PRECIOUS CARGO @Copyright 2000, Maureen. All rights reserved. Part 27 While Fodessa stewed over her confrontation with Windrunner, the human she knew only as Carson considered his next course of action. He sat in a small, air-conditioned, windowless back office in the back of Jalang Imports, in the city of Terisit, Angepor, one of several nations on the planet of Djebi, Dijjang Sector. Jalang Imports was one of several small businesses he'd acquired or set up as fronts. Bribes paid to the appropriate officials ensured its books were never thoroughly examined -- except, of course, by Carson. Though small, the office was equipped with a very up-to-date computer. At the moment, Carson was using it to pore through the data gained by an underling's recent hacking expedition, viewing it in 3-D via the mindmeld headset. Like many of the planets in the Dijjang Sector, Angepor was so primitive that it still had a Balkanized mess of hundreds of different independent nation-states, instead of a planetary dictatorship like most Federation Planets or the small number of loose coalition governments most Open Planets had long since settled down to. Most Dijjang Sector planets had emerged from the Dark Ages and rejoined the Federation only a few generations ago; some were still just recently settled resource-extraction colonies, not full-fledged independent planets. In their welter of overlapping regulations and frequently primitive conditions, Carson could work to achieve his grand dream, the one that had been born while he was still working in the GBM's Special Operations Division. He navigated through the elaborate three-dimensional data blocks that represented dossiers of information, mostly collected from various police databanks from Open Planets. Open Planet authorities could pose problems. Their technological resources were sometimes more primitive than those of the Federation, and they were usually handicapped by archaic notions of privacy and citizens' rights, which meant their databases were less complete and detailed. They also were less likely to turn their backs when a Darksex Underground member met an untimely demise, and citizens were more likely to cooperate with them than avoid them. But they were likely to have more complete information on Darksex Undergrounders than the Federation databanks, due simply to the fact that to them darksexers were legitimate businessfurs and taxpayers, not secretive criminals. Plus, tapping into the well-guarded Federation databanks was dangerous for even the most skilled hacker. And he could hardly consult the Jegarlik Hacker Anti-Nation without arousing their curiosity, which might result in his targets' being warned of his interest in them. His recent operation, the one directed at Captain Fodessa Ruggae, had ended in failure, botched by his agents, both of whom he'd lost. Another operation, directed toward Dionne Pergliani, had succeeded in its primary objective, but Darksex members were hardly likely to regard the vanishing mechanic as accidental. Worse, he'd tipped his hand -- the Underground now suspected it had a traitor in the ranks. Of course the general fear and mistrust that was causing could work to his advantage, but he'd hoped to delay that stage a little longer. Time to take a break, he decided. He took off the headset and pressed a button on his desk. There was no sound in the room, but moments later a naked, black-collared genet entered the room carrying a silver-plated tray with a goblet of old-fashioned New Albion cognac -- his favorite brand, and very expensive in this Sector -- with exquisite care. She laid the tray down on an empty spot on the desktop. Carson picked up the goblet, sniffed its contents as if they were fine wine, and sipped appreciatively, eyeing the genet who now knelt in a corner. She was very careful not to look up at him, but he could still see and enjoy the fear on her face. Her home was a hardscrabble mining town on Seppura, according to the documents. Like many of his slaves, she had been promised a better life on Open Planets, only to find when it was too late that the deal was not precisely as advertised. He ogled her appreciatively, savoring the small round breasts (with a thin golden ring pierced through each nipple), the thin legs, the lowered black ears and large, frightened eyes. Best of all, at three feet she was as small as a human child - - just the way he liked them. A shame to waste such a morsel on an airless mining planet, he mused. Well, he had a better use for her. He put down the goblet back on the tray, its contents only half gone, made a hand sign to the genet to dismiss her and put his headset back on. Halcyon, he thought. Halcyon was an Open Planet, had been for centuries, but boundaries and politics shift over such spans of time and where it was once near the center of a small cluster of Open Planets, it was now closer to the boundary between a much larger Open region and the Federation. It still hosted the famous slave auction, though. Carson turned his attention to another block of data, this one taken directly from the databanks of the Underground itself -- easy enough to get, given his position in its ranks. This data consisted of dossiers on smuggler captains associated with the Underground who would be selling their wares at the next auction. He opened up the one on Captain Fodessa Ruggae. Well into what should have been sleeping hours on the Satisfaction, Fodessa paced the floor of her quarters. She hadn't had a chance to encounter Caitlin or Katie in the past few hours, for which she was grateful. Her mind was whirling, and she wasn't ready to field her First Mate's questions about what was wrong. *'Breaking my word' -- typical canid* kept going through her mind. *They'll all pin your tail to the wall about keeping promises and oaths . . .* No felid cares to admit she's in the wrong, but deep down inside she knew Windrunner was right. Finally, ears flattened agains her skull, she stopped pacing and admitted it to herself, spitting out a Bournabi street obscenity. It was a long walk down the corridor back to the slave quarters. When she walked in the open door -- neither she nor Caitlin had gone by to seal it yet -- Windrunner was already on his knees; he'd heard her approach. His face showed the signs of recent tears streaked through the short fur, making his face look a little like some strange wolf/cheetah cross. They stared at each other. "All right," she said at last. "I'll keep you." He didn't allow himself a smile just yet, but his whole face seemed to brighten, and his tail gave a hard swish of joy. She smiled broadly enough for both of them and made a hand motion for him to get up. Suddenly they were locked in a tight hug, with her purring and him uttering little murring-growling noises. "I love you, Fodessa," Windrunner whispered. "You know," and her face looking over his shoulder turned thoughtful, "I think I love you, too." When they finally parted, she put both paws on his shoulders and pushed him back to his knees. "And now, let's discuss your insubordination to me, Second Mate," she said, and her smile turned cold. Windrunner's smile faded from his muzzle, though not from his green eyes. He crossed his paws behind his back. "Yes, Mistress Fodessa," he answered. "Arguing with your mistress, shouting at her, standing before her as an equal without her permission -- these are all serious offenses. I don't believe I can deal with them in only one session of punishment. It's going to take several days to punish you properly. "In fact --" she grinned viciously, fangs exposed, "by the time we get to Halcyon, you just might *beg* me for the auction block." He flattened his ears, but even the reek of sexfear couldn't conceal the scent of his joy. Direct comments and criticism to: .