"Schizophrenia at work."

The Duality of Desire

His eyes flickered open. Despite the darkness, Kort saw a feminine buttock seated on the edge of his bed. As the last moment of sleep escaped him, he had felt the springs of the mattress shift under weight - the reason he was now awake. He wondered who this intruder was - the owner of the immaculately groomed tail partly obscuring a strong thigh. Looking up, his gaze passed over the moonlit curves of two exposed breasts. He recognised the smile on the shapely muzzle and the large sparkling eyes framed by long flowing hair.

\x93Jita?\x94 he swallowed the dryness in his throat, \x93What are you doing here?\x94

\x93I couldn\x92t sleep,\x94 she replied softly. \x93Are you angry I woke you up?\x94 she reached out to run a paw through his head fur.

\x93No,\x94 Kort kept his eyes glued to hers despite his comprehension of the two bare breasts just inches from his nose.

Resigned, she withdrew her hand with a sigh and placed it on her lap.

\x93What time is it?\x94 Kort frowned.

\x93A few minutes past midnight,\x94 Jita replied offhandedly. She smiled into his eyes and glanced down at her chest teasingly, \x93I know you want to look.\x94

\x93Yes I do,\x94 he narrowed his eyes. \x93Did you come here in the middle of the night, and wake me up just to flirt with me?\x94

\x93Yes,\x94 the smile remained on her face.

\x93Then go away and let me sleep.\x94 Kort turned to face wall, and rested his head on the pillow.

\x93Let me stay a while,\x94 she pleaded.

Though he didn\x92t look, he was sure her smile had disappeared. \x93If you must,\x94 he pulled himself closer to the wall.

\x93Thank you.\x94

Kort felt the vixen lay down close to him - her soft breasts pressed under his shoulder blades. He pulled himself right up against the wall on the narrow, single bed. Jita didn\x92t let up and closed the gap Kort had just created.

\x93Would you rather I go sleep in your bed?\x94

She backed off, \x93Okay, I\x92ll let you sleep if you answer me one question. Why aren\x92t you interested in me?\x94

Kort sighed, \x93I am, but I\x92m not your sex toy. I have feelings.\x94

He felt her paw on his shoulder.

\x93I just want you to take me. I\x92m not looking for commitment,\x94 Jita explained.

Kort turned to face her - his back against the wall. \x93But I am. I want commitment, and I know you have none to offer.\x94

\x93But what does it hurt to have a little fun?\x94 she teased.

\x93You wouldn\x92t understand,\x94 he lay back down, facing the wall.

\x93You\x92re right. I wouldn\x92t, but couldn\x92t you do it for me. I want you to.\x94

It was Kort\x92s turn to ask the question, \x93Why?\x94

\x93I\x92m in the mood for a good yiff.\x94

\x93But why choose me?\x94

\x93I think you\x92re cute,\x94 Jita giggled.

\x93Is everything is a joke to you?\x94 he shot over his shoulder.

Her laughter faded, \x93I didn\x92t mean... I\x92m sorry.\x94

Feeling the sincerity in her voice, Kort faced her. He slid a paw over her furry cheek, \x93You\x92re young and beautiful - you could have any male,\x94 he spoke softly. \x93Why did you come to me? I need to know.\x94

Jita looked into his eyes, \x93I can\x92t quite put my finger on it, but you\x92re not like the other guys. And you haven\x92t tried to get into my pants yet.\x94

\x93I don\x92t think I\x92d fit,\x94 he joked.

Jita smiled, more relaxed than when she teased by trying to look innocent.

Kort sat up cross-legged on the bed, keeping his crotch covered with the bedcover, \x93Is there something else you want to tell me?\x94

Jita shook her head as she sat up, the sheet sliding off her shoulder, \x93But I could use a hug.\x94

\x93That I can manage,\x94 he held his arms out to her and she leaped into them.

Jita wrapped her arms around him tightly, pushing her plump breasts into his chest. \x93Thank you,\x94 she whispered into his ear, \x93You\x92re nice. I mean here we are, both naked in bed, and you still haven\x92t taken advantage of me.\x94

\x93I must admit the thought crossed my mind.\x94

Jita let him go and looked into his eyes with a broad smile, \x93Really?\x94

\x93Yes,\x94 Kort nodded solemnly. \x93I would have to be crazy not to want you.\x94

The vixen\x92s face lit up and she promptly kissed Kort full on the lips.

\x93Then take me. I want you to.\x94

\x93I don\x92t know...\x94 his expression became grave.

Jita tilted her head, trying to understand, \x93What\x92s wrong?\x94

\x93I\x92m not sure.\x94

\x93Well I am,\x94 she spoke sternly, \x93So I\x92ll make the first move.\x94 She reached down through the sheet to grab hold of his already hardening penis.

\x93Maybe you\x92re right,\x94 Kort managed to blurt out as Jita began stroking it.

