PRECIOUS CARGO Copyright 1999, by Maureen. All rights reserved. Part 14 "And now, on to more pleasant subjects," said Cambelli, and he smiled as his gaze lowered to the two slaves, kneeling at the felids' feet. "These truly are a delightful-looking and smelling pair." They had of course been bathed before the journey, but already Kathryn reeked of musky vulpine arousal again. It was an old furry joke: "You can't take a fox anywhere" -- you knew at once if one was aroused. Especially if that fox were as frustrated as Katie. Fodessa smiled back. "Thank you, Cambelli," she said. "Tell me, how far along is their training?" "They're in the middle stages," she answered. "They're used to performing with strangers, of course, and Windrunner's resume" -- she glanced at the wolf -- "shows he's performed in front of small groups a few times." Windrunner shivered almost imperceptibly. "Katherine, now" -- she used her hind foot to indicate the kneeling vixen -- "seems less experienced. She's quite a spitfire, but that's part of her charm." She smiled as Katie's black ears lowered, her smell taking on the tang of humiliation. Cambelli's dark, knowing eyes rested on Katie, enjoying her embarassment. "I've no doubt of it. They are both charming, actually -- I'd love to see a small demonstration of their skills." He smiled again. She grinned broadly. "Of course, as usual!" She looked down at Windrunner, still kneeling at her feet. "Windrunner, make obeisance to me." The silvery-gray wolf turned around to face her, getting to his knees. He spread his thighs so widely that Cambelli could probably see his testicles between them, lifted his tail over his back, rested his elbows on the floor to balance himself, and began to pay her homage. He began with a few quick, soft kisses to her hind feet and worked his way up, the way she'd taught him the first time she used him. His shaven asscheeks were proffered in the air as he worked, giving Cambelli a spectacular view, and the glitter in the sable antelope's eyes left no doubt he appreciated it. He rose and finished kissing her knees through the pants, then had to move forward a little to continue up her thighs toward her groin as she sat. Finally, he ended with his nose touching her pubis -- he couldn't reach her clitoral hood while she was sitting down. He simply remained with his face buried between her legs, his tail finally lowered. Cambelli's expression was a study in delight, even though he'd seen such a spectacle so often before. He actually lifted his front hooves and applauded. "Excellent! I've seldom seen such style." Fodessa felt a surge of pride. "High praise, coming from you," she answered. "Yes, he's special, but he was also well-trained before I acquired him." She looked over at Katie where she knelt before Caitlin, reeking now of embarrassment, and smirked. "Go ahead," she told the black panther. He grinned, white fangs flashing. "Assume the position of submission to Cambelli," he ordered the vixen. Katie's ears went flat back as far as they could go, and Fodessa could see her tail clamp down between her thighs so hard it quivered. But she obeyed, crawling on all fours across the carpet to Cambelli, then swiveling around to turn her back to him. She lowered her head to the floor, straddled her thighs, lifted her tail to curl over her back, and remained there, her furless pink buttocks offered to him. Cambelli's gaze lingered between her legs before traveling up to view her ass, and he chuckled. "Splendid!" he said, reaching down with one hoof to squeeze the right globe. "Those are enhanced, are they not?" "Yes, they are," Fodessa said. "Done two years ago on Onai." He shook his head slightly, impressed. "Delightfully plump," he said. "Truly a lovely specimen. But she is not yet skilled at earning rewards, is she?" His nostrils flared, taking in her scent of frustration. "She hasn't had an orgasm since we got her," Fodessa answered. There was a twinkle of mischievous delight in Cambelli's eyes. "Really? Do you know, Suquai on Vorun has a slave who, so he says, hasn't come in two years. His testicles are swollen to twice their normal size. Quite impressive." Fodessa felt something nudging her leg. She glanced down quickly over Windrunner's shoulder and realized that the crotch of his loincloth was bulging out, and that's what was pressing against her left shin. He shifted, not wanting to offend her, and the sensation was gone. She grinned, but merely said "Really? I must see that while I'm there." "Really," Cambelli said, chuckling again. "And here I thought myself quite the demanding Master, not letting some of my slaves come for three weeks at a time. I think my record so far for denying a slave is two months -- not counting the more seasonal species, of course." He nodded toward the roebuck Gorel, still standing against the wall. (It was well-known that some species, such as most cervines, were capable of orgasm only during autumn, and were effectively eunuchs most of the rest of the year. This did not prevent them from enjoying dominance and submission play, however.) The sable antelope's gaze returned to Katie. He glanced up at Fodessa again. "May I?" "Of course!" she answered. He turned back to Kate. "Stand up, vixen!" he ordered. "Bend over, show me your buttocks." Katie's ears flattened again, but she didn't choose this moment to embarrass her masters. Instead, she swiveled around, spread her legs and bent over to hold her ankles. Her bushy brush went over her back again, exposing her naked globes to Cambelli. He reached a hoof over to give first one buttock and then the other a good, leisurely feel, then squeezed one, before dipping his hoof between her legs to feel the lips of her vulva through the G-string. "Superb," he chuckled. "And I see she's kept under tight discipline as well," looking at the striped welts that still decorated her fesses. Fodessa couldn't really see Katie's face at that angle, but she thought the vixen was about to start crying. With his head buried in her lap, Windrunner's reaction was unreadable. "Oh, trust me, she is," she answered ruthlessly. "I would love it if you could find your way to having these two perform at my party tomorrow," Cambelli said. "I don't doubt they'll delight my other guests." "Your wish is my command," answered Fodessa, and enjoyed her own amusement at the irony of her words. "I'd be delighted to present them both." Direct comments and criticism to: .