####################################################################### # This story isn't recommended for children. If you are under the # # legal age, please leave!!! This story contains relationship between # # male panther and male wolf, if you are disgusted by this stuff, # # please leave too!!! I take no responsibility for affecting your # # mind. And don't say you have not been warned... # ####################################################################### At first: This story isn't written exactly in English. I know that my English is bad, but I keep learning, so excuse all typos, bad spellings, strange expressions, and bad prepositions :) THANKS!!! Any comments write to Mjk_cz@hotmail.com Proofreaders/checkers: Sleepyhelper Dmnayankee Asikaa *Majka* by Mjk <5.3. 1999> This story is dedicated to my leska Gere. Prologue: It has been only nine years since the beginning of this blood war. I still can remember a first wave of alien ships attacking my home world. The strength of their fleet was incredible but our planet's military forces resisted and quickly struck back, slowly pushing the attackers behind the border of our star system. Nobody knew why had they attacked us, but their goal was clear. I remember when we caught one of their combat mechs on the surface of our mining colony, opened it and we saw small brain-like matter engulfed by evil aura, loving the feeling of destruction, pain and sadness, their bodies safely hidden behind the mass of technologies, killing everything alive without remorse. We had to defend. This new-found species was a danger to all our allies, we must end their terror ... They weren't successful in defeating our home world and now they concentrated on our far away mining colonies to weaken our weaponry production. As I say, they were also a danger to our allies, so all five allied species had to connect together with one pure goal: to keep peace in the galaxy. There have never been such strong friendships and co-operation between our feline race of MrssHans, the wolflike race of Gorrs, Humans, Klingons and the mysterious race of Liptans, telepathic foxes. Our military forces were slowly cleaning planet after planet from those aliens, Like a deadly disease we were pushing them back out of our kingdom. The story begins on one of the four moons of Alpha-prime, the main copper mining colony. Year: 3019 Planet: Alpha-prime's zeta moon "Probos" Location: Battlezone IV Status: Alert number 5, High security alert The ground shivered as a pure white energy bolt hit its surface, making a large hole in it. Alien bombers quickly scanned the ground below, then with a loud noise flew away. For a while nothing moved, but after a few minutes the dark head appeared from one of a larger craters. His amber eyes scanning an azure blue sky that contrasted with devastated dirty ground covered by pieces of destroyed mechs. He sighed, checking his broken plasma rifle and other equipment he had saved from his shot down aircraft. It was on one of his routine patrol flights when a couple of heavy enemy bombers attacked him from behind, immediately damaging the outside hull, control of engines and weapon systems. While he was lucky enough to survive the crash without any wounds, unfortunately he crashed kind of far away from their base. He was dressed in a dark brown leather jacket with blue emblems on both of his sleeves, the sign of his squad, and matching dark brown pants with a holster for a handgun on his right side. His name was Majka and he belonged to elite fighter pilots of MrssHan's army. He left his home world to avoid an ordinary boring life and to find adventure deep in space. Military forces gave him a chance to realize his dreams of being a combat pilot. Now buried in rubbish he started to doubt if it was the right idea. Very carefully he climbed out, relaxing his black body on the warm surface, still shocked by fast events that met him only few minutes ago, checking his surroundings for any signs of danger. The panther activated his wrist comm, waiting for an answer from the security operator. After a small delay he heard an annoyed voice asking for his ID. "I said identify yourself, soldier!" "Majka Alis, identification number 335, elite fighter pilot of Mrrshans ... I need to talk to a commander." "Identification confirmed", said the operator, "wait a second..." Majka sighed... Every minute could cost me my life. Suddenly a burst of noise in his comm got his attention. "Commander Sarik talking. Where the hell have you been for the last hour? Don't you know what the time plan is, Sergeant Majka Alis???" "I am sorry Commander Sarik but I was shot down by alien G-type bomber and was incapable of sending emergency or rescue signal", answered the panther angrily, his