Chapter 4: Traitor He was quickly taken to the council chambers upon the request of Larcris. He wasn't informed of why he was being summoned, not like that it mattered. It didn't take any sort of scientist to figure out this meeting was about Vu and Shivana. He sat down at the table as soon as Larcris arrived. "It's good to see you gentlemen again," Larcris said. "I think you know why we're here." "Yeah," Tobias replied. "So what do you need to know?" "You said you're friends with the two new arrivals. You should know them real well, right? We need you to tell us about them before we go and give them their psychological examinations." "Okay. Ask and ye shall receive." 'J' growled. "Well, be general about them. We need the information. Start with the male first." "Vu? Don't worry about him. He's harmless." "Harmless?" Sven asked. "Well, if you call his intelligence harmless. He's pretty smart by human standards, so that's something you should watch out for. He's got a very sick imagination and will twist what you say into what you'd be embarrassed to say. Other than that, he's a very kind person." "Okay," Larcris said. "What about the female?" "Shivana is a kind soul. Plain and simple. She's the one you definitely shouldn't worry about." "Why is that?" "She'll sit there with you and chat about absolute nonsense." "Oh....that's pretty harmless." "Well, that's what he says," 'J' snarled. "The tests will prove who they really are." "It's settled then. Give them the tests as soon as they're up and about." "All right then," Larcris said. "We'll examine the results in the morning. We'll reconvene here tomorrow after breakfast. Okay?" Everyone agreed to it and left. He was on the computer in his quarters when Shivana and Vu entered. He turned away and looked at them. They were clearly spooked. "What's wrong?" he asked. They said nothing and sat down on the bed. "Something the matter?" he asked again. "What the hell were those questions?" Vu asked. "I hope we don't have to do that again," Shivana added. Tobias chuckled. "Welcome to the base. Now, I'm assuming you want to stay here for the night, right?" They nodded. "Then I'll have someone bring up a pair of extra beds. You can stay here for as long as you wish." They nodded. Tobias put in the order and went back to his work. "What are you doing?" Vu asked. "I'm trying to figure out how we got here. It'd help if I had some information." "Oh? What kind?" "You COULD tell me the last thing you remember before ending up here, if that isn't too much right now." "I fell into...." Vu said. "....A hole." Shivana finished. "Okay, then we all came here the same way. But that's what's got me. How did the hole end us up so far away?" He typed furiously on the keyboard. He came up with nothing. Tobias was still up around midnight. He couldn't sleep. He had too much to worry about. He eventually got up, got dressed and left Vu and Shivana to their rest. He strolled through the dimly lit halls and eventually, out into the night air. He took a deep breath. The air was crisp and clean. A cool breeze was passing through. It put him so at ease he was ready to collapse. But his will pressed him on. He walked around a little, examining the dark buildings and eventually came to the field and hill. "Yeah," he told himself. "I'd get a good view from up there." He started up. It was then he noticed another figure sitting there. Wondering who it could be, he continued up. "Shouldn't you be in bed?" he asked as soon as he got to the top. The figure looked at him. It was Samantha. "Shouldn't you?" she retorted. "Nah. I couldn't sleep. Thought the night air would clear my head. What about you?" "The same thing. I couldn't sleep either." She sighed and looked up at the stars. "They're so beautiful tonight." "They are." He rested his head on his knees. "And to think, I wouldn't be able to see the stars from Earth." "No? Why not?" "Earth's just one big city. You'd have to find one of the country area to see the stars. And not many people are able to do that." "Oh." "Is there something wrong?" "I....saw the test results." "And?" She shook her head. "Good news and bad news. You'll find it out tomorrow." "You sure you don't want to tell me now?" "It pains me to even think about it." He nodded. "I'm sorry." "It's okay." She slowly leaned towards him. "We shouldn't worry about it until tomorrow." "You're right. But that doesn't solve our sleepless problem." "That's true." "Is there anything you want to talk about?" "Yeah," she said, now leaning on his arm. "I want to know more about you." He blinked. " really want to know that?" "Of course I do. Why do you ask?" "Because I'd like to know more about you," he lied. He wasn't ready to give out his life story to her just yet. "Oh, all right. Anything you wish to know in particular?" "I've got one question right off the bat, if that's what you're wondering." "Okay. So ask." "Well, not that it's a problem or anything, why are you leaning on my arm?" She blinked and came to the realization that she was leaning on him. She straightened up and blushed. "I'm sorry." "It's okay. You can lean on me if you want to." She nodded and returned to her leaning on him. They spent the rest of the night together, getting to know each other better than they already did. And through all that, Tobias gained something he hadn't before. He gained a sense of being loved. For the first time in his existence, he was cared for. He felt like he was important. Eventually, daybreak arrived. The sunrise absolutely thrilled him. Samantha also enjoyed it. However, she probably had seen many. She sighed and got up. "We'd better get going. I'm sure they're going to start looking for us." Tobias got up as well. "Okay." He got up and smiled. "It was nice spending the night with you." She laughed and hugged him. "You too." A tingling sensation came over him. She smiled and left. Tobias stood there, stunned for a few seconds. He wasn't used to such affection. He shook off the feeling and started back to his quarters. "Good morning!" he said as he entered. Shivana was just sitting up in bed as Tobias walked in. "Sorry if I left, I took a little jog to clear my mind. So, how'd you sleep?" Shivana looked at him. "You mean to tell me that yesterday wasn't a dream?" she said. Tobias rolled his eyes. "Oh well. Since I'm surround by these strange people, I might as well get used to them. How'd you sleep?" Tobias hesitated. He didn't want to tell her that he couldn't. She'd worry about him. "I slept fine," he lied. Vu sat up. "I wasn't dreaming then," he said. "I'm still here!" He looked over to Tobias. "Well, what will we do today?" "They got your psych-test results back. We're going to find out what they're going to do with you two." "Is that good?" Shivana asked. "I dunno. They were thrilled at my arrival, I'm not sure how they're going to take yours. Let's go and get this over with." Tobias lead them to the council chambers. They were amazed when they saw it. Tobias directed them to their seats, which they promptly took. He, however, remained standing. He had one of those feelings he'd need to move without interruption. It took some time before the council, Kaitlyn, and Samantha appeared. They got themselves together and prepared for the results. "Are we ready for this?" Larcris asked. Everyone nodded. "Tobias, why aren't you sitting down?" "Eh.....I'm not feeling too comfortable today. I'd like to stand, if that's okay with you." Larcris nodded. "Who has Shivana's results?" Samantha put a large manila envelope on the table. "Right here sir." Larcris took the envelope and opened it. He pulled out a few sheets of paper and read them over. "Very reliable," he read. "Talkative. Average intelligence. Very loyal. Not a threat. Suggested that she get a little education before letting her loose." Shivana smiled. "Thank you!" "Why are you thanking me? You took the test." Tobias chuckled. "Okay, we know Shivana's harmless to you people. What about Vu?" Kaitlyn held up a second envelope. "Here are his results," she said grimly. She put them on the table. Larcris reached over for them. But 'J' shot his hand out and snatched them up. He tore the envelope open. "Reliability," he read. "Inconclusive. Above average intelligence. Inconclusive loyalty. Should be put under watch until a second test can be administered." He put the papers down. "Well, that's proof enough for me. I want him locked up in the brig until we can prove he won't turn on us. Guards, take him." Two nasty looking guards stepped over to him. Tobias stepped in between Vu and the guards. "Back off," he growled. "What are you doing, human?" 'J' growled. Tobias's gaze snapped over towards him. "Who the hell are you to say he gets put into the brig? When it comes to these two, I make the decisions. You, my friend, have no say in it." "I'm head of security of this base. If I say someone ends up in the brig, he ends up in the brig. If I say someone gets executed, they start to dig the grave immediately. If I say you get shot, you get shot." "You wanna start something? I'll take your teeth out if that's what you want." He started to move towards 'J'. Kaitlyn and Samantha restrained him. "Calm down," Samantha said. "He'll tear you in half." Tobias's eyes began to glow an eerie red. He resisted their restraining at first, but eventually gave up and turned for the door. "Samantha, Kaitlyn, escort Shivana and Vu back to my quarters. Vu, Shivana, when you get there, lock the door and don't let anyone in except for me. Good day to you all." He left in a rush. He rushed out of the building and up the hill. His mind was dead set on trying to figure out what to do. He pushed himself to the top. And once he got there, he fell to his knees. "Damn it," he mumbled. "I thought things were going good." "They are," Samantha told him. He looked. She was standing there, watching him. "Things are going good." He smirked. "Yeah, and the war monger in there's as kind as an eighty year old nun." She went up to him. " 'J' has always been a stick in the mud. You shouldn't worry about him. He'll come around." "I think we should worry about him." "Why?" "Call it a gut feeling. Call it my sixth or seventh sense. Call it whatever you want, but I think that he has a motive behind his actions." "How so?" Suddenly, there was a crash from the council building. They turned to see 'J' standing there. A guard went over to him and started to say something. 