PRECIOUS CARGO Original copyright @Maureen Lycaon, 1998. Rewritten April, 2000. All rights reserved, but permission granted to make one copy for personal use. Part 2 Caitlin stroked the brush through Fodessa's newly-dyed fur, now a black as rich and deep as his own. They were both naked, except for Caitlin's black leather collar. "Enough," she finally said. "Get my gold earrings." "I'm sorry about Sidney, Mistress," the panther said. Fodessa nodded, her eyes clouding briefly, and then she pushed her feelings aside and drew a long breath. "You're going to have to help me with some things, a little sooner than we'd planned." "As you command, Mistress," and Caitlin smiled. "Take the slaves into the slave quarters, clean them up. I want their buttocks shaved as usual. If they give you any trouble, call me, don't take matters into your own paws. When you're finished, bring them to me." "Understood, Mistress." Caitlin grinned, saluted and departed. In the crate that was only large enough to allow him to lie or to crouch on all fours like a mere animal, the wolf had wakened. He lay quietly as the sedative faded from his system. The crate reeked of furries' smells of lust and sexfear -- his and those of the other slaves who'd occupied this crate, too many to single out any of their scents. He wondered when he'd be let out. He felt another pang of lust and considered masturbating right then and there. He probably wouldn't have another chance any time soon. So far, his journey into his new life of slavery hadn't been nearly as exciting as his training. He'd simply signed the papers confirming his new status and that he'd entered into it of his own free will, put himself into the paws of other members of the Darksex Underground, and been given the drug by his trainers, trusting them to take care of him and avoid the GBM. The planet from which he hailed, New Yukon, was halfway to being an Open Planet, but that was mainly because the Federation had little interest in an iceball. If he hadn't lived in the largest city, Dawson, he might have lived his life in one of the rural pack villages without ever understanding or being able to give a name to his urges. Fortunately, New Yukon had a small but thriving darksex scene, which he discovered in his late teens. Even more fortunately, he eventually attracted the attention of a wealthy couple who decided to import him to their winter home on warmer Ferolda, where he began his training. Ferolda was a Federation world, but his owners had the money and connections to be undisturbed. Soft footfalls interrupted his thoughts, stopping beside his crate. He couldn't smell anything through the wood. There was the brief sound of a paw working on the exterior with some tool, and then the side of the crate fell away, letting in artificial light. Standing there was a muscular black panther, very obviously male and -- except for a tooled black leather collar -- as naked as he was. He was grinning like a Cheshire cat, revealing his fangs. "Come out," he commanded in a deep, rich voice with a definite Alban Sector accent. Windrunner had to crawl on all fours to escape the crate. His every muscle needed to stretch, to get the blood moving again, but he didn't dare. He got up with some difficulty and stood before the panther in what he had been taught was the correct position, putting his paws behind his back, eyes lowered. A broad padded paw pushed his chin up. "Fodessa wants her slaves looking her in the eye," the panther said. "Get used to it." He obeyed, looking directly at the big cat for the first time. He was sleek and muscular, a bit taller than Windrunner was, and unlike the wolf, he had a sheath like his four-legged ancestors. His leopard smell was rich and thick, a sort of soft musk at odds with his hard, smirking face, and there were traces of male felid pheromones in it. "Now, come with me," the panther ordered. He turned and walked toward the entrance, taking Windrunner's obedience for granted. Windrunner followed him, ignoring aching muscles. The cargo hold held only one other box, but the wolf had no chance to look at it. They walked across the room, passing through a portal into the main ship's long central corridor. This ship was a good size for a private smuggling vessel, he thought. The owner was clearly making money. But they encountered no one else in the corridor. He wondered where the other furries were, and how many. They entered a doorway into a shower room, lined with what looked like genuine green marble. But Windrunner's attention was drawn to the fixtures. They were all finished in faux-brass that couldn't tarnish or spot, but some of them were rather odd -- like that two-foot-long bar that ran along one wall at what seemed like an inconvenient waist height; the assortment of nozzles of different materials and sizes held in one rack; the funny little reinforced U-shaped brackets that he guessed were for bondage. The panther pushed him toward the bar. "Hold onto that and don't let go until I tell you," he purred. He obeyed, bending over to grasp the bar. Its main part was a few inches away from the wall, allowing his fingers to slide around it. And then the realization hit him, and he felt a deep, cold shiver in his entrails. Those nozzles in the rack -- they were for enemas! Dear Slaaneth, he'd never had an enema before! How could they expect him to go