PRECIOUS CARGO @Copyright 1999, Maureen. All rights reserved. Part 20 They were on their way to Bessie's, again in one of Cambelli's personal vehicles, driven this time by a female white cat morph. Fodessa paid only half a mind to the magnificent landscape outside, where the trees cast lengthening shadows in the golden light of sunset. They'd put on their best clothing -- which, in the case of Windrunner and Katie, was next to nothing. The wolf wore only a scanty white spidersilk loincloth, plus his nylon collar. Fodessa wouldn't give him a personal one until she'd actually bought him from Blackmuzzle. Katie also wore a loincloth and collar, but this time she wasn't even permitted nipple caps to hide her pink nipples, now stiff with humiliated excitement. Caitlin was in his favored black-leather pants, naked from the waist up. Perion had a subtle language of collars; his current collar, a silver chain, proclaimed him a slave, but one that in turn had dom status over other slaves. Fodessa herself wore a lovely saffron-yellow flowing blouse and black spidersilk pants. She glanced back over the seat at the two bodyguards, Dosh and Quong -- they were out of their Sevin Law uniforms and into casual dress. The bull had unbent enough to wear black faux- leather pants and a brightly colored yet translucent garment much like an ancient Mexican poncho -- now standard wear on certain planets. Quong was a study in vibrant colors. The genet's clothing -- a translucent loose gauzy shirt and elastic pants that gave her freedom of movement -- was hardly traditional Yin-Tang dress, but the intricate, detailed tribal patterns of green, black, yellow, red and purple simulating elaborate embroidery definitely recalled her home planet. Her knife belt was not visible -- many subs reacted badly to sharp objects while playing, so it would have been rude for her to wear her knives openly -- but Fodessa knew they were in well- concealed pockets in her clothing. Probably at least two of them in those opaque three-quarters sleeves, for example. Fodessa returned her gaze to the road ahead. Finally the Borghenno reached its goal: the private transport booth just outside of Cambelli's gate. Fodessa's party crowded in, she keyed in the combination for Telper's SouthGate area, and moments later they stepped out into the bustle of a busy public area, with furries flocking on the walkway by the platform. The evening crowd was already out. Poor Katie's face was once again a study in shock, but not as bad as what she'd suffered when they first arrived. She lifted her arms protectively toward her naked breasts, to conceal them - - but then visibly caught herself and lowered them. Many in the crowd, the subs and slaves, wore no more than she did. Some wore nothing at all. Once again, they had the chance to observe furry slaves, masters and mistresses, doms and subs, openly and proudly displaying their lifestyle in public -- one of the great pleasures of Telper's SouthGate. Unlike the rule in the rest of Telper, complete and total nudity was not only permissable, it was common -- especially for slaves. There were no children in SouthGate, but there were many couples and more exotic sexual groupings. One couple that caught Fodessa's eye consisted of a handsome male thylacine dom, dressed in a scanty black leather jockstrap, chaps and vest, and his sub, an collar-wearing Amazonian lioness who stood nearly twice his height, dressed in what could only be called barbarian splendor: metal greaves, breast coverings, leg guards. The only thing missing was a breechcloth; her groin was exposed to the world, revealing pink shaven labia. Fodessa smiled and nodded at them, and the thylacine waved back, grinning. She wondered if the lioness was really trained to fight in some style, or if the costume was merely a private fetish of her dom's. She admired the thylacine's dark back stripes as they walked away. She wouldn't have minded having him for a sub. Beside her, Windrunner stood -- eyes wide, but obedient and ready. Only his smell revealed his arousal and embarrassment at his near-nakedness -- that and the bulge in his loincloth. Fodessa glanced down at it; she'd chosen white just so it would show the little wet spots when he was really excited. But he wasn't seeping yet. Caitlin had been surprised last night, when Fodessa told him of her decision regarding the splendid wolf, but not as shocked as she'd expected. He'd grinned, exposing his fangs, and expressed his willingness to teach him "the ropes". As they stepped down into the crowd, she saw Windrunner's eyes widen like saucers. She turned to see what had brought it on. What he was reacting to looked like something out of some strange historical reconstruction, but it was a common method of transportation in SouthGate, where ground-effects vehicles were banned. An elaborately-carved wooden four-wheeled cart was passing by. It was pulled by four naked slaves, all male gray wolves in black harnesses. Their arms were bound behind their backs, their erections hard, little coppery bells jangling at their nipples. They panted with effort as they trotted. The driver -- a weasel -- cracked his whip across the buttocks of the hindmost right male, who winced slightly and jerked his head up but didn't make a sound. Fodessa glanced at Caitlin's face. His eyes were as wide as Windrunner's, and a quick glance showed the tent in his trousers as well. Katie watched the cart with her jaw open in unconcealed shock, reeking of sexfear. Dosh stood patiently, waiting for Fodessa to give the signal to continue, while his dark eyes scanned passing furries. His mind was on the job, where it should be. So was Quong's. They'd been in SouthGate many times before on business. "Where's the nearest public cart stop?" Fodessa asked Quong. Quong pointed a skinny arm up the street to the northwest. "It is that way, about three blocks, Captain Fodessa," she answered. The cart stop was a bench beside a sign, like an old-fashioned bus stop, but the bench was gloriously wrought black metal with a weatherproof cushion attached. An orange-flowered lepul tree, native to Perion, shaded it. Its branches arched over the bench, its sweet perfumed scent heavy in the dusk air. Two other furries already occupied it, an elegant female impala in a white pantsuit and her naked, collared leopardess slave, but the impala smiled graciously and made room for her party. Fodessa sat down with Caitlin in the space provided. She knew the bodyguards would prefer to stand. There was only room for four, and she watched the slaves for their reaction. Windrunner hesitated, realizing he was supposed to kneel on the hard synthconcrete of the sidewalk. Then he flowed into position, silently, right at her knee. Katie's face showed her dismay. Making the best of it, she knelt a bit clumsily at Caitlin's feet, clearly trying to find the most comfortable position. Then she crossed her paws behind her back, leaving her breasts utterly exposed. Caitlin took the opportunity to cop a feel. He leaned over Katie, and his broad right paw reached around her to grope her right breast. The vixen closed her eyes, her face a wonderful blend of humiliation and acceptance -- at last, Fodessa thought wryly. She could see the panther's fingers working on her. When he withdrew his paw, the nipple was harder than before. Direct comments and criticism to: .