PRECIOUS CARGO @Copyright 1999 by Maureen. All rights reserved. Part 12 The sleek shape of the Satisfaction emerged from hyperspace a few hundred thousand miles "above" the surface of the planet Perion. It began to maneuver its way into Perion Spaceport, perched in geosynchronous orbit far above the highest reaches of the atmosphere and its dangerous friction. Fortunately, computers handled most of the complex calculations involved, but the process still was better and safer if personally overseen by skilled pilots. Perion Spaceport is a busy one. It took an hour to reach the Spaceport bay, and another twenty minutes to work their way toward the Satisfaction's assigned berth, Control yakking in their ears all the while. Fodessa was convinced the traffic operator assigned to them was a coyote, if not a jackal. On the way, her fur crawled with paranoid imaginings of a paid-off Control or a passing vessel simply blasting them out of space. It was silly, of course: the real danger, if any, would begin when they were on the surface. She often suspected her imagination was simply too vivid. They stepped out of the heavy bronze-and-glass doors of Port Surfaceside, joining the busy mobs around them in Spaceport Plaza. Much of the surface of Perion enjoys a tropical climate. Its largest city, Telper (where the Spaceport lies), is as warm as Tampa, Florida on Old Earth, which is what makes many of its more unusual outdoor pleasures possible year-around. Today was brilliantly sunlit and warm. Fodessa was dressed in her semi-casual clothing: a flowing green faux-silk caftan, tight cotton pants as black as night that flared above her ankles, a gold hoop earring in one ear. Caitlin was dressed equally casually in a blue T-shirt (T-shirts having never lost their popularity over the millennia) and gray woven slacks. The slaves wore considerably less. Windrunner was naked except for a black leather G-string that barely covered his bulging genitals. Katie had been allowed an extremely skimpy affair that was little more than a pair of crossed silk bandannas to cover her breasts, plus a G-string of her own, both also black. Her wrists were cuffed behind her back, a public punishment due to yet another disciplinary problem. If it had been up to Caitlin or Fodessa, she wouldn't even have been allowed the scanty top, but Perion custom preferred that slaves have their "naughty bits" covered until they had left the Plaza entirely. Both wore the simple black nylon collars that Perion codes of clothing reserve for the smuggled slave who has not yet been sold. Fodessa and Caitlin held the leashes. To judge from their expressions and their smells, they were shitting bricks. They drew smirks and amused looks from passers- by who saw or smelled their reactions. Even so, they didn't stand out from the crowd *that* much. Fodessa glanced around, furry-watching, as she led her little entourage down the public walkway. A skinny chipmunk female passed them, her paws bound behind her back, wearing only a white bikini bottom and a pair of crystal-clear nipple caps on her shaven teacup breasts. She was being led on a leash by another, better-endowed female, a skunk. Then a pair of equines crossed in front of them, a stout zebra mare and a handsome black stallion, side by side. The stallion had no leash, but wore a black leather collar. Windrunner's green eyes were round as saucers, and the expression on Katie's face surpassed description. Caitlin was smirking. It was a lucky thing neither slave knew about the PW's both she and Caitlin had in their pockets, and that they were too overwhelmed to notice how the two felids scanned the area constantly, tails twitching. They made their way across the plaza to the nearby teleport booth, with a pair of baggage handlers (a male topi antelope and a lioness) trundling their luggage along on anti-grav carts. After punching in their destination, they arrived on the steps of the posh Delchion Wayfarer's Hotel, a huge building that appeared to be composed entirely of pink marble. They dismissed the handlers, took back their luggage and carried the bags in (with the assistance of Windrunner and the now-unshackled Katie). The Wayfarer went for a retro-classic look: the lobby was more pink marble everywhere, with palm trees in great planters nourished by amplified sunlight through the great skylights overhead. The carpet under their feet was deliciously thick ruby plush. "Would you like us to put them in the slave quarters?" asked the red-fox vixen at the big dark-wood desk, smiling. "No, they're staying with us," Fodessa answered. "Then have a nice stay, Fodessa," she said, handing the clouded leopard her electronic keyset. A wrought-iron elevator brought them to their suite. The slaves were put in their chastity belts and dismissed to an adjoining room. A few minutes later, as they unpacked, there was a knock on the door. Caitlin answered it. Standing there were two furries wearing the solid black knit tops of the Sevin Law Corporation. One was a standard bull morph: six feet five inches Terran style, jet black as Caitlin, with an impressively sweeping set of horns, an even more impressively muscled torso, and a poker face. His mud-brown pants looked hand-tailored. "Sevin Law Corporation," he announced. "I'm Dosh Gibbs, and this is my partner, Li Quong." He was all business as he shook appendages with Fodessa without even a social smile of greeting. (Furries descended from ungulates had what were called "hooves" at the ends of their arms, but usually the fingered appendages were more like paws except for the large dark nails. They were as dexterous as pawed furries. Dosh's hooves were no exception.) His expression wasn't hard, just unemotional, neutral. Even his tail barely flicked. It was Li Quong who made Caitlin do a double-take. She was a genet -- barely four feet tall, and no more than sixty pounds soaking wet, her big bushy tail included. Quong's orange-yellow cat eyes sparkled as she eyed Caitlin. Evidently she'd seen this reaction before. Like most genets, she resembled a cuddly toy more than a furry, with black-spotted yellow fur, a short weasel-like muzzle and big black ears. She wore the same uniform as Dosh -- the Sevin Law top with drab trousers, with only one addition: a belt with no less than five sheaths for knives, every one of them filled -- but with knives as diminutive as she was, no more than four inches long in the blade. Caitlin recovered himself as Dosh set his small personal bag in a corner. He looked at Fodessa pleadingly, not daring to say anything. Quong looked at Fodessa, grinning. "Should you tell him, or should I?" Fodessa asked the genet. "I would rather show him, Captain Fodessa" Quong answered. Even her voice was diminutive -- high-pitched, soft, with a clipped Yin-Tang accent. Fodessa nodded. She barely glimpsed the movement of the genet's arm as a flung knife went by Caitlin's head, so close that it clipped off the end of a whisker. Even her keen feline eyes couldn't quite follow what happened after that, but when the fractional second of flurry was over, Caitlin lay on his back, Quong astride him with another of those little knives at his throat. Quong grinned an engaging, mischievous little grin, sheathed her knife and stood up, then bowed. Caitlin got up slowly, his expression beyond description. "You've never heard of a Mesui Knife-Adept, have you?" Fodessa said. "We have them on Bournabi." Caitlin rubbed his shoulder, grimacing. "Nope," he admitted. Fodessa sneaked a glance at Dosh, saw the first ghost of a smile on the bull's blunt muzzle. Fodessa was still grinning as she shook paws with Quong. "Pleased to meet you as well," she said. As it turned out, physical violence wasn't the bodyguards' only talent. With equipment retrieved from Dosh's bag, they swept the entire suite, slaves' rooms included, for bugs, boobytraps and other surprises, finally pronouncing them clean. Quong looked at the near-naked Katie and grinned but said nothing. Katie simply glared back, but her expression couldn't quite hide curiosity. Dosh simply nodded politely to both of them. With that accomplished, the mismatched pair retired to the spare room of the suite. Fodessa pulled off her clothes, ignoring Caitlin's presence in the room, and flopped down on her back on one of the two giant beds. She yawned and stretched, feeling the tensions of the day drain out of her. Then she turned to look at the black panther and grinned again. "Bring the slaves back in here," she told him. Direct comments and criticism to: .