Chapter 8: Diplomacy

Disclaimer: This is the rough draft of “The Terra Project”, a novel in progress. The story, characters, and events are subject to change during the editing process.

Please keep in mind that as a rough draft, the writing style and organization is expected to be poor and or lacking. As quoted by Ernest Hemingway, “The first draft of anything is shit.”

Comments and critique are greatly appreciated, though it is preferred that advanced critiquing be held off until later drafts. Anyone interested in the story or the novel project is encouraged to email me at

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy.

Dr. Harrow glared at the comms device after Dr. Kaddix shut it off, as if trying to glare at Dr. Kaddix through it. After a few moments he recollected himself and looked out the windshield to see the Aften Stjerne slowing to a halt just in front of it.

Alright Buck, ready to visit the village?” Dr. Harrow asked.

Ready and waiting, lead on,” Buck replied.

With that, Dr. Harrow handed the controls over to Dr. Tro and Aleron, and the two worked together to bring the ships to the clearing with the village she had been in earlier. Sure enough, it was populated by wolf-people, most of whom were gathered around the tent that Dr. Tro had been held captive in. As the ships approached they all looked up and began shouting.

Slowly the Aften Stjerne slid over the air and moved to where it was right above the center of the village and the door opened slightly. It hovered, still, until a few seconds later a Jack tumbled out of it, digging into the ground as it landed. The natives stared and gawked, their heads tilting between facing the Jack and the ships, until the Jack beeped and they all collapsed onto the ground.

Right then the ships descended, landing softly, and Buck, Dr. Harrow, Dr. Tro, Aleron, Raj, Chase, and Taco charged out before any of the wolves had gotten back to their feet.

Nobody move!” Buck roared angrily as Chase set up a camera on a tripod and began filming.

The wolves cowered and a few made a dash at fleeing, but Buck sent a burst of sparks over their heads with a flick of his wrist and they froze.

Buck, that's enough!” Dr. Harrow said harshly. “Fear not, we are here as diplomats.”

What dark magic is this?” one of the wolves cried. “Flying beasts carrying Eurians! and the one we shot walking again!”

It's not dark magic!” Aleron shouted back. “Look, they're good people-”

I always figured you for a Eurian-lover!” Noddeh shouted. “I saw the way you were looking at the she-Eurian as we were taking her back to camp!”

Aleron seemed to blush faintly behind the fur on his face and he looked down with his hands behind his back as Dr. Tro turned to him with a bemused look.

That's not the point,” Dr. Harrow said forcefully. “We're not from Euria, we are from Earth. We represent the United States of America, and we come in need of your help.”

Yeah?” Noddeh shouted back. “Whadd'ya want? We're just a band of nomads, we don't have gold or silver or anything like that.”

We need allies against others from Earth,” Dr. Harrow answered. “From some that would try to conquest the whole of Terros.”

And why should we help you with them?” Noddeh snapped.

You won't be helping us,” Dr. Harrow answered. “You'll be helping every country on both Terros and Earth to keep their own banner flying over their lands.

Well, the hell good would we be doing for you?” Noddeh shouted.

I've told them about the seal,” Aleron said quickly. “They need to get to our capital and talk to them, but I don't think having flying ships would let them circumvent the council's rule to only speak with parties bearing a tribal seal.”

Noddeh glared darkly at Aleron. “You can take it from our cold, dead-”

Buck waved his hand again and the air above the cluster of wolves erupted into a flash of flames and sparks. “I assure you,” he said, “That will not be a problem at all.”

Noddeh snarled. Dr. Harrow walked quickly over to Buck and whispered “Calm down, we need to use tact and diplomacy here.”

And so what if this nowhere tribe dislikes us if we get the seal and talk to the capital anyway?” Buck hissed back. “These things nearly killed Chase and they kidnapped Dr. Tro, does that not matter to you at all?”

Dr. Harrow nodded slowly and turned to face the wolves. “You can turn on us if you wish, and we will leave you in be and not take the seal. Know, however, that in doing so, you turn your back to every free land in Terros and present yourselves as targets as well.”

Noddeh grimaced, but maintained an indifferent expression.

If you do give us your friendship and allegiance, though, I think we have a few weapons that you could use for the fight and for your hunting.”

Noddeh narrowed his eyes slightly. “What kind of weapons? Our bows work quite well.”

