PRECIOUS CARGO @Copyright 1999, Maureen. All rights reserved. Part 13 Cambelli's estate was breathtaking. Caitlin, who came from affluence himself, stared open-mouthed at the acres and acres of trees and meadows as the chauffeur, a silent male dingo, drove them up the narrow, twisting road to the mansion. Windrunner and Quong simply sat and admired the summer woods. Even Katie forgot all about rebelling as she looked at the landscape. Only Dosh ignored the view with his usual stolid demeanor. "And Cambelli owns all this?" the black panther asked. Fodessa grinned. For all his privileged upbringing, Caitlin's home planet of Dellshir was overcrowded; he'd never seen an estate like this. "Yes," she said. "Most of his money comes from the crystalware business and investments, but some of it's also working with us." This morning, they'd walked to a public teleport booth, where she had keyed in the unlisted combination for Cambelli's wrought- metal front gate. There, the dingo awaited them with a luxurious jet-black stretch Borghenno ground-effect vehicle, big enough for all six of them. (On the vidcom, Cambelli had looked worried when Fodessa told him about the two bodyguards, but he hadn't objected. The word was getting out, about the arrests, the firefight at LaGrange and the murder of Felan. "You know my security, Fodessa," he'd said. "But if having them makes you feel better. . . " "Believe me," she'd told him. "It does.") She was jerked out of her thoughts by a loud gasp from Katie. Looking over at the vixen, she saw her staring in astonishment, eyes wide as saucers, at the mansion's front lawn. Or, rather, what was so blatantly displayed on several tall, sturdy posts on the lawn. Bound to each post was a living, breathing furry. Fodessa counted seven of them, of various species. Her gaze lingered on a cheetah, now squirming as he saw the Borghelli coming toward him and realized he was being looked at. He was bound with his paws far over his head, attached to a ring at the top of the post, his ankles bound to rings on either side at the bottom. He was, of course, totally nude, his genitals exposed, and Fodessa saw that his penis was fully extended from his sheath. Being put on public display like this excited him . . . or maybe he just hadn't come for days and days. She felt her own cunt getting warm. She had time to note the woodchuck and his cock ring, keeping him hard for display; the white-tailed-deer doe, her large breasts jiggling as she squirmed, her mouth open; the short, petite female meerkat; the Amazonian elk doe. But there wasn't enough time to linger on them all. And then they were pulling up to the mansion itself. The dingo parked to let them out. Katie was still in a state of shock as they stepped out. Caitlin had to take her elbow to urge her on as she stared at the front of the huge house. It was a huge, rambling structure of simulated pale gray fieldstone and lovely dark-mahogany-colored feldwood (doubtless from the tree farms of Cheldarin, but still very expensive). Cambelli had put out his visitors' décor: two more naked furries, a male black wolf and a female puma, were bound to metal brackets on either side of the lovely feldwood-and-stained-glass double doors, spread out in X-shapes. Their smells wafted to Fodessa's nose, rich with lust and frustration. The driver went to the doors and used the brass dragon's-head knocker on one. Fodessa would have loved to play with the black wolf's enticing erection, but then the door opened and it would have been rude to keep Cambelli waiting. Standing at the entrance was a male roebuck, even shorter than Fodessa, whose antlers were little more than small, barely branched velvet buds at this time of year. He, too, was nude, and both his nipples and his ears had been pierced, bearing identical small silvery hoops. Fodessa admired the contrast with his short dun-colored fur. "Enter, please," he said in a soft, mellow middle-toned voice, smiling. "Master is waiting for you in the first living room." He gestured, and they all followed him. The hall could have held seven of them walking abreast, and the carpet underneath was a magnificent scarlet-and-gold Tangorli. The walls, painted a soft yellow-gold, bore paintings, holographs and little sculptures on shelves and in niches, with hidden, recessed lights showing everything to its best advantage. As she always did, Fodessa admired the little antiqued-bronze sculpture of a naked male impala morph, caught in mid-leap in what seemed to be a sensual dance. The living room was, of course, even more magnificent. It had enough sofas and chairs for dozens of guests; the ornate brass light fixtures and hanging original