The LRB Chapter 3 One last time, one last visit. Jay and James let their parents know that they'll meet them at home later after they take one last walk together around the school grounds. The two boys hustled up a weathered hillside that was once a dangerous and steep slope. They walked along the edge of the hill up towards their old lunch area by the octogonal bathroom building. They made their way around the new construction zone and up to the bathrooms. They stand under the overhang and gaze down at the rest of the campus. The orange-pink lights illuminated their faces as they stood with their backs to the pebbled wall. "........ You think this'll be the last time we come here?" James asked with a small hint of sadness in his voice. "We could always come back again and visit.." Jay replied quietly. This part of the campus was totaly empty. The two had never seen it quite like this before. It was a fascinating feeling. "Strangely I'm really gonna miss this place. Heh, I'm not sure I even want to be graduating yet. School sucked but... I dunno... I'm feeling reluctant to leave. What's life going to be like after high school? I'm afraid and excited at the same time. It's.. so wierd." "I feel the same way James." The two sit down on the cold concrete where they used to every day at lunch time. The boys huddled close together and watched the stars over the shadowy horizon. James turned to inspect the pebble covered wall behind him to read the penciled in graffiti and old gum wads that have been there long before they were in ninth grade. "Hey Jamie, look over there!" Jay pointed to the splattered stain on the wooden light post where three weeks ago they witnessed a mischievous friend throw an orange at it. "Hehe.. It's still there!" they chuckle. "Oh, dude! Lookit this! I wonder how long this'll stay here! Wouldn't it be funny as hell if this was still around years later?" James giggled and pointed at the nearest concrete column where over a month ago he had slapped a slice of cheese on it while goofing off. It has since been added to by other students. A melted, twisted plastic spork had been attached to the cheese along with a few other 'decorations' and pudding splatters. The two giggle insanely about it. The two lovers grinned at each other as the laughter subsided. An exciting thought crossed Jays mind. "Hey James.. Remember all those times we secretly made out in this bathroom?" The fox smiled suspiciously. "Want to do it one last time?" "Cool! Let's go!" James jumped to his feet, feeling the impassioned butterflies within his stomach he used to get every time but this time it felt more special. He could feel his arousal hardening under his gown. The two scurried over to the mens room but to their disapointment it was locked. James groaned impatiently. "Hmm.. So much for that... But hey! No one's around," Jay leaned closer to his boyfriend, "so why not have fun out here?" The ferret pressed his lips against his mates. James tried to agree with the idea but his words melted sheepishly into a giggling mush. Jay pressed Jamie's back against the door and shared his tongue in an open mouthed kiss. James pulled Jay against his body hard and squeezed his butt awkwardly through the slippery gown. They moan loudly to each other as they grope their bodies. "A-AHEM!" The boys eyes sprung open at the sudden voice behind them. They whirled around blushingly to find a spikey haired racoon chewing gum with his arms folded. The punkish graduate was leaning against the concrete collumn right behind them in the shadows. "Oh, don't stop because of me! I was starting to enjoy the show." the coon chuckled. "Rex, you dink! You scared the crap out of us!" James complained, trying to slow down his racing heart beat. "Duuude, you guys were blushin' beet red! 'Specially you foxy. Heh heh." Rex grinned slyly. The shrimpy raccoon boy walked into the light and leaned against the pebble wall. "So where y'all been? Rei and I couldn't find anybody out there. I'm only 4'9" so I was at a bit of a disadvantage." He laughed. "Yeah, you fry-guys get lost down there. Like they say, the students get shorter and shorter every year! Heh heh.." "Heh, that's so true ain't it? Every year the freshmen get smaller. You'd think there's something in the water that's stunting growth huh? Heh.." Rex laughed. "Oh dude, do you remember that guy named Mars? What ever it is, apparently it did the opposite for him!" James referred to the buzz cut, towering horse they knew back in their freshmen year. "That guy's like 6'11" now.." "So how does it feel to be graduating with us 'adults'?" Jay questioned jokingly. "Is a'ight." He replied, adjusting his small oval glasses. Rex skipped a grade or two back in elementary school so he's graduating at age sixteen instead of seventeen or eighteen like most of the other seniors. Rex was pretty smart but didn't always show it. "By the way, where's Rei?" Jay wondered. "Ah, Rei? He went home after we couldn't find anyone. Oh, we did see Joey though! He said he was going to go see Bue before going home. He's prolly on his way over there right now. I think he left right after I made my way up here." "Really? Why don't we all go meet him there in a few minutes?" James suggested eagerly. "You guy's go on ahead, I gotta get home." Rex sighed as he pushed up his glasses, "It's been a long day and I'm exhausted." "OK. We'll see you, bye!" The couple bid their farewell to the raccoon. "A'ight, I'll catch ya later guys." Rex waived goodbye and began his trek across the moonlit campus. Then the raccoon paused for a moment. "Heh.. I've got one last momento to leave behind before I go." Rex walked over to the concrete collumn and slapped his wad of gum on it and carved an "R" in the center of it with his nail. Rex was always rather artistic and this was a way of leaving his mark here for future generations to see. The punk giggled and resumed his exit into the darkness. The two guys stood there under the glowing orange light and watched the moon as it rose up over the distant mountains. The night became brighter with the suns reflected light off the moon. It looked as if it was going to be one of those extremely bright nights where it's light enough to walk around without a flashlight. Jay and James loved these nights. They held each others hands quietly. "...Shall we go?" Jay turned to the fox and nodded. The two lovers strolled into the night towards the english buildings. They stoped and glanced back at the aura surrounding the old lunch spot one last time. "I'm gonna miss it..." James sniffled. His boyfriend wraped his arm around him with comfort and they returned to the paved pathway. They took their time as they cut through the senior park, making sure they didn't trip and fall into any of the many holes that were ground into the granite by the indians a long time ago. The night was getting rather warm so the two unzip the front of their gowns. Their regular clothes were worn underneath the blue gowns. They spot the lights over by the gym and decided to take one more final stop before leaving campus. The fox and the ferret ambled down the stairs to the boys locker room. They stood before the light blue painted double doors with the old vending machines to their backs. "So many memories.." James whispered quietly. Many of their friends had certain rememberances of this place but Jay, James, Joey and Bue had the most. After school they all hung out together in or around the locker room secretly. It was their own private place where they could be alone to talk with each other and do things before calling home to be picked up. The four gay furs spent so much time with one another it eventually turned into a sort of four way boyfriend relationship. Though they each had a partner within the group that they were particularly closer to: Jay with James and Joey with Bue. Things unfortunately came undone about two years ago after a terrible tragedy that struck the group. Bue left the circle with no explanation what so ever leaving the remaining three distraught and hurt. Joey was affected the worst. He still thought of his boyfriend a lot and had much trouble moving on. Joey's friends continue to be a little worried about him since he's learned how to mask his emotions better. They heard less and less of Joey in the last few years but the three of them still go and visit Bue now and then to say hi. Jay sighed and nuzzled his boyfriend close. The two waited in silence for what seemed like forever but was really only several minutes. They rocked themselves gently in their embrace. The ferrets eyes drifted towards the gym. Ahhh P.E. class in the gym... Jay didn't care much for it at all. At least only two years of it were required at this school. The towering gym was later partially engulfed by the new cafeteria that was built over all of the science buildings and connected to the opposite side of the old gym. "Things change.." Jay whispered in the foxes ear. "That they do.." James Redfur sighed. "Let's go." "OK." The couple broke their embrace and hiked out to the parking lot and left the YHS campus for the last time in their high school lives. To be continued.