DragonFyre By Holly Miller WARNING: This story is mostly science-fiction/fantasy, but also very sexual. Explicit content, violence, sexual scenes, violent sex, rape, coarse language, homosexuality, may be offensive to closed-minded hypocrites with a stick up their ass. *It is kind of long, so it may take a while to finish. Bear with me. *By the way...no, I am not obsessed with sex and violence. I am obsessed with violence and then sex. Get it straight people. Somebody please kill me....I want nothing more than to die and leave this meaningless existence behind..... *The parts in parenthesis are large areas deleted by my stupid computer.* ***************************************************************************** :Ohh, baby I love it when you do that: DragonFyre thought to Damon. His naked body was pressed tightly to hers, his large cock spearing between her wide-open legs. The couple rolled off the bed on to the floor, knocking over a lamp in the process. A silk scarf was tied around DragonFyre's throat, cutting of air just slightly. Her hands were cuffed, and she had looped them around Damon's neck. His mouth was firmly pressed to her breast, suckling as a child would. Then, his tounge carressed her nipples, sending tingles down her body. Damon's huge dick was nearly splitting her open as he forced his way farther and farther inside her. It hurt so bad, and she loved it. In answer to her mindcall, he rammed inside harder. He pulled all the way out of her, and she groaned. He grinned wickedly, and rolled her over. He looped her cuffs to the bedpost, and that forced her firm, round rear up into the air. Her cheeks were still pink from the beating he'd given her earlier. Her pussy shone with juice from their sex. But that wasn't what he was interested in. Her puckered tailhole was even more inviting. He put both of his hands on her cheeks. DragonFyre got the point and squirmed, "No no!! Not that! Anything but that!" "You've been bad, and you need punishing." DragonFyre whimpered playfully, knowing what was coming next. Damon positioned himself behind her, and set the head of his cock up against her brown hole. DragonFyre moaned. With one hard shove, the whole length of his cock wedged inside her. "AUUGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed. It felt like she was going to split in half. Damon's cock was 12 inches long and three inches in diameter. She always had a hard time taking him on, but the pain felt great. He pulled back slowly, and stopped just as his head was about to slip out of her. He paused, her asshole fluttering, trying to close. Then, with great viciousness, he rammed back into her again. The bastard was giving her as much pain as possible, and enjoying it, too. He did that several times, and each time, she screamed. :Thank God for soundproof walls, eh, lover?: DragonFyre thought, grinning. Damon's response was to flip her over. He spread her legs as far as they would go, and with a quick malicious grin, rammed the whole foot of his cock into her pussy. No warning, just a sharp, sudden thrust. DragonFyre yelled again. He began pumping, quickly and violently. "OWWWWW!!!!!!!!! AAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!! OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH....!" Then the pleasure took over, and she wrapped her legs around him, rocking to his motion. His balls slapped against her. She lifted up one of her breasts an inserted it into her mouth, pleasuring her own nipple. Damon's right hand reached down above his cock, and he begain pulling and twisting her clit. "Ohh...." She moaned, the pleasure of orgasm shaking her body. Her hips bucked and shook, and she screamed again. Damon just smiled and kept on spearing her. He shifted, and the head of his dick began rubbing her top vaginal wall. It kept grazing over her G-spot, until she felt another orgasm coming on. That one barely finished, when another came, and then another. A wave of six wracked her loins. DragonFyre arched her back and screamed again. She collapsed from the force of all those orgasms, spent, and Damon's hips began to buck. He pulled out of her cunt, and leaned up to her face. He inserted that monster into DragonFyre's mouth, and began to pump-fuck her face. The head of his dick was poking her throat, and his shaft was splitting her lips apart. She was about to scream again, when Damon's hips began a wild ride, bucking and rocking. Hot cum exploded out of him in a steady stream, filling her mouth. She swallowed all of the warm, salty, creamy goodness, and began to suck, hard. More and more kept coming out, until Damon was drained dry. He collapsed with a moan, and the two sweating, exhausted lovers snuggled together on the floor and fell asleep. ***************************************************************************** In the middle of the night, DragonFyre woke up alone, untied and uncuffed in her bed. She knew Damon had had to leave. How sweet of him to untie her and put her in bed. DragonFyre's loins still tingled from the great sex. "Computer, lights at 40%" The lights came on, dimmed and bathed the room in a very pale light. DragonFyre looked around the room, and realized that Damon had cleaned up the lamp and all the rest of the mess they'd made. What a sweetie. DragonFyre sat up, and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She shifted her weight to her legs and stood up. She picked up her robe from the side of the bed and walked across the room to the shower alcove, and turned on the water, and adjusted it to the perfect temperature. She removed her robe and stepped into the warm spray of water. She shampooed her hair and washed her body off, epecially her crotch. Just as she was stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around herself, the door chimed. :Yes?: DragonFyre mindcalled. :DragonFyre...it's Fri....I've got Jana....her husband beat her again..can we come in?: :Sure, babe...I'm on my way.: DragonFyre quickly put on her robe and sat on the bed, mentally unlocking her door. Fri'ria, a lagomorphine female entered the room, supporting a battered and bleeding mouse female who was barely clinging to