Feeling it rise to its full length, she pulled the cover off Kort\x92s crotch and leaned over to take the moist pink shaft into her mouth. She sucked, sliding her muzzle down to admit its entire length.

\x93I don\x92t see how this can be fun for you,\x94 Kort stuttered.

She ignored him and pulled up, evacuating more air. She rubbed the hard tip with her soft tongue bringing Kort rapidly toward orgasm.

Kort felt helpless against her delicious licking. There was no way back, and now he wanted to please her equally in return. He reached out for a breast and rubbed it vigorously. Jita\x92s breath quickened, she released the shaft from her lips briefly, only to wrap her tongue around it once again. Kort shuddered and leaned over sideways. The vixen too adjusted her position and lay on her side, giving Kort access to her crotch. He eagerly nuzzled her tummy, lapping at the soft pubic fur in earnest. She willingly parted her legs and Kort licked hungrily at the moist folds. Jita gasped, her lips parting from his hard organ. He toyed with Jita, tasting her with the entire length of his tongue.

\x93Oh, you\x92re good,\x94 she moaned in encouragement as he pressed his tongue against her clitoris.

Kort lifted his head and shifted on the bed. They kissed passionately, letting the two intimate tastes mingle on their tongues. At the same time, Kort stuffed his hard organ into Jita\x92s vagina. She parted their kiss with a whimper as Kort began to thrust his shaft into her rhythmically.

\x93Faster!\x94 she breathed, her breasts shaking with each plunge.

Kort slowed his pumping.

\x93No, no! Go faster!\x94 she begged.

He sped up several-fold, ramming his abdomen against hers - but Kort soon reverted to his slow, deliberate strokes. Jita squirmed, her breath coming in fits and starts. As Kort felt her muscles tighten around his penis he sped up once more. He felt himself explode inside, his intermittent spurts driven in by his thrusting. He continued to pump till he shook with the last of his strength. Dropping to the bed, he lay down beside Jita - still within her.

She opened her eyes and smiled, still catching her breath, \x93Thank you.\x94

\x93Thank you too,\x94 he kissed her fleetingly.

Together they drifted off to sleep, still bound.


Kort woke up to a feeling of great discomfort. The warmth beside him was gone. Jita had got up from the bed and started for the door. He reached out and gently tugged at her tail - ruffled during their romp.

\x93Please don\x92t go.\x94

Jita turned around, her round eyes penetrating, \x93I can\x92t stay.\x94

\x93And I won\x92t let you go.\x94

She sat down on the edge of the bed, not unlike how she had done when she first came.

\x93At least let go of my tail.\x94

\x93No,\x94 Kort stroked his hand through it.

\x93Why not?\x94 she folded her arms across her chest.

Kort thought carefully, \x93Because I\x92m afraid you won\x92t come back.\x94

\x93I\x92m the one who came to you, remember?\x94 she frowned slightly.

\x93And I accepted,\x94 he sighed, sitting up beside her. \x93But don\x92t you share what I feel?\x94 he rested his paw on her cheek as gently as possible.

Jita blinked, feeling a wave of electricity emanate from his touch. He softly stroked the fur on her neck. Unable to resist, she succumbed - closing her eyes and tilting her head into his gentle caress. She exhaled through parted lips, on which she felt his moist tongue ever so briefly.

She leaned forward to him, a whispered word barely escaping her lips, \x93More.\x94

Kort jerked his hand away, \x93Exactly.\x94

Her eyes flew open, startled at the sudden motion. She trembled.

\x93If you leave now, don\x92t bother coming back,\x94 Kort lay back down and pulled the thin sheet about him. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his breathing. She didn\x92t get up, but he could feel her weight shift on the bed.

\x93So how does it feel to play the part of the slave?\x94 Kort asked calmly.

\x93Confusing,\x94 Jita spoke quietly.

Kort smiled, his eyes still shut, \x93I don\x92t mind playing your games, but I don\x92t want to chase after you while you run off with every guy that takes your fancy.\x94

\x93I see.\x94

He shifted to make some room, \x93So what is your decision?\x94

Jita thought briefly and eased herself onto the bed. With one paw, Kort wrapped the thin cover over them and held the vixen. She took his paw in both of her own and held it close.

Kort nuzzled her shoulder and neck from behind, breathing into her ear, \x93I\x92m glad you stayed. Even if it doesn\x92t work out in the end.\x94

They listened to each other breathe.

\x93I\x92ve never been touched like that before,\x94 Jita finally broke the silence.

\x93And I\x92ve never been with a female,\x94 Kort spoke with a smile.

Silence fell again.

\x93You\x92re serious?\x94 Jita\x92s voice wavered.