tip tail swinging from side to side nervously. "Shot down? Impossible, the area you were patrolling on is clean, report to me now...", his voice sounded like a storm. "So you want to say I shot myself down after I had a hallucination of being hunted my two enemy bombers"? The panther's voice changed into a snarl. "No need for violence, Sergeant Alis. Are you wounded?" The tone of his voice was more calm and concerned now. "Nothing you can call serious, but my plane isn't in as good a shape as me. Commander, I demand a rescue transport", said the panther with a hope. After a short while commander answered ", I must disappoint you, Sergeant, but we are running the secret mission and all our air forces are unavailable at the moment. You will have to return to our base on your own unless you want to wait at the crash site for us, but I warn you, it could be a few days". "On my own? I hope I don't have to remind you I am a pilot not a ground fighter", screamed the panther, frustrated. "Stop whining soldier! I said I cannot help you until we get our aircraft back from a mission. Keep your E&R signal activated so we will be able to locate you if we get any spare transports. We have information that you are only 50 miles away from the base. Try to get into base by your own in three days, understand"? The commander's voice sounded resolute. "Yes, Commander, I understood. I will do the best I can." The panther's voice sounded more like a whisper now. He could only barely hear commander's answer, "Good luck soldier...", then his comm went silent again. Majka slumped down on his knees, the bad feeling in his stomach didn't want to leave. 'You must take it on your own...' echoed in his ears... He sighed and was trying to think about something different...Maybe this will be nice trip, heh! Didn't I want an adventure? Why can't I be on the beach with a beautiful female next to me? The stomach nausea slowly vanished and he stood up, stretched his back and prepared to move. If there are enemy bombers, so there will be their elite mech hunters too. I better go now without any delays. A high-pitch sound of receiving text message withdrew him from his thoughts. 'New report: Another pilot was shot down and survived the crash ....probably male Gorr of unknown age, mission: food transport, rescue team: not available, status: light or serious wounded'. Hmm, he was shot down only 5 miles away from me, why I didn't hear an explosion of his craft?. His E&R signal say he is north direction of me. Maybe he is more experienced in ground survival. It wouldn't be bad idea to travel together... He pondered. My base is to the north too so I will not waste any time by looking for him, and anyway I haven't seen any Gorrs from close distance before... He decided to travel on all his 4 paws. It will be faster and he wanted to find the Gorr before it got too dark. He slung a small pack on his back and left his hideout. Maybe the Gorr's aircraft wasn't so messy or will be repairable. He probably had to force-land because of his wound? What were they like? Quick thoughts went through his head. With a mixture of various feelings and thoughts he changed his speed from walking to running, leaving his crash-site behind him. It was getting dark when he arrived on the top of a hill. His pawpads hurt, his black fur partially grey from dust. Sweating and tired he sat down, carefully looking around himself. Good no danger right now. He quickly checked the E&R signal to locate the other pilot. It was coming from the building complex right on the edge of this hill. All the buildings were damaged by explosions, everything was dark and dirty, proof of previous heavy fights. He couldn't see any smoke or any piece of the other aircraft. The panther jumped quickly forward, heading towards the main building complex. His fuzzy tail bounced behind him, brushing against the ground and making small clouds of smoke. As he arrived at the ruined building he crouched, nearly crawling forward, his feline abilities helping him to stay nearly invisible. Moving silently through damaged construction, He perked his ears to register any sound. Then he heard it. Silent coughing coming right from the next corner. Majka silently pulled out his handgun from its holster, took a deep breath and jumped forward. He landed on the clearing behind the corner, in a matter of a second he rolled over pointing his gun at a creature sitting on a dusty floor. What he saw stole his breath. A wolflike creature curled up in the corner with dirty bandage around his left thigh, his dull face covered with sweat, eyes filled with pure terror. He was only a bit smaller than the feline standing in a front of him. His grey fur contrasted with his light blue eyes. It was clearly visible that he