consiousness. "Here, Fri. I've called MedCentral. Geonia will be up her in a few minutes with her medkit. She'll make sure Jana mkes it through the night... and in the morning I'll 'port Jana to sickbay for bone regeneration." :Thanks, DragonFyre. We'll have some time together...if I know Geo, she'll drug Jana to within an inch of her life...: DragonFyre grinned. :You evil, evil, evil bunny!: :You love it.: ***************************************************************************** "I gave her some drugs and she should sleep through the night." Geo said, while she closed the lid on her medkit and latched it shut. "But make sure you get Jana to the sick bay first thing in the morning, DragonFyre." "Sure thing, Geo." DragonFyre reassured her. "See you in the morning, then." Geo said as she exited the room. When the door closed behind her, Fri'Ria turned to DragonFyre and put her arms around her neck. "Whatever shall we do to pass the time?" she asked. DragonFyre slid her hands down the bunny's back and carressed her buttocks. Fri'Ria smiled at DragonFyre, and without any warning, leaned up and kissed DragonFyre on the mouth. DragonFyre stealthily slid her hand under the hem of Fri'Ria's short skirt and inserted a finger into the bunny's slit. "OHHhhhhhhh!!!" Fri'Ria gasped in pleasure as Dragon Fyre fingered her creamy cunt. DragonFyre removed her finger and pushed Fri'Ria down onto the couch. She split the bunny's legs wide open and lifted up her skirt. The rabbit's aroused pussy gleamed in the dim light. "My, aren't you the horny bunny?" DragonFyre asked. "Me? I'm innocent!" DragonFyre bent down between Fri'Ria's legs and tauntingly ran her rough tounge across the rabbit's clit. "Motherfucking sonofabitch! Do it like that you whore! Lick me and make me cum like that, bitch!" DragonFyre raised an eyebrow. "Innocent, huh?" "Don't stop!!" Fri'Ria gasped. DragonFyre slid Fri'Ria's skirt down her rear and over her legs, throwing it across the room. Fri'Ria unzipped her top and shrugged it off as DragonFyre did the same with her robe. DragonFyre leaned down and licked the inside of Fri'Ria's muscular thigh, towards her cunt and Fri'Ria shivered in pleasure. (DragonFyre and Fr'ria have sex) ***************************************************************************** BEEEEEEEEPPPPPPP!!!! BBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!! BBEEEEEEEEEE- :Goddamn alarm: DragonFyre thought vehemently. :Oh, I know, baby. But we gotta get up. Work and all that.: Damon's voice was cool and crisp, refreshing in her mind. :Mmmmm.........Damon?: :Yes, luv?: :Where are you?: :Currently, I am in the galley, picking up some coffee, danish, and fruit.: :Currently?: :Yeah. Then, I am gonna come up there, and wake you up for breakfast.: :Well, bring enough for four. Jana's husband beat her, so she's here, and so is Fri'ria.: :Fri'ria?: :Yeah...my current girlfriend, remember? The one you say has a nice ass.: :Jana's husband beat her again? Why doesn't she turn him in?: :Some shit about eternal love and keeping the family. I'm gonna take her to sick bay, and then go see commander Lezzarrin. I don't care what she says, he almost killed her this time, and I won't let it happen again.: BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Owwwwww!! What was that?!!!: :Ow! I don't know. I'm gonna send Ria to find out- OHMIGOD!!!!: :WHAT!! WHAT??: :I'm...bleeding...badly....from my nose, ears, eyes.......oh, god, my head... ohh.......__________: :Fyre? FYRE!!!: ***************************************************************************** DragonFyre woke up, dizzy and faint, lying on the exam table in the sickbay. Damon was next to her, holding her hand, anxiously peering at her face. She looked into his eyes and almost smiled, but then she realized she couldn't read him. She couldn't read anything. "Damon?" "Yes?" "I can't read anything." "What?" "I can't sense anything at all. My head is empty. The background sound I normally pick up off the ship is GONE!" DragonFyre begon to get hysterical, and a blue-uniformed nurse swept by and injected a sedative into her arm with a hypospray. She calmed immediately, and began to drift off, and as she did, she whispered, "I love you, Damon." ***************************************************************************** The harsh buzz of an alert klaxon woke DragonFyre from her dreamless sleep. DragonFyre sat up and looked around, and used her mind to feel for presences in the room. The room itself was dark, lit only by a small red light in a far corner. She reached out for her lover, only to realize he was out of her range. Odd, because she could bespeak Earth, which was at the other end of the galaxy. :Damon?: :*******: DragonFyre realized she could "hear" the ship again, and was so happy she couldn't hear the person sneak in behind her. His alien mind did not fit her frequency, so the sudden buzzing in the wrong part of her mind shocked her. She whirled around to face the person, and as she did, something heavy impacted her head. Through the whirling blackness seeping into her vision, she saw a swarm of black-clad lizard-men empty into the room. They picked her up, scaly claws hurting her, and lifted her to the door. At that point, DragonFyre lost conciousness. All was black, and she saw no more. ***************************************************************************** The darkness was coming closer. She could feel it. It reached its slimy fingers around the universe. It was looking for something.... The Silent One greatly feared for the Others, especially the One that the Pariah and his Abomination, his Twisted Mate, had stolen from the poor, mortal, Little Ones. She wished she could help the One. She was so afraid for her. But who was she to help anyone? She couldn't even help herself.... The Silent One sat in her silent prison and cried for the Others. And the Darkness came closer... ***************************************************************************** DragonFyre was sitting in a dark, hot room. She could tell this much, but she was having trouble (DF is tied up) *****************************************************************************