\x93Yes,\x94 he replied simply. \x93You were my first. That\x92s why I hesitated.\x94

The vixen spun around on the bed and looked into his eyes, her expression almost apologetic, \x93I didn\x92t know.\x94

He kissed her in reply, \x93Just as you chose to come to me, I chose you to keep.\x94 Kort rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling, \x93I never chased after vixens like the others, even though I too longed to have one to call my own. I\x92ve waited a long time for you to come.\x94

Jita lay on top of him, momentarily forcing the air out of his lungs.

Kort grunted, \x93Careful.\x94

She put her arms up on his chest and pressed her nose to his. \x93Looks like we\x92re in this together,\x94 her eyes smiling more broadly than her lips.

\x93I knew we could come to some agreement,\x94 Kort chuckled weakly under the weight, shaking the whole bed.

Jita giggled and rested her cheek on his chest. She felt it heave, punctuated by a regular thudding sound, \x93I can hear your heart beating.\x94

\x93Beating for you, my dear.\x94

\x93How poetic,\x94 she continued to listen to the beat.

Kort had other things on his mind than poetry. He closed his eyes and recalled how Jita had taken his manhood into her muzzle.

Jita felt the slippery shaft extend, slithering across her belly. \x93What are you thinking of?\x94 Jita smiled, keeping her ear glued to his chest

\x93Our first time. My heart never beat that fast before.\x94

\x93Was it good?\x94

\x93I wouldn\x92t know,\x94 Kort teased, \x93I have nothing to make a comparison against.\x94

\x93Well then we\x92ll have to remedy that, won\x92t we?\x94 With that Jita, began to slide her tummy over the extended shaft, feeling herself moisten in the crotch. \x93Shouldn\x92t be difficult with a naked vixen right on top of you.\x94

\x93That\x92s a good start I think,\x94 Kort gripped the bed, forcing himself to remain still.

Jita lifted her legs to spread her crack. She lifted herself up to admit the slippery tip into her. She stopped, feeling just the tip resting on her clitoris. Kort arched his neck to kiss her longingly, leaving them both breathless.

\x93This feels so good,\x94 Jita slowly slid down, feeling the hard rod slowly penetrate her.

\x93I wish it would last forever.\x94

\x93To bad it all ends with an orgasm.\x94 They both laughed heartily, their bodies shaking against each other.

Kort stopped with a groan, \x93Well I\x92m ready to burst.\x94

\x93But we haven\x92t done anything?\x94

\x93You excite me just by being here,\x94 Kort was straining to keep still. He arched and erupted into Jita, \x93I\x92m sorry. I\x92ll have to make it up to you.\x94

\x93Maybe not,\x94 she reached down and pressed the twitching tip against her most sensitive spot. Holding the rod in place, she rubbed eagerly even after the spurts had subsided. Kort took two breaths then propped himself up with one hand, reaching for a breast with the other. He extended his long tongue and flicked it across a sensitive nipple.

\x93Oh!\x94 Jita squealed, \x93That\x92s it!\x94

Kort rubbed the erect tip with the length of his soft tongue and the exhaled on it through his nostrils. Jita murred throatily. Maybe all was not lost. Liberating the plump breast, Kort began licking Jita everywhere he could reach - over her chest, across her shoulder and up the neck to her chin. He slid his hand to where she held his penis and began probing around carefully. She released her grip and held still in anticipation.

Kort followed his shaft to its tip, feeling the a lump it rested against, \x93This?\x94

\x93Yes,\x94 Jita hissed as Kort rubbed the clitoris equally with his fingers as with his slippery penis.

Jita fondled a breast with the freed hand, her moist fingers slipping on the nipple. Kort reached it with his tongue, another moan escaping from Jita\x92s mouth.

\x93Damn, I wish I had more paws,\x94 he fervently licked again.

The vixen giggled and resumed breathing heavily. Kort withdrew his hand from the vagina and cradled Jita down onto the bed to get into a better position. As she lay on her back he restrained her hands with his and began to thrust his still firm penis into her.

She struggled while he held her down. He leaned down and slurped at each nipple, the catalyst that finally set her off. Jita arched her back and exhaled sharply. As he felt her muscles tighten, he slowed his pace - pushing in fully and withdrawing almost completely. When Jita finally relaxed, Kort sped up again. He watched the vixen breathe steadily as her breasts shook with his each thrust. Kort continued, feeling the urgency mount once more. He was already tired but wanted to feel the rush of orgasm one more time. He sped up in earnest, suddenly feeling a tightening in his loins. With a grateful grunt Kort peaked once more, shaking like a leaf from the exertion. He felt his sex organ tighten, spilling more ejaculate. Suddenly Jita moaned softly, encouraging him to continue. With clenched teeth Kort drove into her erratically, urged on by her quickening breath. Jita met his strokes as best as she could, her tummy tensing and relaxing. She yipped quietly, shuddering with her own second orgasm.

Entirely spent, Kort fell on top of her, panting heavily in her ear. \x93I\x92m so glad you came.\x94