They do,” Chase confirmed.

Dr. Harrow motioned to the Lovable Dictator and Aften Stjerne. “If we can make these fly, just imagine for a moment what kind of weapons we could make?”

Noddeh paused. “They don't work off of dark magic, do they?”

Not in the least,” Dr. Harrow answered.

Noddeh considered this. “Fetch your offerings and we'll fetch the seal. Aleron, you think you can guide them to the capital?”

Aleron paused. “I guess I could...” he walked over to Dr. Harrow and Dr. Tro. “Dr. Tro, it is you that would like to speak to the council, yes?” he asked.

I think Dr. Harrow would be better suited,” Dr. Tro answered. “Anyway it's his job, and you'd do better along with him for it to help prevent any cultural clashes and such.”

Aleron frowned. “Do you think there's any chance of me being able to go with you?” he asked Dr. Tro. He then turned to Dr. Harrow, continuing “I could lead her to it and you could follow her.”

Dr. Harrow paused cautiously as he considered the situation, then turned to Dr. Tro. “I have no objection if you don't.”

It sounds good, I was thinking of going elsewhere to continue my studies anyway,” Dr. Tro said.

Dr. Harrow nodded and waved to the crews. Within a few minutes, the Jack had been put back on the Aften Stjerne, a few rifles and an assault rifle had been handed to the villagers, the seal was aboard the Lovable dictator, and the ships were off the ground and had begun flying towards the capital.

Angreh stared at the nigh sky from the window of the formal dining area of the Aften Stjerne.

He had gone through a most awkward ordeal in order to have been deemed worthy to be there. To start, he had been escorted through the ship to the shower rooms where two caretakers had stripped him and put him next to an odd device that sprayed hot water onto him. They'd had a heated debate on whether to use shampoo or body wash because of his fur coat covered body, whilst ignoring any input from him, and then finally mixed the two in equal proportions and scrubbed him down. Afterwards he'd been dried, had his teeth scrubbed with a funny soap called toothpaste, and finally he was forced into a suit nearly matching those that the first visitors that had met him and then escorted to this room, where he sat waiting and staring at the scenery as it was cloaked under the night sky.

Finally the door clicked open and Angreh spun around to see a group of the Eurian-looking men in nearly matching blue and red suits marching in in a single file, Iro at the front.

Hello,” Angreh said nervously as everyone marched directly to a specific seat, leaving only the one nearest to Angreh vacant.

Greetings to you as well,” Iro said warmly. “Please take a seat, Angreh.”

Angreh complied and pulled the wooden chair out and sat down, nearly stubbing his whip-like tail into his back as he did.

I thought the best thing to do would be for us all to sit down together for an afternoon meal, courtesy of me and my crew, and we get to know each other better,” Iro said casually. “I am Iro, as you know, and these five individuals around me are my fine generals. Going around the table, this is General Corrus, General Vitrov, General Ivan, General Moragus, and last, but not least, General Reveran. This young lady here is Mrs. Ertvire, our public relations specialist, and this gentleman is Mr. Yaros, our top diplomat.

Angreh reached out his arm in gesturing, about to say something, when he was interrupted to his surprise by everyone at the table suddenly gripping his hand and shaking it, one at a time, releasing it for the next person to repeat until everyone had repeated the gesture on him.

Welcome to the Eye of the Storm!” Mrs. Ertvire squealed, adding just the right calculated emphasis to make the name sound as impressive as possible. “It is the proud flagship of the U.I.F.F., which we are proud to welcome you as a part of.”

Angreh nodded and gave a polite smile, and was on the verge of responding when the door clicked open again and a group of people walked in bearing plates of food and set one down in front of each person at the table, then vanished.

Angreh watched this all, then looked at his plate of food guiltily as the servants vanished. “Aren't they staying to eat with us?” he asked.

Mrs. Ertvire giggled and then cooed “He's so thoughtful and polite, we could really use that to put him in a good light with the public.”

I'm right here,” Angreh said, feeling slightly annoyed at her, “Aren't they staying to eat with us?” he asked again.

No, actually,” Mr. Yaros replied. “They're the waiters, their job is to bring food to individuals of importance such as ourselves on formal dining occasions such as this.”

They're not bringing food to anyone else?” Angreh asked.

