PRECIOUS CARGO @Copyright August 2000, Maureen. All rights reserved. Part 28 Halcyon was nine standard-days' journey from Perion. That was what Windrunner kept telling himself, because Fodessa had told him he'd be officially in disgrace until then. Unfortunately, at times like these, he wanted the journey to be over *now*. He was bent over the bar in the enema room, where he'd already been administered another huge enema. His tail was tied over his back to his new black leather collar, making it arch like a husky's. The crop's kisses were like an entire nest of New Yukon fire- hornets with some special fetish for his shaven buttocks. He was squirming, clutching at the horizontal bar so tightly that he thought he'd leave his pawprints on the metal. Fodessa swung the vicious crop through the air yet again, landing a smacking blow. "That was seven! Thank you, Mistress," he hissed through tightly gritted teeth, feeling more tears slip out of his eyes. Part of his punishment was to receive ten strokes a day, every day. This was on top of whatever more ingenious torments Fodessa and Caitlin dreamed up. They were now playing much rougher games with him than on the passage to Perion. He knew his rear was streaked with a network of crop marks: fresh red welts from today's and yesterday's beatings; older, fading dark pink marks. He could barely sit down. Actually, he wasn't often allowed to sit down. He spent most of his waking hours each day either kneeling, on his paws and knees, or standing while being whipped. The fur was getting worn off his knees. A lone bright spot in the journey to Halcyon was that Blackmuzzle had given Fodessa permission to purchase him. Otherwise the clouded leopard would never have dared to use the crop, which left marks that were visible for a few days. On second thought, that didn't look like a bright spot just now. "That was ten! Thank you, Mistress! May I have some more?" he spoke the ritual words. "Later, slut," she replied, a creamy note of satisfaction in her voice. Fodessa let him shudder and groan as the fire built from the accumulation of strokes. He was seeing white bursts of color behind his tightly-closed eyes before the heat at last began to subside and he felt he could breathe again. His ass seemed swollen to twice its normal size. At last, she gave the order. "Back on all fours, slut." He dropped down to paws and knees on the tiled floor, then crawled toward her as he'd been taught. He kissed the toes of her boots, one kiss on each foot. "Thank you for the correction, Mistress." "You're welcome, slut. Now, go do your duty in our bathrooms," she ordered. She didn't untie his tail. He crawled out of the room into the corridor with Fodessa at his heels, feeling the tip of the crop teasing his inflamed fesses. On the way, he passed the entrance to the sex-machine room and tried not to think about what lay behind it. Fodessa had dictated that he spend at least an hour in that room every day. She'd also sworn he wouldn't come until they made landfall at Halcyon. The tip of the riding crop withdrew, then returned to poke between his cheeks, pressing against his anus as he crawled, sending a shiver of sensation through him. He felt himself getting hard again; for the moment, he wasn't wearing either his chastity belt or the evil thongs with which she frequently tied his genitals. They reached the storage closet, and he was allowed to shuffle around on his knees to get out an old-fashioned bucket and a scrub brush no larger than the pad of his paw. Such things were anachronisms from the days before machine servos; you saw them only in places where there was little technology, or where slaves did such work -- like smuggler captains' vessels. Rising to his knees, he put the brush inside the bucket, then took the handle between his jaws and resumed crawling on paws and knees toward the First Mate's quarters. The wire handle gritted against his teeth. In this fashion he entered Caitlin's quarters, Fodessa behind him. The cabin light switched on automatically. The black panther wasn't in evidence; only his scent and Katie's filled the room. Probably he was in the playroom with her. Unlike Fodessa's quarters, the room wasn't blessed with a rug, only with hard burnt-orange tile to match the orange-painted walls. Much of it was taken up by the bed, which was covered with a russet spread; from his angle he could see a box built into the floor which contained Caitlin's shore gear - whatever didn't fit into the closet. Windrunner shinnied into the bathroom, which was even more spartan - a sturdy sink, a combination shower-dry clean stall, a toilet of the type felids preferred. There was nothing that could fly loose during high-grav maneuvers in normal space. The floor in here was white square tiles, the sort that showed the slightest speck of dirt, as he already knew from bitter experience. Each tile measured twice the width of his paw. Fodessa left him in peace while he filled the bucket from the shower, but when he put down the bucket and got back down on paws and knees to scrub the floor with the tiny brush, she started in on him again. The crop teased him as he worked, poking at his burning buttocks, dipping down to go between his legs and push the back of his scrotum. "You'd like to come, wouldn't you, slut? Those balls of yours are just bursting. You'd like to squirt all over this floor, wouldn't you?" He groaned at the aching in his swollen balls. "Yes, Mistress, I would." "You won't. I don't like messy come all over my ship's floors. You're not going to come until I say so. Maybe I'll never let you come again. Maybe I'll frustrate you until those balls of yours are as big as two fat coconuts." Another groan pushed its way out of his throat. He wanted to force his thighs together to keep out that teasing crop, but he didn't dare. He took out his frustration on the tile he was scrubbing. The fire in his reddened buttocks had just begun to die down. "Keep scrubbing, slut," the clouded leopard snapped. "I'll be right back." She padded out the door. He knew better than to pause in his labors. If there weren't more clean squares when she returned than when she had left, there'd be hell to pay. And indeed, there were two newly cleaned squares upon her return, and he had started on a third. He glanced up at her and immediately wished he hadn't. She'd traded the crop for a leather strap, and something else he recognized too well hung from her left paw -- his chastity belt. His brief pause was enough excuse for her to use the strap. "Eyes on your job, lazy slut!" she snapped, and then the strap snapped across his buttocks, setting them stinging and burning again. She didn't stop with one blow, but kept at him and at him, smacking his fesses with the strap as he scrubbed. Soon she was pulling groans out of him, and he wondered how long he could continue to take it. Being a slave meant you had no safeword, something he regretted just now. He could feel the first pangs of nausea. The strap stopped. He was panting savagely. His erection had subsided. He forced himself to keep scrubbing. A paw came down on his right asscheek and squeezed it, savoring the heat. "My, aren't we nice and hot?" Fodessa's voice taunted. There was a pause. Apparently he was expected to respond. "Yes, Mistress, I am." "That's just the way I like my slaves." She paused, then: "Ahh, but I tire of playing with you - for the moment. I've tasks of my own to perform. Stand up." He obeyed. She fastened the chastity belt on him, stepped back and grinned, her expression rich with cruel glee. "Back to work, slave." As he dropped back to his paws and knees again, she left him. Only the painful stinging of his buttocks and the unyielding grip of the belt and the tail-tie remained. Even through the pain, he felt a slight pang of regret as the faint sound of her pawpads diminished down the corridor. Direct comments and criticism to: .