
A Legendary Treasure thought to be a Legend...
Pegasus and Gryphons thought to be Myths...
...Until now.


This is a Story called "The Sword of Kalar"

Kalen and Kala, heirs to the throne, were born on the night of a great battle and taken away to safety. The Kingdom now belongs to a Gryphon named Griffin, he's a heartless ruler who only cares about one thing and that is searching for the Legendary Treasure but only one person stands in his way, Kalen the one of King Kalar who once ruled the land.



Go to my web site to read more.


if I catch you stealing my story or art without permission, your in serious trouble. Copyright 1999-2004 Dena E. Parish.
Use of the copyrighted material without the expressed written consent of the artist is prohibited by federal law.