No, just us,” General Ivan responded. “Only us, the more important individuals. Only us.”

I should think that we are just as important as everyone else,” Angreh said slowly. “The people that built this ship, the people that man it...”

You're right, you caught me being careless with my words,” General Ivan replied.

What would the correct word be, then?” Angreh asked.

General Ivan's expression narrowed slightly. “The generals in your homeland, the are given the utmost reverence for their commendable skill, and as such are elevated in status beyond those around them, yes? As with those with the intelligence and charisma necessary to govern?”

I guess,” Angreh replied, humoring him.

And as such, they get to eat meals like this, do they not?” General Ivan asked.

Angreh shook his head. “No, our generals eat with the soldiers,” Angreh answered shortly. “It's a sign of respect.”

General Ivan snorted defensively, causing Mrs. Ertvire to pat him on the shoulder, whispering “Cultural differences, I'm sure he didn't mean to be rude.”

Mr. Angreh,” Mr. Yaros said after a few seconds of silence, “Your first matter of business will be leading us to the capital city of your country. There, we will establish alliance with your leaders and land this grand ship there as our own capital.”

You'll be landing your ship at our capital and making it yours?”Angreh repeated. “Will we still get to have our own banner over our land?”

I get the sense that you are seeing this as domination,” Mrs. Ertvire said. “It's not. Think it more like each country is an individual and you are helping us to enlist your land to be the first soldier in our army.”

And if they don't want to enlist?” Angreh asked.

Then we draft them,” Ivan retorted.

Angreh shrugged and was about to grab some of the food off of his plate when Mrs. Ertvire interrupted him suddenly with instructions on how to use the silverware.

So, tell us about yourself,” General Moragus said invitingly as she brushed her hair away from her eyes. “Were you a person of high standing or recognition before we arrived?”

Angreh shook his head, then concentrated on the task of manipulating the fork. “I was just another person, got my food by hunting did a little of this and that for whatever else I needed.”

Do you have any prior military experience?” General Moragus asked.

Angreh nodded. “We are right near the border between my counry, Pett, and neighboring Wen, and since there is not river or anything to divide us the border is in constant dispute. I've been part of the defense of a few skirmishes.”

Are most countries like that?” Iro asked.

Most countries in Astica have at least one disputed border, and there are usually lots of skirmishes and such around there,” Angreh explained.

How would you feel if I told you that all that unnecessary bloodshed could end?” Iro asked.

Angreh considered this. “I would say that would be impossible.”

I'm very confident that it can be done,” Iro replied sincerely. “Assuming it can and will be done, how would you feel about it?”

I think it would be a great thing for everyone,” Angreh answered. “But short of killing everyone off, I don't see how it could be accomplished.”

It will be accomplished,” Iro replied. “With your people manning our guns and using our technology, we will have the entire continent at our feet. They will have no choice to surrender. From there, we simply do the same with the other two continents of Terros. Once that is done, we will be able to put Terros's untapped resources and great numbers and create an army that will conquer Earth in the same fashion. Once we have that vantage, we will be able to enforce world peace and stop all fighting.”

Angreh shook his head sadly. “You will never be able to stop fighting. Not within a country, not between countries. Never.”

I have the utmost confidence in this or I would not have put the effort of all of us thus far into it,” Iro stated firmly. “Will the world not be a beautiful place once all the fighting has ceased?”

It would if that were possible,” Angreh answered.

It is, and you are going to help us, are you not?”

Angreh put his fork down slowly and stared at his food.

This may appear like a very unlikely situation, but the outcome is great enough that it would warrant expending such effort even on the most remote possibility, and I can promise you that this will become a reality,” Iro stated. “Will you not help us?”

Angreh took a deep breath and looked up at Iro. “I'll do what I can.”

That is all that is asked of you,” Iro said. “That is all that is needed. We'll see you again in the morning and you will guide us to the capital and help us negotiate with your leaders.”

The Aften Stjerne and Lovable Dictator glided swiftly until they were both directly above the capital city.

Dr. Harrow was looking down at the city below, examining and observing it.

Alex, is there any way that we could maintain communications with this place once we have left?” he asked. “That might be pretty important.”

If we can get a hold of enough metal and such,” Alex began, “We could probably set it to create a bunch of comms stations like we have on our ships.”

