Chapter 5: Time to Relax That night was just like the last. Vu and Shivana, far from comfortable with their new society, opted to sleep in Tobias's quarters. Tobias, of course, couldn't sleep. The adrenaline was pumping through his system and sleep would be impossible. So, when he was sure they were asleep, he crept out of his quarters. He was going back to the hill. His hopes were that Samantha had the same idea. For some reason, he felt great when he was around her. The reason eluded him, but that didn't bother him at the moment. He stepped out into the crisp, clean night air. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs. He looked up and saw a full moon. 'Funny,' he told himself. 'Their moon is so much bigger than Earth's.' He shook his head and started towards the hill. He knew he was at a base, but what a base it was! It was heavily fortified, had plenty of possibilities for expansion, and, of course, the field and hill. But it lacked something. A base of this magnitude should produce some degree of pollution. But where the heck is it? He realized he shouldn't worry about it and continued. He reached the base of the hill and looked up. The moonlight revealed a solitary figure: Samantha. A wicked thought crossed his mind and he started to sneak up the hill. He wanted to surprise her. But his footing was off and he ended up snapping a twig. That caught her attention. She turned to him and smiled. He muttered something and finished his climb. She leapt into his arms and gave him a kiss. He had never been kissed before, so that startled him. She smiled at this and hugged him. "So how's my bronze 5-star hero doing this evening?" "YOUR bronze 5-star?" "Yeah, you're all mine." He chuckled nervously. "I'm fine. How's the arm?" "It's doing much better." She let go of him and sat down on the grass. He quickly took a seat next to her. "I want to thank you for saving my life back there. I'm forever in your debt." "Ah, you don't owe me anything." "Oh? And why not?" "Because I would have done that for any of my friends." She smiled. "So does that make us friends?" "Did I save your life?" She giggled and hugged him again. "Stay as sweet as you are. Please?" "Oh, all right." She let go and sat there, looking up at the sky. For her, it was just another pointless conversation. But for Tobias, it was something that started to sink in. Slowly, he started to realize that he had grown attached to her. He had a crush on the young skunkette whom he'd only met a day earlier. He looked into her eyes and smiled. She caught on. "What's on your mind?" "You know, I just realized how beautiful your eyes are in the moonlight." She blushed. "Why, thank you." She leaned closer to kiss him again. Their lips met in a tender kiss. This time, however, it wasn't a shock to him. They spent the night together. They lied back in the grass, staring up at the moon, and talking quietly. They talked about the stars, their favorite places to be, and their greatest joys. Tobias was happy. He finally knew why he was. He had his purpose now. And, more importantly, he felt loved. It explained why he went off on 'J'. It explained why he kept to himself on Earth. Nobody on Earth ever loved him. Nobody. He thought about Kaitlyn's question, if he would go back to Earth. 'Earth? It can forget about me. I'm happy here.....' "Tobias," Samantha said. "Yes?" "You're such a wonderful person." "Thank you." "Will you stay with us forever?" "Of course. Nobody said I had to leave." "Yeah, but what about when you save us. Will you go back to your home after?" "No. Earth is just a bad memory now." "Yeah, but you'll be losing your family." "I'd be losing a family that didn't care for me." He reached over and took her hand. "I've got my family right here in this base. Nothing will change that." "Oh? And am I part of that family?" "Well, kinda. You know what I think of you?" She shook her head. "I think you're the cute girl who lives next door." "Oh, that was so touching," a choked up voice responded. The two looked and saw Kaitlyn standing there. "It's the middle of the night," Tobias said. "What are you doing up?" "Couldn't sleep. Thought the night air would put me to sleep. When I passed the hill, I saw you two lying there. I wanted to surprise you by pouncing you, but I decided not to when I heard what you said." She hugged him tightly. "I'm glad you think that way about us." She sat down on the grass. "So you were serious about not going back to Earth." "Yeah. It's too nice here. I don't see why I should go back." "But why stay here?" "Becuase you people are my true family, I couldn't abandon you!" "Ah." She looked up into the sky and pointed. "Look up! It's a shooting star!" Samantha looked. "Wow! I haven't seen one of those in a while." Tobias smirked. "I've never seen one." Kaitlyn smirked. "Tobias, you're our guest. You make a wish on it." "What?" "It's kind of a tradition. When someone sees a shooting star, they make a wish on it and it comes true." "Oh, so I'm supposed to wish on it now?" "Yeah. That's about it." Tobias looked at the white streak in the sky. "You really know what I wish? I wish that I will never, ever be separated from my friends." He went back to his quarters soon after. He had meant everything he said; he had a new family in these people. He sat down on his bed and looked at the clock. '5:30,' he told himself. 'They'll be up soon.' He looked down on himself. 'And I should change these clothes. I don't know how long I've been wearing them.' He got up and went over to his dresser. Upon opening them, he found the two sets of silk and satin clothes he was given when he first arrived. He picked up one of the pairs of pants and looked at it. "Oh, what the hell!" he muttered as he grabbed a shirt. He went into the bathroom and changed. "Hmm, not bad," he mumbled. "Nice feel, comfortable, clean. It'll work." He slipped back out and found Swift staring there. "Hello," he said. "What can I do for you?" She smiled. "I was going to give you some jeans and shirts and what not, but since you've tried those on...." "Give 'em up! There's no way in hell I'm wearing this." She handed him a small crate. He gladly took it. "Thank you." He kissed her cheek. She turned bright red. "What was that for?" "Oh, just because." She smiled and raced down the hall. He quickly changed into the jeans, but kept the shirt. Tobias escorted Vu and Shivana out of the building around seven o'clock. Once they were outside, they met up with Samantha and Kaitlyn. "Ready to go?" Kaitlyn asked. "I am," Tobias replied. He saw the terrified looks on Vu and Shivana's faces. "They aren't." "Oh? Why is that?" "I don't think they trust you. Is there any way that you can show them you're not bad?" "There may be one way," Samantha said. "We've been planning on taking you, but I can see they'll need it more." She pointed over to a stout-looking building. "That's the bases rec-facility. Perhaps we should take them to that." Tobias smirked. "How big is that place? We could probably fit the five of us in there and that'd be it." "You'll see once we get there. Now, do you wish to take them?" "Might as well. If it gets them out of this paranoid shock of theirs, it's worth it." Samantha smiled. He turned to Vu and Shivana. "What do you think about it?" "It's a good idea," Shivana squeaked. Vu nodded his agreement. "All right then," Kaitlyn said. "We'll head to the rec-facility." The inside of the building was way smaller than any of the humans expected. "That's only because this is the top floor," Kaitlyn explained. "Everything is below us. We just pick out where we want to go." Vu looked at her. "Really? What do you people like to do here?" Kaitlyn pointed to a large directory that was hanging on the wall. "Take a look for yourself." Vu nodded and went over to it. He dragged his finger down it, reading off the different things. "Handball? Didn't think you people played that. And look at this! Tennis!" He turned to Kaitlyn. "Do you think you can take me to the tennis courts?" Kaitlyn nodded. "What about you, Shivana?" "I don't know," she said. "I guess I'll just watch Vu." Kaitlyn smiled. "All right. I'll take you both down." "You?" Vu asked, a little startled. "I thought Tobias was...." "Vu," Tobias said. "You're going to have to learn to trust these people some time soon. It might as well be now." Vu nodded. "You're right. Okay. I think I can handle this." He shook his head. "Let's go Kaitlyn." Kaitlyn lead the two of them over to an elevator. She turned to Tobias and Samantha. "What about you two?" "We'll catch up with you," Samantha said. "I'm pretty sure Tobias wants to see what they have first." Tobias nodded his agreement. He knew, as well as Samantha, that was a lie. "All right then. Later." The elevator doors shut and that was that. "Think they fell for it?" Tobias asked. "Definitely," Samantha replied. "Where do we go now?" "My quarters for some tea?" "That's a good idea. Lead the way." Samantha took his hand and lead him out of the building. "I live right across the hall from Kaitlyn," Samantha told him as the entered a hallway in one of the buildings. "I'm the door on the right." Tobias smiled as she opened the door for him. His eyes were assaulted. Her quarters were all white. True, there were plants and a nice, hardwood table, but the rest of it was white. Tobias felt a little uneasy. "I know that it's real white," Joey said. "But it's still cozy. Go ahead, have a seat." Tobias sat down on her couch. "This couch is feather soft," Tobias remarked. "Where did you get it?" She laughed. "I brought it here. Real comfy, right?" He nodded. "This thing is great!" "Good. Um, you want anything to drink?" "You did promise me some tea, remember?" "Oh, that's right. I forgot. Sorry." She hurried over to a little kitchen area and put some water on." "If I'm not troubling you by asking, how'd you end up with this slice of heaven?" She giggled. "It was assigned to me. I'm part of the research committee. We all get these suites. Kaitlyn's got one somewhat like it." "Oh? And how do you sign up for this committee?" "Don't worry Tobias, with what we've attached to you, you could just ask." Tobias smiled. The pot began to whistle. "Water's ready." She got up and set everything up. She brought on a small platter two teacups, two teabags, and the water. She sat down next to him. "I hope you enjoy this." "I'm sure I will." She poured the water out and handed him one of the cups. He put his teabag in and waited. "Why do you want to know about moving in here?" "I dunno. Probably because I want to be closer to my friends. Nothing major." "That's sweet." She took a sip of her tea and smiled. "And besides, why should I get the special quarters? Just because I'm supposedly a god? No, it don't work that way." He took a sip. "Oh, come on. You have to admit you're liking the treatment." He sighed. "I cannot deny that. But it is getting to be annoying." She moved closer to him. "Is there something wrong?" "No. What makes you think that?" "You're squeezing the saucer." He looked down at his cup. He saw that his index finger was pressing the small dish up against his thumb. He loosened his grip. "Is there something you're not telling me?" "Of course not! I already told you, I'm not used to this sort of special treatment." He set the saucer and cup on her table. "I'm sorry." She put her things down and took his hands. "Tobias, please don't be sorry. It isn't your fault." "Yes it is. It's my fault because of the life I've been living." "No it isn't. It's not your fault your life has been plain awful." She caressed his cheek with her hand. "Things happen because they happen. You did not get your life because of what you did. Understand?" He caught her gaze. "I...I don't know." She smiled and shook her head. "I don't know what we're going to do with you." She kissed his cheek. "I guess we'll figure something out." The twinkle in her eyes really put him out of it. "Um...yeah. Whatever." He put his hand on the top of his head. "Do you have a headache?" "No," he lied. "I'm just a little lightheaded. That's all." "Oh." She picked up her tea and finished. There was a knock at the door. "It's open," Samantha called. The door creaked open and Swift popped her head in. "Hello Swift," she said. "How are you doing?" "I'm doing well," Swift replied. "The guards told me Tobias was here." Samantha pouted. "Aww....does he have to go?" Tobias got up. "Afraid so. I'll catch you at dinner Sammy?" "Sammy?" "I shortened Samantha. I won't call you that if you don't want to." "Please?" "Sure." He turned to Swift. "Where are we off to?" "The barracks. Crash asked me if I could bring you there. He mentioned something about a poker night." He chuckled. "I'm all over it." He turned to Samantha. "Catch ya later lovely." Samantha blushed and waved. "How've you been stranger?" Hack said, patting Tobias on the back. "Eh, I can't argue," he replied, looking about. He'd forgotten how dank and dreary this place was. He also remember that this place was home to these people, so he made no comment about the decor. "Where's the others?" "In back. We're getting ready to deal the first hand." "Aight. It's cool." Hack led him through the chaos of the barracks to the small card table that was set up. There wasn't enough room for everyone, and since he had answered the door, Hack was forced to stand. Tobias had the same problem. He was the last to show up, so he was forced to stand. "Tobias," Psycho said as the first hand was being dealt. "Saw how you handled that bastard traitor. You put me to shame!" Tobias smiled nervously. "Thank you." He wondered if he should treat that as a compliment or something else." "Yeah," Crash said. "You da man." He handed Tobias his cards. They weren't good. "So what've you been upto lately?" "Eh, you know. Trying to keep sane, checking out the sights, same old, same old." He tossed three cards onto the table. "I'm takin' three." Crash handed him the new cards. "So how did you do that?" "Do what?" "That thing you did to 'J'. You know." He threw a few jabs at the air. "That thing." "Well, I can't say much. Samantha got hurt. That pissed me up. I just gave the bum what was coming to him. I'd do that for any of my friends." "Would you do that for us?" Wrench asked. "We're friends, right?" Crash chuckled. "I take that to be a yes. What do you have Tobias." Tobias tossed his cards on the table. Instantly, Hack and Psycho threw their cards down in disgust. Wrench looked at his cards a few times before laying them on the table. He had the same hand Tobias did. Crash laughed and put his cards down. He easily beat them both. They spent a few hours playing the game and chatting. The small group assaulted Tobias with questions and he easily rattled off answers. Someone found a case of beers and they had a quick drink. Tobias, not being a drinker, declined. Eventually, Swift returned to take him away. "When you guys doing this again?" Tobias asked. "Next Saturday," Crash replied. "Should we expect you?" "Unless hell freezes over, yeah." Swift took him by the arm. "Later guys." Vu and Shivana elected to share quarters that night, so Tobias was alone for the night. Didn't mean he was going to sleep though. He remained still on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. "What's wrong?" he asked himself. "What's missing?" He got up and went to the window. He looked outside. The stars twinkled, like little fireflies back home. 'Home.... ' He turned from his window and returned to his bed, where he retired for the night. Morning finally hit the small base, restling him from his peaceful sleep. He found Kaitlyn there, stroking his head. "Good morning Kaitlyn," he said. "You look so peaceful when you're asleep," she said. "And kinda cute too." Tobias got up. "Well, I'll sleep a lot easier if I can get a change in quarters. Do you know where that can be done?" "Talk to Larcris. I'm sure he can arrange something." "Yeah, but how specifically." She rolled her eyes. "You just tell him where you'd like to stay. For example, I live in Science Quarters 2." She blinked. "You aren't planning on moving into the barracks, are you?" "Nah...I'm not THAT crazy. Could you see me living under the same roof as Psycho?" She laughed. "Well, I'll go talk to Larcris after I get dressed. Then we can continue on our way, okay?" "That sounds good."