyn and smiled. "See what you can do Kaitlyn," Xuon said. "I will." She brought it over to a table and gave everything a once over. She quickly found the problem. "Who's the intelligent guy who designed the casing of the chip and not the chip itself?" "I designed this. Why?" She went over to him and showed him the casing. "This is a fine design. However, it needs a conductor, a chip of some sort." She looked at Tobias. "Your chip should do fine." She tossed him the casing. "You give it a test." D quirked a brow. "Tobias has the equipment capable? I know he has a headset, but does he-" Tobias made his headset appear and took out his golden chip. "How do I fit this Kaitlyn?" "Just snap it on top." He did so. "Now, go in and try it out." The room was sound proof. Despite the fact the walls were smooth rock, he could hear no sound from the lab chambers. Xuon looked at him. "Since you don't have the control panel, try a code word or something to get it to work." "What word do I use?" Tobias asked. Xuon didn't respond. They couldn't hear him. He shrugged. "Uh...we programmed it to activate when one said amplify. To turn it off, say disable." He nodded. "Okay." He got his microphone out and tapped it twice to make sure it was working. "Amplify." Instantly, the program kicked in. He could feel his entire body tingle. Suddenly, he grew shoulders. Big, flat, pointy shoulders. A very light weight armor appeaerd, not only there, but on his chest as well. His feet tingled. He grew new boots. And his arms, they felt stronger as soon as the bracers appeared. His headset grew into a helmet. The transform was complete. He looked at himself and chuckled. "I feel like a fuckin' Gundam." "Uh...Tobias." Xuon said. He looked up to show that Xuon had his attention. "What's a Gun-dam?" He quirked a brow. "How did you know I said that?" "We've heard everything since you turned your microphone on. It must have caught our inner mesa frequency." "Heh, small world!" "Now, what's a Gun-dam?" "It's a fictional mech. Don't worry about it." "Does it look as foolish as you do?" "Regretfully." "Ah. Okay." He processed some info. "We're going to try to get the techniques to work. Try the Vertical Kaiten Slash." "The what?" He sighed. "Jump into the air with an uppercut, kick high, kick center, kick low, and finish off with a flip." "All right." He concentrated and leaped into the air. He flailed around wildly and landed on his back. "That wasn't it." "I know that. It didn't want to come out." "It should have been programed into the chip. What's wrong?" "Disable." The armor disappeared. "What are you doing?" "Watch." He pushed a button. "Run diagnostic on chip." His scanner appeared and gave him a readout. "Odd. The my chip and your attachment have melded. The Slash thingie doesn't work while I'm in this form. But something else does. Amplify." The armor re-appeared. He made a double fist. "What's up Tobias?" He brought his fist above his head and slammed the ground. Everything shook. "My natural strength, speed, and agility are amplified by 25%. We need to try something." Suddenly, alarms started to go off. "Guys," they could hear Mink say. "We've got a problem." "What's up?" D said. "A group of Raiders have set up camp too close for comfort. We've managed to deflect their sensors, but the entire base is in trouble." "Great," Tobias said. "I'm in. I need to test something with my armor and weapon. Disable." The armor disappeared and he left the testing chamber. "What do you have planned?" D asked. "These amplifiers. Do they power up weapons?" "Yes. But Myst has hurt himself trying to fire them off." He chuckled. "Well, we know that the conductor helps it to work. How many amps do you have left?" "One for every person in this base." "Got enough conductors that'll fit the headsets you guys made?" "We should have enough," Xuon said. "Great. I don't mean to take control, but wake Crash and the others. We can handle the Raiders fine." "I'm not sure. I'm going to send a group with you." "Fine. Just arm them with these amps. I'm going to retrieve my body armor and my rail gun." He went over to Samantha, kissed her cheek, and disappeared down a hall. The small unit moved out as stealthily as possible. Tobias led them along, ready to fight. He wore his body armor proudly, without the amplifications. Amongst the ranks were Myst and Mallory. They were all ready to fight. "Ready," Tobias said as they staked out the Raider encampment. There was a nod. He turned and looked at the Raider camp. "I'll give them a warning shot. When I shoot, hit the amps and get ready to charge." He turned his rail gun to low power, aimed, and fired. He hit the ground, which exploded. "Damn it!" One of the Raiders cried. "Lone Wolf is back." They grabbed their arms. Tobias leaned against the rock he shot from for protection. "Amplify." The armor appeared again, right on top of his normal body armor. He felt a little disappointed. But when his rail gun started to change...that was a different story. The barrel got bigger, to say the least. It went from pencil thin to about the size of his arm. The business end grew a larger head, obviously to amplify the blast. And his backpack grew in size. "I'm ready," he