Do you think we could teach them to operate them?” Dr. Harrow asked.

Alex considered this. “Taco, can you teach them to read?”

Si, pero solo ellos que estan cerca cuando yo estoy en ese ciudad. Cuando vengamos, ellos que pueden leer son ellos que pueden leer.”

Hopefully that'll be enough,” Alex said.

Dr. Harrow tuned on the comms to the Aften Stjerne. “Aleron, are you completely sure about everything you have told us thus far?”

Mostly,” Aleron answered.

Dr. Harrow sighed. “Well, let's give it a shot. Whatever you all do, do not forget the seal.”

The two ships descended slowly, finally landing on top of an invitingly flat section of roof of what looked like a sturdy building. It held, and the occupants all dashed out and climbed off the building and into the streets.

By the time they had all hit the cobbled stones that were the streets, they had been surrounded by wolves all rushing up to see what the flying devices were. Aleron quickly began shouting to them all, and held up the seal for them all to see. Somewhat reluctantly, they parted and cleared a path in the direction that the capital building must have been in, and so the crew ran in that direction.

After a modicum of jogging, they came to the highest point in the city, which was capped by a great, pearl-while building that was lavishly decorated.

This is the capital of all of Aesis,” Aleron announced.

All of Aesis?” Dr. Harrow asked. “I fail to believe a single country would take up an entire continent in this situation.”

No, actually,” Aleron said. “See, this is the highest point in all of Aesis. The inhabitants here are more or less the leaders of the pack, with all the surrounding countries being the other members.”

And so,” Dr. Tro said, “When we give them the seal and tell them about the UIFF, the whole continent will be set out against them.”

Precisely,” Aleron said. “Which means that Dr. Harrow can focus on Euria.”

And if the Jack can make comms devices, we can coordinate attacks against the UIFF. Hopefully we'll have gotten to them before they've had a chance to fortify or create much of a force,” Dr. Harrow added. “Aleron, how long do you think it will take to spread the word to every country on the continent?”

We can have ships from every nation landing on Astica in two weeks, if we really must.”

I'm fairly sure that you must,” Dr. Harrow said quietly.

Aleron nodded in understanding and the group strode into the building. After showing the seal around they were lead through a series of doors and hallways until they finally reached a very decorated room in the center of which was a circular table seated by eleven wolf-persons, all of whom looked up as they entered.

Aleron began to speak in the language, holding up the seal, apparently introducing them all.

Tell them we need to teach them English, and that it will hurt for a second. Taco, are you ready?”

Listo cuando ellos estan,” Taco answered.

Aleron translated and the wolves replied.

They're somewhat cautious, but you have their attention,” Aleron shrugged.

Taco waved his hand and the eleven of them collapsed forward onto the table. After a few seconds they sat back upright in their seats and turned to their visitors.

Hello, I am Dr. Harrow, and I wish to discuss something of the utmost importance with you.”

You hail from Euria, do you not?” one of the council asked.

No, we hail from Earth, except for Raj here, who hails from Astica, and Aleron here, who hails from within your own borders.”

Everyone waved shyly, especially Aleron and Raj.

Earth, you say?” another council member asked. “This is quite hard to believe, even for individuals so oddly dressed as yourself appearing at our doorstep bearing a seal.”

Our ships flew through the air to get us here. You can ask anyone in the city after we have left.”

The council members looked to each other as they considered this. “For now, we will give you the benefit of the doubt. Of what do you wish to speak to us about?”

Another faction from Earth has landed in Astica and they seek to dominate all of Terros. Once they have, they will seek to dominate Earth as well.”

Are you certain of this?” one of the council members asked.

Completely. My own ship only narrowly escaped capture or death from them earlier today.”

The council members considered this. “And why do you come to us? To warn us?” one of them finally spoke up.

We ask that you be our allies in this time of need,” Dr. Harrow stated. “We will need every country on Aesis to help us fight against this faction.”

The council members considered this thoughtfully. “We will be able to do this, but we have not the means nor the weapons to go to war like that on a full scale.”

Dr. Harrow motioned to Buck, who came forward with Jack.

Simply put metal and anything else it asks around it and it will create the weapons for you. Just tell it to create what you want. It can make a rifle, assault rifle, or pistol, and a comms device. I recommend you have one comms device for here and at least one other for each country. They will allow you to speak to each other no matter how far away you are, but I'll have to show you how to connect them or the enemy will be able to hear you as well.”