through with this? His tail had become clamped between his legs. He wasn't aware of it until the panther grasped it, pulling it firmly upward. "Guess I'll have to tie this brush of yours," that deep voice purred. Sure enough, those strong, sure paws tied a thong around his tail, a few inches from the tip. The panther attached the other end of the line to a bracket embedded in the wall, holding his tail stretched up over his back. Now the paws guided him to straighten his legs, so that he was bent over from the waist, his torso horizontal. He shivered as he realized that his master of the moment must be getting quite a view. He could also feel himself getting an erection. Like most furries, Windrunner's lineage of anthro wolves had human-style genitalia, with no sheath and the penis pointing down. Now his was lifting, beginning to throb. There was no way he could hide it, naked as he was, and he felt his breathing quicken. Mentally he cursed his overactive lust. He'd last had an orgasm the day before his journey began; he wished his wolfhood would remember that and stay satisfied. His hind feet were kicked apart. He was utterly revealed and helpless. He could only wait as the black felid went across the luxurious bathroom to get something and returned. Then there was a click, and a faint humming sound. "Don't move," the panther said. "I'm going to shave you." Windrunner's ears went flat back. Shave him? What on earth was this about? Then he felt the pressure of some small, rounded object against his left ass cheek. There was a sensation of sudden, unfamiliar coolness as long fur fell away, bitten off short by the razor's field. There was no danger of cutting with the bladeless instrument, but the skin of his buttocks was being completely exposed, bared to his tormentors. He felt his face and ears getting warm. Tufts of silvery-gray hair fell in piles around his hind paws. The panther was careful and thorough, going slowly over every inch of Windrunner's ass, removing every single hair. He even grasped his tail and shaved around the base of it. Then the wolf felt blunt fingertips digging into the cleft of his ass, spreading the rounded cheeks wide apart. He gasped, feeling his cock throb, as he was obscenely exposed. Holding him open with one deft paw, the panther shaved his cleft, leaving the secret valley naked and hairless as the rest of his ass. At the end of it, his buttocks stuck out from his fur like a human's, two plump, pink hemispheres for his master's enjoyment. The humming stopped and the paws left his flesh for the moment. The black panther crossed the room again. He didn't dare look around to see what he was doing. He heard the sound of a nozzle being removed from its place, waited while the panther lubricated it and tested the temperature of the water emerging from it. His fingers tightened on the metal until he thought his prints must be embedded in it, but somehow he managed to remain still. Something cool and rubbery and slippery pressed against his anus, pushing against the tight little orifice, forcing it to open and accept it, widening him. His control broke: he yelped. He felt a stinging slap on his exposed buttocks. "Quiet!" the panther snapped. The nozzle returned, slowly widening his defenseless anus, pushing its way in. His anus itched, then ached as it was forced to accommodate the obscene object. He felt his cock get harder and harder, responding to the humiliating intrusion. Inch by inch, the nozzle slipped into his entrails. It stopped when its tip seemed to be pushing against his very navel, and he felt obscenely stretched around the lubricated rubber. He couldn't help but moan. When the first shoot of water gushed into his bowels, he thought he would die of humiliation -- or come then and there. He didn't know that precum was actually dripping from the tip of his aching cock. The water streamed into his guts, inflating them, filling him as he had never been filled before. It seemed to go on and on, his belly growing heavy with water, until he thought he would burst like an overfilled balloon. He had no way of knowing it was barely two pints, and that he would be trained to hold far more. The flow of water ceased. A paw patted his right ass cheek, as the panther's voice said, "Don't you dare lose a drop of that until I tell you." His ass muscles clenched as the nozzle slowly, torturously withdrew from his violated rectum, struggling not to lose any water. He was bursting with the enema, his bowels already cramping, his need to expel it fierce. He couldn't even clamp his tail against his rump to help himself. Behind him, the panther squatted, no doubt to get a better view. Large paws again came down on his buttocks, fondling them, feeling them, squeezing. "What a sweet plump ass," that deep voice purred. "We're going to have some real fun with that ass of yours." It seemed an eternity before the cat untied his tail and told him, "Okay, use the toilet." The toilet was a typical furry affair -- a hole set in the floor requiring him to crouch in a natural position, surrounded by gold-flecked porcelain. The relief was overwhelming as he expelled the tormenting load. After he cleaned himself and flushed, the panther beckoned him with one black finger. He humbly followed down the hallway in his wake. He still didn't even know the panther's name. Direct comments and criticism to: