Seraphox "Phox" Angel-Wing Age: 23 Birthday: December 24, 1979 (Capricorn) Height: 6' Weight: 260 Animal type: Grey fox. Occupation: Freelance artist and does house sitting/dog sitting on the side to make enough to just barely go through another month of bills. Hobbies: Video games and design; art; graphic design; computers; writing; singing, music; photography; drama; psychic abilities; computers; collecting things, mainly games, anime, music CD's, rocks and other items. Pet peeve: people who cut him off in mid sentence or start another conversation with someone else when he's talking. Current favorite quote: "Too much curiosity lost paridise." and "Of all the sad words in tongue or pen, the saddest are: It could have been!" On first impression, Seraphox is commonly either described as a cuddly teddy bear or dark and scary. He's shy at times and others he's very animated. He is very deep like a well layered painting: peel off a layer to find an undiscovered painting underneath. Rarely anyone ever learns all there is to know about him to his core. He's a bit of a loner and spends most of his time by himself or online. Phox's dream was to be a big time game designer but lost his confidence after being turned down by the local game company. He enjoys playing games in his spare time and when playing against a new challenger he will often hold back on beating them untill they get too cocky and boastfull then he will unleash his full level of skill against them by surprise. Phox is far too forgiving for his own good, making it easy for people to walk all over him but when he holds a grudge he won't forget it for a long time or until he eventually lets go if it. Phox has a bad habit of dwelling on things and it preoccupies his mind a lot of the time. Another of his bad habits is his impulse buying which is one of the reasons why he's really short on cash. If there is an anime movie or a game on sale that he likes or is interested in he'll buy it right away. He's well aware of this and doesnt trust himself much when he's shopping alone.