What are those weapons you speak of?” one of the council members asked.

Dr. Harrow still had his pistol tucked into his coat, Raj had taken his assault rifle with him, and Zant had appeared holding a rifle.

Do you mind if we demonstrate our weapons on this pillar?” Dr. Harrow asked.

The council responded with a unanimous “No,” then explained that the pillar was of the utmost cultural importance, and sent a servant to fetch a manequin.

As they waited, Dr. Harrow and several others turned to Zant. “Who are you?” he hissed.

I'm a sneaky little bastard,” Zan whispered back, “But I'm on your side, not to worry.”

Dr. Harrow shrugged it off, and the servants quickly reappeared with a straw-filled replica of a wolf-person, complete with a facial expression of bewilderment painted on to the cheap, coarse material.

Step back,” Dr. Harrow commanded the servants. Aleron translated and they cleared away from the target. Dr. Harrow drew his pistol, aimed carefully, and fired. The shot surged across the room and dove through the target's chest, leaving an ember-lined hole where he had hit.

The pistol,” Dr. Harrow announced. “Now, the sneaky bastard here with the rifle.”

Zant rolled his eyes and leveled the rifle at the target, not even using the scope, and fired, leaving a slightly larger hole in the head of the target.

And Raj with the assault rifle,” Dr. Harrow announced.

Raj took careful aim and held the trigger down, perforating the target and the surrounding wall area as well.

The council members applauded loudly.

It would seem that these weapons would be worth going to war for simply on their own,” one of them said. “We can produce as many as we wish?”

As many as you can find the materials for,” Buck explained. “Simply talk to the cube here and tell it what weapons you want, how many, and place the materials it needs nearby. It creates them via nanobot assembly units.”

We are not familiar with nanobots, they are not black magic, are they?”

The guests all shook their heads.

Your weapons, do they require replenishment of arrows or such?”

Buck shook his head. “Fire them too much too fast and they'll overheat and lock up until they cool down, but other than that, no.”

How soon do you need us to be at Astica?”

As soon as possible,” Dr. Harrow answered. “The other faction from Earth, the UIFF, will build up extremely quickly. We have to take them down before they can gather much strength or we will not stand a chance.”

The council nodded slowly.

Is there anything else you need of me, Aleron, or Buck?” Dr. Tro asked.

Or I,” Zant added. “I fly on the Aften Stjerne, Dr. Tro.”

Then why haven't I seen you?” she whispered.

Because I'm a sneaky bastard,” he replied.

I think Alex, Taco, and I can instruct them on how to use the comms devices. Once they know how Jack works and they are able to link up securely, I can fly to Euria and ask for their assistance as well.”

Dr. Tro nodded. “I think, then, that I should get back to my original task of studying the wildlife. I think I will go to the ocean to study, as there is usually a lot of life around coastal areas. I wonder if the ships can go under the water.”

Dr. Harrow watched as Dr. Tro, Buck, Aleron, and Zant all walked out beyond the doors and out of sight.

Alright, then,” Alex began, clapping hir hands together. “Let's get started. What all metals do you have and where do you have them all?”

It was just past midday when Binky finally landed deep into Chuzets.

Are you sure the marble is here?” Dr. Kaddix asked seriously to Tatty.

I'm completely sure,” she replied. “That thingy right there is probably a quarry,” she added, pointing down to a dig site below.

Dr. Kaddix examined the landmark, then with a grunt he began to set the ship down next to it.

Within a minute, Binky had gracefully touched down on the dry earth beside the quarry. The door opened and the crew emptied out, Dusty hefting the cube between his arms.

A'right you bastards,” Dr. Kaddix shouted. “Are you the peeps that have all the marble 'n' shit?”

They don't know English yet,” Dusty hissed.

I know,” Dr. Kaddix said, turning back with a gleeful grin to Dusty. “Amazing good fun, isn't it? I could swear as much as I want and they wouldn't hear a word of it.”

They can still hear you shouting,” Dusty reminded him and pointed to the gathered audience, most of which was shaking with fear.

Oh, bloody hell. Alright, let's get to work.”

