PRECIOUS CARGO @Copyright 2000, Maureen. All rights reserved. Part 26 In the First Mate's private bedroom, Caitlin wasn't spending his time as he had expected -- teasing Katie until she was doubled over with sexual frustration. Instead, he was comforting her. He'd held and reassured the traumatized vixen while one of the Perion Port Authority officers gently questioned her about her version of events. Afterward, he'd hustled her off, not to her slave quarters but to his own room, to wait while he in turn was questioned. Then they'd all journeyed back to an appalled and sympathetic Cambelli to spend the night at his mansion, while Authority went over every inch of the Satisfaction looking for evidence. Between the Port Authority investigation and the need to carefully scan every single component of the Satisfaction's systems for sabotage, their departure had had to be postponed until this morning. Caitlin had discovered nothing amiss. They'd caught the saboteurs just in time. Even as he held the trembling Katie, he was shaking inside too; he knew better than she did what could have happened. Now he just hoped she hadn't changed her mind about a life of sexual slavery -- or at least about trusting the Satisfaction to get her to the auction block in one piece. He stroked the nape of her neck as she lay cuddled against him, her platinum fur cloud-soft under his paw. His shoulder fur was still wet with her tears, but at least she'd stopped shivering. "Feeling any better now?" he asked gently. To his astonishment, she actually managed a smile. It was a shaky smile, but sincere. "Yes, Caitlin," she answered. He'd asked her to drop the "Master" honorific for the time being. "I -- I think I'll be fine now." She swallowed, licking her dark lips reflectively. "It's just that -- well, I knew it was dangerous. But -- I've never seen anyone die before. I mean, k-killed." Another shudder shook her, but her crisis seemed to be over. Already the reek of vulpine fear was fast diminishing. He looked at her with new respect. She'd lost it there, all right -- a lot of furries would -- but she was pulling herself together fast. She's tougher than I gave her credit for, he thought. They lay together a while longer, and he could feel Katie relaxing still more in his arms, comforted by his warmth and nearness as he stroked her and purred. Then he gave her shoulder a final squeeze and rose up to paws and knees on the bed, crouching over her. He moved down to her crotch, picking up her slender right thigh and lifting it up to expose her vulva. "Let me relax you a bit more," he said, grinning, and his black muzzle lowered between her legs. "What did Port Authority say?" asked Windrunner. They were in Fodessa's quarters again. The wolf sat on her bed as she walked back and forth, pacing off her emotions. For the moment, the darksex game was dropped. Fodessa sighed, clasping her paws behind her back. "Not much," she admitted. "But then, they haven't had much time to question the leopard." Perion Port Security, like many police forces, used painless but highly effective truth drugs and high-tech extraction methods -- but that took time. "They did say neither of them were from Perion," she went on. "Actually, I don't think they're from the Open Planets at all, and so does Authority." "Carson." "Of course." She shivered involuntarily. "What was that thing?" Windrunner asked. "It's a device to sabotage a ship's computer. On the spaceways we call it a blackflag. It would have waited until we were in deep space, then struck. We'd have either been killed outright or, worse, stranded in hyperspace in a dead ship." She looked at him to see how he'd react. A shudder ran through him as his ruff bristled, and she nodded. "Maybe -- maybe only until we were at the Port exit," he suggested. "Then, if it blew one of the port reactors, the explosion would blow a hole in the airlock, too. Killing everybody in the Port would really make a statement and spread terror in the Underground." Fodessa looked at him in mingled horror and new respect. "Sweet Slaaneth, I don't like the way your mind works! But yes, if he's ready to get more obvious, that'd work." She paced for a few more lengths of the room, until she realized that Windrunner's smell was changing from fear to curiosity. She glanced over to find him looking at her. She drew a deep breath, ignoring the sudden heaviness in her stomach. "Of course, you realize this means our agreement is null and void." "*What?*" His eyes widened. His tail jerked on the quilt. "I mean, I'm going to hand you over to the auction masters on Halcyon. I can't expose you to any more danger." The wolf spat out a foreign word that she guessed was a New Yukon obscenity. "NO! I want to stay with you!" He looked momentarily embarrassed at having blurted that out. Fodessa glowered at him, ears flattening, but said, "I don't want you getting killed just because you're with me. You don't know what you're getting into." *Why does he have to make this harder for me?* she thought. "I'm not afraid! Not of Carson, not of anybody!" "Then you're a fool!" Windrunner practically leaped off the bed. Cat-quick, Fodessa whirled to face him, but he halted inches from her, ruff practically standing on end, breathing hard. His expression mingled anger and pleading. "Listen to me, Fodessa, because I want you to hear every word before you punish me for insubordination." A quick smile flickered across his muzzle. "When I signed myself over, I knew it could be dangerous, that there was a chance of getting caught or even killed." Fodessa opened her mouth to interrupt, but he ran right over her, making her tail twitch with annoyance. She unsheathed and retracted her claws reflexively. "When you made your offer, you warned me about this *geffargazi*. I'm not stupid -- I knew if I took it up, I'd be in danger. I said 'yes' anyway, remember?" "I can't risk your getting killed --" "And why not? What's changed? Besides that now he's made his first try on you. Did you think he wouldn't? *What's changed?*" He was shouting now, bare inches from her nose. Fodessa slapped him across the face -- hard, even though her claws were sheathed. "How dare you?" He stepped back, but his green eyes were still adamant. "I know I can't make you stick to our agreement," he said. "But if you dump me on Halcyon, you've broken your word to me." And he fell silent. "Is that all?" she asked, her voice taut as a bowstring with controlled fury. He nodded, black lips taut. "Then go to your quarters. I don't have time for a slave who's forgotten his training." His eyes were nearly incandescent with anger, but he turned without another word and walked out of the room. Her fur was bristling from behind her ears to the base of her spine. Rage boiled in her, masking the empty feeling in her guts so she would only be aware of it later. Direct comments and criticism to: .