said. The others nodded and hit their amplifiers (they had control panels). Their rifles grew to be sleaker, stronger, and scarier looking. "Ready?" They nodded. He hopped over the rock and fired his rail gun again. Instead of a beam, it launched a ball of energy, which flew out at the ground. It was way too short to do any damage, he thought. The ball collided with the ground and send a shockwave at the Raiders. They all fell. "Attack!" The rebels popped up over the rocks and fired. Oddly, the Raiders were hit, but not injured. "The fuck!" He fired at the Raiders. The ball collided with one. His body seemed to quiver and he collapsed. He was not going to get back up. "Back over the rocks!" They all dived back. "Disable." "What are you doing?!" Myst demanded. He took his rail gun off his back. "Watch." He got to his feet and launched himself off the rocks. He threw his hands out and was instantly bathed in a white light. The Raiders saw this and started to back away. When he landed, he had changed. The new form stood up and grinned. "Who want's to tango?" "RUN!" The Raiders cried. They darted away, back for base. He laughed and gave chase. He was quicker and caught up to the stragglers. They were promptly torn apart. He was unable to, however, catch the rest. He sighed and turned back for the rebels. They saw him approaching and backed away. "What's wrong guys? It's still me." He continued at his pace. "Don't be afriad." "Tobias," Mallory said. "Wh-what is-?" "This? This is Lone Wolf." She felt silent. He stopped. "Come to me. I will not harm you." "No way," Myst said. "Change back to Tobias." "If I do, Tobias will be weak. He won't make it back to the mesa. Listen, you have to trust me." "I don't trust you." The rest of the group started to back away. Mallory remained still. Myst grew angry. "Mallory, come on! We'll get caught out here. Let's get moving!" She nodded and started to move - in Lone Wolf's direction. She walked right up to him and looked dead in his eyes. He smiled and offered her a hand. She smiled and put her smaller hand in his. His fingers closed around it lovingly. She smiled and turned to Myst. "It's okay. He's cool." Myst was perplexed. "Well, let's head back to base. When we get to the doors, you should drop that guise Tobias." "So what did we learn this adventure?" D asked. He had gathered Mink, Xuon, Tobias, Law, Samantha, Swift, Terry, and Mallory in his meeting hall for a debriefing. "I'll tell you what we learned! We learned that Xuon is a stupid moron!" "I am not!" Xuon retorted. "It's not my fault the weapons become all but useless against infantry when the ampers are activated." "Yeah, well, you'll fix that, right?" "I can try." "Good." He turned to Tobias. "And we learned something about you, didn't we? You have an alternate form? When were you going to tell us?" "When our lives became at risk," Tobias responded. "That time, we were in deep trouble." Mallory stood up. "Don't be mad at him D. He must have a good reason for hiding this from us." "I guess. But still." Terry put his hand up. Everyone shut up. "D, you are wound up for some reason. Please, tell us." D shook his head. "They were too close. We should have waited until they left. They might know we're here." He sat down and sighed. "I don't want to lose this mesa." "We won't," Tobias said. "If I have to, I will stay here with you guys until the safety of this place is assured." "Will Law permit that?" Swift asked. "Why won't he? We're helping defeat the Raiders, are we not?" She nodded. "Tobias," Terry said. "Your power to change form. Why did you choose to take this power?" "It wasn't a choice. It was more or less a nescessity." He nodded. "Did you at least pick out some of the specifications?" "Yes. I was allowed to pick the species of-" "Why wolf?" He fell silent. "Why did you pick a wolf?" He sighed. "I think of it this way: the wolf, where I come from, is a decent blend of strength, cunning, and speed. I don't rely heavily on brawn. I would rather think my way through a thick wall than bash it down." "Why think?" "I have no other choice. If I can't think, I can't control myself. I'll go mad if I can't think." He nodded. "Okay." "Terry, can I ask you a question?" "Oh, what the hell! Go ahead." "Why do you want to know?" Terry shut his eyes and stood up. "Is there anything else I need to know, commander?" "No Terry," D said. Terry nodded and left. D shook his head. "I apologize for Terry, Tobias. He tends to be a little-" "No apologies," Tobias responded. "I have a gut feeling I know what's wrong with Terry." D quirked a brow. "I can't explain it. I'll handle it on my own time." "All right. You should get back to your quarters and rest up. We may need you in case of an emergency." **************************************************************************** Swift followed Terry as he left. She wanted to know what exactly was up with him. She used her training well, blanketing his senses with falsehood to her presence. She followed him up a couple of flights of stairs to the top "floor" of the mesa. She watched from the safety of a corridor as he entered a small room. She waited a few moments and went up to the door. But she didn't find Terry. She found a