PRECIOUS CARGO @Copyright 1999, Maureen. All rights reserved. Part 17 Windrunner's mind whirled as he tagged along beside Fodessa and the human. His erection throbbed under his loincloth, tenting it quite visibly. He could swear he felt every slight air current on his shaven buttocks. Naked, aroused furry slaves everywhere -- bound to the walls, serving the guests or accompanying them, and now one about to be whipped . . . It made him struggle for breath, so exciting it hurt, like looking directly into the sun or the unbearable feeling you got in your stomach while leaping off a height. Almost lost under the swirling chaos of his emotions was a nagging distaste for the human, Lou Nguyen. He didn't care for his moldy-balogna scent, for one thing. Then again, how many humans had he smelled? But now Fodessa was tugging his leash, pulling him over to where Mbili stood naked on a low table with two head-high posts on either side. Cambelli, who stood on the rug nearby, was at last about to show him off. A semicircle of furs already crowded around the exhibition, diverted from their own pursuits to watch this performance. Fodessa and Lou found places for themselves in the semicircle, the clouded leopard's tail swishing with excitement. Windrunner again sank to his knees, grateful for the thick, plush carpet. He felt a stab of jealousy at the fact that Fodessa's attention was off him. It'll be back on you soon enough, he told himself, and you'll wish it weren't. He hadn't forgotten her promise to have him perform tonight. The black thong was still tied around Mbili's genitals, he saw, keeping them erect and swollen, but his arms were no longer bound. The kudu untied the thong, then lay down on his back on the table and spread-eagled himself. Many ungulates have a problem with lying on their backs, because their horns or antlers get in the way; but the table solved this problem by letting his spiralling horns pass below the table edge and down as his head rested against its surface. Immediately the spotted hyena overseer stepped forward to bind Mbili's wrists to the brackets at the corners of the table, using unbreakable but soft synthetic rope. Next, his hind legs were lifted and the hocks attached to the posts, leaving him bent almost double and spread wide, the way he would be if Cambelli were fucking him face-to-face. It was an obscenely open position. His lean buttocks and his genitals were utterly exposed and offered, and he could do nothing to protect them. Windrunner, on his knees, could barely see him. Then he felt a tugging from his collar, as Fodessa pulled on his leash. "Get up," she urged. "I want you to see this." He obeyed. Cambelli's going to assfuck him, he thought. Then the hyena handed the sable antelope a short, narrow crop, not even two feet long, and Windrunner's eyes widened as his knees went weak. Surely Cambelli was not going to . . . Cambelli reached out and touched Mbili's dark pink penis, running one stubby black finger from the base to the tip. He took a step closer and began to slowly, gently masturbate the kudu. Windrunner sternly suppressed the urge to whimper. He knew what was going to happen -- it had happened to him, though never in front of an entire crowd like this. Other furs were abandoning their discussions or their play to walk over and watch. Mbili began to squirm and moan with the passion of three weeks' frustration. Cambelli smiled as he worked, fondling the swollen, ever-harder cock and tight, full balls. "Please . . . " Mbili groaned, through gritted teeth. Cambelli chuckled. The kudu's body tensed as he neared the very verge of orgasm. Cambelli's hoof whipped away, leaving him to writhe helplessly, moaning. Cambelli, still smiling, stepped back and raised the crop. It wasn't a long arc; the stroke was more a small, quick snap than a mighty full-arm stroke such as one would make with a singletail, but the tip of the crop rapped against Mbili's right testicle. Mbili's whole body tightened into one hard knot, muscles standing out in sharp relief as his head went straight back (and Windrunner could hear the horns rattle against the underside of the table). To Windrunner's amazement, he didn't cry out. He relaxed gradually -- and then Cambelli rapped him again across the other testicle. A regular cock-whipping began, with Mbili's cock bouncing back and forth as Cambelli attacked it with swift, repeated little strokes on the shaft and even the head. He didn't even leave marks, but Mbili writhed and fought his bonds, seeming almost to convulse as the crop danced deftly across his genitals. His burgundy erection never softened. Windrunner wanted to wince and cover his own swelling cock, protected only by the thin spidersilk. He did clamp his thighs together tightly. Fodessa's fingers brushed his head, then tweaked an ear lightly. The kudu somehow managed not to cry out as Cambelli's crop worked its magic. His head turned from side to side, eyes screwed shut, jaws clamped, and then finally a little squeal broke from him as he squirmed and writhed. The whipping speeded up, working to a climax. The restraints creaked. Mbili's short brown fur was damp with sweat. Windrunner could smell Fodessa's catty reek of arousal. The human's scent had changed too, in a way that probably meant he was also excited. At last, his whole body writhing, Mbili cried out. Cambelli smiled but kept at his cruel work, and then there were more cries, the last one almost a scream as the sable antelope administered one final, wicked *craaaaack!* of the crop across his shaft, then lowered his arm. Then he gave the crop to the hyena, and stepped around the table to ruffle his still-squirming captive's head as the audience broke into applause. Gradually, the kudu's body relaxed as well as it could in its uncomfortable bonds. Only when Cambelli stepped back and made a quick motion did the hyena begin untying him. Windrunner was suddenly aware of how tight his loincloth felt. His cock was rock-hard underneath it. "Impressive!" said Lou. Looking over at him, Windrunner was somehow surprised to note the fork in his pants -- the human was excited. "It certainly was," Fodessa responded. The gathering of furs began to dissolve into the room in general, conversing softly. Lou grinned, revealing those blunt human teeth, and looked down at Windrunner. "Tell me, does this one do performances as well?" Windrunner felt his heart try to leap out of his throat. "He certainly does," Fodessa affirmed. "And he can always use some more training!" "I'd love to see some!" "Let's get ourselves a table to do it." They headed for a nearby table, Fodessa guiding Windrunner by his leash as he firmly squelched his terror. The party was definitely kicking into higher gear -- Windrunner could see a handsome male fox up on another table now, crouching with his butt in the air as an overseer began to paddle him. The dhole who earlier had been shackled to the wall now stood arms stretched up, paws bound to a gilded chain from the ceiling. He was being teased by Dionne the oryx, who caressed his dripping cock as he writhed and begged to come. Just before he knelt again, while a skunk slave served drinks to Fodessa and Lou, Windrunner caught sight of Katie on another table. She crouched with her head down flat on the table's surface, her naked ass in the air and wagging furiously from side to side, to the delight of a gaggle of spectators, with Caitlin nearby. Windrunner had to conceal his grin at that. Then a big tiger dressed in the colorful flowing blouse and bellbottoms of Garcia was walking toward them. "Fodessa!" he called, his voice deep and powerful, even before he reached them. "How are you? Let's see your new merchandise." He grinned, revealing his massive canines. Windrunner felt his heart once again leap into his throat. Direct comments and criticism to: .