was in pain from his wound. The panther, confused by a sad picture he saw, screamed "Identify yourself"!!! Nothing... "I said identify yourself, soldier"!!! Again no answer... Majka's heartbeat slowly calmed down, he lowered his gun and asked: "Are you the other pilot shot down by aliens, food transport mission"? Wolf, visibly frightened, nodded. Then he silently said "Corporal Zinja Win, ID 44e", his voice shaking in deep fear, his eyes half-closed in pain. "I am Sergeant Majka Alis. Good, I have found you", with a soft smile he extended his paw. Still shivering in fear, the wolf offered his paw in a handshake and curled up again. "I got a message from Commander Sarik about your accident, I was shot down on my patrol mission too, my base is only 45 miles north from here, it would be nice if you join me on my way. Everything would go much easier if we traveled together. After we arrived at our base we can contact your squad to transport you... Do you agree?", said the panther in anticipation. Zinja just nodded, and stayed quiet, shivering uncontrollably. The panther looked at him with his amber eyes, "What about your plane? Is it capable of flying"? The wolf just shook his head, clenching his teeth. "Aww... pity, never mind, we will have to make it on our own", after a short while of silence the panther said "You really don't look well, may I check your wound"? Zinja whined and curled up into a defensive position. "Hey! I mean no harm to you, I am here to help you", said the panther softly. "Poor wolf! You're in shock." Barely conscious, the wolf uncurled. He rapidly blinked as his left paw straightened, his dull eyes carefully watching the feline before him. Majka gently touched his knee, barely breathing. "You are such a cute wolf"...'what the hell I am talking about?' he thought. Strange feeling filled his body as he was touching his leg. Wolf didn't register any touches, his mind filled by pain. He continued to stare at feline, his pain was getting worse. Majka very carefully untangled his bandage, quickly pulling out his emergency first aid kit from his backpack. He started to properly clean the wolf's wounded leg. It wasn't a large wound, but pretty deep. After finishing cleaning he re-bandaged his thigh with a clean dressing. Then the panther pulled out a pistol-syringe, pressed its nozzle against the fur on Zinja's thigh and pressed a trigger. "It is soft drug to reduce your pain and to help you sleep for a while." Then he took a flask of water and emergency food ration, and offered them to wolf. "Eat it, you must to fill your stomach, I know it isn't tasty but it contains lot of vitamins and minerals, also the water contains a drug to reduce fever. I think you have a minor infection in your wound, but with help of these drugs you will be OK till tomorrow." Zinja nodded and heartily accepted food and water. When he finished eating he curled up again and whispered "Thanks, Majka". With this he closed his eyes and fell asleep almost immediately. Majka smiled, pulled out two blankets, and covered Zinja with one of them. He laid next to him and switched on his wrist armclock, covered his tired body with second blanket, he slowly started to drift into the world of dreams. Last thing he recorded was that he must remember to thank his medical teacher... The alarm clock started to scream at 6 o'clock. Majka quickly opened his eyes and turned off the annoying sound. Concerned, he turned his head towards the still sleeping Zinja, placed his soft black paw on his forehead and checked his temperature. 'Good' he though. Drugs killed his temperature. He smiled as his paw tenderly caressed wolf's head. 'How cute, this wolfen race'. The panther's head slowly moved close to Zinja, nuzzling the back of his neck. 'Oh they also smell very good', he smiled softly. The stream of sunlight hit his eyes as he rolled over on his side and yawned. He heard as the wolf softly moaned, probably because of his wound. The panther slowly sat up and stretched lazily, wondering if it was good idea to wake Zinja up. 'Umm nice warm shower would be nice'. Majka stood up and quickly checked close surrounding for any signs of possible danger. He found nothing and returned to join sleeping Zinja. Outside there was another beautiful day with blue sky and soft wind. As he sat down again, Zinja woke up, tuning his head towards the panther. "Good morning Majka", he said with soft voice. The panther bared his canines in wide grin, "Good morning Zinja, you should rest for more few minutes, I will check if we can use anything from your craft. Where did you land?". "Right outside the main gate, on the left side. Majka? I would like to apologize for..." The panther quickly interrupted him. "No need for apologies. I understand. You were in very bad shape yesterday, but you look much better today", he said with a purr. While Majka was searching for aircraft, the wolf was looking for anything edible in his own small backpack. He still had some synthetic powdered water, he badly needed something to kill his thirst. After few minutes he wondered where Majka was for so long. He stood up with difficulties, checking the flexibility of his hind leg. Suddenly he heard a powerful explosion followed by few shots of a heavy caliber gun. His furry face froze as he heard the yelp of his new feline friend... He stood there without any movement until he heard quick steps approaching him. In a second, Majka was standing there with blood dripping from his head, quickly panting he grabbed Zinja's shoulder. "We must get out, we aren't alone", he screamed. "Do you have a gun?" Zinja shivered in confusion, "no I lost all weapons in my plane". "Damn, there are two or more elite hunter mechs outside, looking for us. Lets take only the most important things and run to the north." "I cannot run, leave me here with your gun, I will delay them", said Zinja sadly. The panther looked at him with strange expression in his face "No way, are you crazy???", he grabbed Zinja's shoulder again, supporting him with his right forepaw. The wolf just lowered his head in embarrassment, they both took their own backpacks and in a matter of a minute they ran out of the building through the side door. They heard few explosions and fire engulfing the whole building. Both of them ran until sweat was dripping from their furs, without turning their heads, heading in a northerly direction. After few miles Zinja suddenly collapsed from exhaustion and because of his freshly-opened thigh wound. Majka looked at him and took him into his lap, carried him few hundreds more meters. "Aww I think I hear a stream", said the panther in surprise. He careful put down at his wolf friend and perked his ears, trying to locate the right direction. After few minutes of searching he returned and carried Zinja to the empty cottage made from wood and stones with water path in the middle. Zinja looked around himself, his ears flattened as he felt ashamed he must be carried by his new friend. "This look like an old temple", said Zinja. "Yes , I think you are right. We should rest for a while, I think we are out of danger. These aliens are very scared of water, we will be safe here". He smiled at Zinja and pulled out a klingon tricorder, checking if the water is ok. "Clean water, yesss... we can drink here," chuckled the panther. Zinja smiled back at him and hungrily swallowed as much water as he could. "I am glad I don't have to travel alone Zinja, I am glad I found you..." Zinja murred and continued in drinking water, ditching his thirst. "Let's rest until tomorrow, so you will be fresh again. At least I can take care of your newly opened wound properly right now." "I can't say no", giggled Zinja and leaned against one of a huge stone blocks. A few minutes later both of them were trying to eat their food ratios. Acidic-tasting food really wasn't the best thing, but it was better than an empty whining stomach. Majka stretched lazily, with soft purr he said, "Oh no more food, I think I am stuffed." He put his dried synthetic meat back into his backpack, raised to his feet and walked towards a water stream. He slowly took off his jacket and unfastened the belt holding his leather pants, quickly tossed them over another stone block. After pulling down his pants he revealed cleaner black fur on his nice built thighs and firm butt cheeks. Wolf couldn't help but stop to stare at his lovely tall black body, with surprised expression in his face he continued in exploring his muscled chest with his eyes. The panther turned his head towards him and asked with smile on his face. "What's it ? You have never seen a MrrShan before?" Zinja shook his head, trying not to stare. "Yes I have, but never so close". "Look, we are both furred with four paws and tail", he chuckled. Zinja grinned back and turned his head away from him, trying to hide his blushing canine face. The panther took his blanket, soaked it in cold water and started to wipe the fur on his legs of the worst dirt. In a while his fur was clean again, shining and wet. He put down a blanket, licked his hurting pawpads then he asked Zinja if he wanted to wash too. Zinja twitched with his ears and blinked. "Umm yes surely", he said with uncertain tone in his voice. He stood up and walked to Majka by all his four. He grinned and sat next to him, started to rub his shoulders. "You can use my blanket, if you want...", said the panther with sweetness in his voice. "Thanks" giggled wolf. "Umm don't you want to dress again?" The panther looked directly at