Dr. Kaddix and Dusty charged forward until they were close to the workers, most of them paralyzed in terror at the strange newcomers. The cube beeped it's familiar chime and the workers all dropped down in pain.

My good people,” Dr. Kaddix called out. “I come searching for the source of marble in these lands. I have been lead to this site here being told it is a quarry for such material.”

You have been lead correctly,” one of the workers said. “Please, by the gods, do not harm us!”

We're not here to hurt you, we're just looking for rocks,” Dr. Kaddix explained. “Out of curiosity, where does all the marble go to?”

To the great church,” another worker answered. “Many are made into likenesses of the Great Geodes of Life!”

Great geodes of life?” Dr. Kaddix asked. “What are those?”

They are stones found scattered across the lands. The prophet has told us that they are the very source of all life and being on all of Terros!”

The prophet?” Dusty asked.

Ignore him, tell me about these geodes of life or whatever,” Dr. Kaddix commanded.

Dusty turned to Dr. Kaddix and whispered “Surely we can find out about their religion, especially as it seems pertinent to the local geology.”

Learning about their religion is Dr. Harrow's job,” Dr. Kaddix snapped back.

Yeah, sure, but we're here, we can ask them the question. It's not a real hassle.”

No, but it's not our job,” Dr. Kaddix retorted.

Oh right, so we're going to make Dr. Harrow fly all the way over here to ask when we could just as easy get the answer for him in the blink of an eye,” Dr. Kaddix snapped. “Good workers, tell us about this prophet.”

No, tell us about the geodes of life,” Dr. Harrow shouted.

I don't know what the hell Alonso was thinking when he picked you to be the captain,” Dusty spat furiously. “Are you some damn bureaucrat or a scientist for God's sake.”

Dr. Kaddix's mouth opened and closed a few times in a slow-motion, painful shout, but no sound came out.

The life geodes are held in the great church at the capital,” another of the workers exclaimed.

Good, how do we get there?” Dr. Kaddix asked.

'Tis east southeast, straight down the road that goes by here,” another worker answered quickly. “If you go there, may you find peace and blessings.”

Sounds good, we're off then,” Dr. Kaddix hollered. He turned back to the ship and marched back fervently with his shipmates close behind him.

You sure you can find it?” Dusty asked.

Sure, sure,” Dr. Kaddix answered back. “We just fly low so we can see the road. That way Kiono here won't get sick anyway.”

As often, at least,” Kiono groaned as they all clambered back into Binky. When they all got in, Tatty was at the pilot's seat, looking as ready to fly as anyone could.

All strapped in?” she called back.

No, what are you-”

Good!” she chirped and the ship lurched directly upward, then swung out in a turn and bolted forward.

Do you even know what bloody direction we're going?” Dr. Kaddix boomed as he stumbled around to maintain his balance.

To the capital?” she asked.

Dr. Kaddix fought his balance and staggered up to the front, then forcibly removed Tatty from the pilot's chair and sat down himself. “We're following this road here,” he declared. “And yes, we're going to the capital and we're looking for rocks of life or whatever. Now go back there and find some toy to play with, just don't break anything. Shoo.”

Dusty rolled his eyes as he watched Kyme follow Tatty to the back of the ship. “Not one for kids, are ya?”

I hate the damn things,” Dr. Kaddix grumbled. “I'm ashamed of the fact I was one once.”

The comms device squeaked slowly and came to life. “Dr. Kaddix?” came Alonso's voice.

This is he, is that you, Alonso?”

It is,” Alonso answered. “Dr. Tro, are you here?”

I'm here,” Dr. Tro's voice came in. “I was just flying... is this line secure?”

Is Dr. Harrow here?”

No reply came for a few seconds.

I didn't think we'd be hearing from you while we were here, at least not so soon,” Dr. Kaddix said, breaking the silence uneasily. He turned to Dusty, who's expression told that he had held roughly the same belief.

I really wish that were still the case. I've got bad news, bad news, and worse news and I need information as to the situation,” Alonso said heavily. “Which would you like first?”

In order from bad to worse, please,” Dr. Kaddix said.

Well, it's not much, but when Dr. Tro put up that the name for Euria or Eurica was still in the air, one of the people in the company set up a poll in the information site. People across the world have unanimously voted it Eurica, and from what I'm getting so far you've all been getting used to Euria, so you'll have to switch over-”

What site?” Dr. Kaddix demanded.

