PRECIOUS CARGO @Copyright 1999, Maureen. All rights reserved. Part 18 The tiger's sheer bulk was intimidating; he towered over Fodessa -- definitely a Siberian tiger, not a Bengal. Windrunner screwed up his courage and looked directly at him -- and a massive furry paw slipped under his chin. Round face a swirl of black stripes; massive, thick nose bridge and muzzle; small ears; impressive white cheek tufts; round orange eyes full of boisterous lust -- those were his first impressions besides the tiger's cat-musk scent, bright with arrogance. The tiger grinned as he stared back, revealing tusk- like fangs. Windrunner heard Fodessa's voice: "Zhiang! I didn't know you were even on-planet!" Zhiang looked over at Lou, and his broad grin slipped slightly. "And who is this?" "I'm Lou, a representative for Blackmuzzle," the human answered. His smell had changed subtly again; Windrunner guessed he found the tiger just as intimidating. "Pleased to meet you," Zhiang responded, with a politeness that suggested he was no more keen about a human at the party than Windrunner was. Then that massive paw released his chin, and the orange-eyed gaze was surveying him from head to foot. Zhiang stepped around him to look at him from the back. "Windrunner, stand up!" Fodessa ordered. He obeyed. He could almost feel the tiger's gaze on his naked skin. His cock was erect under the loincloth and throbbing hard. "What a nice piece of merchandise!" Zhiang's voice boomed. "I've always loved how you shave their butts, and he's got a good one." "Thank you, Zhiang," Fodessa's smoother voice replied. "I always appreciate your praise." "I don't think I've seen a wolf that handsome in ages," Zhiang continued. "Bet he'll fetch a pretty credit." He moved in front of Windrunner again, looking closely at the erection tenting his loincloth. "How long has it been since you let him come?" His broad muzzle showed a cruel smirk. Windrunner closed his eyes, wincing inwardly with shame, then opened them again. His heart beat like a triphammer. "Actually, he came only a few days ago -- but it was his first in two weeks." Fodessa's voice was smug, gloating. The tiger actually snorted, and Windrunner felt his breath on his face. "You're getting soft, Mistress Fodessa," he said, but his big grin made it a joke. "Are you going to have him perform?" "I was just about to." "I want to see him beaten!," Zhiang demanded. "Let's find a chair, so he can bend over." Lou grinned, a strange expression with his lack of a muzzle. "Good idea," he chimed in. Moments later, Windrunner was bent over a carved wooden chair with no armrests. It was heavy enough that he could have been tied to it, but instead Fodessa told him, "Hold onto the legs and don't let go until I tell you. Get those feet apart --" and her furred hind foot kicked his ankles apart. He knew all too well what to do. He arched his back down as far as he could, emphasizing his naked buttocks, and did his best to curl his tail over his back. His tail wasn't as flexible as Katie's long brush, so Fodessa helped him, finding a thong to tie around the end of his tail and then attaching the other end to his nylon collar, holding his tail backwards over his spine. It was uncomfortable, but he knew it was nothing what was coming. Too late, the rush of panic hit him, nearly sinking him with its weight. He was about to be beaten on his naked buttocks, in public, in a room full of people. He forced himself to take a deep breath through shaky lungs, steeling himself. There was nothing he could do about it -- no safeword, not since he'd signed himself into slavery back on Ferolda. With that realization, he could feel something else rise -- that backward sort of slave pride, aroused by knowing he'd soon be the center of a great deal of attention, providing onlookers with an erotic, gorgeous sight. He made up his mind not to fail Fodessa or diminish the spectacle he was about to present. He lifted his head, so they could see his face. "Thattaboy!" Fodessa whispered in his ear, ruffling his scruff fur. Then she stepped back. "Lachnois!" she called to the hyena overseer, who was standing nearby. "Fetch us a thin cane." Windrunner shuddered. That would hurt a hell of a lot more than a paddle. Already, a few furs had drifted over to watch. Fodessa circled behind him, her hind paws rustling softly on the plush rug. He braced himself, his stomach turning over like at the top of a long, long plunge. The crop whistled through the air. Then there was a *crack!* and a blazing line of pain sprang up on his right ass cheek, a little under the bulge. He didn't even notice his jaw dropping, but the onlookers oohed and aahed, eyes glittering. The fierce, stinging pain spread from the long line of impact over the globes of his ass and seemed to flow down into his aroused groin. Fodessa wielded the cane slowly, expertly, going for the undercheeks, never quite giving each stroke's sting time to fully subside into that vicious ache before the next one arrived. His paws tightened on the chair legs until his knuckles cracked, and he gritted his teeth hard, struggling not to tighten his buttocks. By the fifth stroke, tears were filling his eyes, blurring his vision of the onlookers. At the eighth, the tears were streaming down his face, dripping onto the rug. Surely Fodessa would soon be satisfied. But the ninth stroke came . . . the tenth . . . . At the thirteenth, as roaring began to fill his ears and he knew he couldn't hold still much longer, the beating stopped. Fodessa handed the cane back to Lachnois and stepped up beside him as the onlookers applauded. She seized his head, pulling his face into her chest, the fur of her breasts rustling under the fabric, murmuring "It's all over now. It's over." He uttered a single sob, one that expressed all his agony and his shock, and then it all seemed to flow out of him and he felt his breathing beginning to steady, even though his ass was still glowing with pain. *I didn't fail her!