human in his place. He wore the same black robes, thick boots, and medallion as Terry was. She hesitated before stepping forward. "Terry?" she asked, in awe. The human jumped, his blond hair bouncing along. "Wh-what are you doing here?!" he demanded. "You're not supposed to-" "Be here. I know." She sat down across from him. "You're human, aren't you Terry?" He sighed. "I am, unfortunately." "And D knows?" " are the first to find out." "How long have-?" "Eight years. I've been on this planet for eight years under this guise." "Why didn't you-?" "Because I heard about the prophesy, that the first one not of your people would be declaired a savior and have a whole lot of shit put on their shoulders. I didn't want that. I couldn't handle it at the time. So I adopted the guise of the wolf they know as Terry." He sighed and looked at his medallion. "It's your fault," he told it. "You were the one who brought me here." He let it fall from his grip. "What's up with that?" "In two weeks, it'll be exactly eight years since I found this thing. And it will be the official eigth anniversary of my existance on this planet." "What's so special about this medallion?" She took it in her hand. "There's a mark on it. An eye with a vortex in it's iris. The portal that brought me here." He took it from her. "And the eye changes." He squeezed it gently. The eye changed from that of a human to that of a canine. He glowed and became the wolf she knew. "I have to come up here and rest for two hours every day. The medallion feeds off of my energy. If I'm not strong enough, I can't keep the disguise. My cover will be blown. And god only knows what D and the others will do. They don't like being betrayed in any way..." She took his hand. "Rest here. Gather your strength up. I'll keep quiet about this." "Thank you Swift. I appreciate it." He tucked a bit of blond hair behind his ear. "Can I ask you one thing, though?" "Sure, go ahead." "Why not tell Tobias? He has kept so many secrets. He wouldn't blab about it." "Becuase I don't trust him just yet." "Tobias is the most trustworthy person you can imagine." Her tail swayed uneasily. "He would probably love to see that there's a fourth human on this planet." "A...a fourth human?" "Two of Tobias's friends are in Tak Norath in Pack territory. They're probably worried half to death about him." "So there are more humans?" She nodded. "I see....I should tell him. But the time is not right. I will not tell him yet." "Okay. I understand." She got up. "Rest up. You need your strength." He smiled. "I will. Take care Swift." "You too." She left him be and went back down to find the others. She had one thing on her mind. And she was going to make sure it was on Tobias's mind too. "Samantha?" she asked as she entered their quarters. "Samantha, you in here?" "Shh," Samantha replied. "Tobias is asleep." She stepped out into the hall with her. "What do you need?" "I was hoping that Tobias was awake. I have some information that would be useful to him." "Well, he had to transform, so he's-" "Tired. Yeah, I know. Ah well, I'll come back later." She started to leave. "Wait, how about you tell me and I'll tell him." She stopped and shrugged. "It's more of a show than a tell." "Oh, okay." She thought for a second. "Show me anyway?" "Not yet. I want Tobias to make the decision before I show anybody else anything." Samantha nodded. "Okay. Tobias will be up in an hour or so. Come back around then." "Yes ma'am," she joked. Samantha smiled and went back inside to tend to Tobias. Swift went off to find Crash and the boys. **************************************************************************** Terry sat at the edge of the mesa, without his disguise. He watched the violent red sun set in silence. "May you rest well, old friend," he told it. "See you tomorrow morning." He sighed and turned in the other direction, waiting for the moon to rise. His legs hung over the edge of the rockface. The normally scorched sky turned into a calmer, healthier looking blue. Stars appeared before the moon peeked over the horizon. "A new night dawns." "Terry?" Mallory's voice asked. He turned around and saw the hedgevixen standing there in the hidden stairwell to his room. "Heya hunnybunch. How are you?" She smiled and went over to him. "I'm fine." She sat down next to him. "How is my main squeeze tonight?" He sighed. "What's wrong?" "You know Swift?" "What about her?" "She's a psychic. She blanketed my senses earlier and caught me without my guise." "Oh shit. So she knows now. You should get moving." "I don't think so. She said she would tell nobody. I know she's going to end up telling Tobias, but I know that's all. She isn't one to betray her word." She smiled. "I know that Terry. Don't worry about it." He nodded and looked at the stars. "Terry, when Tobias finds a way home, will you go with him?" He remained silent for five minutes. "No. I won't." "Why not?" "Ah, I'm so used to being here with your people, I wouldn't fit in on Earth anymore." She smiled and hugged his arm. "Good." "I wouldn't leave you anyway, Mallory." "I know." They looked to the stars again. "One day, we will be at peace." He smiled at nodded. But at what cost, he wondered. At what cost....