Mairia By: Matt Ulmen She wishes they would just go away. "Humans" have such a terrible way of getting rid of things first then asking about them later. Mairia is what "normal" people would call a freak, she has a fur covered body, dragon like wings and bat ears. she lives out is a wooded area in a small hut like structure where the very few friends she has come to visit her. Lately though things have been getting bad. She has fallen in love with a young man who she has been friends with for quite some time and the locals are not happy about it at all. She dosent want to move again for fear of what will happen to him should she leave.the young man, whos name is jack, often comes to visit her during the evening when they can walk around and be with nature without fear of scaring locals who maybe in the woods during the day. iften times they will see mutual friends and talk to spy on campers as they tell stories around the fire or listen in on couples sharing intimacies at night under the stars. She loves him and know that he returns her love, she just wishes that the world would allow them to be free. "Mairia?"She looks around and sees Jade, one of her oldest friends."Hello Jade..sorry about not noticing you. Ive been preoccupied lately." Jade nodded "It's about Jack isn't it dear?" Mairia nodded. Jade sighed "well you know what the locals think about you." "yes I do and I dont see as how I can live like this much longer . How long can a person keep on living without a life of their own?" Jade gave a sympathetic smile. "Look dear, I came by tonight because the locals are going to come up here tonight. The things I've heard people say suggest that if you stay the outcome won't be good for you." Mairia sighed "so you're telling me to go off and hide?" Jade shook her head sadly" no, I'm telling you that if you want to be around tommorow, you'd best leave the area tonight." Mairia started crying softly as Jade comforted her. "I know its not fair...but just try and stay alive child. you'll have your day in the sun to someday." Mairia sniffed and looked at Jade"unfortunately I think that time is tonight." Outside Mairia's cabin the hostils had already begun to gather. Jade and maria looked at them as tourests look at wild animals. They knew what they were capable of, but never couldn't believe what it had come to. Mairia's heart was gladened when she saw JAck and out of instinct ran to him. "MAIRIA!" Jade cried but the locas had got her. Jack tried to keep them off her but the pulled them both away up into the hills leaving Mairia's few friends behind to grieve about her eventual end. The next day Jade asked one of the townsfolk what they did to Mairia and Jack. "we left them up by the mountain in a cave a few miles from no where." When she asked why they hadn't killed them the man smiled and said "lady no one kills for love anymore...if they have that then let them live...just not around here." The man winked and walked away.