James Lee Redfur Age: 18 Height: 5'6" Weight: 150 Animal type: Red fox. Occupation: Soon to be student at Frostfur City College. Hobbies: Role playing games, ghosts and aliens, sci-fi, drawing James, sometimes called Jamie by his boyfriend of five years, is really good looking but doesn't brag about it. He is really into the X-files tv show after Phox got him hooked on it and his over active imagination tends to run away with him. James is playful and adventurous up to the point where he gets paranoid and chickens out on some things. He is good natured and very loving. He and his boyfriend Jay, have been targets of bullies for years because they are gay. James has an interest in art and drawing and envies Phox's artwork. Unfortunately he can't draw squat. James is very phobic of hospitals and utterly refuses to talk about it with anyone.