* he realized, and felt a little rush of triumph. Thank the gods for the tail thong, though . . . . Fodessa released his face from the safe harbor of her breasts and stepped back. The applause of the onlookers had subsided. Out of the murmurs of appreciation, he heard a comment a bit louder than the rest: "Truly exceptional. Fodessa gets all the best ones." He still clutched the chair, with no permission to get up. "Hey, want to use him?" Fodessa's voice said. "Definitely," Zhiang rumbled in reply. Lou remained silent. "Lachnois, get us the salve -- and some lube!" As Fodessa's salve-covered fingers touched his buttocks, Windrunner nearly forgot himself and flinched -- but the pain was quickly over. Her broad fingerpads slipped gently, slowly, over his fesses, smearing the soothing ointment over his bruised, welted cheeks, easing his pain. It was delicious. He arched his back, actually pushing his buttocks into those soothing paws as they slipped under his cheeks, holding them gently, then spreading him slowly to get into the tender valley between them. He ignored the spectators who were watching the whole show as he shamelessly sighed and moaned with relief, his cock hardening again. Fodessa's paws left him. And then the tiger came, clothes rustling as he prepared himself. Zhiang's penis was as huge as he'd expected. At the first shock of the tiger's big cockhead pressing against the tight ring of his anus, he felt his innards clench in fear. Once again, he braced himself, breathing deeply, carefully, exercising care not to let his anus tighten, bearing down to permit Zhiang as easy an entry as possible. For all his brashness, the tiger had common sense. He pushed himself into Windrunner's rectum slowly, smoothly, going in only a little at a time, but he never retreated. Windrunner's eyes widened at the shock of entry, his asshole stretching and stretching until it seemed hard to breath. When it was all the way in, it seemed to press against his very navel, stretching him hugely, achingly open -- but a different, more sensual ache than that of the cane. The tiger's powerful paws came down on his shoulders, steadying Zhiang as he began to move -- slowly at first, giving the wolf time to get used to it, then picking up speed. Windrunner knew his manners. He clenched his anus rhythmically, giving Zhiang the delight of being gripped and released again and again as he thrust into his bowels. He pushed back against him, something that quickly became easier and more instinctive as his own lust built, his prostate massaged and pushed by the tiger's massive penis, his own cock hardening until he was gritting his teeth with excitement. He lost all awareness of the onlookers applauding and commenting at his performance. He was only dimly aware of Fodessa and the human watching him. Then he felt the huge cock inside him shudder and stretch him still more, the sensation so erotic it was not quite pain but pushed him to the very edge of orgasm . . . and Zhiang ejaculated into Windrunner's guts. The big tiger could have torn the wolf apart, but his self- control was excellent even in the midst of joyous climax: even as he clutched Windrunner's shoulders, his claws dug only lightly into his pelt, barely piercing the skin. He uttered a loud chuff of passion as he came. Windrunner gave Zhiang's cock a last squeeze, then held perfectly still until the tiger had softened and withdrawn. He was aware another slave had rushed up to help Zhiang clean himself up, of the onlookers' delighted applause and approving remarks. He heard Fodessa's voice, asking Lou, "You sure you don't want to try him?" He felt a stab of fear at being used by the smelly human. But he didn't hear a reply, and guessed the human had shaken his head no. The thong that held his tail prisoner was untied, freeing him. "You can get up now," Fodessa's smug-sounding voice purred. Glancing at her face as he rose, he saw she was smiling. Zhiang was having his penis cleaned by a kneeling cheetah male. Among the other spectators was Cambelli, beaming, drink in hand. Lou's expression was harder to define. Windrunner barely noticed it, didn't ponder over it. He wobbled over to Fodessa, feeling the blood return to his legs. His penis was swollen to the maximum, bobbing as he walked for all to see. To his surprise, the clouded leopard put a tender arm around him, still smiling. He relaxed, feeling a warm glow of satisfaction even as his penis still throbbed. She was pleased. "He's excellent!" Zhiang pronounced as he straightened his gold trousers. "Thanks for letting me try him out." "Any time, Zhiang," Fodessa answered, grinning as she released the wolf. "The party's just beginning." "Well-trained as I expected," Cambelli remarked from the crowd, and there were sounds of agreement from the other furs. Fodessa bowed elegantly, murmuring her thanks, and Windrunner felt his warm glow of pride swell to rival his penis. He could get used to this party-performance thing, he decided -- but hopefully not *too* used to it. It wouldn't be half so exciting if he lost all sense of humiliation . . . As Fodessa took his arm and began walking through the crowd again, he saw the party was in full swing now. Scattered clusters of furs were everywhere, and even where he couldn't see the action, he could hear the cracks of paddles and whips, cries of passion, shuddering moans. On one of the cleared tables, a collared female ferret danced nude, breasts bobbing as she moved sinuously, the light sparking off her silver earring. "Ahh, what a party Cambelli throws," Fodessa murmured, and sighed happily. Direct comments and criticism to: .