'J' frowned and, with one felt swoop of his arm, sent the guard flying. He looked towards them and raised a gun. He fired a few shots, which they dodged. "He's shooting at us!" Tobias exclaimed. He picked up a rock and threw it at his assailant. The rock knocked the gun from 'J's hand. He growled and raised his robotic arm. A bright glow emanated from it's palm. Suddenly, a bolt of energy flew out at Tobias. He was petrified. "No!" Samantha shouted. She dived at Tobias, knocking him out of the way. They both tumbled to the ground. "You saved me," Tobias said, stunned. "Thank you." "No prob-AHHH!" She howled in pain. She held her arm and fell on her back. "He hit you." He moved her hand and saw a burn mark. His eyes started to glow red again. "Rest here," he said in a grim tone. "I'll take care of our friend." He turned on a dime towards 'J'. The jaguar had recharged and was ready to fire again. "For the Raiders!" he cried as he fired another bolt. It flew at Tobias. Tobias shook his head and caught the energy bolt in his hand. With a flick of his wrist, he returned it to it's source. 'J' dodged. Something kicked in and Tobias dashed down the hill. In a split second, he had landed a perfect uppercut to the jaguar's jaw. Not stopping there, he followed up with a number of jabs, a knee to the gut, and a flip kick to the same place the uppercut landed. 'J' went flying. A small crowd had formed. Tobias went over to 'J' and picked him up by the collar. "Who are you working for?" he growled. 'J' shook his head. "Agent 'J'," Larcris called out. He strolled up to the two. "Larcris," 'J' said. "Glad you're here. This one came right at me the minute I left. Tell him to put me down." "No." "Wha- why?" "If I'm not mistaken, I heard you say 'For the Raiders.' Only those who are aligned with the Raiders, not the Pack, say that." "You heard wrong." "I'm sure I didn't. Tobias, take care of him." Tobias smiled. "If you ever mess with any of my friends again, I will tear your throat out and make it into a flute. See you in hell." He slammed the helpless jaguar into the ground a few times before sending him flying into a building. The building crumbled. "Good job," Larcris said. "We've been wondering who the Raider mole was." Tobias remained silent. The adrenaline was slowly emptying out of his system. He grabbed his chest and collapsed. He found himself in a bed when he came around. He instantly knew he was in the infirmary. "What happened?" he said, sitting up. "You totally destroyed 'J'," Samantha replied. She was sitting on a bed close by. They caught each other's glances and smiled. "Thank you for pushing me out of the way." "Thank you for saving my life." She got up, went over, and gave him a hug. A doctor instantly came over. "Let him rest," he said. "He's still a little weak." "Don't worry doctor, I'll be okay. But would you be so kind as to tell me what happened?" "We aren't sure of what triggered it, but you put Agent 'J' into a coma with your attack. What I'm amazed at is the amount of energy you put out." He handed Tobias a chart. "The base's energy monitor picked your spike up. It was like you instantly gained superficial strength. We still don't know how though. Adrenaline isn't supposed to increase your strength that many times." Tobias shook his head. "I don't remember a thing." "Well, you'll be back to normal in a half an hour. Just get some rest. And you, Miss Samantha, should keep your hands off of him." The doctor bowed and went to check on other patients. "Ah...screw 'em. I'm strong enough to take it." Samantha chuckled. "You're quite the fighter. I've never seen anyone with this much spunk." "Well, I try. Now, do you know what they found when they searched the traitor's quarters?" "They found a whole communications array which is being prepared for recycling. Why do you ask?" "Just curious." He layed back down and tried to rest up. Tobias healed rather quickly. He was up and ready to go in a few hours. Save, of course, his hunger. He quickly went to the mess hall to see what they were serving. The door was locked when he arrived. "What the-?" he exclaimed as he fiddled aimlessly with the lock. Then he noticed a sign hanging on the door. "Go to banquet hall," he read out loud. He blinked and looked about. "Which one is it?" "The one with the long line of people," Kaitlyn answered. She had snuck up on