paintings and the pure crystal chandelier overhead emphasized its atmosphere of luxury. Its centerpiece was a huge bronze sculpture of a male non- morph panther rearing up on its hind legs to claw -- an original by the galactically-renowned sculptor Mubuk Tsuni. Fodessa caught Caitlin's smile of amazement and pleasure at it as he ushered Katie along, her elbow in his paw, behind her and Windrunner. The room smelled pleasantly of new-mown hay -- a favored room scent for ungulates. Underneath it, mingling pleasantly, were the scents of dozens of different furries, with prominent notes of arousal. Cambelli, a middle-aged male sable antelope, lounged in an overstuffed faux-leather chair, a drink in one dark hoof-"hand". As always, he was immaculately groomed, his magnificent arching horns freshly polished and oiled. His rust-red one-piece stretch suit was the height of Perion minga-cool, tight enough to show off his excellent musculature to its advantage without clashing with his natural dark brown and white coat pattern. He turned his gaze on Fodessa and her companions, dark glossy eyes sparkling softly. "Greetings, Captain Fodessa," he said, his long muzzle stretching in a smile -- and with those white-and-black facial markings, a sable antelope's smile is something you notice. His voice was surprisingly high-pitched, but smooth, with precise intonation. "Set yourselves down, furries, please!" and he made an expansive gesture with his free hoof at the array of chairs and sofas in the room. Fodessa picked a sofa covered with honey mink fur (vat-grown), and Caitlin joined her on it, sitting by her side. As they'd been coached, Windrunner and Kathryn sat down by their feet, obedient and silent. Dosh and Quong took up ornate wooden chairs on either side, equally silent. Cambelli's gaze lingered over the g-string-clad slaves, and he smiled. "Such lovely merchandise," he observed. The roebuck slave hovered near, and Cambelli snapped his fingers. "Fetch me a spring-water chaser, Gorel," he ordered. "Nothing for you, I suppose?" Fodessa smiled. "I'd like to try that Forell scent-water. Caitlin might like something -- would you?" She turned to him. "Spring-water, also," Caitlin said. Gorel vanished to fetch the drinks. "I see you are more lovely and wealthy than ever, Fodessa," Cambelli said, turning toward her. "I regret to hear of the loss of Sidney." His smile faded, eyes softening. Fodessa felt less of a pang than she'd expected. Her hind foot brushed unconsciously against Windrunner's side. "Yes, it was very upsetting," she answered formally. "But Caitlin here has been doing wonders for me." Cambelli's large, dark eyes turned toward the black panther, noting his collar with a twinkle. "I do not doubt it," he said. "I trust he will continue to do so." Caitlin's ears dipped a modest fraction, and he nodded slightly. Gorel reappeared with the drinks. Fodessa raised her glass and sniffed it critically, noting the water's faint underhint of high-quality catnip -- not enough to excite or intoxicate her, but enough to give it that special flavor. She took a sip, rolling it over her tongue to savor the taste. The roebuck bore the drink tray back out. "As I mentioned over the vidcom," Cambelli said, "I'm having a party all day tomorrow, which I would be honored if you and your entourage" -- his gaze flicked for a millisecond toward the bodyguards -- "would attend, or as many as you feel would be appropriate. I think you'll find it quite amusing." Fodessa's smile was broad. "Your parties never fail to be amusing, Cambelli," she responded. "I and Caitlin would be honored." She glanced down at Windrunner. "It would be good training for my current guests as well." Katie stirred at Caitlin's feet, as if trying to get more comfortable. "My bodyguards could be a problem, though -- they're on business and can't really take part, and yet they ought to be with me." Cambelli's expression turned serious. "I assure you that my own security arrangements are of the highest quality," he said. "Their presence as guests would be appreciated, but the presence of two armed furs, standing silently by during the proceedings, would be . . . uncomfortable for my other guests." She didn't miss the firmness in his tone. She sighed inaudibly, but she didn't see a way out of this one. Except -- "Dosh," she turned toward the bull-morph, "I'm afraid you and Quong have to attend as guests or not at all tomorrow." Quong's large black ears dipped. Dosh snorted bull-fashion, scowling, but said, "As you wish, Captain Fodessa. Perhaps we should ensure the safety of your vessel at the Spaceport." Fodessa nodded. "That will be fine." Direct comments and criticism to: .