him, "No way, I am still wet, I am going to wait until my fur dries, then I will dress." Then he continued to nurse his fingers, cleaning his retractable claws. The tip of his tail flickered as he let out a content purrrr. Zinja smiled softly and was rubbing his face with Majka's wet blanket. He buried his face deep into it, inhaling the sweet spicy smell of his feline friend. Strange feeling went through his body and the fur on his back foofed. "It will go much easier if you remove your uniform, Zinja", chuckled the panther. "Ok", said wolf as he pulled down the last piece of his clothes, still feeling pretty uneasy. "Gimme my blanket, I will help you, just sit down on your quilt and relax" said the panther and pushed him carefully down. Then He wet the blanket again and gently wiped the wolf's shoulders. Zinja forced himself to relax, half-closed his eyes. Within few minutes Majka washed his chest, his nose close to his neck, nuzzling it and inhaling his canine scent. He let out very deep purr and whispered into Zinja's ear "Are all Gorrs so sexy as you are"? Majka's question hit him as a lightning bolt, he turned his head toward Majka's and stammered "oh, what?" He couldn't believe what had he just heard. The panther stayed quiet and was slowly wiping the fur on his thighs, occasionally brushed a palm of his paw against the longer fur on his groin. Zinja, like a frozen statue, was sitting without movement, breathing quickly. The panther moved behind him, pressed his chest against his furry back and whispered again "I cannot help it but I find you very attractive, do you believe me"? Zinja nodded and panted quickly as the panther's right paw touched his now rapidly growing sheath. "But I am a different species than you..." was the only thing he could get from himself. "Who cares" was the only answer he could hear. The panther's paw now moved lower and caressed the length of the wolf's sheath. His powerful jaws nuzzled along the back of the wolf's neck, teasingly nipping all over. The panther's sharp canines slowly sank into Wolf's neckfur as he tasted him, fingers on his curious paw caressed wolf's tightened ballsac. Wolf let out a contented murr and felt himself slowly falling into lust. Majka snuggled closer, relaxed his head on wolf's right shoulder, both of his paws now caressing Zinja's chest. Majka deeply growled and licked right behind Zinja's ear. Wolf arched his back and reached down to touch his friend's leg, his soft canine paw squeezing Majka's thigh. Majka suddenly stood up and pounced Zinja from behind, rolled with him and landed on his chest. He raised his head and looked deeply into his canine blue eyes. Then he lowered his black soft lips to touch Zinja's. Zinja moaned and opened his muzzle for his friend, as panther's sandpaper tongue slid into his mouth, caressing his white fangs. He felt his saliva mix with panther's, loved its taste. He shivered uncontrollably and wrapped his both paws around Majka's waist. The panther groaned loudly and broke his kiss, covered Zinja's face with kisses full of love and lust. They both felt the growing lust and sexual compulsion building inside their groins. The panther quickly grasped wolf's throat with his muzzle and bit it tenderly. He reached down and immediately found his target, his black fingers wrapped the base of Zinja's sheath, felt as it pulsated. The wolf's pink slowly emerged out of his protective sheath, dripping precum over the panther's belly. Zinja was caressing his friend's back, the moved his paws lower and stretched the base of his tail. Majka moaned in delight, his tail swinging from side to side. He smiled wide and licked over wolf's erected nipples, played with them between his razor sharp teeth. He got immediate response from his friend, his loud moan had to be heard miles away. They both suddenly stopped and chuckled. Then panther curled and buried his black snout between Zinja's thighs. Wolf hadn't had a time to realize what was happening, he just rolled his tongue out of his muzzle. The panther nuzzled his soft gray rump and with one lick tasted his spicy crotch. He wrapped his soft warm lips around the wolf's pink cock and sucked on its head. Zinja moaned loudly, shaking his body in animal lust as the panther was nursing his cock. He grabbed panther's ears and squeezed its sensitive spots. His tail pushed aside as he felt panther's warm mouth around his dripping cock. He felt small pool of mixture of the panther's saliva and his own precum on his lower belly. The panther withdrew his huge wolfhood and licked its length, down over his sheath, he carefully sucked on each of his balls. His feline rough tongue bathed his rump and moved under his tail. He start to circle around wolf's twitching pink anus. Zinja gasped