PRECIOUS CARGO @Copyright 1999 by Maureen. All rights reserved. Part 15 Fodessa smiled cruelly. Katie definitely didn't like the clouded leopard's idea of appropriate party dress -- or, rather, undress -- for a slave. Above the waist was nothing more than a black velvet collar, two crystal tip-caps for her nipples, and faux-leather straps around her wrists, suggestive of bondage. (The crystal caps were genuine, hand-carved rock crystal.) What was making her squirm slightly, flatten her ears and whimper was the bottompiece of the outfit. A black-faux-leather ass-harness, it had a strap for the waist and another strap that ran from front to back between her enhanced naked buttocks. It covered her vulva (barely), but it also spread and separated her large, obscenely bare asscheeks, emphasizing them. In the back, a tail-plate with a hole allowed her bushy tail to pass through. Two additional straps fit neatly between buttocks and thighs, squeezing them out like big sausages. Her shaved skin still clearly revealed the marks of a good paddling. Caitlin had administered that a few minutes ago, when she wouldn't put on the outfit. Fodessa nodded. "I like that," she said. "The black sets off her platinum fur nicely." Caitlin flashed his own grin, long canine teeth showing. "She looks a real treat. Maybe we can arrange to give her another paddling before the party's over." "I'm sure she'll have a chance to perform," Fodessa said. Windrunner, of course, had made no fuss at all, though his scent suggested he was nervous as hell. He had been permitted only a loincloth -- but of the finest white spidersilk fabric, depending from an equally white spidersilk strap tied tightly around his waist, just over his hipbones. Like Katie, he wore a nylon collar and faux-leather armbands. He waited, kneeling, for them to finish. Fodessa and Caitlin, of course, were less exposed. Fodessa still wore her skin-tight black trousers with their flaring ankles, but her usual silk blouse had been traded for a lovely black velvet top with silver-thread embroidery. Built-in static cling made it more revealing; it bared the tops of her modest but shapely feline breasts. Three gold hoop earrings, two in the right ear and one in the left, completed her ensemble. Caitlin had picked his nicest pants, fur-hugging faux-leather tinted a soft violet that made a startling contrast with his black fur. A simple but fairly tight blouse of matching violet spidersilk flattered his muscular figure. "We're ready," Fodessa said. The first guests were beginning to arrive as the foursome entered Cambelli's huge party room -- a space in which it would have been possible to park two dozen full-size Cloudstreamer vehicles. Cambelli's idea of formal party decor would have been unthinkable on a Federation planet; even by Perion standards, it was lavish. Shackled spread-eagled to the walls here and there were his best-looking slaves -- Fodessa glimpsed a red deer stag, a leopardess, an African wild dog, the cheetah she'd seen outside yesterday. Every one of them was stark naked, except for an earring or nipple ring here and there. She caught a glimpse of one of Cambelli's overseers, a well- muscled spotted hyena morph female, her tight black trousers at once covering and emphasizing her huge clitoris, arms crossed over her large breasts as she watched the slaves. More slaves were still bringing in the refreshments and appetizers. They wore loincloths and simple spidersilk collars like Katie's, of all the colors of the rainbow -- and nothing else, not even tip-caps on the females. The scents were delicious: food of every imaginable description, mingled with the scents of lust, frustration, humiliation, dominant glee and contentment from fifty different species. She heard the bump as Katie stopped dead and Caitlin walked right into her. She turned, concealing her grin. Katie's amber eyes were big as saucers, her mouth slack, ears flat back, before she realized what she'd done. The sheer shock had caught up to her, the sight of slaves draped around like so many paintings or sculptures, and she'd frozen in her tracks, paralyzed, bushy tail hanging limp. Caitlin, behind her, gritted "Don't embarass us, slut!" Windrunner, of course, had halted the moment Fodessa had, and now stood obediently waiting. Only his flaring nostrils and his scent revealed his emotions. Fodessa could see the bulge in his loincloth, hear his rapid breathing. She lunged at Kate, giving her naked ass a smack that turned the heads of several guests nearby, then smiled sweetly. "Get moving." She glimpsed a ferret smiling at the little exchange before he turned his head to rejoin his conversation. Katie got moving. As planned, they went their separate ways to sample the party's delights, Caitlin leading Katie off into the crowd, while Fodessa and Windrunner ambled off in another direction. She led the wolf toward a collection of couches and overstuffed chairs where Cambelli and several other furries relaxed, submissives kneeling or sitting on the rug beside their doms. Their attention was on a magnificent greater kudu buck, naked except for his collar. She recognized him as a slave of Cambelli's, one of his favorites. With their longer hocks, hooved furries found it almost impossible to kneel, so he was standing beside Cambelli, who lounged in a fine leather chair. His white stripes and short, stiff back mane had a way of making him seem dressed even while naked. His lean, hard muscles were a match for Windrunner's. His arms were folded behind his back, and as she drew closer she could see the thin black lines of some sort of rope or thong around them. Joining the group, she found a vacant chair and flopped down in it. Windrunner knelt beside her without being told, an obedient shadow. ". . . offered me a thousand credits for him. 'Impossible,' I told him. 'I'll never part with Mbili, until the day he walks away from *me*.'" Fodessa grinned. Mbili was too well-trained in his master's preferences to crack a smile, but there was no missing the sparkle of pride in the kudu's dark eyes as Cambelli ran his left hoof down his mane. Like Windrunner, he had no sheath, and his erection was already heavy and full. Looking lower, she could see his balls had been tied off with another black thong. They looked swollen and red. "How long has it been since you last allowed him to come?" she asked Cambelli. The sable antelope smiled. "Oh, I'd say about three weeks now." The kudu closed his eyes briefly, as if at an internal shudder. The other guests made sounds of approval and delight. "Will we get to see him perform?" asked a female black bear, sitting on the couch with a male rabbit morph kneeling in front of her. Cambelli smiled. "Of course! I wouldn't think to deny my guests the pleasure. As soon as everybody's arrived, we can begin the performances." Caitlin and Katie, meanwhile, had wandered to the other side of the great hall. Katie was being good for a change, following him without arguing or stopping or making a sound. Her tail still tended to clamp to the back of her legs, until he ordered her sharply to stop it. "It's our right to look at your ass," he told her. She glowered a moment before she could catch herself. He leaned over and whispered in her large ear, "Do you *really* want to be punished in front of all these other guests?" Her ears went back, flat, and she just barely managed to control her tail. A visible shiver went through her entire body. "No, sir," she managed. "Good." He turned away to admire a male dhole slave spread against the wall, then abruptly realized what he'd done. Katie loved attention and didn't mind making scenes -- he already had ample cause to know that. He might just have given her an incentive, not a threat. Oh, well. He reached out to play with the dhole's swollen penis, weighing it in his paw, admiring its length, as the slave whimpered with excitement. Judging from those reddened balls, it had been a while since he last came. Caitlin felt a brief pang as he remembered Sidney. Soon the cocktip was leaking, and his fingers were moist with the dhole's dripping precome, as the canid whimpered and squirmed. He withdrew his paw before he could send him over the edge; the dhole gritted his teeth, threw back his head and thrust his hips forward, striving vainly for more contact. He held his wet fingers in front of Katie's mouth and told her, "Get me clean." Katie's long tongue flicked against his fingers as she licked them. 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