him. "Heard what you did to 'J'. It's about time somebody did that!" She had an unnerving cheeriness to her voice. "Yeah, um....I don't quite remember any of it, so don't say how good I was." "Oh, all right. C'mon, they're waiting for you." "Who?" "Larcris and Sven for one. And a few of the special delegates too." Tobias cocked a brow. "Don't worry, I'll show you to them." She grabbed his arm and tugged. "Come on...." She dragged him to the banquet hall, where he was immediately greeted and shown to his seat. He didn't like the fact that it was all the way at the front. He still felt that he didn't deserve to sit up there. But his arguments fell upon deaf ears. The appetizers were served, which he found enjoyable between small talk with Kaitlyn and Samantha (who was there way before he ever got there). The main course, some sort of fish, filled that bottomless pit he called a stomach. "I must get this recipe," he joked. "My father would kill to have it." That sparked a little laughter. He sighed and looked around. "What's wrong?" Kaitlyn asked. "I dunno. I've got a feeling this is about to get worse for me. And where's Larcris and Sven? I thought they were going to be here." "Ah, they're probably going over some speech or another." "True. So I'll be patient." He took another sip of the drink that was given to him. Tobias's attention was quickly drawn away when he saw Larcris and Sven approaching the table. Larcris saw him and smiled. "Hello Tobias," he said. "Are you enjoying your banquet?" "It's nice and all, but I don't-" Something clicked in. "Could you repeat that?" "Are you enjoying your banquet?" He turned white. "MY banquet? As in this banquet is in honor of" Larcris nodded. Tobias's head drooped. "Don't tell me I have to make a speech." "You don't. We're just giving you an honor and that'll be it." "Good." Larcris nodded and went up to the podium, Sven trailing right behind. He tapped the microphone to get everyone's attention. They all quieted down. "I hope you've enjoyed your meals," he started. There was a murmur of agreement. "Good. Now I would like to make my speech and you can all get back to your dinners." He looked at Tobias, who shrugged. "Tonight, we are honoring a hero. As everybody must know by now, he's the one who fell out of the sky and forced us to retreat from sector 9971. True we lost that battle, but he was more important. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, our savior, Tobias." He motioned for Tobias to get up and join him at the podium. Hesitantly, he complied. Sven got up to the podium next. "For your services to us, and for unmasking the Raider mole, we present you with this honor. I bestow on you the bronze 5-star: courage." He pinned a small, 5 point star on Tobias's collar. "Wear it proudly. You've earned it." He bowed to Tobias. Tobias bowed back, but said nothing. Everyone started to applaud. But someone else had other ideas. "Speech!" a voice cried from the back of the hall. Tobias looked towards the source and found Crash and the others. He had called it out. Tobias looked at Larcris. "Speech!" Crash called out again. "Yeah!" a second voice called. "Speech!" It didn't take long for the room to start chanting a request for a speech. Tobias hesitated. "Should I?" Larcris nodded. So did Sven. He sighed and stepped up to the podium. Everyone quieted down. "I don't know what to say," he started. "If I had known I was going to be doing this, I would have had a speech ready." There was a little laughter. "Anyway, I'm happy to be here tonight, and I'm proud that you're honoring me like this. I've spent only a little time on this planet, but I already consider you friends. And I think I understand now why you've pinned this prophesy of yours on me. I have no choice but to accept your invitation to be your champion. "But I do not wish to take full credit for this." There were a few gasps out in the audience. "I wouldn't be this calm right now if it weren't for the people who have been here for me since my arrival. I cannot accept this without acknowledging them." He turned to Kaitlyn and Samantha and motioned for them to stand. Not knowing what else to do, they stood. Tobias smiled and looked towards Crash. Swift was with him. "Um, can I ask the young lady sitting in the back there to stand." He pointed at her. She grew nervous and shook her head. With a little nudging from Crash, she stood up, all but beet red. "These three ladies have been with me for the few days I've been here. They've helped me a lot. I don't think I'd be able to do this if it weren't for them." Everyone started to applaud again. He bowed and went to sit back down. He watched as Swift sat down. He watched Kaitlyn and Samantha sit. He smiled. They were his family now. They would be there for him forever. He looked out at the cheering crowd. They were cheering for his friends. But more importantly, they were cheering for him. Tonight, he was the hero.