and rubbed his own chest, his hind paws fully spread for his friend. The panther made his whole private part wet from his drools, quickly returned to satisfy his friend's tool. He wrapped his lips again around Zinja's pulsating cock and started to suck a bit harder. Zinja could feel as his orgasm has been slowly building inside his ballsac. He was thrusting his hips against panther's lovely moist mouth. Majka felt his reaction and sucked even harder now, sucking the whole length of wolf's cock, loving the taste of his salty precream. The whole wolf's body suddenly arched and shuddered as he reached his heaven, exploded in wave of strong orgasm inside panther's nursing mouth. He gasped and growled at the time, felt as his cock inflate, and spurt after spurt of hot canine seed were filling Majka's mouth. The panther tried to swallow as much warm juice as he could, felt his own cock need satisfaction, he continued to suck wolf's balls out of cream, some of it was dripping out, slowly soaking into Zinja's fur. The panther felt his satisfied friend collapse, panting very quickly. After few minutes he became conscious again, opened his light blue eyes and realized that his friend completely cleaned him with the feline tongue. He smiled wide and said "Wow, oh.. thank you.... it was ..". the panther interrupted him, "beautiful?" "Oh yessss", wolf whispered with grin on his furry face. Then he looked down on panthers erection, blinked innocently and asked unsurely "Umm what about you?". The panther gave him a smile and purred "Don't worry honey, it is my turn now..." Zinja smiled back. Evidently he doesn't know what to do. Majka reached up and touched his face, presses a palm of his paw against his warm cheek. "Don't you want to roll around and stand up on all your four?" purred panther again. Zinja did as his friend told him, now standing on all his four paws, his tail pushed aside. In a matter of seconds he was mounted by Majka, he felt panther's forepaws next to his shoulders and his jaws around his neck. Last word he has heard was "Don't worry, I will be gentle..." the voice sounded like a blow of a wind. Majka shifted his position , licked his friend's neck, his belly firmly pressed against his back, He lowered his rump and the tip of his barbed felinehood touched Zinja's inner thigh. Wolf shivered in pure pleasure and lowered his head, his rump high, pressed against his friend's. Majka purred loudly and gently bit his friend's neck and shoulders. He felt as the tip of his sharp pointed cock found the right mark and thrust forward, the cumcoated tip of his cock easily slides inside, spreads Zinja's tight anus wide, filling his inside with his warm barbed rod. He stopped for a while and then thrust the rest of his cock inside, felt as a tight anal ring squeezed the girth of his feline dick. A loud groan followed by few rougher bites signified panther's growing lust and urge to satisfy himself. He started slowly to withdraw his cock, barbs on its surface teasing wolf's inner walls. Then he thrust in again, his muzzle sucked on Zinja's ears. The panther arched his back and steadily started to mate with his new-found love. Zinja felt as his rectum accommodated to his friend's size, few spurts of hot feline precum added the needed lubrication. The panther let his lust take control of his body and quickly humped his cock in and out, friction teasing every barb on his cock. Within a minute a started to thrust more violently, the tip of his cock was slamming against his friend's prostate making Zinja to purr like a feline. Majka felt so close to the edge.. He buried his cock to the hilt into his friend's intestines in one final thrust, shuddered and his cock exploded. He could only barely hear Zinja's loud moaning. Thick streams of hot cream hit Zinja's prostate, slowly filled up his bowels. The panther whined and let our loud growl, buried his fangs deep into wolf's neck, fortunately not breaking his skin. Zinja murred contentedly as his friend collapsed onto his back, felt as the panther's cock was twitching deep inside him, shooting spurt after spurt of his love cream into him. He waited a minute and then squirmed under his friend, pushing him on his side and withdrew his shrinking cock. Zinja returned to panther a favour and licked him and himself clean, loved the strong taste of this lovely feline. When the panther opened his gazing eyes, wolf had smiled at him and kissed him deeply.The panther chuckled, "Thank you honey". Wolf smiled wide and cuddled close to him. They both cuddled closer, their paws wrapped around each other, kissing all the time they both felt asleep within few minutes... And that's how new strong relationship had formed... ###To be continued... Maybe :))) Who knows?...#### The End!