Jumper By Lynne Rating: I think it is G, but for some reason it seems dirty....go figure! I mean, there is no foul language, no violence, no sex; just me jumping into the lake! Maybe it is just me. I'm crazy, anyways. ***************************************************************************** Standing alone. Wind whipping through my hair and against my face as I look down into the green expanse below me. White clouds blow by me as the breeze kisses my flesh. I shiver as its icy fingers explore me. The sun overhead sends its hot lusty gaze down to me and shoos away the cold of the wind. Looking down I see the eager fingers of the water carressing the jagged body of proud rock making up the cliff. The emerald liquid below is deep and I am not afraid. Breathe in breathe out. I push off the cliff and go sailing through the air. The wind's fingers poke roughly at me, insistent with its wants and demands. I slice into the surface of the water. The contact is rough and sudden. Even as I feel myself gently part the cool fluid, the water refuses my entry and pushes the air away from my lungs. I go deeply into the body of the water and relish its caresses as it welcomes me. I see the plants hidden in its depths and as I marvel at the beauty of it, the needs of my body remind me how foreign I am to this environment. Even though I want to stay, my lungs burn with the need for air. I blow out, the bubbles teasingly escaping my lips and carressing my face. I sweep my arms and I propel myself upwards. I thrust out of the smooth surface, my lungs screaming. Inhale exhale. I tread in the water, and once again I am welcomed by the sun: removed from the water, I am fully and obviously a creature of land and air, no matter how I would be of the water... *****************************************************************************