PRECIOUS CARGO @Copyright 1998, Maureen. All rights reserved. Part 1 Fodessa eyed the pier of LaGrange Orbital Port Five, cat-wary. Behind her on the dock, Sidney fingered his PW, the Personal Weapon that could send out a beam of vaporizing energy. "Where the hell are they?" the dhole muttered, his black, bushy tail clamped tightly to his thighs. The clouded leopard morph checked her watch. "Just relax, Sidney. They've still got ten minutes before they're late." Sidney glanced back at the open entrance of the sleek Satisfaction II, where the black panther Caitlin stood, his own PW ready. "I still wish we could wait inside." Fodessa turned and studied him. For all her short stature, her lack of expression or movement more threatening than a glower or curse could have been. "Are you questioning my orders, Sidney?" she asked softly. Sidney's ears went back flat. "Of course not, Mistress," he answered. She held him pinned in her amber stare a moment longer. "Good," she said, and returned her gaze to the dock around them. Behind them, Caitlin grinned. The Port reeked of fuel, metal, furs and a thousand nameless goods -- and their own anxiety. At last, keen furry ears picked up the sounds of footfalls approaching. A group of furries rounded a corner, coming into view from behind a big Stardancer V, and walked toward the pair. There were five of them, of differing species, and they looked almost as nervous as Sidney, glancing in all directions. Their progress was slowed by the two crates they were pushing on anti- grav devices. "Took you long enough," Fodessa said, as the leader, a female skunk morph, came up to her. Instead of Fodessa's gold earrings, silver ones dangled from her left ear. The skunk grinned, eyes bright. "But worth it." "I hope so." "Now, let's see the cash -- " she began. "Wait," Fodessa said, lifting one paw. "I only deal in top- quality merchandise. I want to see them." The skunk did a double-take, and her thick tail flicked. "Right here? The heat could be here any minute -- " "No. In my ship." "No way!" "Then I guess there'll be no deal. I'm sorry to have wasted your boss's time." Fodessa turned back toward the steps to the Satisfaction. "Wait!" Fodessa turned around, smiling. The skunk looked and smelled extremely nervous. "What's to keep you from turning us over to the GBM once you've got us inside? You know we can't do business like that." New to the Underground, poor thing, Fodessa thought. Aloud, she only said: "And you should know I have no more interest in crossing Blackmuzzle than you do. My business depends on satisfaction all around, just like hers does." Even for the merchandise, she thought. The skunk seemed to consider for several moments, then sighed, nodded, her shoulders slumping. Fodessa smiled, the smile of a pleased cat. "Welcome to my ship." Inside the cargo hold, Fodessa and the skunk watched while Sidney and Caitlin opened the big crates. One crate side fell away on its electronic seams to reveal a drowsing vixen, a gorgeous platinum female, about Fodessa's size, with pert small breasts shaved of fur and rounded white-furred buttocks large enough that they might have been enhanced. She'd been drugged to keep her sleeping through the danger of the transfer. She was, of course, quite naked. Fodessa assessed her with a professional eye. She checked the papers -- they all seemed in order. The vixen's name was Katherine. "Good," she finally said, nodding. "We'll accept her." Caitlin and Sidney opened the second crate. The clouded leopard felt her breath catch in her throat in a way it seldom did as she saw the second item. This was a real prize, surpassing even the vixen -- she seldom saw merchandise of this quality. The occupant was a male wolf, also naked. His coat was a thing of beauty, a glossy silvery-gray tipped with black guard hairs. Underneath that magnificent coat was an equally magnificent body, not too weak, not too muscular, lean and with fine bone structure. Fodessa's eyes wandered to his nether regions and widened. This was an unusually well-equipped male. Like many but not all furries, he had lost the sheath of his ancestors and now had a fully human-style penis pointing downward when at rest, as it was now. He slept as deeply as the platinum fox, kept under by the drug. The papers named him as Windrunner. She suppressed her reaction, turning to the skunk and the rest of her crew. "We'll take this one, too." The money changed paws, crisp vinyl Stellar Union bills. The crates were closed again and strapped safely into the hold. "It's a pleasure doing business with you," Fodessa purred, and walked them back to the entrance. The trouble began when they stepped out onto the dock. The skunk paused, caught in what looked like a ball of glowing molten-gold light. She shimmered a moment -- and vanished, replaced by a cloud of ashy particles that drifted down to the alloy-steel surface of the dock. Even as Fodessa yanked out her own PW, another beam of golden light caught Sidney. He, too, turned into ash before he could even scream. "Heat!" screamed a black vixen, as she dived for the scant cover of a discarded cargo container. The rest hit the deck or found what cover they could, their PW's in paw, and began firing back. "Shit!" Fodessa hissed, feeling rage boil in her. She jerked her head back at Caitlin. "Get this thing under way!" As he pelted back into the ship, she double-checked her PW, making sure it was set to three -- the same setting that had hit the skunk and Sidney. Five of their attackers came into view -- humans, not furs. Their uniforms were deep blue, with golden starburst emblems on their chests. This wasn't Port heat. It was the Galactic Bureau of Morality. Fodessa's ears went straight back, flattened. She dodged back behind the edge of the doorway as another golden beam shot by her nose, actually vaporizing the tip of a whisker, and splashed harmlessly against the opposite wall of the cargo hold. She knew she should just seal the door and run for the bridge, but these furless bastards had just killed Sidney. She took a chance, peeking out from the edge of the porthole, saw one clear shot, and took it. The GBM agent shimmered and was ash. Under her feet, the ship's floor rumbled, thrumming. Caitlin's deep voice growled over the com, "Belt up, Mistress!" She slapped the door button, and her feet pounded the deck, running for her quarters. There was no time to reach the bridge now. "Mangy bastards!" she snarled. She could feel the Satisfaction beginning to lift off even as she dashed into her quarters, entered her bedroom and leaped onto the bed, yelling, "Belt!" The voice-activated restraints emerged and seized her, pinning her to the bed, itself firmly attached to the floor as it always was except in deep space. Not a moment too soon -- the ship was rising, heading for the dock exit, way too fast. She wondered what Port Authority would think of their hasty unauthorized exit. Gravity squatted on her chest like an obese mammoth, growing in pressure. A sudden swerve of the ship would have thrown her across the room and probably broken several of her bones in the intense G-forces, but the straps held her securely. Then Caitlin must have found the exit and passed through it, because now the ship's course was straight, accelerating like there was no tomorrow. Caitlin piloted like a madfur. Fodessa thought she would suffocate before the G-forces finally eased, the ship slowing. "You okay, Mistress?" Caitlin's voice asked over the com. "Yes," she said, her voice ragged. "I'm in my bedroom." "Good. Hyperspace in thirty seconds. We've got some pursuit, but it's too far away." Moments later, she felt the faint jarring sensation, the slight nausea, that signaled the Satisfaction's transition into the safety of hyperspace. "Unbelt," she told the restraints, and they retracted. She wanted to weep for the loss of Sidney, but checking the cargo came first. She walked back into the hold. The anti-inertia devices in the crates had done their job. Both furries were unharmed, but still under. Fodessa took a long, lingering look at that magnificent male wolf, finding training schemes already springing up in her mind, and her feelings stirred in a peculiar way even underneath her grief. "I hope you'll be worth it," she murmured. Direct comments and criticism to: .