We have a website set up with all the photographs, information postings, and data that you've all been collecting. Given the fact that people tend to show a mild interest in such fascinating current events as a planet appearing in the night sky, it actually has several million views already. Which brings me to my next bad news.”

You're out of bandwidth?” Dr. Kaddix suggested.

Oh no, we've actually gotten a lot of people telling us that they're not getting enough information. People want to know what's going on, they want to know about this new place. And thus far, we've only gotten two reports back. One from Dr. Tro telling that you'd landed and found the major landmasses, and one from Dr. Harrow describing a single city in Astica. It's not enough, and I need you to keep in touch better with the people back home. That is why you all are there, after all. I'm going to start expecting frequent updates from each of you, pass this on as soon as you can.”

Look, we've already got enough on our hands already,” Dr. Kaddix grunted. “Are you aware of-”

And the last bad news,” Alonso interrupted. “The United International Freedom Force has landed in Astica. I am quite aware.”

From what I've heard, we must fight-”

No we musn't,” Alonso said. He'd said this in a quiet voice, but there was the force of a furious shout behind it. “I don't agree with what they are doing, but my hands are tied, as are everyone else's. I have negotiated with Iro Kastan, their leader. He will allow you all to continue your work so long as several conditions are met.”

Such as?” Dr. Tro asked cautiously.

For starters, you all are to have a discussion with him via comms once you are all available,” Alonso stated. “And a complete promise to do only research, and he demands one report back to Earth per day for each of you from now on to prove you are working.”

Dr. Kaddix sighed and put his head in his hands. “So we're giving up and handing the whole Earth to conquest-hungry-”

This line is not secure, as per the demands of Iro Kastan himself, and he is likely to be listening even now, so I would watch your mouth,” Alonso snapped. “And TimeSpace will not go to war with the U.I.F.F., nor could we if we wanted to. I will not sacrifice lives, innocent or otherwise for that. It is best that we continue with peaceable research and the search for knowledge, as we would have been doing anyway.”

But-” Dr. Tro began.

No buts!” Alonso snapped. “You are to inform Dr. Harrow of this immediately when he becomes available and all of you are to contact me back on this link at that time. I will connect us with Iro Kastan and we will discuss the future of your research on Terros.”

Dr. Harrow looked back up.

There, that is the address to link up with my ship, the lovable dictator. Do you think you can do that on your own now?”

The wolves behind him nodded.

You'll have to use the cube to teach whoever you need to do this English and how to read, but they have to already be literate, as well as making more of these things. Contact me when you're ready to test and send out your messengers as soon as you're ready, and have the messengers sent out as soon as possible with them. Don't forget to write down the addresses of all the comms devices you make.”

He quickly scanned his mental checklist a few more times. “Anything else you need instruction on?”

The council members and the elders they had assembled and entrusted as technicians shook their heads.

Good, I'll be taking my leave then. Good luck, and I hope to be in contact with you all soon.”

He, Taco, Alex, and Raj navigated quickly out of the building into the twilight air and found the Lovable dictator, climbed to the roof of the building it was nestled upon, and clambered in.

We have to act fast,” Dr. Harrow reminded them. He made his way to the cockpit and hit the button to open the secure link with Dr. Tro and Dr. Kaddix. To his surprise, the link had been disconnected, and a global one was in place. Against his better judgement, he activated it.

Dr. Harrow?” Dr. Tro asked. Her voice was trembling.

This is him,” Dr. Harrow answered. “Why are we on a global link?”

Dr. Tro sighed. “You'll see.”

A beep announced a new connection. “He there already?” Alonso asked. “Dr. Harrow.”

Dr. Harrow's stomach knotted slightly as he sensed something horribly wrong. “Alonso? I thought that you would-”

Things have changed,” Alonso interrupted quickly. “You will be discussing the current state of affairs with someone else right now.”

Who?” Dr. Harrow asked, but the beeps announcing a disconnect and a different connection entering the channel interrupted him.

Greetings, good researchers of TimeSpace Technologies,” a familiar voice said.

Mr. Kastan?” Dr. Harrow asked incredulously.

Dr. Harrow, I've been meaning to talk to you in particular,” Iro replied cooly.

Why the hell are you talking to us?” Dr. Harrow demanded.

