PRECIOUS CARGO @Copyright 1999, Maureen. All rights reserved. Part 21 As dusk gathered, the ornate street lamps of SouthGate blinked on. They perched on gloriously beautiful wrought-metal posts, lending a charming white light to the evening even before the last scarlet rays of the planet's sun had left the sky. Fodessa sighed and lay back in the seat, enjoying herself as they waited. The air was thickly scented with the smells of the lepul tree's blossoms and who knew how many furries. The impala doe beside her, holding the leash to her kneeling leopardess slave, glanced over and smiled. Fodessa smiled back. "Lovely nights here, aren't they?" the doe remarked. Her voice was light, silvery-sweet. She reached down to stroke the leopardess's skull. "Yes, they are," Fodessa responded. "We moved here from Vorun, three years ago, as much so we could enjoy the climate as for SouthGate," she went on. "Peijin here has never been happier, and it's a constant show . . ." She was interrupted by the arrival of another public cart. This one was drawn by females -- a matched set of six female cheetahs, their spotted fur damp with sweat. Each one was bridled and gagged with a ball gag: reins led from each bridle to the driver, a nondescript wolverine in the green uniform and slouch hat of the public-cart system. They were, of course, stark naked -- except for their fine, elaborate black harnesses, the heavy boots that protected their feet on tthe hard roads, and the cruel little golden nipple weights at each nipple. The harnesses bound their arms folded behind their backs, leaving their teacup breasts to bounce freely in a way that must be painful. Somehow Fodessa doubted the poor things were given any chance to object. Crotch straps on the harnesses ran down the juncture of each thigh and crotch -- which left their pubic areas bulging obscenely, practically inviting an invading paw. From the way the straps ran, Fodessa suspected there were anal dildos as well. Each long, skinny tail was restrained by a special narrow lead from a collar around the tip to the body harness's shoulder straps. The tail leashes were long, but they couldn't cover their lean buttocks with their tails. They trotted to a halt directly in front of the bench. Caitlin started to get up. Fodessa nudged him to sit down again -- there were too many in her party for the cheetahs to pull easily. Meanwhile, the female impala and the slave Peijin had gotten up to climb on board. "It was good to talk to you!" the doe called to Fodessa, as the wolverine assisted them up and into the cart. When they were safely in the passenger seats, the driver cracked his long, thin whip in the air. The pony-cheetahs burst into motion, breasts jouncing, and the whip was flicking over their buttocks as they pulled away. Caitlin stared after them. Looking down, Fodessa saw the bulge in his black leather trousers. She grinned, and reached one paw down to stroke it openly, enjoying its firmness and the heat radiating from underneath. Caitlin gasped with surprise as he turned to look back at her. Then he echoed her grin, enjoying the teasing, whiskers up. When she lifted her eyes, she saw that Quong was grinning at them, her huge tail swishing. Dosh was still scanning the crowd. She glanced over to Windrunner, who was still kneeling but also gazing after the cart, and then at Katie. Katie appeared to be in a state of shock, her breathing shallow and rapid: the smell of sexfear was nearly pure fear right now. She's scared to death we'll have her do that, Fodessa thought. A pity we don't do pony-training. She made a mental note to put it in Katie's dossier. The streets grew busier as the twilight darkened the sky. An endless parade of masters, mistresses, slaves and subs milled on the sidewalks, and she watched Windrunner's muzzle move as he took everything in, nose twitching. The smells really were delightful: a thousand foods, a million different species' scents, mingling lust, pleasure, sexfear, and other emotions. Katie was gradually recovering, her breathing slowing, but it still hadn't returned to normal when another cart pulled up. This one was drawn by an all-male team: another group of wolves, eight of them this time. Each one had a solid, jet-black coat, inky dark with glossy highlights that glistened under the streetlights. Their muscles bulged powerfully in their bonds. They were bound the same way the cheetahs had been -- except that instead of simple ball-gags, their jaws were distended by huge dildo-gags. As with the cheetahs, thongs tied off their bushy tails to prevent them from covering their deliciously plump buttocks, which to her surprise and delight were shaved as bare as Windrunner's. Fodessa looked at their hard, jutting cocks, noting slight indentations at the roots -- which turned out to be more thongs, tying off those bulging erections to keep them stiff. Their scrotums were tied as well, in a way that separated each testicle and forced it low down in the sac, making them look like two little bulging balloons. Not as magnificent as my Windrunner, Fodessa thought. But she would enjoy watching them just the same. This was definitely her ride. "Let's go!" she said, rising from her seat. The driver, a female ruffed lemur, stepped down to help them onboard. For the first time since she had known him, Windrunner hesitated, his green eyes wide as he stared at the pony-wolves. It didn't take crystal science to guess he was thinking the same thing Katie had -- especially since his smell bore the same message. She reached down and pinched his right asscheek, hard, letting him feel the tips of her claws. He jerked back to attention, and stepped up with the lemur's assistance. Katie and Caitlin took seats in the middle. Dosh picked a seat in the rear so he could watch behind them -- she could hear the wood creak under his weight. Fodessa clambered on last, solely so she could ask the driver for a seat beside him. "Sure thing," he said, with a grin that nearly split his dark muzzle. "I can see you're a domme who appreciates quality!" His gaze wandered over to Windrunner, now seating himself on one of the passenger seats behind them, before returning to her. Fodessa smiled smugly as Quong sat down on the driver's other side to watch the front. "Yes, I am," she agreed. Direct comments and criticism to: .