<([ Lone Wolf Studios ])>


Feel free to share all of the stories with your friends. No, as a matter of
fact, I'd love for you to do that! However, do not alter any part and/or call
the stories your own.

All of the characters, unless specified, are property of <([ Lone Wolf
Studios ])>. Don't even THINK of taking one and calling it your own. You will
have hell to pay if you do.

If you wish to use one of my characters (be it for an art project or a story
of your own), please drop me an e-mail asking permission. The following
restrictions apply:

1) My characters are my pride and joy. I will ask to see a copy of the
completed work to okay it. If it's not okayed, either redesign the story or
put it away in your vault.
2) You may use them for smut rags (with the exceptions of Samantha, Swift,
Suzie, and Ashley Williams). However, I must ask that none of the characters
are to be sexually mistreated. Do you hear me? None of my female charaters
are to be raped. Comprendé?
3) Death is not an option, even if it helps the story along.

1) You may use any of my characters. And I will greatly consider allowing you
to draw smut with them. However, Samantha and Swift(WWC), Suzie(Mercenary),
and Ashley Williams are my pride and joy. They are not to be used for smut.
No exceptions.
2) If you must do smut, please, keep it tasteful.
3) If you want to do gore, please, none of my characters are to be on the
recieving end.

Can you deal with these? I hope so! If you're an artist and absolutely feel
that it's nescessary to break one of these rules, please contact me via AIM.
My tags are AlMac255 and IXICorRajahIXI. You'll have better luck with the
first one.

My site has a great deal of other stuff you won't find in the archives. I
advise you visit that if you want to fully enjoy my stories. And don't forget
to sign the guest book there!


If you have an idea for a SHORT STORY you would like to see me do, drop me a
line describing the story idea. If I approve, I'll hammer it out and you get
to have your name added in one line (usually accompanied by "Requested by").
Again, these are my limitations:

1) All of my characters are fair game.
2) I'm not very good at smut writing. I'll try to do it, but please, before you drop the line,
consider otherwise.
3) I'm always willing to write about unusual things (pretty contradictory
considering the previous limitation). Got something you want to see Ashley
take something on the that most people would have to think long and
hard about? You know where to find me!
4) NO RAPE!!!!! I use that in my stories to strengthen my characters personas
and to make points. I will NOT do rape.
5) You are not restricted to my characters. I'll do random stories about
random character. If you want me to do that, specify what species of
characters you want. Or, if you want to be really evil, you can tell me about
one of your characters and I'll try to work something out.

That about covers it. Until I can think of something else, this is what you
have to work with. Enjoy!

Look to the stars,
-Lone Wolf
<([ Lone Wolf Studios ])>