To negotiate for the peace, of course,” Iro answered. “Alonso has agreed to swear ceasefire. We will cease all hostilities with you so long as you do the same for us.”

He has ordered us,” Dr. Tro said heavily.

Iro,” Dr. Harrow growled, “Tell them what you are doing here.”

Most certainly,” Iro replied. “I am creating and ensuring world peace both on Earth and on Terros. A worthy goal, I think you will agree. My method is simple. Terros is fresh and all the land and resources are for the taking. In a matter of months, possibly even weeks, we will have all the resources we need to create armies and fleets, and the locals will supply the human resources necessary. With these army and these fleets, we will conquer every nation and overthrow every dictator.”

You're going to try to end violence by putting a gun to everyone's head and telling them to stop fighting, and Terros is just a big gun factory and barracks to you,” Dr. Harrow replied darkly.

I find your interpretation of my plan to be rather downgrading, if not outright insulting,” Iro said heavily. “It is a golden opportunity for every country stricken by war and for all peoples ravished by violence, and Terros is the gateway to this dream.”

It will only ever be a dream,” Dr. Harrow said. “I respect your goal, but your means will accomplish nothing. If anything, you will only cause more violence.”

Why do you think that?” Iro asked casually. “Please tell.”

The people of Earth will resist your attempts to take them over and control them.”

We are not enslaving them or destroying their ways of life,” Iro explained. “We are simply putting police on the streets to prevent crime.”

You'll stop nothing. And what's to stop the police from taking over and setting up a regime?” Dr. Harrow asked.

You really think I would do that? I told you, I want no control such as that.”

A gun to everyone's head is a lot of control, a lot of power.”

I would only use it to ensure peace,” Iro said defensively. “I'm insulted to hear that you truly believe that I would abuse such power in such a way.”

Maybe you would, maybe it wouldn't be you.”

The comms was silent for a few moments.

Dr. Harrow, I assure you, my plan will be carried out, it will be successful, and when people realize the good that we have done for them, they will be thankful.”

I can't let you-” Dr. Harrow began.

Dr. Harrow,” Dr. Tro interrupted. She sounded like she was holding back tears. “Alonso has ordered that we stand down.”

Dr. Harrow gritted his teeth. “Dr. Kaddix, is she serious?”

Fraid so,” Dr. Kaddix answered.

You sound disappointed,” Dr. Harrow noted. “I didn't think you cared about any of this at all.”

Dr. Harrow heard a grunt that sounded like Dr. Kaddix had just stubbed his toe.

You should not be disappointed in the least. You all should be glad this is going on. Glad for everyone on Earth. Glad for everyone on Terros. Now, the main thing I wanted to talk to you all about are some guidelines. I am afraid I may be forced to take less than agreeable action if you violate these rules.”

The gun to our head?” Dr. Harrow asked.

Now now, I am allowing you to continue your research completely uninterrupted,” Iro said. “These are a few simple rules that I am entrusting you to follow so that nothing bad should befall. Firstly, you are to only contact each other and Earth through open channels that I may access as well. You are to continue your research peaceably and report your findings frequently to Earth. You are not to tell anyone of our plans. Oh, and Dr. Harrow, no more shooting my men.”

Dr. Harrow felt his insides tense up and freeze. The memory flooded back to him like an icy wave hitting him so cold that it burned.

Everything else you should be able to figure out on your own. I'm always available to be contacted. Feel free to drop me a line at any time. I'd prefer to keep it friendly. Does anyone have any questions before we go?”

The comms was silent.

In that case, then I shall talk to you all later. Goodbye for now.”

The comms beeped as Iro disconnected. With a disheartened sigh each, Dr. Kaddix and Dr. Tro did the same.

Dr. Harrow buried his face in his palm, a mix of thoughts and fears running through his head and throughout every nerve in his body. When he finally looked up, a direct link light was flashing. He pressed it.

This is the Rizzeh communications device. Dr. Harrow, is this working?”

It is working, I hear you loud and clear.”

Good, shall I attempt to contact Dr. Tro or the other one?”

No, plans have changed,” Dr. Harrow said. “Only contact me and the other comm devices from now on. Go ahead and send out the messengers and have them prepare for war, but tell them not to engage anything until I give them the go ahead. Things have gotten a lot more complicated.”